blob: c832cb3ade93f9f0a22dc581424f863bd9e18739 [file] [log] [blame]
* Python functions
* Install python virtualenv
* @param path Path to virtualenv
* @param python Version of Python (python/python3)
* @param reqs Environment requirements in list format
def setupVirtualenv(path, python = 'python2', reqs = []) {
virtualenv_cmd = "virtualenv ${path} --python ${python}"
echo("[Python ${path}] Setup ${python} environment")
sh(returnStdout: true, script: virtualenv_cmd)
args = ""
for (req in reqs) {
args = args + "${req}\n"
writeFile file: "${path}/requirements.txt", text: args
runVirtualenvCommand(path, "pip install -r ${path}/requirements.txt")
* Run command in specific python virtualenv
* @param path Path to virtualenv
* @param cmd Command to be executed
def runVirtualenvCommand(path, cmd) {
virtualenv_cmd = ". ${path}/bin/activate; ${cmd}"
echo("[Python ${path}] Run command ${cmd}")
output = sh(
returnStdout: true,
script: virtualenv_cmd
return output
def loadJson(rawData) {
return new groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(rawData)
* Parse content from markup-text tables to variables
* @param tableStr String representing the table
* @param mode Either list (1st row are keys) or item (key, value rows)
* @param format Format of the table
def parseTextTable(tableStr, type = 'item', format = 'rest') {
parserScript = "${env.WORKSPACE}/scripts/"
tableFile = "${env.WORKSPACE}/prettytable.txt"
writeFile file: tableFile, text: tableStr
rawData = sh (
script: "python ${parserScript} --file '${tableFile}' --type ${type}",
returnStdout: true
data = loadJson(rawData)
echo("[Parsed table] ${data}")
return data
* Install cookiecutter in isolated environment
* @param path Path where virtualenv is created
def setupCookiecutterVirtualenv(path) {
requirements = [
setupVirtualenv(path, 'python2', requirements)
* Generate the cookiecutter templates with given context
* @param path Path where virtualenv is created
def buildCookiecutterTemplate (template, context, path = none) {
contextFile = "default_context.json"
contextString = "parameters:\n"
for (parameter in context) {
contextString = "${contextString} ${parameter.key}: ${parameter.value}\n"
writeFile file: contextFile, text: contextString
command = ". ./${work_dir}/bin/activate; cookiecutter --config-file ${cookiecutter_context_file} --overwrite-if-exists --verbose --no-input ${template_dir}"
output = sh (returnStdout: true, script: command)
echo("[Cookiecutter build] Output: ${output}")
* Install jinja rendering in isolated environment
* @param path Path where virtualenv is created
def setupJinjaVirtualenv(path) {
requirements = [
setupVirtualenv(path, 'python2', requirements)
* Generate the Jinja templates with given context
* @param path Path where virtualenv is created
def jinjaBuildTemplate (template, context, path = none) {
contextFile = "jinja_context.yml"
contextString = ""
for (parameter in context) {
contextString = "${contextString}${parameter.key}: ${parameter.value}\n"
writeFile file: contextFile, text: contextString
cmd = "jinja2 ${template} ${contextFile} --format=yaml"
data = sh (returnStdout: true, script: cmd)
return data