blob: 1d6bccaa5941ba9f53c7b7228497bb26128d0c6b [file] [log] [blame]
* Openstack functions
* Install OpenStack service clients in isolated environment
* @param path Path where virtualenv is created
* @param version Version of the OpenStack clients
def setupOpenstackVirtualenv(path, version = 'kilo'){
def python = new
def openstack_kilo_packages = [
def openstack_latest_packages = openstack_kilo_packages
if(version == 'kilo') {
requirements = openstack_kilo_packages
else if(version == 'liberty') {
requirements = openstack_kilo_packages
else if(version == 'mitaka') {
requirements = openstack_kilo_packages
else {
requirements = openstack_latest_packages
python.setupVirtualenv(path, 'python2', requirements)
* create connection to OpenStack API endpoint
* @param url OpenStack API endpoint address
* @param credentialsId Credentials to the OpenStack API
* @param project OpenStack project to connect to
def createOpenstackEnv(url, credentialsId, project) {
def common = new
creds = common.getPasswordCredentials(credentialsId)
params = [
"OS_USERNAME": creds.username,
"OS_PASSWORD": creds.password.toString(),
"OS_TENANT_NAME": project,
"OS_AUTH_URL": url,
"OS_AUTH_STRATEGY": "keystone"
res = ""
for ( e in params ) {
res = "${res}export ${e.key}=${e.value}\n"
writeFile file: "${env.WORKSPACE}/keystonerc", text: res
return "${env.WORKSPACE}/keystonerc"
//return res.substring(1)
* Run command with OpenStack env params and optional python env
* @param cmd Command to be executed
* @param env Environmental parameters with endpoint credentials
* @param path Optional path to virtualenv with specific clients
def runOpenstackCommand(cmd, venv, path = null) {
def python = new
openstackCmd = ". ${venv}; ${cmd}"
if (path) {
output = python.runVirtualenvCommand(path, openstackCmd)
else {
echo("[Command]: ${openstackCmd}")
output = sh (
script: openstackCmd,
returnStdout: true
return output
* Get OpenStack Keystone token for current credentials
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getKeystoneToken(client, path = null) {
def python = new
cmd = "keystone token-get"
outputTable = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, client, path)
output = python.parseTextTable(outputTable, 'item', 'prettytable')
return output
* Get OpenStack Keystone token for current credentials
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def createHeatEnv(file, environment = [], original_file = null) {
if (original_file) {
envString = readFile file: original_file
else {
envString = "parameters:\n"
for ( int i = 0; i < environment.size; i++ ) {
envString = "${envString} ${environment.get(i).get(0)}: ${environment.get(i).get(1)}\n"
writeFile file: file, text: envString
* Create new OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param template HOT template for the new Heat stack
* @param environment Environmentale parameters of the new Heat stack
* @param name Name of the new Heat stack
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def createHeatStack(client, name, template, params = [], environment = null, path = null) {
def python = new
templateFile = "${env.WORKSPACE}/template/template/${template}.hot"
if (environment) {
envFile = "${env.WORKSPACE}/template/env/${template}/${name}.env"
envSource = "${env.WORKSPACE}/template/env/${template}/${environment}.env"
createHeatEnv(envFile, params, envSource)
else {
envFile = "${env.WORKSPACE}/template/${name}.env"
createHeatEnv(envFile, params)
cmd = "heat stack-create -f ${templateFile} -e ${envFile} ${name}"
dir("${env.WORKSPACE}/template/template") {
outputTable = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, client, path)
output = python.parseTextTable(outputTable, 'item', 'prettytable')
i = 1
while (true) {
status = getHeatStackStatus(client, name, path)
echo("[Heat Stack] Status: ${status}, Check: ${i}")
if (status == 'CREATE_FAILED') {
info = getHeatStackInfo(client, name, path)
throw new Exception(info.stack_status_reason)
else if (status == 'CREATE_COMPLETE') {
info = getHeatStackInfo(client, name, path)
sh('sleep 5s')
echo("[Heat Stack] Status: ${status}")
* Get life cycle status for existing OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack instance
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getHeatStackStatus(client, name, path = null) {
cmd = 'heat stack-list | awk -v stack='+name+' \'{if ($4==stack) print $6}\''
return runOpenstackCommand(cmd, client, path)
* Get info about existing OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack instance
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getHeatStackInfo(env, name, path = null) {
def python = new
cmd = "heat stack-show ${name}"
outputTable = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, env, path)
output = python.parseTextTable(outputTable, 'item', 'prettytable')
return output
* Get existing OpenStack Heat stack output parameter
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack
* @param parameter Name of the output parameter
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getHeatStackOutputParam(env, name, outputParam, path = null) {
cmd = "heat output-show ${name} ${outputParam}"
output = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, env, path)
return output.substring(1, output.length()-1)
* List all resources from existing OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack instance
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getHeatStackResources(env, name, path = null) {
def python = new
cmd = "heat resource-list ${name}"
outputTable = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, env, path)
output = python.parseTextTable(outputTable, 'list', 'prettytable')
return output
* Get info about resource from existing OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack instance
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getHeatStackResourceInfo(env, name, resource, path = null) {
def python = new
cmd = "heat resource-show ${name} ${resource}"
outputTable = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, env, path)
output = python.parseTextTable(outputTable, 'item', 'prettytable')
return output
* Update existing OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack instance
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def updateHeatStack(env, name, path = null) {
def python = new
cmd = "heat stack-update ${name}"
outputTable = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, env, path)
output = python.parseTextTable(outputTable, 'item', 'prettytable')
return output
* Delete existing OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack instance
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def deleteHeatStack(env, name, path = null) {
cmd = "heat stack-delete ${name}"
outputTable = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, env, path)
* Return list of servers from OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack instance
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getHeatStackServers(env, name, path = null) {
resources = heatGetStackResources(env, name, path)
servers = []
for (resource in resources) {
if (resource.resource_type == 'OS::Nova::Server') {
resourceName = resource.resource_name
server = heatGetStackResourceInfo(env, name, resourceName, path)
echo("[Stack ${name}] Servers: ${servers}")
return servers