| package ci.mcp |
| |
| /** |
| * https://issues.jenkins-ci.org/browse/JENKINS-26481 |
| * fix groovy List.collect() |
| **/ |
| @NonCPS |
| def constructString(ArrayList options, String keyOption, String separator = " ") { |
| return options.collect{ keyOption + it }.join(separator).replaceAll("\n", "") |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Build command line options, e.g: |
| * cmd_opts=["a=b", "c=d", "e=f"] |
| * key = "--build-arg " |
| * separator = " " |
| * def options = getCommandBuilder(cmd_opts, key, separator) |
| * println options |
| * > --build-arg a=b --build-arg c=d --build-arg e=f |
| * |
| * @param options List of Strings (options that should be populated) |
| * @param keyOption key that should be added before each option |
| * @param separator Separator between key+Option pairs |
| */ |
| def getCommandBuilder(ArrayList options, String keyOption, String separator = " ") { |
| return constructString(options, keyOption) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Add LABEL to the end of the Dockerfile |
| * User can also add some custom properties |
| * |
| * @param dockerfilePath is the path to Dockerfile, the default is ./Dockerfile |
| * @param customProperties a Array of Strings that should be added to mandatory props |
| * in format ["prop1=value1", "prop2=value2"] |
| **/ |
| def setDockerfileLabels(String dockerfilePath = "./Dockerfile", ArrayList customProperties = null){ |
| |
| if (!fileExists(dockerfilePath)){ |
| throw new RuntimeException("Unable to add LABEL to Dockerfile, ${dockerfilePath} doesn't exists") |
| } |
| echo "Updating ${dockerfilePath}" |
| |
| def namespace = "com.mirantis.image-specs." |
| def properties = [ |
| "gerritProject=${env.GERRIT_PROJECT}", |
| "gerritChangeNumber=${env.GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER}", |
| "gerritPatchsetNumber=${env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER}", |
| "gerritChangeId=${env.GERRIT_CHANGE_ID}", |
| "gerritPatchsetRevision=${env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION}" |
| ] |
| |
| if (customProperties != null){ |
| properties.addAll(customProperties) |
| } |
| |
| def metadata = constructString(properties, namespace, " ") |
| sh """ |
| cat <<EOF>> ${dockerfilePath} |
| # Apply additional build metadata |
| LABEL ${metadata} |
| """ |
| return metadata |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Return string of mandatory build properties for binaries |
| * User can also add some custom properties |
| * |
| * @param customProperties a Array of Strings that should be added to mandatory props |
| * in format ["prop1=value1", "prop2=value2"] |
| **/ |
| def getBinaryBuildProperties(ArrayList customProperties) { |
| |
| def namespace = "com.mirantis." |
| def properties = [ |
| "gerritProject=${env.GERRIT_PROJECT}", |
| "gerritChangeNumber=${env.GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER}", |
| "gerritPatchsetNumber=${env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER}", |
| "gerritChangeId=${env.GERRIT_CHANGE_ID}", |
| "gerritPatchsetRevision=${env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION}" |
| ] |
| |
| if (customProperties){ |
| properties.addAll(customProperties) |
| } |
| |
| return constructString(properties, namespace, ";") |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Parse HEAD of current directory and return commit hash |
| */ |
| def getGitCommit() { |
| git_commit = sh ( |
| script: 'git rev-parse HEAD', |
| returnStdout: true |
| ).trim() |
| return git_commit |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Describe a commit using the most recent tag reachable from it |
| */ |
| def getGitDescribe() { |
| git_commit = sh ( |
| script: 'git describe --tags', |
| returnStdout: true |
| ).trim() |
| return git_commit |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Generate current timestamp |
| * |
| * @param format Defaults to yyyyMMddHHmmss |
| */ |
| def getDatetime(format="yyyyMMddHHmmss") { |
| def now = new Date(); |
| return now.format(format, TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC')); |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Get URL to artifact by properties |
| * Returns String with URL to found artifact or null if nothing |
| * |
| * @param artifactoryURL String, an URL to Artifactory |
| * @param properties LinkedHashMap, a Hash of properties (key-value) which |
| * which should determine artifact in Artifactory |
| */ |
| def uriByProperties(String artifactoryURL, LinkedHashMap properties) { |
| def key, value |
| def properties_str = '' |
| for ( int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++ ) { |
| // avoid serialization errors |
| key = properties.entrySet().toArray()[i].key |
| value = properties.entrySet().toArray()[i].value |
| properties_str += "${key}=${value}&" |
| } |
| def search_url = "${artifactoryURL}/api/search/prop?${properties_str}" |
| |
| def result = sh(script: "bash -c \"curl -X GET \'${search_url}\'\"", |
| returnStdout: true).trim() |
| def content = new groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(result) |
| def uri = content.get("results") |
| if ( uri ) { |
| return uri.last().get("uri") |
| } else { |
| return null |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Get URL to artifact by properties |
| * Returns String with URL to found artifact or null if nothing |
| * |
| * @param artifactoryURL String, an URL to Artifactory |
| * @param properties String, URI in format prop1=val1&prop2=val2&prop3val3 |
| * which should determine artifact in Artifactory |
| */ |
| def uriByProperties(String artifactoryURL, String properties) { |
| |
| def search_url = "${artifactoryURL}/api/search/prop?${properties}" |
| |
| def result = sh(script: "bash -c \"curl -X GET \'${search_url}\'\"", |
| returnStdout: true).trim() |
| def content = new groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(result) |
| def uri = content.get("results") |
| if ( uri ) { |
| return uri.last().get("uri") |
| } else { |
| return null |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Set properties for artifact in Artifactory repo |
| * |
| * @param artifactUrl String, an URL to artifact in Artifactory repo |
| * @param properties LinkedHashMap, a Hash of properties (key-value) which |
| * should be assigned for choosen artifact |
| * @param recursive Boolean, if artifact_url is a directory, whether to set |
| * properties recursively or not |
| */ |
| def setProperties (String artifactUrl, LinkedHashMap properties, Boolean recursive=false) { |
| def properties_str = 'properties=' |
| def key,value |
| if (recursive) { |
| recursive = 'recursive=1' |
| } else { |
| recursive = 'recursive=0' |
| } |
| for ( int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++ ) { |
| // avoid serialization errors |
| key = properties.entrySet().toArray()[i].key |
| value = properties.entrySet().toArray()[i].value |
| properties_str += "${key}=${value}|" |
| } |
| def url = "${artifactUrl}?${properties_str}&${recursive}" |
| withCredentials([ |
| [$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', |
| credentialsId: 'artifactory', |
| passwordVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD', |
| usernameVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN'] |
| ]) { |
| sh "bash -c \"curl -X PUT -u ${ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN}:${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} \'${url}\'\"" |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Get properties for specified artifact in Artifactory |
| * Returns LinkedHashMap of properties |
| * |
| * @param artifactUrl String, an URL to artifact in Artifactory repo |
| */ |
| def getPropertiesForArtifact(String artifactUrl) { |
| def url = "${artifactUrl}?properties" |
| def result |
| withCredentials([ |
| [$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', |
| credentialsId: 'artifactory', |
| passwordVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD', |
| usernameVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN'] |
| ]) { |
| result = sh(script: "bash -c \"curl -X GET -u ${ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN}:${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} \'${url}\'\"", |
| returnStdout: true).trim() |
| } |
| def properties = new groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(result) |
| return properties.get("properties") |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Upload docker image to Artifactory |
| * |
| * @param artifactoryURL String, an URL to Artifactory |
| * @param registry String, the name of Docker registry |
| * @param image String, Docker image name |
| * @param version String, Docker image version |
| * @param repository String, The name of Artifactory Docker repository |
| */ |
| def uploadImageToArtifactory (String artifactoryURL, String registry, String image, |
| String version, String repository) { |
| // TODO Switch to Artifactoy image' pushing mechanism once we will |
| // prepare automatical way for enabling artifactory build-proxy |
| //def artDocker |
| withCredentials([ |
| [$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', |
| credentialsId: 'artifactory', |
| passwordVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD', |
| usernameVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN'] |
| ]) { |
| sh ("docker login -u ${ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN} -p ${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} ${registry}") |
| //artDocker = Artifactory.docker("${env.ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN}", "${env.ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD}") |
| } |
| |
| sh ("docker push ${registry}/${image}:${version}") |
| //artDocker.push("${registry}/${image}:${version}", "${repository}") |
| def image_url = "${artifactoryURL}/api/storage/${repository}/${image}/${version}" |
| |
| def properties = ['com.mirantis.build_name':"${env.JOB_NAME}", |
| 'com.mirantis.build_id': "${env.BUILD_NUMBER}", |
| 'com.mirantis.changeid': "${env.GERRIT_CHANGE_ID}", |
| 'com.mirantis.patchset_number': "${env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER}", |
| 'com.mirantis.target_tag': "${version}"] |
| setProperties(image_url, properties) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Upload binaries to Artifactory |
| * |
| * @param server ArtifactoryServer, the instance of Artifactory server |
| * @param buildInfo BuildInfo, the instance of a build-info object which can be published |
| * @param uploadSpec String, a spec which is a JSON file that specifies which files should be |
| * uploaded or downloaded and the target path |
| * @param publishInfo Boolean, whether publish a build-info object to Artifactory |
| */ |
| def uploadBinariesToArtifactory (server, buildInfo, String uploadSpec, |
| Boolean publishInfo=false) { |
| buildInfo.append(server.upload(uploadSpec)) |
| |
| if ( publishInfo ) { |
| buildInfo.env.capture = true |
| buildInfo.env.filter.addInclude("*") |
| buildInfo.env.filter.addExclude("*PASSWORD*") |
| buildInfo.env.filter.addExclude("*password*") |
| buildInfo.env.collect() |
| server.publishBuildInfo(buildInfo) |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Promote Docker image artifact to release repo |
| * |
| * @param artifactoryURL String, an URL to Artifactory |
| * @param artifactoryDevRepo String, the source dev repository name |
| * @param artifactoryProdRepo String, the target repository for the move or copy |
| * @param dockerRepo String, the docker repository name to promote |
| * @param artifactTag String, an image tag name to promote |
| * @param targetTag String, target tag to assign the image after promotion |
| * @param copy Boolean, an optional value to set whether to copy instead of move |
| * Default: false |
| */ |
| def promoteDockerArtifact(String artifactoryURL, String artifactoryDevRepo, |
| String artifactoryProdRepo, String dockerRepo, |
| String artifactTag, String targetTag, Boolean copy=false) { |
| def url = "${artifactoryURL}/api/docker/${artifactoryDevRepo}/v2/promote" |
| writeFile file: "query.json", |
| text: """{ |
| \"targetRepo\": \"${artifactoryProdRepo}\", |
| \"dockerRepository\": \"${dockerRepo}\", |
| \"tag\": \"${artifactTag}\", |
| \"targetTag\" : \"${targetTag}\", |
| \"copy\": \"${copy}\" |
| }""".stripIndent() |
| sh "cat query.json" |
| withCredentials([ |
| [$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding', |
| credentialsId: 'artifactory', |
| passwordVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD', |
| usernameVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN'] |
| ]) { |
| sh "bash -c \"curl -u ${ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN}:${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} -H \"Content-Type:application/json\" -X POST -d @query.json ${url}\"" |
| } |
| } |