blob: acad991829392f47aa7343ee51cc6e09e38e4dd9 [file] [log] [blame]
* Aptly functions
* Upload package into local repo
* @param file File path
* @param server Server host
* @param repo Repository name
def uploadPackage(file, server, repo, skipExists=false) {
def pkg = file.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0]
def jobName =
sh("curl -v -f -F file=@${file} ${server}/api/files/${pkg}")
sh("curl -v -o curl_out_${pkg}.log -f -X POST ${server}/api/repos/${repo}/file/${pkg}")
try {
sh("cat curl_out_${pkg}.log | json_pp | grep 'Unable to add package to repo' && exit 1 || exit 0")
} catch (err) {
sh("curl -s -f -X DELETE ${server}/api/files/${pkg}")
if (skipExists == true) {
println "[WARN] Package ${pkg} already exists in repo so skipping it's upload as requested"
} else {
error("Package ${pkg} already exists in repo, did you forget to add changelog entry and raise version?")
* Build step to upload package. For use with eg. parallel
* @param file File path
* @param server Server host
* @param repo Repository name
def uploadPackageStep(file, server, repo, skipExists=false) {
return {
def snapshotRepo(server, repo, timestamp = null) {
// XXX: timestamp parameter is obsoleted, time of snapshot creation is
// what we should always use, not what calling pipeline provides
def now = new Date();
def ts = now.format("yyyyMMddHHmmss", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'));
def snapshot = "${repo}-${ts}"
sh("curl -f -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' --data '{\"Name\":\"$snapshot\"}' ${server}/api/repos/${repo}/snapshots")
* Cleanup snapshots
* @param server Server host
* @param opts Options: debug, timeout, ...
def cleanupSnapshots(server, opts='-d'){
sh("aptly-publisher --url ${server} ${opts} cleanup")
def diffPublish(server, source, target, components=null, opts='--timeout 600') {
if (components) {
def componentsStr = components.join(' ')
opts = "${opts} --components ${componentsStr}"
sh("aptly-publisher --dry --url ${server} promote --source ${source} --target ${target} --diff ${opts}")
def promotePublish(server, source, target, recreate=false, components=null, packages=null, diff=false, opts='-d --timeout 600', dump_publish=false, storage="") {
if (components && components != "all" && components != "") {
def componentsStr = components.replaceAll(",", " ")
opts = "${opts} --components ${componentsStr}"
if (packages && packages != "all" && packages != "") {
def packagesStr = packages.replaceAll(",", " ")
opts = "${opts} --packages ${packagesStr}"
if (recreate.toBoolean() == true) {
opts = "${opts} --recreate"
if (diff.toBoolean() == true) {
opts = "${opts} --dry --diff"
if (storage && storage != "") {
opts = "${opts} --storage ${storage}"
if (dump_publish) {
def now = new Date();
dumpTarget = target
def timestamp = now.format("yyyyMMddHHmmss", TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'));
if (source.contains(')') || source.contains('*')) {
sourceTarget = source.split('/')
dumpTarget = target.split('/')[-1]
sourceTarget[-1] = dumpTarget
dumpTarget = sourceTarget.join('/')
dumpPublishes(server, timestamp, dumpTarget)
sh("aptly-publisher --url ${server} promote --acquire-by-hash --source '${source}' --target '${target}' --force-overwrite ${opts}")
def publish(server, config='/etc/aptly/publisher.yaml', recreate=false, only_latest=true, force_overwrite=true, opts='-d --timeout 3600') {
if (recreate == true) {
opts = "${opts} --recreate"
if (only_latest == true) {
opts = "${opts} --only-latest"
if (force_overwrite == true) {
opts = "${opts} --force-overwrite"
sh("aptly-publisher --url ${server} -c ${config} ${opts} --acquire-by-hash publish")
* Dump publishes
* @param server Server host
* @param save-dir Directory where publishes are to be serialized
* @param publishes Publishes to be serialized
* @param prefix Prefix of dump files
* @param opts Options: debug, timeout, ...
def dumpPublishes(server, prefix, publishes='all', opts='-d --timeout 600') {
sh("aptly-publisher dump --url ${server} --save-dir . --prefix ${prefix} -p '${publishes}' ${opts}")
if (findFiles(glob: "${prefix}*")) {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${prefix}*"
} else {
def common = new
common.warningMsg("Aptly dump publishes for a prefix ${prefix}* failed. No dump files found! This can be OK in case of your creating new publish")
* Restore publish from YAML file
* @param server Server host
* @param recreate Recreate publishes
* @param publish Serialized YAML of Publish
* @param components Components to restore
def restorePublish(server, recreate, publish, components='all') {
opts = ""
if (recreate) {
opts << " --recreate"
sh("rm tmpFile || true")
writeFile(file: "tmpFile", text: publish)
sh("aptly-publisher restore --url ${server} --restore-file tmpFile --components ${components} ${opts}")
* The function return name of the snapshot belongs to repo considering the prefix with storage by REST API.
* @param server URI the server to connect to aptly API
* @param destribution Destiribution of the repo which have to be found
* @param prefix Prefix of the repo including storage eg. prefix or s3:aptcdn:prefix
* @param component Component of the repo
* @return snapshot name
def getSnapshotByAPI(server, distribution, prefix, component) {
http = new
def list_published = http.restGet(server, '/api/publish')
def storage
for (items in list_published) {
for (row in items) {
if (prefix.tokenize(':')[1]) {
storage = prefix.tokenize(':')[0] + ':' + prefix.tokenize(':')[1]
} else {
storage = ''
if (row.key == 'Distribution' && row.value == distribution && items['Prefix'] == prefix.tokenize(':').last() && items['Storage'] == storage) {
for (source in items['Sources']){
if (source['Component'] == component) {
if(env.getEnvironment().containsKey('DEBUG') && env['DEBUG'] == "true"){
println ('Snapshot belongs to ' + distribution + '/' + prefix + ': ' + source['Name'])
return source['Name']
return false
* Returns list of the packages from specified Aptly repo by REST API
* @param server URI of the server insluding port and protocol
* @param repo Local repo name
def listPackagesFromRepoByAPI(server, repo){
http = new
def packageList = http.restGet(server, "/api/repos/${repo}/packages")
return packageList
* Deletes packages from specified Aptly repo by REST API
* @param server URI of the server insluding port and protocol
* @param repo Local repo name
* @param packageRefs Package list specified by packageRefs
def deletePackagesFromRepoByAPI(server, repo, packageRefs){
http = new
def data = [:]
data['PackageRefs'] = packageRefs
http.restDelete(server, "/api/repos/${repo}/packages", data)
* Returns list of the packages matched to pattern and
* belonged to particular snapshot by REST API
* @param server URI of the server insluding port and protocol
* @param snapshotName Snapshot to check
* @param packagesList Pattern of the components to be compared
def snapshotPackagesByAPI(server, snapshotName, packagesList) {
http = new
def pkgs = http.restGet(server, "/api/snapshots/${snapshotName}/packages")
def packages = []
for (package_pattern in packagesList.tokenize(',')) {
def pkg = pkgs.find { item -> item.contains(package_pattern) }
return packages
* Creates snapshot of the repo or package refs by REST API
* @param server URI of the server insluding port and protocol
* @param repo Local repo name
* @param snapshotName Snapshot name is going to be created
* @param snapshotDescription Snapshot description
* @param packageRefs List of the packages are going to be included into the snapshot
def snapshotCreateByAPI(server, repo, snapshotName, snapshotDescription = null, packageRefs = null) {
http = new
def data = [:]
data['Name'] = snapshotName
if (snapshotDescription) {
data['Description'] = snapshotDescription
} else {
data['Description'] = "Snapshot of ${repo} repo"
if (packageRefs) {
data['PackageRefs'] = packageRefs
http.restPost(server, '/api/snapshots', data)
} else {
http.restPost(server, "/api/repos/${repo}/snapshots", data)
* Publishes the snapshot accodgin to distribution, components and prefix by REST API
* @param server URI of the server insluding port and protocol
* @param snapshotName Snapshot is going to be published
* @param distribution Distribution for the published repo
* @param components Component for the published repo
* @param prefix Prefix for thepubslidhed repo including storage
def snapshotPublishByAPI(server, snapshotName, distribution, components, prefix) {
http = new
def source = [:]
source['Name'] = snapshotName
source['Component'] = components
def data = [:]
data['SourceKind'] = 'snapshot'
data['Sources'] = [source]
data['Architectures'] = ['amd64']
data['Distribution'] = distribution
return http.restPost(server, "/api/publish/${prefix}", data)
* Unpublish Aptly repo by REST API
* @param aptlyServer Aptly connection object
* @param aptlyPrefix Aptly prefix where need to delete a repo
* @param aptlyRepo Aptly repo name
def unpublishByAPI(aptlyServer, aptlyPrefix, aptlyRepo){
http = new
http.restDelete(aptlyServer, "/api/publish/${aptlyPrefix}/${aptlyRepo}")
* Delete Aptly repo by REST API
* @param aptlyServer Aptly connection object
* @param aptlyRepo Aptly repo name
def deleteRepoByAPI(aptlyServer, aptlyRepo){
http = new
http.restDelete(aptlyServer, "/api/repos/${aptlyRepo}")