blob: 93c1ba106626e5d06db339181aa8b057a1ea1e64 [file] [log] [blame]
import static groovy.json.JsonOutput.prettyPrint
import static groovy.json.JsonOutput.toJson
import com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.NonCPS
import groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic
* Common functions
* Generate current timestamp
* @param format Defaults to yyyyMMddHHmmss
def getDatetime(format="yyyyMMddHHmmss") {
def now = new Date();
return now.format(format, TimeZone.getTimeZone('UTC'));
* Return workspace.
* Currently implemented by calling pwd so it won't return relevant result in
* dir context
def getWorkspace(includeBuildNum=false) {
def workspace = sh script: 'pwd', returnStdout: true
workspace = workspace.trim()
workspace += "/"
workspace += env.BUILD_NUMBER
return workspace
* Get UID of jenkins user.
* Must be run from context of node
def getJenkinsUid() {
return sh (
script: 'id -u',
returnStdout: true
* Get GID of jenkins user.
* Must be run from context of node
def getJenkinsGid() {
return sh (
script: 'id -g',
returnStdout: true
* Returns Jenkins user uid and gid in one list (in that order)
* Must be run from context of node
def getJenkinsUserIds(){
return sh(script: "id -u && id -g", returnStdout: true).tokenize("\n")
* Find credentials by ID
* @param credsId Credentials ID
* @param credsType Credentials type (optional)
def getCredentialsById(String credsId, String credsType = 'any') {
def credClasses = [ // ordered by class name
sshKey: com.cloudbees.jenkins.plugins.sshcredentials.impl.BasicSSHUserPrivateKey.class,
cert: com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.CertificateCredentials.class,
password: com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.common.StandardUsernamePasswordCredentials.class,
any: com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.impl.BaseStandardCredentials.class,
dockerCert: org.jenkinsci.plugins.docker.commons.credentials.DockerServerCredentials.class,
file: org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.FileCredentials.class,
string: org.jenkinsci.plugins.plaincredentials.StringCredentials.class,
return com.cloudbees.plugins.credentials.CredentialsProvider.lookupCredentials(
).findAll {cred -> == credsId}[0]
* Get credentials from store
* @param id Credentials name
def getCredentials(id, cred_type = "username_password") {
warningMsg('You are using obsolete function. Please switch to use `getCredentialsById()`')
type_map = [
username_password: 'password',
key: 'sshKey',
return getCredentialsById(id, type_map[cred_type])
* Abort build, wait for some time and ensure we will terminate
def abortBuild() {
// just to be sure we will terminate
throw new InterruptedException()
* Print pretty-printed string representation of given item
* @param item item to be pretty-printed (list, map, whatever)
def prettyPrint(item){
println prettify(item)
* Return pretty-printed string representation of given item
* @param item item to be pretty-printed (list, map, whatever)
* @return pretty-printed string
def prettify(item){
return groovy.json.JsonOutput.prettyPrint(toJson(item)).replace('\\n', System.getProperty('line.separator'))
* Print informational message
* @param msg
* @param color Colorful output or not
def infoMsg(msg, color = true) {
printMsg(msg, "cyan")
* Print error message
* @param msg
* @param color Colorful output or not
def errorMsg(msg, color = true) {
printMsg(msg, "red")
* Print success message
* @param msg
* @param color Colorful output or not
def successMsg(msg, color = true) {
printMsg(msg, "green")
* Print warning message
* @param msg
* @param color Colorful output or not
def warningMsg(msg, color = true) {
printMsg(msg, "yellow")
* Print debug message, this message will show only if DEBUG global variable is present
* @param msg
* @param color Colorful output or not
def debugMsg(msg, color = true){
// if debug property exists on env, debug is enabled
if(env.getEnvironment().containsKey('DEBUG') && env['DEBUG'] == "true"){
printMsg("[DEBUG] ${msg}", "red")
* Print message
* @param msg Message to be printed
* @param level Level of message (default INFO)
* @param color Color to use for output or false (default)
def printMsg(msg, color = false) {
colors = [
'red' : '\u001B[31m',
'black' : '\u001B[30m',
'green' : '\u001B[32m',
'yellow': '\u001B[33m',
'blue' : '\u001B[34m',
'purple': '\u001B[35m',
'cyan' : '\u001B[36m',
'white' : '\u001B[37m',
'reset' : '\u001B[0m'
if (color != false) {
print "${colors[color]}${msg}${colors.reset}"
} else {
print "[${level}] ${msg}"
* Traverse directory structure and return list of files
* @param path Path to search
* @param type Type of files to search (
def getFiles(path, {
files = []
new File(path).eachFile(type) {
files[] = it
return files
* Helper method to convert map into form of list of [key,value] to avoid
* unserializable exceptions
* @param m Map
def entries(m) {
m.collect {k, v -> [k, v]}
* Opposite of build-in parallel, run map of steps in serial
* @param steps Map of String<name>: CPSClosure2<step> (or list of closures)
def serial(steps) {
stepsArray = entries(steps)
for (i=0; i < stepsArray.size; i++) {
def step = stepsArray[i]
def dummySteps = [:]
def stepKey
if(step[1] instanceof List || step[1] instanceof Map){
for(j=0;j < step[1].size(); j++){
if(step[1] instanceof List){
stepKey = j
}else if(step[1] instanceof Map){
stepKey = step[1].keySet()[j]
dummySteps.put(step[0], step[1])
parallel dummySteps
* Partition given list to list of small lists
* @param inputList input list
* @param partitionSize (partition size, optional, default 5)
def partitionList(inputList, partitionSize=5){
List<List<String>> partitions = new ArrayList<>();
for (int i=0; i<inputList.size(); i += partitionSize) {
partitions.add(new ArrayList<String>(inputList.subList(i, Math.min(i + partitionSize, inputList.size()))));
return partitions
* Get password credentials from store
* @param id Credentials name
def getPasswordCredentials(id) {
return getCredentialsById(id, 'password')
* Get SSH credentials from store
* @param id Credentials name
def getSshCredentials(id) {
return getCredentialsById(id, 'sshKey')
* Tests Jenkins instance for existence of plugin with given name
* @param pluginName plugin short name to test
* @return boolean result
def jenkinsHasPlugin(pluginName){
return Jenkins.instance.pluginManager.plugins.collect{p -> p.shortName}.contains(pluginName)
def _needNotification(notificatedTypes, buildStatus, jobName) {
if(notificatedTypes && notificatedTypes.contains("onchange")){
def job = Jenkins.instance.getItem(jobName)
def numbuilds = job.builds.size()
if (numbuilds > 0){
//actual build is first for some reasons, so last finished build is second
def lastBuild = job.builds[1]
println("Build status didn't changed since last build, not sending notifications")
return false;
}else if(!notificatedTypes.contains(buildStatus)){
return false;
return true;
* Send notification to all enabled notifications services
* @param buildStatus message type (success, warning, error), null means SUCCESSFUL
* @param msgText message text
* @param enabledNotifications list of enabled notification types, types: slack, hipchat, email, default empty
* @param notificatedTypes types of notifications will be sent, default onchange - notificate if current build result not equal last result;
* otherwise use - ["success","unstable","failed"]
* @param jobName optional job name param, if empty env.JOB_NAME will be used
* @param buildNumber build number param, if empty env.BUILD_NUM will be used
* @param buildUrl build url param, if empty env.BUILD_URL will be used
* @param mailFrom mail FROM param, if empty "jenkins" will be used, it's mandatory for sending email notifications
* @param mailTo mail TO param, it's mandatory for sending email notifications, this option enable mail notification
def sendNotification(buildStatus, msgText="", enabledNotifications = [], notificatedTypes=["onchange"], jobName=null, buildNumber=null, buildUrl=null, mailFrom="jenkins", mailTo=null){
// Default values
def colorName = 'blue'
def colorCode = '#0000FF'
def buildStatusParam = buildStatus != null && buildStatus != "" ? buildStatus : "SUCCESS"
def jobNameParam = jobName != null && jobName != "" ? jobName : env.JOB_NAME
def buildNumberParam = buildNumber != null && buildNumber != "" ? buildNumber : env.BUILD_NUMBER
def buildUrlParam = buildUrl != null && buildUrl != "" ? buildUrl : env.BUILD_URL
def subject = "${buildStatusParam}: Job '${jobNameParam} [${buildNumberParam}]'"
def summary = "${subject} (${buildUrlParam})"
if(msgText != null && msgText != ""){
colorCode = "#00FF00"
colorName = "green"
}else if(buildStatusParam.toLowerCase().equals("unstable")){
colorCode = "#FFFF00"
colorName = "yellow"
}else if(buildStatusParam.toLowerCase().equals("failure")){
colorCode = "#FF0000"
colorName = "red"
if(_needNotification(notificatedTypes, buildStatusParam.toLowerCase(), jobNameParam)){
if(enabledNotifications.contains("slack") && jenkinsHasPlugin("slack")){
slackSend color: colorCode, message: summary
}catch(Exception e){
println("Calling slack plugin failed")
if(enabledNotifications.contains("hipchat") && jenkinsHasPlugin("hipchat")){
hipchatSend color: colorName.toUpperCase(), message: summary
}catch(Exception e){
println("Calling hipchat plugin failed")
if(enabledNotifications.contains("email") && mailTo != null && mailTo != "" && mailFrom != null && mailFrom != ""){
mail body: summary, from: mailFrom, subject: subject, to: mailTo
}catch(Exception e){
println("Sending mail plugin failed")
* Execute linux command and catch nth element
* @param cmd command to execute
* @param index index to retrieve
* @return index-th element
def cutOrDie(cmd, index)
def common = new
def output
try {
output = sh(script: cmd, returnStdout: true)
def result = output.tokenize(" ")[index]
return result;
} catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg("Failed to execute cmd: ${cmd}\n output: ${output}")
* Check variable contains keyword
* @param variable keywork is searched (contains) here
* @param keyword string to look for
* @return True if variable contains keyword (case insensitive), False if do not contains or any of input isn't a string
def checkContains(variable, keyword) {
return env[variable] && env[variable].toLowerCase().contains(keyword.toLowerCase())
} else {
return false
* Parse JSON string to hashmap
* @param jsonString input JSON string
* @return created hashmap
def parseJSON(jsonString){
def m = [:]
def lazyMap = new JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(jsonString)
return m
* Test pipeline input parameter existence and validity (not null and not empty string)
* @param paramName input parameter name (usually uppercase)
def validInputParam(paramName){
return env.getEnvironment().containsKey(paramName) && env[paramName] != null && env[paramName] != ""
* Take list of hashmaps and count number of hashmaps with parameter equals eq
* @param lm list of hashmaps
* @param param define parameter of hashmap to read and compare
* @param eq desired value of hashmap parameter
* @return count of hashmaps meeting defined condition
def countHashMapEquals(lm, param, eq) {
return{i -> i[param].equals(eq)}.collect(
* Execute shell command and return stdout, stderr and status
* @param cmd Command to execute
* @return map with stdout, stderr, status keys
def shCmdStatus(cmd) {
def res = [:]
def stderr = sh(script: 'mktemp', returnStdout: true).trim()
def stdout = sh(script: 'mktemp', returnStdout: true).trim()
try {
def status = sh(script:"${cmd} 1>${stdout} 2>${stderr}", returnStatus: true)
res['stderr'] = sh(script: "cat ${stderr}", returnStdout: true)
res['stdout'] = sh(script: "cat ${stdout}", returnStdout: true)
res['status'] = status
} finally {
sh(script: "rm ${stderr}", returnStdout: true)
sh(script: "rm ${stdout}", returnStdout: true)
return res
* Retry commands passed to body
* @param times Number of retries
* @param delay Delay between retries (in seconds)
* @param body Commands to be in retry block
* @return calling commands in body
* @example retry(3,5){ function body }
* retry{ function body }
def retry(int times = 5, int delay = 0, Closure body) {
int retries = 0
def exceptions = []
while(retries++ < times) {
try {
} catch(e) {
currentBuild.result = "FAILURE"
throw new Exception("Failed after $times retries")
* Wait for user input with timeout
* @param timeoutInSeconds Timeout
* @param options Options for input widget
def waitForInputThenPass(timeoutInSeconds, options=[message: 'Ready to go?']) {
def userInput = true
try {
timeout(time: timeoutInSeconds, unit: 'SECONDS') {
userInput = input options
} catch(err) { // timeout reached or input false
def user = err.getCauses()[0].getUser()
if('SYSTEM' == user.toString()) { // SYSTEM means timeout.
println("Timeout, proceeding")
} else {
userInput = false
println("Aborted by: [${user}]")
throw err
return userInput
* Function receives Map variable as input and sorts it
* by values ascending. Returns sorted Map
* @param _map Map variable
def SortMapByValueAsc(_map) {
def sortedMap = _map.sort {it.value}
return sortedMap
* Compare 'old' and 'new' dir's recursively
* @param diffData =' Only in new/XXX/infra: secrets.yml
Files old/XXX/init.yml and new/XXX/init.yml differ
Only in old/XXX/infra: secrets11.yml '
* @return
* - new:
- XXX/secrets.yml
- diff:
- XXX/init.yml
- removed:
- XXX/secrets11.yml
def diffCheckMultidir(diffData) {
common = new
// Some global constants. Don't change\move them!
keyNew = 'new'
keyRemoved = 'removed'
keyDiff = 'diff'
def output = [
new : [],
removed: [],
diff : [],
String pathSep = '/'
diffData.each { line ->
def job_file = ''
def job_type = ''
if (line.startsWith('Files old/')) {
job_file = new File(line.replace('Files old/', '').tokenize()[0])
job_type = keyDiff
} else if (line.startsWith('Only in new/')) {
// get clean normalized filepath, under new/
job_file = new File(line.replace('Only in new/', '').replace(': ', pathSep)).toString()
job_type = keyNew
} else if (line.startsWith('Only in old/')) {
// get clean normalized filepath, under old/
job_file = new File(line.replace('Only in old/', '').replace(': ', pathSep)).toString()
job_type = keyRemoved
} else {
common.warningMsg("Not parsed diff line: ${line}!")
if (job_file != '') {
return output
* Compare 2 folder, file by file
* Structure should be:
* ${compRoot}/
└── diff - diff results will be save here
├── new - input folder with data
├── old - input folder with data
├── pillar.diff - globall diff will be saved here
* b_url - usual env.BUILD_URL, to be add into description
* findRegEx - stub for future
* return - html-based string
* TODO: allow to specify subdir for results?
* TODO: implement proper regex?
def comparePillars(compRoot, b_url, findRegEx) {
common = new
// findRegEx = '.*.infra/secrets.yml'
// if (findRegEx) {
// withEnv(["S_REGEX=${findRegEx}"]) {
// sh(script: """
// find ${dir1} ${dir2} -type f \\( -regex '${findRegEx}' \\) > diff_exclude.list
// """)
// cmdline = '--exclude-from=diff_exclude.list'
// }
// }
// Some global constants. Don't change\move them!
keyNew = 'new'
keyRemoved = 'removed'
keyDiff = 'diff'
def diff_status = 0
httpWS = b_url + '/artifact/'
dir(compRoot) {
diff_status = sh(
// If diff empty - exit 0
script: """
diff -q -r old/ new/ > pillar.diff
returnStatus: true,
// Set job description
String description = ''
if (diff_status == 1) {
// Analyse output file and prepare array with results
String data_ = readFile file: "${compRoot}/pillar.diff"
def diff_list = diffCheckMultidir(data_.split("\\r?\\n"))
dir(compRoot) {
if (diff_list[keyDiff].size() > 0) {
if (!fileExists('diff')) {
sh('mkdir -p diff')
description += '<b>CHANGED</b><ul>'
common.infoMsg('Changed items:')
for (item in diff_list[keyDiff]) {
// We don't want to handle sub-dirs structure. So, simply make diff 'flat'
item_f = item.toString().replace('/', '_')
description += "<li><a href=\"${httpWS}/diff/${item_f}/*view*/\">${item}</a></li>"
// Generate diff file
def diff_exit_code = sh([
script : "diff -U 50 old/${item} new/${item} > diff/${item_f}",
returnStdout: false,
returnStatus: true,
// catch normal errors, diff should always return 1
if (diff_exit_code != 1) {
error 'Error with diff file generation'
if (diff_list[keyNew].size() > 0) {
description += '<b>ADDED</b><ul>'
for (item in diff_list[keyNew]) {
description += "<li><a href=\"${httpWS}/new/${item}/*view*/\">${item}</a></li>"
if (diff_list[keyRemoved].size() > 0) {
description += '<b>DELETED</b><ul>'
for (item in diff_list[keyRemoved]) {
description += "<li><a href=\"${httpWS}/old/${item}/*view*/\">${item}</a></li>"
if (description != '') {
dir(compRoot) {
artifacts : '**',
allowEmptyArchive: true,
return description.toString()
} else {
return 'No job changes'