| def call(body) { |
| // evaluate the body block, and collect configuration into the object |
| def config = [:] |
| body.resolveStrategy = Closure.DELEGATE_FIRST |
| body.delegate = config |
| body() |
| |
| |
| def dockerRepo = config.dockerRepo ?: "artifactory.mcp.mirantis.net:5001" |
| def artifactoryUrl = config.artifactoryURL ?: "https://artifactory.mcp.mirantis.net/artifactory/projectcalico" |
| |
| def nodeImage = config.nodeImage ?: "calico/node" |
| def nodeImageTag = config.nodeImageTag ?: "v1.0.0-beta" |
| def nodeName = "${dockerRepo}/${nodeImage}:${nodeImageTag}" |
| |
| def ctlImage = config.ctlImage ?: "calico/ctl" |
| def ctlImageTag = config.ctlImageTag ?: "v1.0.0-beta" |
| def ctlName = "${dockerRepo}/${ctlImage}:${ctlImageTag}" |
| |
| // calico/build goes from {artifactoryUrl}/mcp/libcalico/ |
| def buildImage = config.buildImage ?: "${artifactoryUrl}/mcp/libcalico/lastbuild".toURL().text.trim() |
| // calico/felix goes from {artifactoryUrl}/mcp/felix/ |
| def felixImage = config.felixImage ?: "${artifactoryUrl}/mcp/felix/lastbuild".toURL().text.trim() |
| |
| def confdBuildId = config.confdBuildId ?: "${artifactoryUrl}/mcp/confd/lastbuild".toURL().text.trim() |
| def confdUrl = config.confdUrl ?: "${artifactoryUrl}/mcp/confd/confd-${confdBuildId}" |
| |
| def birdBuildId = config.birdBuildId ?: "${artifactoryUrl}/mcp/calico-bird/lastbuild".toURL().text.trim() |
| def birdUrl = config.birdUrl ?: "${artifactoryUrl}/mcp/calico-bird/bird-${birdBuildId}" |
| def bird6Url = config.bird6Url ?: "${artifactoryUrl}/mcp/calico-bird/bird6-${birdBuildId}" |
| def birdclUrl = config.birdclUrl ?: "${artifactoryUrl}/mcp/calico-bird/birdcl-${birdBuildId}" |
| |
| def gitCommit = sh(returnStdout: true, script: "git rev-parse --short HEAD").trim() |
| |
| def build = "${config.containersBuildId}-${gitCommit}" |
| |
| // return values |
| def calicoNodeImageRepo = "${dockerRepo}/${nodeImage}" |
| def calicoCtlImageRepo = "${dockerRepo}/${ctlImage}" |
| def calicoVersion = "${nodeImageTag}-${build}" |
| def ctlContainerName = "${ctlName}-${build}" |
| def nodeContainerName = "${nodeName}-${build}" |
| |
| // Start build section |
| |
| stage ('Build calico/ctl image'){ |
| sh """ |
| make calico/ctl \ |
| CTL_CONTAINER_NAME=${ctlContainerName} \ |
| BUILD_CONTAINER_NAME=${buildImage} \ |
| BIRDCL_URL=${birdclUrl} |
| """ |
| } |
| |
| |
| stage('Build calico/node'){ |
| sh """ |
| make calico/node \ |
| NODE_CONTAINER_NAME=${nodeContainerName} \ |
| BUILD_CONTAINER_NAME=${buildImage} \ |
| FELIX_CONTAINER_NAME=${felixImage} \ |
| CONFD_URL=${confdUrl} \ |
| BIRD_URL=${birdUrl} \ |
| BIRD6_URL=${bird6Url} \ |
| BIRDCL_URL=${birdclUrl} |
| """ |
| } |
| |
| |
| dir("artifacts"){ |
| // Save the last build ID |
| writeFile file: "lastbuild", text: "${build}" |
| // Create config yaml for Kargo |
| writeFile file: "calico-containers-${build}.yaml", |
| text: """\ |
| calico_node_image_repo: ${calicoNodeImageRepo} |
| calicoctl_image_repo: ${calicoCtlImageRepo} |
| calico_version: ${calicoVersion} |
| """.stripIndent() |
| } // dir artifacts |
| |
| return [ |
| CTL_CONTAINER_NAME:"${ctlContainerName}", |
| NODE_CONTAINER_NAME:"${nodeContainerName}", |
| CALICO_NODE_IMAGE_REPO:"${calicoNodeImageRepo}", |
| CALICOCTL_IMAGE_REPO:"${calicoCtlImageRepo}", |
| CALICO_VERSION: "${calicoVersion}" |
| ] |
| |
| } |