blob: 0cb953307ee734e47b8f14e8d0d5edfbec5aa5a1 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.mirantis.mcp
* Parse HEAD of current directory and return commit hash
def getGitCommit() {
git_commit = sh(
script: 'git rev-parse HEAD',
returnStdout: true
return git_commit
* Describe a commit using the most recent tag reachable from it
* @param useShort Boolean, which String format returns as result.
* false (Default): {gitTag}-{numCommits}-g{gitsha}
* true: {gitTag}-{numCommits}
def getGitDescribe(Boolean useShort = false) {
if (useShort) {
// original sed "s/-g[0-9a-f]\+$//g" should be escaped in groovy
git_commit = sh (
script: 'git describe --tags | sed "s/-g[0-9a-f]\\+$//g"',
returnStdout: true
} else {
git_commit = sh (
script: 'git describe --tags',
returnStdout: true
return git_commit