blob: 86ca8361734536416b62a5deeeccaa365c75283a [file] [log] [blame]
* Run a simple workflow
* Function runScenario() executes a sequence of jobs, like
* - Parameters for the jobs are taken from the 'env' object
* - URLs of artifacts from completed jobs may be passed
* as parameters to the next jobs.
* No constants, environment specific logic or other conditional dependencies.
* All the logic should be placed in the workflow jobs, and perform necessary
* actions depending on the job parameters.
* The runScenario() function only provides the
* Print 'global_variables' accumulated during workflow execution, including
* collected artifacts.
* Output is prepared in format that can be copy-pasted into groovy code
* to replay the workflow using the already created artifacts.
* @param global_variables Map that keeps the artifact URLs and used 'env' objects:
* {'PARAM1_NAME': <param1 value>, 'PARAM2_NAME': 'http://.../artifacts/param2_value', ...}
def printVariables(global_variables, Boolean yamlStyle = true) {
def common = new
def mcpcommon = new com.mirantis.mcp.Common()
def global_variables_msg = ''
if (yamlStyle) {
global_variables_msg = mcpcommon.dumpYAML(global_variables)
} else {
for (variable in global_variables) {
global_variables_msg += "env.${variable.key}=\"\"\"${variable.value}\"\"\"\n"
def message = "// Collected global_variables during the workflow:\n${global_variables_msg}"
* Print stack trace to the console
def printStackTrace(e, String prefix = 'at com.mirantis') {
def common = new
StringWriter writer = new StringWriter()
e.printStackTrace(new PrintWriter(writer))
String stackTrace = writer
// Filter the stacktrace to show only the lines related to the specified library
String[] lines = stackTrace.split("\n")
String stackTraceFiltered = ''
Boolean filteredLine = false
for (String line in lines) {
if (line.contains('at ') && line.contains(prefix)) {
if (!filteredLine) {
stackTraceFiltered += "...\n"
filteredLine = true
stackTraceFiltered += "${line}\n"
else if (!line.contains('at ')) {
if (filteredLine) {
stackTraceFiltered += "...\n"
filteredLine = false
stackTraceFiltered += "${line}\n"
common.errorMsg("Stack trace:\n${stackTraceFiltered}")
* Get Jenkins parameter names, values and types from jobName
* @param jobName job name
* @return Map with parameter names as keys and the following map as values:
* [
* <str name1>: [type: <str cls1>, use_variable: <str name1>, defaultValue: <cls value1>],
* <str name2>: [type: <str cls2>, use_variable: <str name2>, defaultValue: <cls value2>],
* ]
def getJobDefaultParameters(jobName) {
def jenkinsUtils = new
def item = jenkinsUtils.getJobByName(jobName)
def parameters = [:]
// def prop = item.getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty.class)
def prop = item.getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty)
if (prop != null) {
for (param in prop.getParameterDefinitions()) {
def defaultParam = param.getDefaultParameterValue()
def cls = defaultParam.getClass().getName()
def value = defaultParam.getValue()
def name = defaultParam.getName()
parameters[name] = [type: cls, use_variable: name, defaultValue: value]
return parameters
* Generate parameters for a Jenkins job using different sources
* @param job_parameters Map that declares which values from global_variables should be used, in the following format:
* {'PARAM_NAME': {'type': <job parameter $class name>, 'use_variable': <a key from global_variables>}, ...}
* or
* {'PARAM_NAME': {'type': <job parameter $class name>, 'get_variable_from_url': <a key from global_variables which contains URL with required content>}, ...}
* or
* {'PARAM_NAME': {'type': <job parameter $class name>, 'use_template': <a GString multiline template with variables from global_variables>}, ...}
* or
* {'PARAM_NAME': {'type': <job parameter $class name>, 'get_variable_from_yaml': {'yaml_url': <URL with YAML content>,
* 'yaml_key': <a groovy-interpolating path to the key in the YAML, starting from dot '.'> } }, ...}
* or
* {'PARAM_NAME': {'type': <job parameter $class name>, 'use_variables_map': <a nested map of job_parameters>}, ...}
* , where job_parameters may contain a special 'type': '_defaultText' for a Yaml with some additional parameters for this map
* @param global_variables Map that keeps the artifact URLs and used 'env' objects:
* {'PARAM1_NAME': <param1 value>, 'PARAM2_NAME': 'http://.../artifacts/param2_value', ...}
def generateParameters(job_parameters, global_variables) {
def parameters = []
def common = new
def mcpcommon = new com.mirantis.mcp.Common()
def http = new
def engine = new groovy.text.GStringTemplateEngine()
def template
def yamls_from_urls = [:]
def base = [:]
base["url"] = ''
def variable_content
def env_variables = common.getEnvAsMap()
// Collect required parameters from 'global_variables' or 'env'
def _msg = ''
for (param in job_parameters) {
if (param.value.containsKey('use_variable')) {
if (!global_variables[param.value.use_variable]) {
global_variables[param.value.use_variable] = env[param.value.use_variable] ?: ''
parameters.add([$class: "${param.value.type}", name: "${param.key}", value: global_variables[param.value.use_variable]])
_msg += "\n${param.key}: <${param.value.type}> From:${param.value.use_variable}, Value:${global_variables[param.value.use_variable]}"
} else if (param.value.containsKey('get_variable_from_url')) {
if (!global_variables[param.value.get_variable_from_url]) {
global_variables[param.value.get_variable_from_url] = env[param.value.get_variable_from_url] ?: ''
if (global_variables[param.value.get_variable_from_url]) {
variable_content = http.restGet(base, global_variables[param.value.get_variable_from_url])
// http.restGet() attempts to read the response as a JSON, and may return an object instead of a string
variable_content = "${variable_content}".trim()
parameters.add([$class: "${param.value.type}", name: "${param.key}", value: variable_content])
_msg += "\n${param.key}: <${param.value.type}> Content from url: ${variable_content}"
} else {
_msg += "\n${param.key} is empty, skipping get_variable_from_url"
} else if (param.value.containsKey('get_variable_from_yaml')) {
if (param.value.get_variable_from_yaml.containsKey('yaml_url') && param.value.get_variable_from_yaml.containsKey('yaml_key')) {
// YAML url is stored in an environment or a global variable (like 'SI_CONFIG_ARTIFACT')
def yaml_url_var = param.value.get_variable_from_yaml.yaml_url
if (!global_variables[yaml_url_var]) {
global_variables[yaml_url_var] = env[yaml_url_var] ?: ''
def yaml_url = global_variables[yaml_url_var] // Real YAML URL
def yaml_key = param.value.get_variable_from_yaml.yaml_key
// Key to get the data from YAML, to interpolate in the groovy, for example:
// <yaml_map_variable>[0] , where yaml_key = '[0]'
if (yaml_url) {
if (!yamls_from_urls[yaml_url]) {
_msg += "\nReading YAML from ${yaml_url} for ${param.key}"
def yaml_content = http.restGet(base, yaml_url)
yamls_from_urls[yaml_url] = readYaml text: yaml_content
_msg += "\nGetting key ${yaml_key} from YAML ${yaml_url} for ${param.key}"
def template_variables = [
'yaml_data': yamls_from_urls[yaml_url],
def request = "\${yaml_data${yaml_key}}"
def result
// Catch errors related to wrong key or index in the list or map objects
// For wrong key in map or wrong index in list, groovy returns <null> object,
// but it can be catched only after the string interpolation <template.toString()>,
// so we should catch the string 'null' instead of object <null>.
try {
template = engine.createTemplate(request).make(template_variables)
result = template.toString()
if (result == 'null') {
error "No such key or index, got 'null'"
} catch (e) {
error("Failed to get the key ${yaml_key} from YAML ${yaml_url}: " + e.toString())
parameters.add([$class: "${param.value.type}", name: "${param.key}", value: result])
_msg += "\n${param.key}: <${param.value.type}>\n${result}"
} else {
common.warningMsg("'yaml_url' in ${param.key} is empty, skipping get_variable_from_yaml")
} else {
common.warningMsg("${param.key} missing 'yaml_url'/'yaml_key' parameters, skipping get_variable_from_yaml")
} else if (param.value.containsKey('use_template')) {
template = engine.createTemplate(param.value.use_template.toString()).make(env_variables + global_variables)
parameters.add([$class: "${param.value.type}", name: "${param.key}", value: template.toString()])
_msg += "\n${param.key}: <${param.value.type}>\n${template.toString()}"
} else if (param.value.containsKey('use_variables_map')) {
// Generate multistring YAML with key/value pairs (like job_parameters) from a nested parameters map
def nested_parameters = generateParameters(param.value.use_variables_map, global_variables)
def nested_values = [:]
for (_parameter in nested_parameters) {
if (_parameter.$class == '_defaultText') {
// This is a special type for multiline with default values
def _values = readYaml(text: _parameter.value ?: '---') ?: [:]
_values << nested_values
nested_values = _values
} else {
nested_values[] = _parameter.value
def multistring_value = mcpcommon.dumpYAML(nested_values)
parameters.add([$class: "${param.value.type}", name: "${param.key}", value: multistring_value])
_msg += "\n${param.key}: <${param.value.type}>\n${multistring_value}"
// Inject hidden random parameter (is not showed in jjb) to be sure we are triggering unique downstream job.
// Most actual case - parallel run for same jobs( but with different params)
parameters.addAll([string(name: 'RANDOM_SEED_STRING', value: "${env.JOB_NAME.toLowerCase()}-${env.BUILD_NUMBER}-${UUID.randomUUID().toString().split('-')[0]}")])
return parameters
* Run a Jenkins job using the collected parameters
* @param job_name Name of the running job
* @param job_parameters Map that declares which values from global_variables should be used
* @param global_variables Map that keeps the artifact URLs and used 'env' objects
* @param propagate Boolean. If false: allows to collect artifacts after job is finished, even with FAILURE status
* If true: immediatelly fails the pipeline. DO NOT USE 'true' if you want to collect artifacts
* for 'finally' steps
def runJob(job_name, job_parameters, global_variables, Boolean propagate = false) {
def parameters = generateParameters(job_parameters, global_variables)
// Build the job
def job_info = build job: "${job_name}", parameters: parameters, propagate: propagate
return job_info
def runOrGetJob(job_name, job_parameters, global_variables, propagate, String fullTaskName = '') {
* Run job directly or try to find already executed build
* Flow, in case CI_JOBS_OVERRIDES passed:
* CI_JOBS_OVERRIDES = text in yaml|json format
* CI_JOBS_OVERRIDES = 'kaas-testing-core-release-artifact' : 3505
* 'reindex-testing-core-release-index-with-rc' : 2822
* 'si-test-release-sanity-check-prepare-configuration': 1877
def common = new
def jobsOverrides = readYaml(text: env.CI_JOBS_OVERRIDES ?: '---') ?: [:]
// get id of overriding job
def jobOverrideID = jobsOverrides.getOrDefault(fullTaskName, '')
if (fullTaskName in jobsOverrides.keySet()) {
common.warningMsg("Overriding: ${fullTaskName}/${job_name} <<< ${jobOverrideID}")
common.infoMsg("For debug pin use:\n'${fullTaskName}' : ${jobOverrideID}")
return Jenkins.instance.getItemByFullName(job_name, hudson.model.Job).getBuildByNumber(jobOverrideID.toInteger())
} else {
return runJob(job_name, job_parameters, global_variables, propagate)
* Store URLs of the specified artifacts to the global_variables
* @param build_url URL of the completed job
* @param step_artifacts Map that contains artifact names in the job, and variable names
* where the URLs to that atrifacts should be stored, for example:
* {'ARTIFACT1': 'logs.tar.gz', 'ARTIFACT2': 'test_report.xml', ...}
* @param global_variables Map that will keep the artifact URLs. Variable 'ARTIFACT1', for example,
* be used in next job parameters: {'ARTIFACT1_URL':{ 'use_variable': 'ARTIFACT1', ...}}
* If the artifact with the specified name not found, the parameter ARTIFACT1_URL
* will be empty.
* @param artifactory_server Artifactory server ID defined in Jenkins config
def storeArtifacts(build_url, step_artifacts, global_variables, job_name, build_num, artifactory_url = '', artifactory_server = '', artifacts_msg='local artifacts') {
def common = new
def http = new
def artifactory = new com.mirantis.mcp.MCPArtifactory()
if (!artifactory_url && !artifactory_server) {
artifactory_url = ''
} else if (!artifactory_url && artifactory_server) {
artifactory_url = artifactory.getArtifactoryServer(artifactory_server).getUrl() + '/artifactory/api/storage/si-local/jenkins-job-artifacts'
def baseJenkins = [:]
def baseArtifactory = [:]
build_url = build_url.replaceAll(~/\/+$/, "")
baseArtifactory["url"] = artifactory_url + "/${job_name}/${build_num}"
baseJenkins["url"] = build_url
def job_config = http.restGet(baseJenkins, "/api/json/")
def job_artifacts = job_config['artifacts']
common.infoMsg("Attempt to store ${artifacts_msg} for: ${job_name}/${build_num}")
for (artifact in step_artifacts) {
try {
def artifactoryResp = http.restGet(baseArtifactory, "/${artifact.value}")
global_variables[artifact.key] = artifactoryResp.downloadUri
common.infoMsg("Artifact URL ${artifactoryResp.downloadUri} stored to ${artifact.key}")
} catch (Exception e) {
common.warningMsg("Can't find an artifact in ${artifactory_url}/${job_name}/${build_num}/${artifact.value} to store in ${artifact.key}\n" +
"error code ${e.message}")
def job_artifact = job_artifacts.findAll { item -> artifact.value == item['fileName'] || artifact.value == item['relativePath'] }
if (job_artifact.size() == 1) {
// Store artifact URL
def artifact_url = "${build_url}/artifact/${job_artifact[0]['relativePath']}"
global_variables[artifact.key] = artifact_url
common.infoMsg("Artifact URL ${artifact_url} stored to ${artifact.key}")
} else if (job_artifact.size() > 1) {
// Error: too many artifacts with the same name, fail the job
error "Multiple artifacts ${artifact.value} for ${artifact.key} found in the build results ${build_url}, expected one:\n${job_artifact}"
} else {
// Warning: no artifact with expected name
common.warningMsg("Artifact ${artifact.value} for ${artifact.key} not found in the build results ${build_url} and in the artifactory ${artifactory_url}/${job_name}/${build_num}/, found the following artifacts in Jenkins:\n${job_artifacts}")
global_variables[artifact.key] = ''
def getStatusStyle(status) {
// Styling the status of job result
def status_style = ''
switch (status) {
case "SUCCESS":
status_style = "<td style='color: green;'><img src='/images/16x16/blue.png' alt='SUCCESS'>"
case "UNSTABLE":
status_style = "<td style='color: #FF5733;'><img src='/images/16x16/yellow.png' alt='UNSTABLE'>"
case "ABORTED":
status_style = "<td style='color: red;'><img src='/images/16x16/aborted.png' alt='ABORTED'>"
case "NOT_BUILT":
status_style = "<td style='color: red;'><img src='/images/16x16/aborted.png' alt='NOT_BUILT'>"
case "FAILURE":
status_style = "<td style='color: red;'><img src='/images/16x16/red.png' alt='FAILURE'>"
status_style = "<td>-"
return status_style
def getTrStyle(jobdata) {
def trstyle = "<tr>"
// Grey background for 'finally' jobs in list
if (jobdata.getOrDefault('type', '') == 'finally') {
trstyle = "<tr style='background: #DDDDDD;'>"
return trstyle
* Update a 'job' step description
* @param jobsdata Map with a 'job' step details and status
def getJobDescription(jobdata) {
def trstyle = getTrStyle(jobdata)
def display_name = jobdata['desc'] ? "${jobdata['desc']}: ${jobdata['build_id']}" : "${jobdata['name']}: ${jobdata['build_id']}"
if ((env.WF_SHOW_FULL_WORKFLOW_DESCRIPTION ?: false).toBoolean()) {
display_name = "[${jobdata['name']}/${jobdata['build_id']}]: ${jobdata['desc']}"
// Attach url for already built jobs
def build_url = display_name
if (jobdata['build_url'] != "0") {
build_url = "<a href=${jobdata['build_url']}>$display_name</a>"
def status_style = getStatusStyle(jobdata['status'].toString())
return [[trstyle, build_url, jobdata['duration'], status_style,],]
* Update a 'script' step description
* @param jobsdata Map with a 'script' step details and status
def getScriptDescription(jobdata) {
def trstyle = getTrStyle(jobdata)
def display_name = "${jobdata['desc']}" ?: "${jobdata['name']}"
if ((env.WF_SHOW_FULL_WORKFLOW_DESCRIPTION ?: false).toBoolean()) {
display_name = "[${jobdata['name']}]: ${jobdata['desc']}"
// Attach url for already built jobs
def build_url = display_name
if (jobdata['build_url'] != "0") {
build_url = "<a href=${jobdata['build_url']}>$display_name</a>"
def status_style = getStatusStyle(jobdata['status'].toString())
return [[trstyle, build_url, jobdata['duration'], status_style,],]
* Update a 'parallel' or a 'sequence' step description
* @param jobsdata Map with a 'together' step details and statuses
def getNestedDescription(jobdata) {
def tableEntries = []
def trstyle = getTrStyle(jobdata)
def display_name = "${jobdata['desc']}" ?: "${jobdata['name']}"
if ((env.WF_SHOW_FULL_WORKFLOW_DESCRIPTION ?: false).toBoolean()) {
display_name = "[${jobdata['name']}]: ${jobdata['desc']}"
// Attach url for already built jobs
def build_url = display_name
if (jobdata['build_url'] != "0") {
build_url = "<a href=${jobdata['build_url']}>$display_name</a>"
def status_style = getStatusStyle(jobdata['status'].toString())
tableEntries += [[trstyle, build_url, jobdata['duration'], status_style,],]
// Collect nested job descriptions
for (nested_jobdata in jobdata['nested_steps_data']) {
(nestedTableEntries, _) = getStepDescription(nested_jobdata.value)
for (nestedTableEntry in nestedTableEntries) {
(nested_trstyle, nested_display_name, nested_duration, nested_status_style) = nestedTableEntry
tableEntries += [[nested_trstyle, "&emsp;| ${nested_jobdata.key}: ${nested_display_name}", nested_duration, nested_status_style,],]
return tableEntries
def getStepDescription(jobs_data) {
def tableEntries = []
def child_jobs_description = ''
for (jobdata in jobs_data) {
if (jobdata['step_key'] == 'job') {
tableEntries += getJobDescription(jobdata)
else if (jobdata['step_key'] == 'script') {
tableEntries += getScriptDescription(jobdata)
else if (jobdata['step_key'] == 'parallel' || jobdata['step_key'] == 'sequence') {
tableEntries += getNestedDescription(jobdata)
// Collecting descriptions of builded child jobs
if (jobdata['child_desc'] != '') {
child_jobs_description += "<b><small><a href=${jobdata['build_url']}>- ${jobdata['name']} (${jobdata['status']}):</a></small></b><br>"
// remove "null" message-result from description, but leave XXX:JOBRESULT in description
if (jobdata['child_desc'] != 'null') {
child_jobs_description += "<small>${jobdata['child_desc']}</small><br>"
return [tableEntries, child_jobs_description]
* Update description for workflow steps
* @param jobs_data Map with all step names and result statuses, to showing it in description
def updateDescription(jobs_data) {
def child_jobs_description = '<strong>Descriptions from jobs:</strong><br>'
def table_template_start = "<div><table style='border: solid 1px;'><tr><th>Job:</th><th>Duration:</th><th>Status:</th></tr>"
def table_template_end = "</table></div>"
(tableEntries, _child_jobs_description) = getStepDescription(jobs_data)
def table = ''
for (tableEntry in tableEntries) {
// Collect table
(trstyle, display_name, duration, status_style) = tableEntry
table += "${trstyle}<td>${display_name}</td><td>${duration}</td>${status_style}</td></tr>"
child_jobs_description += _child_jobs_description
currentBuild.description = table_template_start + table + table_template_end + child_jobs_description
def runStep(global_variables, step, Boolean propagate = false, artifactoryBaseUrl = '', artifactoryServer = '', parent_global_variables=null) {
return {
def common = new
def engine = new groovy.text.GStringTemplateEngine()
def env_variables = common.getEnvAsMap()
String jobDescription = step['description'] ?: ''
def jobName = step['job']
def jobParameters = [:]
def stepParameters = step['parameters'] ?: [:]
if (step['inherit_parent_params'] ?: false) {
// add parameters from the current job for the child job
jobParameters << getJobDefaultParameters(env.JOB_NAME)
// add parameters from the workflow for the child job
jobParameters << stepParameters
def wfPauseStepBeforeRun = (step['wf_pause_step_before_run'] ?: false).toBoolean()
def wfPauseStepTimeout = (step['wf_pause_step_timeout'] ?: 10).toInteger()
def wfPauseStepSlackReportChannel = step['wf_pause_step_slack_report_channel'] ?: ''
if (wfPauseStepBeforeRun) {
// Try-catch construction will allow to continue Steps, if timeout reached
try {
if (wfPauseStepSlackReportChannel) {
def slack = new com.mirantis.mcp.SlackNotification()
wfPauseStepSlackReportChannel.split(',').each {
env.JOB_NAME, null,
env.BUILD_URL, 'slack_webhook_url')
timeout(time: wfPauseStepTimeout, unit: 'MINUTES') {
input("Workflow pause requested before run: ${jobName}/${jobDescription}\n" +
"Timeout set to ${wfPauseStepTimeout}.\n" +
"Do you want to proceed workflow?")
} catch (err) { // timeout reached or input false
def cause = err.getCauses().get(0)
if (cause instanceof org.jenkinsci.plugins.workflow.steps.TimeoutStepExecution.ExceededTimeout) {
common.infoMsg("Timeout finished, continue..")
} else {
def user = causes[0].getUser()
error("Aborted after workflow pause by: [${user}]")
common.infoMsg("Attempt to run: ${jobName}/${jobDescription}")
// Collect job parameters and run the job
// WARN(alexz): desc must not contain invalid chars for yaml
def jobResult = runOrGetJob(jobName, jobParameters,
global_variables, propagate, jobDescription)
def buildDuration = jobResult.durationString ?: '-'
if (buildDuration.toString() == null) {
buildDuration = '-'
def desc = engine.createTemplate(jobDescription.toString()).make(env_variables + global_variables)
if ((desc.toString() == '') || (desc.toString() == 'null')) {
desc = ''
def jobSummary = [
job_result : jobResult.getResult().toString(),
build_url : jobResult.getAbsoluteUrl().toString(),
build_id : jobResult.getId().toString(),
buildDuration : buildDuration,
desc : desc,
def _buildDescription = jobResult.getDescription().toString()
if (_buildDescription) {
jobSummary['build_description'] = _buildDescription
// Store links to the resulting artifacts into 'global_variables'
storeArtifacts(jobSummary['build_url'], step['artifacts'],
global_variables, jobName, jobSummary['build_id'], artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, artifacts_msg='artifacts to local variables')
// Store links to the resulting 'global_artifacts' into 'global_variables'
storeArtifacts(jobSummary['build_url'], step['global_artifacts'],
global_variables, jobName, jobSummary['build_id'], artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, artifacts_msg='global_artifacts to local variables')
// Store links to the resulting 'global_artifacts' into 'parent_global_variables'
storeArtifacts(jobSummary['build_url'], step['global_artifacts'],
parent_global_variables, jobName, jobSummary['build_id'], artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, artifacts_msg='global_artifacts to global_variables')
return jobSummary
def runScript(global_variables, step, artifactoryBaseUrl = '', artifactoryServer = '', scriptsLibrary = null, parent_global_variables=null) {
def common = new
def env_variables = common.getEnvAsMap()
if (!scriptsLibrary) {
error "'scriptsLibrary' argument is not provided to load a script object '${step['script']}' from that library"
// Evaluate the object from it's name, for example:
def scriptObj = scriptsLibrary
for (sObj in step['script'].split("\\.")) {
scriptObj = scriptObj."$sObj"
def script =
def scriptSummary = [
job_result : '',
desc : step['description'] ?: '',
// prepare 'script_env' from merged 'env' and script step parameters
def script_env = env_variables.clone()
def stepParameters = step['parameters'] ?: [:]
def script_parameters = generateParameters(stepParameters, global_variables)
println "${script_parameters}"
for (script_parameter in script_parameters) {
common.infoMsg("Updating script env['${}'] with value: ${script_parameter.value}")
script_env[] = script_parameter.value
try {
script.main(this, script_env)
scriptSummary['script_result'] = 'SUCCESS'
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
scriptSummary['script_result'] = 'ABORTED'
} catch (e) {
scriptSummary['script_result'] = 'FAILURE'
// Store links to the resulting 'artifacts' into 'global_variables'
storeArtifacts(env.BUILD_URL, step['artifacts'],
global_variables, env.JOB_NAME, env.BUILD_NUMBER, artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, artifacts_msg='artifacts to local variables')
// Store links to the resulting 'global_artifacts' into 'global_variables'
storeArtifacts(env.BUILD_URL, step['global_artifacts'],
global_variables, env.JOB_NAME, env.BUILD_NUMBER, artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, artifacts_msg='global_artifacts to local variables')
// Store links to the resulting 'global_artifacts' into 'parent_global_variables'
storeArtifacts(env.BUILD_URL, step['global_artifacts'],
parent_global_variables, env.JOB_NAME, env.BUILD_NUMBER, artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, artifacts_msg='global_artifacts to global_variables')
return scriptSummary
def runParallel(global_variables, step, failed_jobs, global_jobs_data, nested_steps_data, artifactoryBaseUrl = '', artifactoryServer = '', scriptsLibrary = null, prefixMsg = '', parent_global_variables=null) {
// Run the specified steps in parallel
// Repeat the steps for each parameters set from 'repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml'
// If 'repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml' is not provided, then 'parallel' step will perform just one iteration for a default "- _FOO: _BAR" parameter
// If 'repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml' is present, but the specified artifact contains empty list '[]', then 'parallel' step will be skipped
// Example:
// - parallel:
// - job:
// - job:
// - sequence:
// repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml:
// type: TextParameterValue
// get_variable_from_url: SI_PARALLEL_PARAMETERS
// max_concurrent: 2 # how many parallel jobs shold be run at the same time
// max_concurrent_interval: 300 # how many seconds should be passed between checking for an available concurrency
// check_failed_concurrent: false # stop waiting for available concurrent executors if count of failed jobs >= max_concurrent,
// # which means that all available shared resources are occupied by the failed jobs
// abort_on_parallel_fail: false # pass parallel.fail_fast option. force your parallel stages to all be aborted when any one of them fails
def common = new
def sourceText = ""
def defaultSourceText = "- _FOO: _BAR"
if (step['repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml']) {
def sourceParameter = ["repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml": step['repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml']]
for (parameter in generateParameters(sourceParameter, global_variables)) {
if ( == "repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml") {
sourceText = parameter.value
common.infoMsg("'repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml' is defined, using it as a yaml text:\n${sourceText}")
if (!sourceText) {
sourceText = defaultSourceText
common.warningMsg("'repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml' is not defined. To get one iteration, use default single entry:\n${sourceText}")
def iterateParametersList = readYaml text: sourceText
if (!(iterateParametersList instanceof List)) {
// Stop the pipeline if there is wrong parameters data type, to not generate parallel jobs for wrong data
error "Expected a List in 'repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml' for 'parallel' step, but got:\n${sourceText}"
// Limit the maximum steps in parallel at the same time
def max_concurrent = (step['max_concurrent'] ?: 100).toInteger()
// Sleep for the specified amount of time until a free thread will be available
def max_concurrent_interval = (step['max_concurrent_interval'] ?: 600).toInteger()
// Check that failed jobs is not >= free executors. if 'true', then don't wait for free executors, fail the parallel step
def check_failed_concurrent = (step['check_failed_concurrent'] ?: false).toBoolean()
def jobs = [:]
jobs.failFast = (step['abort_on_parallel_fail'] ?: false).toBoolean()
def nested_step_id = 0
def free_concurrent = max_concurrent
def failed_concurrent = []
common.printMsg("${prefixMsg} Running parallel steps with the following parameters:\n${iterateParametersList}", "purple")
for (parameters in iterateParametersList) {
for (parallel_step in step['parallel']) {
def step_name = "parallel#${nested_step_id}"
def nested_step = parallel_step
def nested_step_name = step_name
def nested_prefix_name = "${prefixMsg}${nested_step_name} | "
nested_steps_data[step_name] = []
prepareJobsData([nested_step,], 'parallel', nested_steps_data[step_name])
//Copy global variables and merge "parameters" dict into it for the current particular step
def nested_global_variables = global_variables.clone()
nested_global_variables << parameters
jobs[step_name] = {
// initialRecurrencePeriod in milliseconds
waitUntil(initialRecurrencePeriod: 1500, quiet: true) {
if (check_failed_concurrent) {
if (failed_concurrent.size() >= max_concurrent){
common.errorMsg("Failed jobs count is equal max_concurrent value ${max_concurrent}. Will not continue because resources are consumed")
error("max_concurrent == failed_concurrent")
if (free_concurrent > 0) {
} else {
try {
runWorkflowStep(nested_global_variables, nested_step, 0, nested_steps_data[nested_step_name], global_jobs_data, failed_jobs, false, artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, scriptsLibrary, nested_prefix_name, parent_global_variables)
catch (e) {
} // 'jobs' closure
def parallelSummary = [
nested_result : '',
desc : step['description'] ?: '',
nested_steps_data : [:],
if (iterateParametersList) {
// Run parallel iterations
try {
common.infoMsg("${prefixMsg} Run steps in parallel")
parallel jobs
parallelSummary['nested_result'] = 'SUCCESS'
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
parallelSummary['nested_result'] = 'ABORTED'
} catch (e) {
parallelSummary['nested_result'] = 'FAILURE'
parallelSummary['nested_steps_data'] = nested_steps_data
// No parameters were provided to iterate
common.errorMsg("${prefixMsg} No parameters were provided to iterate, skipping 'parallel' step")
parallelSummary['nested_result'] = 'SUCCESS'
return parallelSummary
def runSequence(global_variables, step, failed_jobs, global_jobs_data, nested_steps_data, artifactoryBaseUrl = '', artifactoryServer = '', scriptsLibrary = null, prefixMsg = '', parent_global_variables=null) {
// Run the steps in the specified order, like in main workflow, but repeat the sequence for each parameters set from 'repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml'
// If 'repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml' is not provided, then 'sequence' step will perform just one iteration for a default "- _FOO: _BAR" parameter
// If 'repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml' is present, but the specified artifact contains empty list '[]', then 'sequence' step will be skipped
// - sequence:
// - job:
// - job:
// - script:
// repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml:
// type: TextParameterValue
// get_variable_from_url: SI_PARALLEL_PARAMETERS
def common = new
def sourceText = ""
def defaultSourceText = "- _FOO: _BAR"
if (step['repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml']) {
def sourceParameter = ["repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml": step['repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml']]
for (parameter in generateParameters(sourceParameter, global_variables)) {
if ( == "repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml") {
sourceText = parameter.value
common.infoMsg("'repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml' is defined, using it as a yaml text:\n${sourceText}")
if (!sourceText) {
sourceText = defaultSourceText
common.warningMsg("'repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml' is not defined. To get one iteration, use default single entry:\n${sourceText}")
def iterateParametersList = readYaml text: sourceText
if (!(iterateParametersList instanceof List)) {
// Stop the pipeline if there is wrong parameters data type, to not generate parallel jobs for wrong data
error "Expected a List in 'repeat_with_parameters_from_yaml' for 'sequence' step, but got:\n${sourceText}"
def jobs = [:]
def nested_step_id = 0
common.printMsg("${prefixMsg} Running parallel steps with the following parameters:\n${iterateParametersList}", "purple")
for (parameters in iterateParametersList) {
def step_name = "sequence#${nested_step_id}"
def nested_steps = step['sequence']
def nested_step_name = step_name
def nested_prefix_name = "${prefixMsg}${nested_step_name} | "
nested_steps_data[step_name] = []
prepareJobsData(nested_steps, 'sequence', nested_steps_data[step_name])
//Copy global variables and merge "parameters" dict into it for the current particular step
def nested_global_variables = global_variables.clone()
nested_global_variables << parameters
jobs[step_name] = {
runSteps(nested_steps, nested_global_variables, failed_jobs, nested_steps_data[nested_step_name], global_jobs_data, 0, false, artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, scriptsLibrary, nested_prefix_name, parent_global_variables)
} // 'jobs' closure
def sequenceSummary = [
nested_result : '',
desc : step['description'] ?: '',
nested_steps_data : [:],
if (iterateParametersList) {
// Run sequence iterations
try {
jobs.each { stepName, job ->
common.infoMsg("${prefixMsg} Running sequence ${stepName}")
// just in case sleep.
sequenceSummary['nested_result'] = 'SUCCESS'
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
sequenceSummary['nested_result'] = 'ABORTED'
} catch (e) {
sequenceSummary['nested_result'] = 'FAILURE'
sequenceSummary['nested_steps_data'] = nested_steps_data
// No parameters were provided to iterate
common.errorMsg("${prefixMsg} No parameters were provided to iterate, skipping 'sequence' step")
sequenceSummary['nested_result'] = 'SUCCESS'
return sequenceSummary
def checkResult(job_result, build_url, step, failed_jobs) {
// Check job result, in case of SUCCESS, move to next step.
// In case job has status NOT_BUILT, fail the build or keep going depending on 'ignore_not_built' flag
// In other cases check flag ignore_failed, if true ignore any statuses and keep going additionally
// if skip_results is not set or set to false fail entrie workflow, otherwise succed.
if (job_result != 'SUCCESS') {
def ignoreStepResult = false
switch (job_result) {
// In cases when job was waiting too long in queue or internal job logic allows to skip building,
// job may have NOT_BUILT status. In that case ignore_not_built flag can be used not to fail scenario.
case "NOT_BUILT":
ignoreStepResult = step['ignore_not_built'] ?: false
case "UNSTABLE":
ignoreStepResult = step['ignore_unstable'] ?: (step['ignore_failed'] ?: false)
if (ignoreStepResult && !step['skip_results'] ?: false) {
failed_jobs[build_url] = job_result
case "ABORTED":
ignoreStepResult = step['ignore_aborted'] ?: (step['ignore_failed'] ?: false)
if (ignoreStepResult && !step['skip_results'] ?: false) {
failed_jobs[build_url] = job_result
ignoreStepResult = step['ignore_failed'] ?: false
if (ignoreStepResult && !step['skip_results'] ?: false) {
failed_jobs[build_url] = job_result
if (!ignoreStepResult) {
currentBuild.result = job_result
error "Job ${build_url} finished with result: ${job_result}"
def runWorkflowStep(global_variables, step, step_id, jobs_data, global_jobs_data, failed_jobs, propagate, artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, scriptsLibrary = null, prefixMsg = '', parent_global_variables=null) {
def common = new
def _sep = "\n======================\n"
if (step.containsKey('job')) {
common.printMsg("${_sep}${prefixMsg}Run job ${step['job']} [at ${}]${_sep}", "blue")
stage("Run job ${step['job']}") {
def job_summary = runStep(global_variables, step, propagate, artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, parent_global_variables).call()
// Update jobs_data for updating description
jobs_data[step_id]['build_url'] = job_summary['build_url']
jobs_data[step_id]['build_id'] = job_summary['build_id']
jobs_data[step_id]['status'] = job_summary['job_result']
jobs_data[step_id]['duration'] = job_summary['buildDuration']
jobs_data[step_id]['desc'] = job_summary['desc']
if (job_summary['build_description']) {
jobs_data[step_id]['child_desc'] = job_summary['build_description']
def job_result = job_summary['job_result']
def build_url = job_summary['build_url']
common.printMsg("${_sep}${prefixMsg}Job ${build_url} finished with result: ${job_result} [at ${}]${_sep}", "blue")
else if (step.containsKey('script')) {
common.printMsg("${_sep}${prefixMsg}Run script ${step['script']} [at ${}]${_sep}", "blue")
stage("Run script ${step['script']}") {
def scriptResult = runScript(global_variables, step, artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, scriptsLibrary, parent_global_variables)
// Use build_url just as an unique key for failed_jobs.
// All characters after '#' are 'comment'
def build_url = "${env.BUILD_URL}#${step_id}:${step['script']}"
def job_result = scriptResult['script_result']
common.printMsg("${_sep}${prefixMsg}Script ${build_url} finished with result: ${job_result} [at ${}]${_sep}", "blue")
jobs_data[step_id]['build_url'] = build_url
jobs_data[step_id]['status'] = scriptResult['script_result']
jobs_data[step_id]['desc'] = scriptResult['desc']
if (scriptResult['build_description']) {
jobs_data[step_id]['child_desc'] = scriptResult['build_description']
else if (step.containsKey('parallel')) {
common.printMsg("${_sep}${prefixMsg}Run steps in parallel [at ${}]:${_sep}", "blue")
stage("Run steps in parallel:") {
// Allocate a map to collect nested steps data for updateDescription()
def nested_steps_data = [:]
jobs_data[step_id]['nested_steps_data'] = nested_steps_data
def parallelResult = runParallel(global_variables, step, failed_jobs, global_jobs_data, nested_steps_data, artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, scriptsLibrary, prefixMsg, parent_global_variables)
// Use build_url just as an unique key for failed_jobs.
// All characters after '#' are 'comment'
def build_url = "${env.BUILD_URL}#${step_id}"
def job_result = parallelResult['nested_result']
common.printMsg("${_sep}${prefixMsg}Parallel steps ${build_url} finished with result: ${job_result} [at ${}]${_sep}", "blue")
jobs_data[step_id]['build_url'] = build_url
jobs_data[step_id]['status'] = parallelResult['nested_result']
jobs_data[step_id]['desc'] = parallelResult['desc']
if (parallelResult['build_description']) {
jobs_data[step_id]['child_desc'] = parallelResult['build_description']
else if (step.containsKey('sequence')) {
common.printMsg("${_sep}${prefixMsg}Run steps in sequence [at ${}]:${_sep}", "blue")
stage("Run steps in sequence:") {
// Allocate a map to collect nested steps data for updateDescription()
def nested_steps_data = [:]
jobs_data[step_id]['nested_steps_data'] = nested_steps_data
def sequenceResult = runSequence(global_variables, step, failed_jobs, global_jobs_data, nested_steps_data, artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, scriptsLibrary, prefixMsg, parent_global_variables)
// Use build_url just as an unique key for failed_jobs.
// All characters after '#' are 'comment'
def build_url = "${env.BUILD_URL}#${step_id}"
def job_result = sequenceResult['nested_result']
common.printMsg("${_sep}${prefixMsg}Sequence steps ${build_url} finished with result: ${job_result} [at ${}]${_sep}", "blue")
jobs_data[step_id]['build_url'] = build_url
jobs_data[step_id]['status'] = sequenceResult['nested_result']
jobs_data[step_id]['desc'] = sequenceResult['desc']
if (sequenceResult['build_description']) {
jobs_data[step_id]['child_desc'] = sequenceResult['build_description']
job_result = jobs_data[step_id]['status']
checkResult(job_result, build_url, step, failed_jobs)
// return build_url
* Run the workflow or final steps one by one
* @param steps List of steps (Jenkins jobs) to execute
* @param global_variables Map where the collected artifact URLs and 'env' objects are stored
* @param failed_jobs Map with failed job names and result statuses, to report it later
* @param jobs_data Map with all job names and result statuses, to showing it in description
* @param step_id Counter for matching step ID with cell ID in description table
* @param propagate Boolean. If false: allows to collect artifacts after job is finished, even with FAILURE status
* If true: immediatelly fails the pipeline. DO NOT USE 'true' with runScenario().
def runSteps(steps, global_variables, failed_jobs, jobs_data, global_jobs_data, step_id, Boolean propagate = false, artifactoryBaseUrl = '', artifactoryServer = '', scriptsLibrary = null, prefixMsg = '', parent_global_variables=null) {
// Show expected jobs list in description
for (step in steps) {
runWorkflowStep(global_variables, step, step_id, jobs_data, global_jobs_data, failed_jobs, propagate, artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, scriptsLibrary, prefixMsg, parent_global_variables)
// Jump to next ID for updating next job data in description table
* Prepare jobs_data for generating the scenario description
def prepareJobsData(scenario_steps, step_type, jobs_data) {
def list_id = jobs_data.size()
for (step in scenario_steps) {
def display_name = ''
def step_key = ''
def desc = ''
if (step.containsKey('job')) {
display_name = step['job']
step_key = 'job'
else if (step.containsKey('script')) {
display_name = step['script']
step_key = 'script'
else if (step.containsKey('parallel')) {
display_name = 'Parallel steps'
step_key = 'parallel'
else if (step.containsKey('sequence')) {
display_name = 'Sequence steps'
step_key = 'sequence'
if (step['description'] != null && step['description'] != 'null' && step['description'].toString() != '') {
desc = (step['description'] ?: '').toString()
jobs_data.add([list_id : "$list_id",
type : step_type,
name : "$display_name",
build_url : "0",
build_id : "-",
status : "-",
desc : desc,
child_desc : "",
duration : '-',
step_key : step_key,
together_steps: [],
list_id += 1
* Run the workflow scenario
* @param scenario: Map with scenario steps.
* There are two keys in the scenario:
* workflow: contains steps to run deploy and test jobs
* finally: contains steps to run report and cleanup jobs
* Scenario execution example:
* scenario_yaml = """\
* workflow:
* - job: deploy-kaas
* ignore_failed: false
* description: "Management cluster ${KAAS_VERSION}"
* parameters:
* type: StringParameterValue
* use_variable: KAAS_VERSION
* artifacts:
* KUBECONFIG_ARTIFACT: artifacts/management_kubeconfig
* DEPLOYED_KAAS_VERSION: artifacts/management_version
* - job: create-child
* inherit_parent_params: true
* ignore_failed: false
* parameters:
* type: StringParameterValue
* type: StringParameterValue
* get_variable_from_url: DEPLOYED_KAAS_VERSION
* type: StringParameterValue
* get_variable_from_yaml:
* yaml_key: .clusters[0].release_name
* global_artifacts:
* CHILD_CONFIG_1: artifacts/child_kubeconfig
* - job: test-kaas-ui
* ignore_not_built: false
* parameters:
* type: StringParameterValue
* type: StringParameterValue
* get_variable_from_url: DEPLOYED_KAAS_VERSION
* artifacts:
* REPORT_SI_KAAS_UI: artifacts/test_kaas_ui_result.xml
* finally:
* - job: testrail-report
* ignore_failed: true
* parameters:
* type: StringParameterValue
* get_variable_from_url: DEPLOYED_KAAS_VERSION
* type: TextParameterValue
* use_template: |
* """
* runScenario(scenario)
* Scenario workflow keys:
* job: string. Jenkins job name
* ignore_failed: bool. if true, keep running the workflow jobs if the job is failed, but fail the workflow at finish
* ignore_unstable: bool. if true, keep running the workflow jobs if the job is unstable, but mark the workflow is unstable at finish
* ignore_aborted: bool. if true, keep running the workflow jobs if the job is aborted, but mark the workflow is unstable at finish
* skip_results: bool. if true, keep running the workflow jobs if the job is failed, but do not fail the workflow at finish. Makes sense only when ignore_failed is set.
* ignore_not_built: bool. if true, keep running the workflow jobs if the job set own status to NOT_BUILT, do not fail the workflow at finish for such jobs
* inherit_parent_params: bool. if true, provide all parameters from the parent job to the child job as defaults
* parameters: dict. parameters name and type to inherit from parent to child job, or from artifact to child job
* wf_pause_step_before_run: bool. Interactive pause exact step before run.
* wf_pause_step_slack_report_channel: If step paused, send message about it in slack.
* wf_pause_step_timeout: timeout im minutes to wait for manual unpause.
def runScenario(scenario, slackReportChannel = '', artifactoryBaseUrl = '', Boolean logGlobalVariables = false, artifactoryServer = '', scriptsLibrary = null,
global_variables = null, failed_jobs = null, jobs_data = null) {
def common = new
// Clear description before adding new messages
currentBuild.description = ''
// Collect the parameters for the jobs here
if (global_variables == null) {
global_variables = [:]
// List of failed jobs to show at the end
if (failed_jobs == null) {
failed_jobs = [:]
// Jobs data to use for wf job build description
if (jobs_data == null) {
jobs_data = []
def global_jobs_data = jobs_data
// Counter for matching step ID with cell ID in description table
def step_id = jobs_data.size()
// Generate expected list jobs for description
prepareJobsData(scenario['workflow'], 'workflow', jobs_data)
def pause_step_id = jobs_data.size()
// Generate expected list jobs for description
prepareJobsData(scenario['pause'], 'pause', jobs_data)
def finally_step_id = jobs_data.size()
// Generate expected list jobs for description
prepareJobsData(scenario['finally'], 'finally', jobs_data)
def job_failed_flag = false
try {
// Run the 'workflow' jobs
runSteps(scenario['workflow'], global_variables, failed_jobs, jobs_data, global_jobs_data, step_id, false, artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, scriptsLibrary, '', global_variables)
} catch (InterruptedException e) {
job_failed_flag = true
error "The job was aborted"
} catch (e) {
job_failed_flag = true
error("Build failed: " + e.toString())
} finally {
// Log global_variables
if (logGlobalVariables) {
def flag_pause_variable = (env.PAUSE_FOR_DEBUG) != null
// Run the 'finally' or 'pause' jobs
// Run only if there are failed jobs in the scenario
if (flag_pause_variable && (PAUSE_FOR_DEBUG && job_failed_flag)) {
// Switching to 'pause' step index
common.infoMsg("FINALLY BLOCK - PAUSE")
step_id = pause_step_id
runSteps(scenario['pause'], global_variables, failed_jobs, jobs_data, global_jobs_data, step_id, false, artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, scriptsLibrary, '', global_variables)
// Switching to 'finally' step index
common.infoMsg("FINALLY BLOCK - CLEAR")
step_id = finally_step_id
runSteps(scenario['finally'], global_variables, failed_jobs, jobs_data, global_jobs_data, step_id, false, artifactoryBaseUrl, artifactoryServer, scriptsLibrary, '', global_variables)
if (failed_jobs) {
def statuses = []
failed_jobs.each {
statuses += it.value
if (statuses.contains('FAILURE')) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
} else if (statuses.contains('ABORTED')) {
currentBuild.result = 'ABORTED'
} else if (statuses.contains('UNSTABLE')) {
currentBuild.result = 'UNSTABLE'
} else {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
println "Failed jobs: ${failed_jobs}"
} else {
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
common.infoMsg("Workflow finished with result: ${currentBuild.result}")
if (slackReportChannel) {
def slack = new com.mirantis.mcp.SlackNotification()
slack.jobResultNotification(currentBuild.result, slackReportChannel, '', null, '', 'slack_webhook_url')
} // finally
def manageArtifacts(entrypointDirectory, storeArtsInJenkins = false, artifactoryServerName = 'mcp-ci') {
def mcpArtifactory = new com.mirantis.mcp.MCPArtifactory()
def artifactoryRepoPath = "si-local/jenkins-job-artifacts/${JOB_NAME}/${BUILD_NUMBER}"
def tests_log = "${entrypointDirectory}/tests.log"
if (fileExists(tests_log)) {
try {
def size = sh([returnStdout: true, script: "stat --printf='%s' ${tests_log}"]).trim().toInteger()
// do not archive unless it is more than 50 MB
def allowed_size = 1048576 * 50
if (size >= allowed_size) {
sh("gzip ${tests_log} || true")
} catch (e) {
print("Cannot determine tests.log filesize: ${e}")
if (storeArtsInJenkins) {
artifacts: "${entrypointDirectory}/**",
allowEmptyArchive: true
artConfig = [
deleteArtifacts: false,
artifactory : artifactoryServerName,
artifactPattern: "${entrypointDirectory}/**",
artifactoryRepo: "artifactory/${artifactoryRepoPath}",
def artDescription = mcpArtifactory.uploadArtifactsToArtifactory(artConfig)
if (currentBuild.description) {
currentBuild.description += "${artDescription}<br>"
} else {
currentBuild.description = "${artDescription}<br>"
junit(testResults: "${entrypointDirectory}/**/*.xml", allowEmptyResults: true)
def artifactoryServer = Artifactory.server(artifactoryServerName)
def artifactsUrl = "${artifactoryServer.getUrl()}/artifactory/${artifactoryRepoPath}"
return artifactsUrl
return this