blob: 824ba4f5c57bf9f41f6d9274632a65ccc8a4ff5a [file] [log] [blame]
* Artifactory functions
* Make generic call using Artifactory REST API and return parsed JSON
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param uri URI which will be appended to artifactory server base URL
* @param method HTTP method to use (default GET)
* @param data JSON data to POST or PUT
* @param headers Map of additional request headers
* @param prefix Default prefix "/api"
def restCall(art, uri, method = 'GET', data = null, headers = [:], prefix = '/api') {
def connection = new URL("${art.url}${prefix}${uri}").openConnection()
if (method != 'GET') {
connection.setRequestProperty('User-Agent', 'jenkins-groovy')
connection.setRequestProperty('Accept', 'application/json')
connection.setRequestProperty('Authorization', "Basic " +
for (header in headers) {
connection.setRequestProperty(header.key, header.value)
if (data) {
if (data instanceof String) {
connection.setRequestProperty('Content-Type', 'application/json')
dataStr = data
} else if (data instanceof {
connection.setRequestProperty('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
dataStr = data.bytes
} else if (data instanceof byte[]) {
connection.setRequestProperty('Content-Type', 'application/octet-stream')
dataStr = data
} else {
connection.setRequestProperty('Content-Type', 'application/json')
dataStr = new groovy.json.JsonBuilder(data).toString()
def out = new OutputStreamWriter(connection.outputStream)
if ( connection.responseCode >= 200 && connection.responseCode < 300 ) {
res = connection.inputStream.text
try {
return new groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(res)
} catch (Exception e) {
return res
} else {
throw new Exception(connection.responseCode + ": " + connection.inputStream.text)
* Make GET request using Artifactory REST API and return parsed JSON
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param uri URI which will be appended to artifactory server base URL
def restGet(art, uri) {
return restCall(art, uri)
* Make PUT request using Artifactory REST API and return parsed JSON
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param uri URI which will be appended to artifactory server base URL
* @param data JSON Data to PUT
def restPut(art, uri, data = null) {
return restCall(art, uri, 'PUT', data, ['Accept': '*/*'])
* Make DELETE request using Artifactory REST API
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param uri URI which will be appended to artifactory server base URL
def restDelete(art, uri) {
return restCall(art, uri, 'DELETE', null, ['Accept': '*/*'])
* Make POST request using Artifactory REST API and return parsed JSON
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param uri URI which will be appended to artifactory server base URL
* @param data JSON Data to PUT
def restPost(art, uri, data = null) {
return restCall(art, uri, 'POST', data, ['Accept': '*/*'])
* Query artifacts by properties
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param properties String or list of properties in key=value format
* @param repo Optional repository to search in
def findArtifactByProperties(art, properties, repo) {
query = parseProperties(properties)
if (repo) {
query = query + "&repos=${repo}"
res = restGet(art, "/search/prop?${query}")
return res.results
* Parse properties string or map and return URL-encoded string
* @param properties string or key,value map
def parseProperties(properties) {
if (properties instanceof String) {
return properties
} else {
props = []
for (e in properties) {
props = props.join('|')
return props
* Set single property or list of properties to existing artifact
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param name Name of artifact
* @param version Artifact's version, eg. Docker image tag
* @param properties String or list of properties in key=value format
* @param recursive Set properties recursively (default false)
def setProperty(art, name, version, properties, recursive = 0) {
props = parseProperties(properties)
restPut(art, "/storage/${art.outRepo}/${name}/${version}?properties=${props}&recursive=${recursive}")
* Artifactory connection and context parameters
* @param url Artifactory server URL
* @param dockerRegistryBase Base to docker registry
* @param dockerRegistrySSL Use https to access docker registry
* @param outRepo Output repository name used in context of this
* connection
* @param credentialsID ID of credentials store entry
* @param serverName Artifactory server name (optional)
def connection(url, dockerRegistryBase, dockerRegistrySsl, outRepo, credentialsId = "artifactory", serverName = null) {
params = [
"url": url,
"credentialsId": credentialsId,
"docker": [
"base": dockerRegistryBase,
"ssl": dockerRegistrySsl
"outRepo": outRepo,
"creds": getCredentials(credentialsId)
if (dockerRegistrySsl ?: false) {
params["docker"]["proto"] = "https"
} else {
params["docker"]["proto"] = "http"
if (serverName ?: null) {
params['server'] = Artifactory.server(serverName)
params["docker"]["url"] = "${params.docker.proto}://${params.outRepo}.${params.docker.base}"
return params
* Push docker image and set artifact properties
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param img Docker image object
* @param imgName Name of docker image
* @param properties Map of additional artifact properties
* @param timestamp Build timestamp
* @param latest Push latest tag if set to true (default true)
def dockerPush(art, img, imgName, properties, timestamp, latest = true) {
docker.withRegistry(art.docker.url, art.credentialsId) {
// Also mark latest image
properties["build.number"] =
properties[""] =
properties["timestamp"] = timestamp
/* Set artifact properties */
// ..and the same for latest
if (latest == true) {
* Promote docker image to another environment
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param imgName Name of docker image
* @param tag Tag to promote
* @param env Environment (repository suffix) to promote to
* @param keep Keep artifact in source repository (copy, default true)
* @param latest Push latest tag if set to true (default true)
def dockerPromote(art, imgName, tag, env, keep = true, latest = true) {
/* XXX: promotion this way doesn't work
restPost(art, "/docker/${art.outRepo}/v2/promote", [
"targetRepo": "${art.outRepo}-${env}",
"dockerRepository": imgName,
"tag": tag,
"copy": keep ? true : false
action = keep ? "copy" : "move"
restPost(art, "/${action}/${art.outRepo}/${imgName}/${tag}?to=${art.outRepo}-${env}/${imgName}/${tag}")
if (latest == true) {
dockerUrl = "${art.docker.proto}://${art.outRepo}-${env}.${art.docker.base}"
docker.withRegistry(dockerUrl, art.credentialsId) {
img = docker.image("${imgName}:$tag")
* Set offline parameter to repositories
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param repos List of base repositories
* @param suffix Suffix to append to new repository names
def setOffline(art, repos, suffix) {
for (repo in repos) {
repoName = "${repo}-${suffix}"
restPost(art, "/repositories/${repoName}", ['offline': true])
* Create repositories based on timestamp or other suffix from already
* existing repository
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param repos List of base repositories
* @param suffix Suffix to append to new repository names
def createRepos(art, repos, suffix) {
def created = []
for (repo in repos) {
repoNewName = "${repo}-${suffix}"
repoOrig = restGet(art, "/repositories/${repo}")
repoOrig.key = repoNewName
repoNew = restPut(art, "/repositories/${repoNewName}", repoOrig)
return created
* Delete repositories based on timestamp or other suffix
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param repos List of base repositories
* @param suffix Suffix to append to new repository names
def deleteRepos(art, repos, suffix) {
def deleted = []
for (repo in repos) {
repoName = "${repo}-${suffix}"
restDelete(art, "/repositories/${repoName}")
return deleted
def convertProperties(properties) {
return properties.collect { k,v -> "$k=$v" }.join(';')
* Upload debian package
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param file File path
* @param properties Map with additional artifact properties
* @param timestamp Image tag
def uploadDebian(art, file, properties, distribution, component, timestamp) {
def arch = file.split('_')[-1].split('\\.')[0]
/* Set artifact properties */
properties["build.number"] =
properties[""] =
properties["timestamp"] = timestamp
properties["deb.distribution"] = distribution
properties["deb.component"] = component
properties["deb.architecture"] = arch
props = convertProperties(properties)
def uploadSpec = """{
"files": [
"pattern": "${file}",
"target": "${art.outRepo}",
"props": "${props}"
* Build step to upload docker image. For use with eg. parallel
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param img Image name to push
* @param properties Map with additional artifact properties
* @param timestamp Image tag
def uploadDockerImageStep(art, img, properties, timestamp) {
return {
println "Uploading artifact ${img} into ${art.outRepo}"
* Build step to upload package. For use with eg. parallel
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param file File path
* @param properties Map with additional artifact properties
* @param timestamp Image tag
def uploadPackageStep(art, file, properties, distribution, component, timestamp) {
return {
* Get Helm repo for Artifactory
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param repoName Chart repository name
def getArtifactoryHelmChartRepoByName(art, repoName){
def res
def common = new
try {
res = restGet(art, "/repositories/${repoName}")
} catch (IOException e) {
def error = e.message.tokenize(':')[1]
if (error.contains(' 400 for URL') || error.contains(' 404 for URL')) {
common.warningMsg("No projects found for the pattern ${repoName} error code ${error}")
}else {
throw e
return res
* Get repo by packageType for Artifactory
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param packageType Repository package type
def getArtifactoryRepoByPackageType(art, repoName){
return restGet(art, "/repositories?${packageType}")
* Get checksums of artifact
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param artifactName Artifactory object name
* @param checksum Type of checksum (default md5)
* @param repoName Artifact repository name
def getArtifactChecksum(art, repoName, artifactName, checksum = 'md5'){
def artifactory = new
def uri = "/storage/${repoName}/${artifactName}"
def output = artifactory.restGet(art, uri)
return output['checksums']["${checksum}"]
* Create Helm repo for Artifactory
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param repoName Chart repository name
* @param data Transmitted data
def createArtifactoryChartRepo(art, repoName){
return restPut(art, "/repositories/${repoName}", '{"rclass": "local","handleSnapshots": false,"packageType": "helm"}')
* Delete Helm repo for Artifactory
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param repoName Chart repository name
def deleteArtifactoryChartRepo(art, repoName){
return restDelete(art, "/repositories/${repoName}")
* Publish Helm chart to Artifactory
* @param art Artifactory connection object from artifactory jenkins plugin
* @param repoName Repository Chart name
* @param chartPattern Chart pattern for publishing
def publishArtifactoryHelmChart(art, repoName, chartPattern){
def uploadSpec = """{
"files": [
"pattern": "${chartPattern}",
"target": "${repoName}/"
art.upload spec: uploadSpec
* Create Helm repo for Artifactory
* @param art Artifactory connection object
* @param repoName Repository Chart name
* @param chartName Chart name
def deleteArtifactoryHelmChart(art, repoName, chartName){
return restDelete(art, "/repositories/${repoName}", "${chartName}")