blob: 817f8930b3a838f97dcbd4ca3204546832904ca6 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.mirantis.tcp_qa
* Get latest artifacts
* @param imageRepoName is the repo name where image is located
* @param imageTagName is the name of the image tag to be used
def getLatestArtifacts(imageRepoName, imageTagName) {
def imageRepo = env.getAt(imageRepoName)
def imageTag = env.getAt(imageTagName)
if ( imageTag != null && (! imageTag || imageTag.equals('latest')) ) {
if ( imageRepo ) {
def registry = imageRepo.replaceAll(/\/.*/, '')
def image = imageRepo.minus(registry + '/')
def hyperkubeImageTag = latestImageTagLookup(registry, image)
return "${imageTagName}=${hyperkubeImageTag}"
} else {
echo "${imageRepoName} variable isn't set, can't inspect 'latest' image!"
return null
def jsonParse(def json) {
new groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(json)
* Get digest metadata
* @param tag is the image tag to be used
* @param registry is the url of registry
* @param image is the image which info is looked for
def get_digest(def tag, def registry, def image) {
def digest_link = sprintf('https://%1$s/v2/%2$s/manifests/%3$s', [registry, image, tag])
def digest_url = new URL(digest_link)
def connection = digest_url.openConnection()
connection.setRequestProperty('Accept', 'application/vnd.docker.distribution.manifest.v2+json')
def digest = connection.getHeaderField("Docker-Content-Digest")
return digest
* Get latest tag metadata
* @param registry is the url of registry
* @param image is the image which tags are looked for
def latestImageTagLookup(registry, image) {
def tags_link = sprintf('https://%1$s/v2/%2$s/tags/list', [registry, image])
def tags_url = new URL(tags_link)
def tags = jsonParse(tags_url.getText())['tags']
def latest_digest = get_digest('latest', registry, image)
def same_digest_tags = []
for (tag in tags) {
if (tag == 'latest') {
if (get_digest(tag, registry, image) == latest_digest) {
same_digest_tags<< tag
return same_digest_tags[0] ?: 'latest'
* Fetch custom refs
* @param gerritUrl is url of gerrit
* @param project is the name of project in gerrit
* @param targetDir is dir where to fetch changes
* @param refs is refs that need to be fetched
def getCustomRefs(gerritUrl, project, targetDir, refs) {
def remote = "${gerritUrl}/${project}"
dir(targetDir) {
for(int i=0; i<refs.size(); i++) {
sh "git fetch ${remote} ${refs[i]} && git cherry-pick FETCH_HEAD"
* Set downstream k8s artifacts
* @param jobSetParameters are current job parameters that can be extended with kubernetes tag
def set_downstream_k8s_artifacts(jobSetParameters) {
def k8sTag = getLatestArtifacts('HYPERKUBE_IMAGE_REPO', 'HYPERKUBE_IMAGE_TAG')
if (k8sTag) {
return jobSetParameters
* Upload tests results to TestRail
* @param config LinkedHashMap
* config includes next parameters:
* - junitXml String, path to XML file with tests results
* - testPlanName String, name of test plan in TestRail
* - testSuiteName String, name of test suite in TestRail
* - testrailMilestone String, milestone name in TestRail
* - tesPlanDesc String, description of test plan in TestRail (optional)
* - jobURL String, URL of job build with tests (optional)
* - testrailURL String, TestRail URL (optional)
* - testrailProject String, project name in TestRail (optional)
* Usage example:
* uploadResultsTestRail([
* junitXml: './nosetests.xml',
* testPlanName: 'MCP test plan #1',
* testSuiteName: 'Calico component tests',
* jobURL: '',
* ])
def uploadResultsTestRail(config) {
def venvPath = 'testrail-venv'
// TODO: install 'testrail_reporter' pypi when new version with eee508d commit is released
def testrailReporterPackage = 'git+git://'
def testrailReporterVersion = 'eee508d'
def requiredArgs = ['junitXml', 'testPlanName', 'testSuiteName', 'testrailMilestone']
def missingArgs = []
for (i in requiredArgs) { if (!config.containsKey(i)) { missingArgs << i }}
if (missingArgs) { println "Required arguments are missing for '${funcName}': ${missingArgs.join(', ')}" }
def junitXml = config.get('junitXml')
def testPlanName = config.get('testPlanName')
def testSuiteName = config.get('testSuiteName')
def testrailMilestone = config.get('testrailMilestone')
def testrailURL = config.get('testrailURL', '')
def testrailProject = config.get('testrailProject', 'Mirantis Cloud Platform')
def tesPlanDesc = config.get('tesPlanDesc')
def jobURL = config.get('jobURL')
def reporterOptions = [
"--testrail-url '${testrailURL}'",
"--testrail-user \"\${TESTRAIL_USER}\"",
"--testrail-password \"\${TESTRAIL_PASSWORD}\"",
"--testrail-project '${testrailProject}'",
"--testrail-plan-name '${testPlanName}'",
"--testrail-milestone '${testrailMilestone}'",
"--testrail-suite '${testSuiteName}'",
"--xunit-name-template '{methodname}'",
"--testrail-name-template '{custom_test_group}'",
if (tesPlanDesc) { reporterOptions << "--env-description '${tesPlanDesc}'" }
if (jobURL) { reporterOptions << "--test-results-link '${jobURL}'" }
// Install testrail reporter
sh """
virtualenv ${venvPath}
. ${venvPath}/bin/activate
pip install --upgrade ${testrailReporterPackage}@${testrailReporterVersion}
def script = """
. ${venvPath}/bin/activate
report ${reporterOptions.join(' ')} ${junitXml}
[$class : 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId : 'testrail',
passwordVariable: 'TESTRAIL_PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'TESTRAIL_USER']
]) {
return sh(script: script, returnStdout: true).trim().split().last()