blob: b8ae78cffda8d8909d9048d272fe08cba2e0cf0b [file] [log] [blame]
* Tests providing functions
* Run e2e conformance tests
* @param k8s_api Kubernetes api address
* @param image Docker image with tests
* @param timeout Timeout waiting for e2e conformance tests
def runConformanceTests(master, k8s_api, image, timeout=2400) {
def salt = new
def containerName = 'conformance_tests'
def outfile = "/tmp/" + image.replaceAll('/', '-') + '.output'
salt.cmdRun(master, 'ctl01*', "docker rm -f ${containerName}", false)
salt.cmdRun(master, 'ctl01*', "docker run -d --name ${containerName} --net=host -e API_SERVER=${k8s_api} ${image}")
print("Waiting for tests to run...")
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, 'ctl01*', '', ["docker wait ${containerName}"], null, false, timeout)
print("Writing test results to output file...")
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, 'ctl01*', '', ["docker logs -t ${containerName} &> ${outfile}"])
print("Conformance test output saved in " + outfile)
* Copy test output to cfg node
* @param image Docker image with tests
def copyTestsOutput(master, image) {
def salt = new
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, 'cfg01*', '', ["scp ctl01:/root/${image}.output /home/ubuntu/"])
* Execute tempest tests
* @param dockerImageLink Docker image link with rally and tempest
* @param target Host to run tests
* @param pattern If not false, will run only tests matched the pattern
* @param logDir Directory to store tempest/rally reports
def runTempestTests(master, dockerImageLink, target, pattern = "false", logDir = '/home/rally/rally_reports/') {
def salt = new
if (pattern == "false") {
salt.cmdRun(master, "${target}", "docker run --rm --net=host " +
"-e TEMPEST_CONF=mcp.conf " +
"-e SKIP_LIST=mcp_skip.list " +
"-e SOURCE_FILE=keystonercv3 " +
"-e LOG_DIR=${logDir} " +
"-v /root/:/home/rally ${dockerImageLink} >> docker-tempest.log")
else {
salt.cmdRun(master, "${target}", "docker run --rm --net=host " +
"-e TEMPEST_CONF=mcp.conf " +
"-e SKIP_LIST=mcp_skip.list " +
"-e SOURCE_FILE=keystonercv3 " +
"-e LOG_DIR=${logDir} " +
"-e CUSTOM='--pattern ${pattern}' " +
"-v /root/:/home/rally ${dockerImageLink} >> docker-tempest.log")
* Upload results to cfg01 node
def copyTempestResults(master, target) {
def salt = new
if (! target.contains('cfg')) {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${target}", '', ["mkdir /root/rally_reports/ && " +
"rsync -av /root/rally_reports/ cfg01:/root/rally_reports/"])
/** Store tests results on host
* @param image Docker image name
def catTestsOutput(master, image) {
def salt = new
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, 'cfg01*', '', ["cat /home/ubuntu/${image}.output"])
/** Install docker if needed
* @param target Target node to install docker pkg
def install_docker(master, target) {
def salt = new
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${target}", 'pkg.install', [""])
/** Upload Tempest test results to Testrail
* @param report Source report to upload
* @param image Testrail reporter image
* @param testGroup Testrail test group
* @param credentialsId Testrail credentials id
* @param plan Testrail test plan
* @param milestone Testrail test milestone
* @param suite Testrail test suite
* @param type Use local shell or remote salt connection
* @param master Salt connection.
* @param target Target node to install docker pkg
def uploadResultsTestrail(report, image, testGroup, credentialsId, plan, milestone, suite, master = null, target = 'cfg01*') {
def salt = new
def common = new
creds = common.getPasswordCredentials(credentialsId)
command = "docker run --rm --net=host " +
"-v ${report}:/srv/report.xml " +
"-e TESTRAIL_USER=${creds.username} " +
"-e PASS=${creds.password.toString()} " +
"-e TESTRAIL_PLAN_NAME=${plan} " +
"-e TESTRAIL_MILESTONE=${milestone} " +
"-e TESTRAIL_SUITE=${suite} " +
"-e TEST_GROUP=${testGroup} " +
if (master == null) {
} else {
salt.cmdRun(master, "${target}", "${command}")
/** Archive Rally results in Artifacts
* @param master Salt connection.
* @param target Target node to install docker pkg
* @param reports_dir Source directory to archive
def archiveRallyArtifacts(master, target, reports_dir='/root/rally_reports') {
def salt = new
def artifacts_dir = '_artifacts/'
def output_file = 'rally_reports.tar'
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, "${target}", '', ["tar -cf /root/${output_file} -C ${reports_dir} ."])
sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts_dir}"
encoded = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "cat /root/${output_file}", true, null, false)['return'][0].values()[0].replaceAll('Salt command execution success','')
writeFile file: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}", text: encoded
// collect artifacts
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
* Helper function for collecting junit tests results
* @param testResultAction - test result from build - use: currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(AbstractTestResultAction.class)
* @return resultMap with structure ["total": total, "passed": passed, "skipped": skipped, "failed": failed]
def collectJUnitResults(testResultAction) {
if (testResultAction != null) {
def total = testResultAction.totalCount
def failed = testResultAction.failCount
def skipped = testResultAction.skipCount
def passed = total - failed - skipped
return ["total": total, "passed": passed, "skipped": skipped, "failed": failed]
def common = new
common.errorMsg("Cannot collect jUnit tests results, given result is null")
return [:]