blob: 770041992f3d877ebf243f6662c5cba2534158c6 [file] [log] [blame]
import org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
class Lock {
String name, id, path
Integer retryInterval, timeout, expiration
Boolean force
Map lockExtraMetadata
ArtifactoryServer artifactoryServer
private String lockFileContent
private String lockFileContentCache
final private String fileUri
final private def common = new
final private def artifactoryTools = new
// Constructor
public Lock(Map args) {
// Mandatory =
this.artifactoryServer = args.artifactoryServer
// Defaults = args.get('id', '')
this.path = args.get('path', 'binary-dev-local/locks')
this.retryInterval = args.get('retryInterval', 5*60)
this.timeout = args.get('timeout', 3*60*60)
this.expiration = args.get('expiration', 24*60*60)
this.force = args.get('force', false)
this.lockExtraMetadata = args.get('lockExtraMetadata', [:])
// Internal
this.fileUri = "/${path}/${name}.yaml".toLowerCase()
final private Map artObj
// getPasswordCredentials() is CPS-transformed function and cannot be used in constructor
final private Map getArtObj() {
def artifactoryCreds = common.getPasswordCredentials(artifactoryServer.getCredentialsId())
return [
'url': "${artifactoryServer.getUrl()}/artifactory",
'creds': [
'username': artifactoryCreds['username'],
'password': artifactoryCreds['password'],
// getter for lockFileContent
final private String getLockFileContent() {
if (this.lockFileContentCache == null) {
try {
this.lockFileContentCache = artifactoryTools.restCall(this.artObj, this.fileUri, 'GET', null, [:], '')
} catch (Exception e) {
this.lockFileContentCache = ''
return this.lockFileContentCache
public void lock() {
if (this.force) {
common.infoMsg("Ignore lock checking due 'force' flag presence")
} else {
public void unlock() {
if (!isLockFileExist()) {
common.infoMsg("Lock file '${this.artObj['url']}${this.fileUri}' does not exist. No need to remove it")
// No need to continue if file does not exist
Map lockMeta = common.readYaml2(text: this.lockFileContent ?: '{}')
if (this.force || ( && == lockMeta.get('lockID', ''))) {
artifactoryTools.restCall(this.artObj, this.fileUri, 'DELETE', null, [:], '')
common.infoMsg("Lock file '${this.artObj['url']}${this.fileUri}' has been removed")
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Given lock ID '${}' is not equal to '${lockMeta.get('lockID')}' ID in lock file")
private void createLockFile() { = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance()
Calendar expiredAt = now.clone()
expiredAt.add(Calendar.SECOND, this.expiration)
Map lockMeta = [
'createdAt': now.getTime().toString(),
'expiredAt': expiredAt.getTime().toString(),
def commonMCP = new com.mirantis.mcp.Common()
artifactoryTools.restCall(this.artObj, this.fileUri, 'PUT', commonMCP.dumpYAML(lockMeta), [:], '')
common.infoMsg("Lock file '${this.artObj['url']}${this.fileUri}' has been created")
private void waitLockReleased() {
Long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
while (isLocked()) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime >= timeout*1000 ) {
throw new TimeoutException("Execution of waitLock timed out after ${this.timeout} seconds")
common.infoMsg("'${}' is locked. Retry in ${this.retryInterval} seconds")
private Boolean isLocked() {
if (!isLockFileExist()) {
common.infoMsg("Lock file for '${}' does not exist")
return false
} else if (isLockExpired()) {
common.infoMsg("Lock '${}' has been expired")
return false
return true
private Boolean isLockFileExist() {
return !this.lockFileContent.isEmpty()
private Boolean isLockExpired() {
if (!isLockFileExist()) {
return true
Map lockMeta = common.readYaml2(text: this.lockFileContent ?: '{}')
Date expirationTime = new Date(lockMeta.get('expiredAt', '01/01/1970'))
Date currentTime = new Date()
return currentTime.after(expirationTime)