blob: c195c2e0a1856ed6a59708ff1bf36091e2b8e986 [file] [log] [blame]
* Openstack functions
* Convert maps
@NonCPS def entries(m) {
return m.collect {k, v -> [k, v]}
* Install OpenStack service clients in isolated environment
* @param path Path where virtualenv is created
* @param version Version of the OpenStack clients
def setupOpenstackVirtualenv(path, version = 'latest') {
def python = new
def openstack_kilo_packages = [
//XXX: hack to fix
def openstack_latest_packages = [
//XXX: hack to fix
// NOTE(vsaienko): cmd2 is dependency for cliff, since we don't using upper-contstraints
// we have to pin cmd2 < 0.9.0 as later versions are not compatible with python2.
// TODO(vsaienko): use upper-constraints here, as in requirements we set only lowest library
// versions.
if (version == 'kilo') {
requirements = openstack_kilo_packages
} else if (version == 'liberty') {
requirements = openstack_kilo_packages
} else if (version == 'mitaka') {
requirements = openstack_kilo_packages
} else {
requirements = openstack_latest_packages
python.setupVirtualenv(path, 'python2', requirements, null, true)
* create connection to OpenStack API endpoint
* @param path Path to created venv
* @param url OpenStack API endpoint address
* @param credentialsId Credentials to the OpenStack API
* @param project OpenStack project to connect to
def createOpenstackEnv(path, url, credentialsId, project, project_domain="default",
project_id="", user_domain="default", api_ver="2", cacert="/etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt") {
def common = new
rcFile = "${path}/keystonerc"
creds = common.getPasswordCredentials(credentialsId)
rc = """set +x
export OS_USERNAME=${creds.username}
export OS_PASSWORD=${creds.password.toString()}
export OS_TENANT_NAME=${project}
export OS_AUTH_URL=${url}
export OS_AUTH_STRATEGY=keystone
export OS_PROJECT_NAME=${project}
export OS_PROJECT_ID=${project_id}
export OS_PROJECT_DOMAIN_ID=${project_domain}
export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=${user_domain}
export OS_IDENTITY_API_VERSION=${api_ver}
export OS_CACERT=${cacert}
set -x
writeFile file: rcFile, text: rc
return rcFile
* Run command with OpenStack env params and optional python env
* @param cmd Command to be executed
* @param env Environmental parameters with endpoint credentials
* @param path Optional path to virtualenv with specific clients
def runOpenstackCommand(cmd, venv, path = null) {
def python = new
openstackCmd = ". ${venv}; ${cmd}"
if (path) {
output = python.runVirtualenvCommand(path, openstackCmd)
else {
echo("[Command]: ${openstackCmd}")
output = sh (
script: openstackCmd,
returnStdout: true
return output
* Get OpenStack Keystone token for current credentials
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getKeystoneToken(client, path = null) {
def python = new
cmd = "openstack token issue"
outputTable = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, client, path)
output = python.parseTextTable(outputTable, 'item', 'prettytable', path)
return output
* Create OpenStack environment file
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def createHeatEnv(file, environment = [], original_file = null) {
if (original_file) {
envString = readFile file: original_file
} else {
envString = "parameters:\n"
p = entries(environment)
for (int i = 0; i < p.size(); i++) {
envString = "${envString} ${p.get(i)[0]}: ${p.get(i)[1]}\n"
echo("writing to env file:\n${envString}")
writeFile file: file, text: envString
* Create new OpenStack Heat stack. Will wait for action to be complited in
* specified amount of time (by default 120min)
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param template HOT template for the new Heat stack
* @param environment Environmentale parameters of the new Heat stack
* @param name Name of the new Heat stack
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
* @param timeout Optional number in minutes to wait for stack action is applied.
def createHeatStack(client, name, template, params = [], environment = null, path = null, action="create", timeout=120) {
def python = new
def templateFile = "${env.WORKSPACE}/template/template/${template}.hot"
def envFile
def envSource
if (environment) {
envFile = "${env.WORKSPACE}/template/env/${name}.env"
if (environment.contains("/")) {
//init() returns all elements but the last in a collection.
def envPath = environment.tokenize("/").init().join("/")
if (envPath) {
envFile = "${env.WORKSPACE}/template/env/${envPath}/${name}.env"
envSource = "${env.WORKSPACE}/template/env/${environment}.env"
createHeatEnv(envFile, params, envSource)
} else {
envFile = "${env.WORKSPACE}/template/${name}.env"
createHeatEnv(envFile, params)
def cmd
def cmd_args = "-t ${templateFile} -e ${envFile} --timeout ${timeout} --wait ${name}"
if (action == "create") {
cmd = "openstack stack create ${cmd_args}"
} else {
cmd = "openstack stack update ${cmd_args}"
dir("${env.WORKSPACE}/template/template") {
def out = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, client, path)
* Returns list of stacks for stack name filter
* @param client Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param filter Stack name filter
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getStacksForNameContains(client, filter, path = null){
cmd = 'heat stack-list | awk \'NR>3 {print $4}\' | sed \'$ d\' | grep ' + filter + '|| true'
return runOpenstackCommand(cmd, client, path).trim().tokenize("\n")
* Get list of stack names with given stack status
* @param client Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param status Stack status
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getStacksWithStatus(client, status, path = null) {
cmd = 'heat stack-list -f stack_status='+status+' | awk \'NR>3 {print $4}\' | sed \'$ d\''
return runOpenstackCommand(cmd, client, path).trim().tokenize("\n")
* Get life cycle status for existing OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack instance
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getHeatStackStatus(client, name, path = null) {
cmd = 'heat stack-list | awk -v stack='+name+' \'{if ($4==stack) print $6}\''
return runOpenstackCommand(cmd, client, path)
* Get info about existing OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack instance
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getHeatStackInfo(env, name, path = null) {
def python = new
cmd = "heat stack-show ${name}"
outputTable = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, env, path)
output = python.parseTextTable(outputTable, 'item', 'prettytable', path)
return output
* Get existing OpenStack Heat stack output parameter
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack
* @param parameter Name of the output parameter
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getHeatStackOutputParam(env, name, outputParam, path = null) {
cmd = "heat output-show ${name} ${outputParam}"
output = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, env, path)
echo("${cmd}: ${output}")
// NOTE(vsaienko) heatclient 1.5.1 returns output in "", while later
// versions returns string without "".
// TODO Use openstack 'stack output show' when all jobs using at least Mitaka heatclient
return "${output}".replaceAll('"', '')
* List all resources from existing OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack instance
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
* @param depth Optional depth of stack for listing resources,
* 0 - do not list nested resources
def getHeatStackResources(env, name, path = null, depth = 0) {
def python = new
cmd = "heat resource-list --nested-depth ${depth} ${name}"
outputTable = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, env, path)
output = python.parseTextTable(outputTable, 'list', 'prettytable', path)
return output
* Get info about resource from existing OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack instance
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getHeatStackResourceInfo(env, name, resource, path = null) {
def python = new
cmd = "heat resource-show ${name} ${resource}"
outputTable = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, env, path)
output = python.parseTextTable(outputTable, 'item', 'prettytable', path)
return output
* Update existing OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack instance
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def updateHeatStack(env, name, path = null) {
def python = new
cmd = "heat stack-update ${name}"
outputTable = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, env, path)
output = python.parseTextTable(outputTable, 'item', 'prettytable', path)
return output
* Delete existing OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack instance
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def deleteHeatStack(env, name, path = null) {
cmd = "heat stack-delete ${name}"
outputTable = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, env, path)
* Return hashmap of hashes server_id:server_name of servers from OpenStack Heat stack
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the managed Heat stack instance
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getHeatStackServers(env, name, path = null) {
// set depth to 1000 to ensure all nested resources are shown
resources = getHeatStackResources(env, name, path, 1000)
servers = [:]
for (resource in resources) {
if (resource.resource_type == 'OS::Nova::Server') {
server = getHeatStackResourceInfo(env, resource.stack_name, resource.resource_name, path)
servers[] =
echo("[Stack ${name}] Servers: ${servers}")
return servers
* Delete nova key pair
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the key pair to delete
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def deleteKeyPair(env, name, path = null) {
def common = new
common.infoMsg("Removing key pair ${name}")
def cmd = "openstack keypair delete ${name}"
runOpenstackCommand(cmd, env, path)
* Get nova key pair
* @param env Connection parameters for OpenStack API endpoint
* @param name Name of the key pair to show
* @param path Optional path to the custom virtualenv
def getKeyPair(env, name, path = null) {
def common = new
def cmd = "openstack keypair show ${name}"
def outputTable
try {
outputTable = runOpenstackCommand(cmd, env, path)
} catch (Exception e) {
common.infoMsg("Key pair ${name} not found")
return outputTable
* Stops all services that contain specific string (for example nova,heat, etc.)
* @param env Salt Connection object or pepperEnv
* @param probe single node on which to list service names
* @param target all targeted nodes
* @param services lists of type of services to be stopped
* @param confirm enable/disable manual service stop confirmation
* @return output of salt commands
def stopServices(env, probe, target, services=[], confirm=false) {
def salt = new
def common = new
for (s in services) {
def outputServicesStr = salt.getReturnValues(salt.cmdRun(env, probe, "service --status-all | grep ${s} | awk \'{print \$4}\'"))
def servicesList = outputServicesStr.tokenize("\n").init()
if (confirm) {
if (servicesList) {
try {
input message: "Click PROCEED to stop ${servicesList}. Otherwise click ABORT to skip stopping them."
for (name in servicesList) {
if (!name.contains('Salt command')) {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, target, 'service.stop', ["${name}"])
} catch (Exception er) {
common.infoMsg("skipping stopping ${servicesList} services")
} else {
if (servicesList) {
for (name in servicesList) {
if (!name.contains('Salt command')) {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, target, 'service.stop', ["${name}"])
* Return intersection of globally installed services and those are
* defined on specific target according to theirs priorities.
* @param env Salt Connection object or env
* @param target The target node to get list of apps for.
def getOpenStackUpgradeServices(env, target){
def salt = new
def common = new
def global_apps = salt.getConfig(env, 'I@salt:master:enabled:true', 'orchestration.upgrade.applications')
def node_apps = salt.getPillar(env, target, '__reclass__:applications')['return'][0].values()[0]
def node_sorted_apps = []
if ( !global_apps['return'][0].values()[0].isEmpty() ) {
Map<String,Integer> _sorted_apps = [:]
for (k in global_apps['return'][0].values()[0].keySet()) {
if (k in node_apps) {
_sorted_apps[k] = global_apps['return'][0].values()[0][k].values()[0].toInteger()
node_sorted_apps = common.SortMapByValueAsc(_sorted_apps).keySet()
common.infoMsg("Applications are placed in following order:"+node_sorted_apps)
} else {
common.errorMsg("No applications found.")
return node_sorted_apps
* Run specified upgrade phase for all services on given node.
* @param env Salt Connection object or env
* @param target The target node to run states on.
* @param phase The phase name to run.
def runOpenStackUpgradePhase(env, target, phase){
def salt = new
def common = new
services = getOpenStackUpgradeServices(env, target)
def st
for (service in services){
st = "${service}.upgrade.${phase}".trim()
common.infoMsg("Running ${phase} for service ${st} on ${target}")
salt.enforceState(env, target, st)
* Run OpenStack states on specified node.
* @param env Salt Connection object or env
* @param target The target node to run states on.
def applyOpenstackAppsStates(env, target){
def salt = new
def common = new
services = getOpenStackUpgradeServices(env, target)
def st
for (service in services){
st = "${service}".trim()
common.infoMsg("Running ${st} on ${target}")
salt.enforceState(env, target, st)
* Verifies Galera database
* This function checks for Galera master, tests connection and if reachable, it obtains the result
* of Salt mysql.status function. The result is then parsed, validated and outputed to the user.
* @param env Salt Connection object or pepperEnv
* @param slave Boolean value to enable slave checking (if master in unreachable)
* @param checkTimeSync Boolean value to enable time sync check
* @return resultCode int values used to determine exit status in the calling function
def verifyGaleraStatus(env, slave=false, checkTimeSync=false) {
def salt = new
def common = new
def out = ""
def status = "unknown"
def testNode = ""
if (!slave) {
try {
galeraMaster = salt.getMinions(env, "I@galera:master")
common.infoMsg("Current Galera master is: ${galeraMaster}")
salt.minionsReachable(env, "I@salt:master", "I@galera:master")
testNode = "I@galera:master"
} catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg('Galera master is not reachable.')
return 128
} else {
try {
galeraMinions = salt.getMinions(env, "I@galera:slave")
common.infoMsg("Testing Galera slave minions: ${galeraMinions}")
} catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg("Cannot obtain Galera slave minions list.")
return 129
for (minion in galeraMinions) {
try {
salt.minionsReachable(env, "I@salt:master", minion)
testNode = minion
} catch (Exception e) {
common.warningMsg("Slave '${minion}' is not reachable.")
if (!testNode) {
common.errorMsg("No Galera slave was reachable.")
return 130
if (checkTimeSync && !salt.checkClusterTimeSync(env, "I@galera:master or I@galera:slave")) {
common.errorMsg("Time in cluster is desynchronized or it couldn't be detemined. You should fix this issue manually before proceeding.")
return 131
try {
out = salt.cmdRun(env, "I@salt:master", "salt -C '${testNode}' mysql.status")
} catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg('Could not determine mysql status.')
return 256
if (out) {
try {
status = validateAndPrintGaleraStatusReport(env, out, testNode)
} catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg('Could not parse the mysql status output. Check it manually.')
return 1
} else {
common.errorMsg("Mysql status response unrecognized or is empty. Response: ${out}")
return 1024
if (status == "OK") {
common.infoMsg("No errors found - MySQL status is ${status}.")
return 0
} else if (status == "unknown") {
common.warningMsg('MySQL status cannot be detemined')
return 1
} else {
common.errorMsg("Errors found.")
return 2
/** Validates and prints result of verifyGaleraStatus function
@param env Salt Connection object or pepperEnv
@param out Output of the mysql.status Salt function
@return status "OK", "ERROR" or "uknown" depending on result of validation
def validateAndPrintGaleraStatusReport(env, out, minion) {
def salt = new
def common = new
if (minion == "I@galera:master") {
role = "master"
} else {
role = "slave"
sizeOut = salt.getReturnValues(salt.getPillar(env, minion, "galera:${role}:members"))
expected_cluster_size = sizeOut.size()
outlist = out['return'][0]
resultString = outlist.get(outlist.keySet()[0]).replace("\n ", " ").replace(" ", "").replace("Salt command execution success", "").replace("----------", "").replace(": \n", ": no value\n")
resultYaml = readYaml text: resultString
parameters = [
wsrep_cluster_status: [title: 'Cluster status', expectedValues: ['Primary'], description: ''],
wsrep_cluster_size: [title: 'Current cluster size', expectedValues: [expected_cluster_size], description: ''],
wsrep_ready: [title: 'Node status', expectedValues: ['ON', true], description: ''],
wsrep_local_state_comment: [title: 'Node status comment', expectedValues: ['Joining', 'Waiting on SST', 'Joined', 'Synced', 'Donor'], description: ''],
wsrep_connected: [title: 'Node connectivity', expectedValues: ['ON', true], description: ''],
wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg: [title: 'Average size of local reveived queue', expectedThreshold: [warn: 0.5, error: 1.0], description: '(Value above 0 means that the node cannot apply write-sets as fast as it receives them, which can lead to replication throttling)'],
wsrep_local_send_queue_avg: [title: 'Average size of local send queue', expectedThreshold: [warn: 0.5, error: 1.0], description: '(Value above 0 indicate replication throttling or network throughput issues, such as a bottleneck on the network link.)']
for (key in parameters.keySet()) {
value = resultYaml[key]
parameters.get(key) << [actualValue: value]
for (key in parameters.keySet()) {
param = parameters.get(key)
if (key == 'wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg' || key == 'wsrep_local_send_queue_avg') {
if (param.get('actualValue') > param.get('expectedThreshold').get('error')) {
param << [match: 'error']
} else if (param.get('actualValue') > param.get('expectedThreshold').get('warn')) {
param << [match: 'warn']
} else {
param << [match: 'ok']
} else {
for (expValue in param.get('expectedValues')) {
if (expValue == param.get('actualValue')) {
param << [match: 'ok']
} else {
param << [match: 'error']
cluster_info_report = []
cluster_warning_report = []
cluster_error_report = []
for (key in parameters.keySet()) {
param = parameters.get(key)
if (param.containsKey('expectedThreshold')) {
expValues = "below ${param.get('expectedThreshold').get('warn')}"
} else {
if (param.get('expectedValues').size() > 1) {
expValues = param.get('expectedValues').join(' or ')
} else {
expValues = param.get('expectedValues')[0]
reportString = "${param.title}: ${param.actualValue} (Expected: ${expValues}) ${param.description}"
if (param.get('match').equals('ok')) {
cluster_info_report.add("[OK ] ${reportString}")
} else if (param.get('match').equals('warn')) {
cluster_warning_report.add("[WARNING] ${reportString}")
} else {
cluster_error_report.add("[ ERROR] ${reportString})")
common.infoMsg("CLUSTER STATUS REPORT: ${cluster_info_report.size()} expected values, ${cluster_warning_report.size()} warnings and ${cluster_error_report.size()} error found:")
if (cluster_info_report.size() > 0) {
if (cluster_warning_report.size() > 0) {
if (cluster_error_report.size() > 0) {
return "ERROR"
} else {
return "OK"
def getGaleraLastShutdownNode(env) {
def salt = new
def common = new
members = ''
lastNode = [ip: '', seqno: -2]
try {
members = salt.getReturnValues(salt.getPillar(env, "I@galera:master", "galera:master:members"))
} catch (Exception er) {
common.errorMsg('Could not retrieve members list')
return 'I@galera:master'
if (members) {
for (member in members) {
try {
salt.minionsReachable(env, 'I@salt:master', "S@${}")
out = salt.getReturnValues(salt.cmdRun(env, "S@${}", 'cat /var/lib/mysql/grastate.dat | grep "seqno" | cut -d ":" -f2', true, null, false))
seqno = out.tokenize('\n')[0].trim()
if (seqno.isNumber()) {
seqno = seqno.toInteger()
} else {
seqno = -2
highestSeqno = lastNode.get('seqno')
if (seqno > highestSeqno) {
lastNode << [ip: "${}", seqno: seqno]
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg("Could not determine 'seqno' value for node ${} ")
if (lastNode.get('ip') != '') {
return "S@${lastNode.ip}"
} else {
return "I@galera:master"
* Restores Galera database
* @param env Salt Connection object or pepperEnv
* @return output of salt commands
def restoreGaleraDb(env, type) {
def salt = new
def common = new
try {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, 'I@galera:slave', 'service.stop', ['mysql'])
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('Mysql service already stopped')
try {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, 'I@galera:master', 'service.stop', ['mysql'])
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('Mysql service already stopped')
lastNodeTarget = getGaleraLastShutdownNode(env)
try {
salt.cmdRun(env, 'I@galera:slave', "rm /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile*")
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('Files are not present')
try {
salt.cmdRun(env, 'I@galera:slave', "rm /var/lib/mysql/grastate.dat")
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('Files are not present')
try {
salt.cmdRun(env, lastNodeTarget, "mkdir /root/mysql/mysql.bak")
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('Directory already exists')
try {
salt.cmdRun(env, lastNodeTarget, "rm -rf /root/mysql/mysql.bak/*")
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('Directory already empty')
try {
salt.cmdRun(env, lastNodeTarget, "mv /var/lib/mysql/* /root/mysql/mysql.bak")
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('Files were already moved')
try {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, lastNodeTarget, 'file.remove', ["/var/lib/mysql/.galera_bootstrap"])
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('File is not present')
salt.cmdRun(env, lastNodeTarget, "sed -i '/gcomm/c\\wsrep_cluster_address=\"gcomm://\"' /etc/mysql/my.cnf")
def backup_dir = salt.getReturnValues(salt.getPillar(env, lastNodeTarget, 'xtrabackup:client:backup_dir'))
if(backup_dir == null || backup_dir.isEmpty()) { backup_dir='/var/backups/mysql/xtrabackup' }
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, lastNodeTarget, 'file.remove', ["${backup_dir}/dbrestored"])
salt.cmdRun(env, 'I@xtrabackup:client', "su root -c 'salt-call state.sls xtrabackup'")
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, lastNodeTarget, 'service.start', ['mysql'])
// wait until mysql service on galera master is up
try {
salt.commandStatus(env, lastNodeTarget, 'service mysql status', 'running')
} catch (Exception er) {
input message: "Database is not running please fix it first and only then click on PROCEED."
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, "I@galera:master and not ${lastNodeTarget}", 'service.start', ['mysql'])
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, "I@galera:slave and not ${lastNodeTarget}", 'service.start', ['mysql'])