| package com.mirantis.mk |
| import java.util.regex.Pattern |
| import com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.NonCPS |
| import com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.hudsontrigger.GerritCause |
| /** |
| * Gerrit functions |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * Execute git clone and checkout stage from gerrit review |
| * |
| * @param config LinkedHashMap |
| * config includes next parameters: |
| * - credentialsId, id of user which should make checkout |
| * - withMerge, merge master before build |
| * - withLocalBranch, prevent detached mode in repo |
| * - withWipeOut, wipe repository and force clone |
| * - GerritTriggerBuildChooser - use magic GerritTriggerBuildChooser class from gerrit-trigger-plugin. |
| * By default,enabled. |
| * Gerrit properties like GERRIT_SCHEMA can be passed in config as gerritSchema or will be obtained from env |
| * @param extraScmExtensions list of extra scm extensions which will be used for checkout (optional) |
| * @return boolean result |
| * |
| * Usage example: |
| * //anonymous gerrit checkout |
| * def gitFunc = new com.mirantis.mcp.Git() |
| * gitFunc.gerritPatchsetCheckout([ |
| * withMerge : true |
| * ]) |
| * |
| * def gitFunc = new com.mirantis.mcp.Git() |
| * gitFunc.gerritPatchsetCheckout([ |
| * credentialsId : 'mcp-ci-gerrit', |
| * withMerge : true |
| * ]) |
| */ |
| def gerritPatchsetCheckout(LinkedHashMap config, List extraScmExtensions = []) { |
| def merge = config.get('withMerge', false) |
| def wipe = config.get('withWipeOut', false) |
| def localBranch = config.get('withLocalBranch', false) |
| def credentials = config.get('credentialsId','') |
| def gerritScheme = config.get('gerritScheme', env["GERRIT_SCHEME"] ? env["GERRIT_SCHEME"] : "") |
| def gerritRefSpec = config.get('gerritRefSpec', env["GERRIT_REFSPEC"] ? env["GERRIT_REFSPEC"] : "") |
| def gerritName = config.get('gerritName', env["GERRIT_NAME"] ? env["GERRIT_NAME"] : "") |
| def gerritHost = config.get('gerritHost', env["GERRIT_HOST"] ? env["GERRIT_HOST"] : "") |
| def gerritPort = config.get('gerritPort', env["GERRIT_PORT"] ? env["GERRIT_PORT"] : "") |
| def gerritProject = config.get('gerritProject', env["GERRIT_PROJECT"] ? env["GERRIT_PROJECT"] : "") |
| def gerritBranch = config.get('gerritBranch', env["GERRIT_BRANCH"] ? env["GERRIT_BRANCH"] : "") |
| def path = config.get('path', "") |
| def depth = config.get('depth', 0) |
| def timeout = config.get('timeout', 20) |
| def GerritTriggerBuildChooser = config.get('useGerritTriggerBuildChooser', true) |
| |
| def invalidParams = _getInvalidGerritParams(config) |
| if (invalidParams.isEmpty()) { |
| // default parameters |
| def scmExtensions = [ |
| [$class: 'CleanCheckout'], |
| [$class: 'CheckoutOption', timeout: timeout], |
| [$class: 'CloneOption', depth: depth, noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: depth > 0, timeout: timeout] |
| ] |
| def scmUserRemoteConfigs = [ |
| name: 'gerrit', |
| ] |
| if(gerritRefSpec && gerritRefSpec != ""){ |
| scmUserRemoteConfigs.put('refspec', gerritRefSpec) |
| } |
| |
| if (credentials == '') { |
| // then try to checkout in anonymous mode |
| scmUserRemoteConfigs.put('url',"${gerritScheme}://${gerritHost}/${gerritProject}") |
| } else { |
| // else use ssh checkout |
| scmUserRemoteConfigs.put('url',"ssh://${gerritName}@${gerritHost}:${gerritPort}/${gerritProject}.git") |
| scmUserRemoteConfigs.put('credentialsId',credentials) |
| } |
| |
| // Usefull, if we only need to clone branch. W\o any refspec magic |
| if (GerritTriggerBuildChooser) { |
| scmExtensions.add([$class: 'BuildChooserSetting', buildChooser: [$class: 'GerritTriggerBuildChooser']],) |
| } |
| |
| // if we need to "merge" code from patchset to GERRIT_BRANCH branch |
| if (merge) { |
| scmExtensions.add([$class: 'PreBuildMerge', options: [fastForwardMode: 'FF', mergeRemote: 'gerrit', mergeStrategy: 'DEFAULT', mergeTarget: gerritBranch]]) |
| } |
| // we need wipe workspace before checkout |
| if (wipe) { |
| scmExtensions.add([$class: 'WipeWorkspace']) |
| } |
| |
| if(localBranch){ |
| scmExtensions.add([$class: 'LocalBranch', localBranch: gerritBranch]) |
| } |
| |
| if(!extraScmExtensions.isEmpty()){ |
| scmExtensions.addAll(extraScmExtensions) |
| } |
| if (path == "") { |
| checkout( |
| scm: [ |
| $class: 'GitSCM', |
| branches: [[name: "${gerritBranch}"]], |
| extensions: scmExtensions, |
| userRemoteConfigs: [scmUserRemoteConfigs] |
| ] |
| ) |
| } else { |
| dir(path) { |
| checkout( |
| scm: [ |
| $class: 'GitSCM', |
| branches: [[name: "${gerritBranch}"]], |
| extensions: scmExtensions, |
| userRemoteConfigs: [scmUserRemoteConfigs] |
| ] |
| ) |
| } |
| } |
| return true |
| }else{ |
| throw new Exception("Cannot perform gerrit checkout, missed config options: " + invalidParams) |
| } |
| return false |
| } |
| /** |
| * Execute git clone and checkout stage from gerrit review |
| * |
| * @param gerritUrl gerrit url with scheme |
| * @param gerritRef gerrit ref spec |
| * @param gerritBranch gerrit branch |
| * @param credentialsId jenkins credentials id |
| * @param path checkout path, optional, default is empty string which means workspace root |
| * @return boolean result |
| */ |
| def gerritPatchsetCheckout(gerritUrl, gerritRef, gerritBranch, credentialsId, path="") { |
| def gerritParams = _getGerritParamsFromUrl(gerritUrl) |
| if(gerritParams.size() == 5){ |
| if (path==""){ |
| gerritPatchsetCheckout([ |
| credentialsId : credentialsId, |
| gerritBranch: gerritBranch, |
| gerritRefSpec: gerritRef, |
| gerritScheme: gerritParams[0], |
| gerritName: gerritParams[1], |
| gerritHost: gerritParams[2], |
| gerritPort: gerritParams[3], |
| gerritProject: gerritParams[4] |
| ]) |
| return true |
| } else { |
| dir(path) { |
| gerritPatchsetCheckout([ |
| credentialsId : credentialsId, |
| gerritBranch: gerritBranch, |
| gerritRefSpec: gerritRef, |
| gerritScheme: gerritParams[0], |
| gerritName: gerritParams[1], |
| gerritHost: gerritParams[2], |
| gerritPort: gerritParams[3], |
| gerritProject: gerritParams[4] |
| ]) |
| return true |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return false |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Return gerrit change object from gerrit API |
| * @param gerritName gerrit user name (usually GERRIT_NAME property) |
| * @param gerritHost gerrit host (usually GERRIT_HOST property) |
| * @param gerritChangeNumber gerrit change number (usually GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER property) |
| * @param credentialsId jenkins credentials id for gerrit |
| * @param includeCurrentPatchset do you want to include current (last) patchset |
| * @return gerrit change object |
| */ |
| def getGerritChange(gerritName, gerritHost, gerritChangeNumber, credentialsId, includeCurrentPatchset = false){ |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def ssh = new com.mirantis.mk.Ssh() |
| ssh.prepareSshAgentKey(credentialsId) |
| ssh.ensureKnownHosts(gerritHost) |
| def curPatchset = ""; |
| if(includeCurrentPatchset){ |
| curPatchset = "--current-patch-set" |
| } |
| return common.parseJSON(ssh.agentSh(String.format("ssh -p 29418 %s@%s gerrit query ${curPatchset} --commit-message --format=JSON change:%s", gerritName, gerritHost, gerritChangeNumber))) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Returns list of Gerrit trigger requested builds |
| * @param allBuilds list of all builds of some job |
| * @param gerritChange gerrit change number |
| * @param excludePatchset gerrit patchset number which will be excluded from builds, optional null |
| */ |
| @NonCPS |
| def getGerritTriggeredBuilds(allBuilds, gerritChange, excludePatchset = null){ |
| return allBuilds.findAll{job -> |
| def cause = job.causes[0] |
| if(cause instanceof GerritCause && |
| cause.getEvent() instanceof com.sonymobile.tools.gerrit.gerritevents.dto.events.PatchsetCreated){ |
| if(excludePatchset == null || excludePatchset == 0){ |
| return cause.event.change.number.equals(String.valueOf(gerritChange)) |
| }else{ |
| return cause.event.change.number.equals(String.valueOf(gerritChange)) && !cause.event.patchSet.number.equals(String.valueOf(excludePatchset)) |
| } |
| } |
| return false |
| } |
| } |
| /** |
| * Returns boolean result of test given gerrit patchset for given approval type and value |
| * @param patchset gerrit patchset |
| * @param approvalType type of tested approval (optional, default Verified) |
| * @param approvalValue value of tested approval (optional, default empty string which means any value) |
| * @return boolean result |
| * @example patchsetHasApproval(gerrit.getGerritChange(*,*,*,*, true).currentPatchSet) |
| */ |
| @NonCPS |
| def patchsetHasApproval(patchSet, approvalType="Verified", approvalValue = ""){ |
| if(patchSet && patchSet.approvals){ |
| for(int i=0; i < patchSet.approvals.size();i++){ |
| def approval = patchSet.approvals.get(i) |
| if(approval.type.equals(approvalType)){ |
| if(approvalValue.equals("") || approval.value.equals(approvalValue)){ |
| return true |
| }else if(approvalValue.equals("+") && Integer.parseInt(approval.value) > 0) { |
| return true |
| }else if(approvalValue.equals("-") && Integer.parseInt(approval.value) < 0) { |
| return true |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return false |
| } |
| |
| @NonCPS |
| def _getGerritParamsFromUrl(gitUrl){ |
| def gitUrlPattern = Pattern.compile("(.+):\\/\\/(.+)@(.+):(.+)\\/(.+)") |
| def gitUrlMatcher = gitUrlPattern.matcher(gitUrl) |
| if(gitUrlMatcher.find() && gitUrlMatcher.groupCount() == 5){ |
| return [gitUrlMatcher.group(1),gitUrlMatcher.group(2),gitUrlMatcher.group(3),gitUrlMatcher.group(4),gitUrlMatcher.group(5)] |
| } |
| return [] |
| } |
| |
| def _getInvalidGerritParams(LinkedHashMap config){ |
| def requiredParams = ["gerritScheme", "gerritName", "gerritHost", "gerritPort", "gerritProject", "gerritBranch"] |
| def missedParams = requiredParams - config.keySet() |
| def badParams = config.subMap(requiredParams).findAll{it.value in [null, '']}.keySet() |
| return badParams + missedParams |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Post Gerrit comment from CI user |
| * |
| * @param config map which contains next params: |
| * gerritName - gerrit user name (usually GERRIT_NAME property) |
| * gerritHost - gerrit host (usually GERRIT_HOST property) |
| * gerritChangeNumber - gerrit change number (usually GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER property) |
| * gerritPatchSetNumber - gerrit patch set number (usually GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER property) |
| * message - message to send to gerrit review patch |
| * credentialsId - jenkins credentials id for gerrit |
| */ |
| def postGerritComment(LinkedHashMap config) { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def ssh = new com.mirantis.mk.Ssh() |
| String gerritName = config.get('gerritName') |
| String gerritHost = config.get('gerritHost') |
| String gerritChangeNumber = config.get('gerritChangeNumber') |
| String gerritPatchSetNumber = config.get('gerritPatchSetNumber') |
| String message = config.get('message') |
| String credentialsId = config.get('credentialsId') |
| |
| ssh.prepareSshAgentKey(credentialsId) |
| ssh.ensureKnownHosts(gerritHost) |
| ssh.agentSh(String.format("ssh -p 29418 %s@%s gerrit review %s,%s -m \"'%s'\" --code-review 0", gerritName, gerritHost, gerritChangeNumber, gerritPatchSetNumber, message)) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Return map of dependent patches info for current patch set |
| * based on commit message hints: Depends-On: https://gerrit_address/_CHANGE_NUMBER_ |
| * @param changeInfo Map Info about current patch set, such as: |
| * gerritName Gerrit user name (usually GERRIT_NAME property) |
| * gerritHost Gerrit host (usually GERRIT_HOST property) |
| * gerritChangeNumber Gerrit change number (usually GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER property) |
| * credentialsId Jenkins credentials id for gerrit |
| * @return map of dependent patches info |
| */ |
| LinkedHashMap getDependentPatches(LinkedHashMap changeInfo) { |
| def dependentPatches = [:] |
| def currentChange = getGerritChange(changeInfo.gerritName, changeInfo.gerritHost, changeInfo.gerritChangeNumber, changeInfo.credentialsId, true) |
| def dependentCommits = currentChange.commitMessage.tokenize('\n').findAll { it ==~ /Depends-On: \b[^ ]+\b(\/)?/ } |
| if (dependentCommits) { |
| dependentCommits.each { commit -> |
| def patchLink = commit.tokenize(' ')[1] |
| def changeNumber = patchLink.tokenize('/')[-1].trim() |
| def dependentCommit = getGerritChange(changeInfo.gerritName, changeInfo.gerritHost, changeNumber, changeInfo.credentialsId, true) |
| if (dependentCommit.status == "NEW") { |
| dependentPatches[dependentCommit.project] = [ |
| 'number': dependentCommit.number, |
| 'ref': dependentCommit.currentPatchSet.ref, |
| 'branch': dependentCommit.branch, |
| ] |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return dependentPatches |
| } |