| package com.mirantis.mk |
| import com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.NonCPS |
| |
| /** |
| * |
| * Jenkins common functions |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * Tests if current user belongs to given group |
| * @param groupName name of the group you want to verify user presence |
| * @return boolean result |
| */ |
| def currentUserInGroup(groupName){ |
| return currentUserInGroups([groupName]) |
| } |
| /** |
| * Tests if current user belongs to at least one of given groups |
| * @param groups list of group names you want to verify user presence |
| * @return boolean result |
| */ |
| def currentUserInGroups(groups){ |
| def hasAccess = false |
| wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) { |
| def authorities = Jenkins.instance.securityRealm.loadUserByUsername(BUILD_USER).getAuthorities() |
| for(int i=0;i < authorities.size();i++){ |
| if(groups.contains(authorities[i])){ |
| hasAccess=true |
| break |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return hasAccess |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Get Jenkins job running builds |
| * @param jobName job name |
| * @return list of running builds |
| */ |
| @NonCPS |
| def getJobRunningBuilds(jobName){ |
| def job = Jenkins.instance.items.find{it -> it.name.equals(jobName)} |
| if(job){ |
| return job.builds.findAll{build -> build.isBuilding()} |
| } |
| return [] |
| } |
| |
| @NonCPS |
| def getRunningBuilds(job){ |
| return job.builds.findAll{build -> build.isBuilding()} |
| } |
| |
| @NonCPS |
| def killStuckBuilds(maxSeconds, job){ |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def result = true |
| def runningBuilds = getRunningBuilds(job) |
| def jobName = job.name |
| for(int j=0; j < runningBuilds.size(); j++){ |
| int durationInSeconds = (System.currentTimeMillis() - runningBuilds[j].getTimeInMillis())/1000.0 |
| if(durationInSeconds > maxSeconds){ |
| result = false |
| def buildId = runningBuilds[j].id |
| common.infoMsg("Aborting ${jobName}-${buildId} which is running for ${durationInSeconds}s") |
| try{ |
| runningBuilds[j].finish(hudson.model.Result.ABORTED, new java.io.IOException("Aborting build by long running jobs killer")); |
| result = true |
| }catch(e){ |
| common.errorMsg("Error occured during aborting build: Exception: ${e}") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| return result |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Get Jenkins job object |
| * @param jobName job name |
| * @return job object that matches jobName |
| */ |
| def getJobByName(jobName){ |
| for(item in Hudson.instance.items) { |
| if(item.name == jobName){ |
| return item |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Get Jenkins job parameters |
| * @param jobName job name |
| * @return HashMap with parameter names as keys and their values as values |
| */ |
| def getJobParameters(jobName){ |
| def job = getJobByName(jobName) |
| def prop = job.getProperty(ParametersDefinitionProperty.class) |
| def params = new java.util.HashMap<String,String>() |
| if(prop != null) { |
| for(param in prop.getParameterDefinitions()) { |
| params.put(param.name, param.defaultValue) |
| } |
| } |
| return params |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Get list of causes actions for given build |
| * |
| * @param build Job build object (like, currentBuild.rawBuild) |
| * @return list of causes actions for given build |
| */ |
| @NonCPS |
| def getBuildCauseActions(build) { |
| def causeAction = build.actions.find { it -> it instanceof hudson.model.CauseAction } |
| if(causeAction) { |
| return causeAction.causes |
| } else { |
| return [] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Get list of builds, triggered by Gerrit with given build |
| * @param build Job build object (like, currentBuild.rawBuild) |
| * @return list of builds with names and numbers |
| */ |
| @NonCPS |
| def getGerritBuildContext(build) { |
| def causes = getBuildCauseActions(build) |
| if (causes) { |
| def gerritTriggerCause = causes.find { cause -> |
| cause instanceof com.sonyericsson.hudson.plugins.gerrit.trigger.hudsontrigger.GerritCause |
| } |
| return gerritTriggerCause.context.getOtherBuilds() |
| } else { |
| return [] |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Wait for other jobs |
| * @param config config parameter: |
| * builds - List of job build objects, which should be checked |
| * checkBuilds - List of job names or regexps, which should be used to check provided builds list |
| * regexp - Wheither to use regexp or simple string matching |
| */ |
| def waitForOtherBuilds(LinkedHashMap config){ |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def builds = config.get('builds') |
| def checkBuilds = config.get('checkBuilds') |
| def regexp = config.get('regexp', false) |
| def waitForBuilds = builds.findAll { build -> |
| def jobName = build.fullDisplayName.tokenize(' ')[0] |
| if (regexp) { |
| checkBuilds.find { jobName ==~ it } |
| } else { |
| jobName in checkBuilds |
| } |
| } |
| if (waitForBuilds) { |
| def waiting = true |
| common.infoMsg("Waiting for next jobs: ${waitForBuilds}") |
| while(waiting) { |
| waiting = false |
| waitForBuilds.each { job -> |
| if (job.inProgress) { |
| waiting = true |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |