blob: 4d6a72e3ce2e12a065778dfe73e2577f1df5e8d5 [file] [log] [blame]
import groovy.json.JsonSlurper
import groovy.json.JsonOutput
def callREST(String uri, String auth,
String method = 'GET', String message = null) {
String authEnc = auth.bytes.encodeBase64()
def req = new URL(uri).openConnection()
req.setRequestProperty('Content-Type', 'application/json')
req.setRequestProperty('Authorization', "Basic ${authEnc}")
if (message) {
Integer responseCode = req.getResponseCode()
String responseText = ''
if (responseCode == 200 || responseCode == 201) {
responseText = req.getInputStream().getText()
req = null
return [ 'responseCode': responseCode, 'responseText': responseText ]
def getTeam(String image = '') {
def team_assignee = ''
switch(image) {
case ~/^openstack\/extra\/xrally-openstack\/.*$/:
team_assignee = 'Scale'
case ~/^(tungsten|tungsten-operator)\/.*$/:
team_assignee = 'OpenContrail'
case ~/^(general\/mariadb|general\/dnsmasq|general\/ubuntu\/bionic|general\/ubuntu\/focal)\/.*$/:
team_assignee = 'BM/OS (KaaS BM)'
case ~/^(openstack|general\/rabbitmq|general\/rabbitmq-management)\/.*$/:
team_assignee = 'OpenStack hardening'
case ~/^stacklight\/.*$/:
team_assignee = 'Stacklight LMA'
case ~/^ceph\/.*$/:
team_assignee = 'Storage'
case ~/^(core|iam|lcm|general\/external\/\/library\/nginx)\/.*$/:
team_assignee = 'KaaS'
team_assignee = 'Release Engineering'
return team_assignee
def updateDictionary(String jira_issue_key, Map dict, String uri, String auth, String jira_user_id) {
def response = callREST("${uri}/${jira_issue_key}", auth)
if ( response['responseCode'] == 200 ) {
def issueJSON = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response["responseText"])
if (issueJSON.containsKey('fields')) {
if (!dict.containsKey(jira_issue_key)) {
dict[jira_issue_key] = [
summary : '',
description: '',
comments: []
if (issueJSON['fields'].containsKey('summary')){
dict[jira_issue_key].summary = issueJSON['fields']['summary']
if (issueJSON['fields'].containsKey('description')) {
dict[jira_issue_key].description = issueJSON['fields']['description']
if (issueJSON['fields'].containsKey('comment') && issueJSON['fields']['comment']['comments']) {
issueJSON['fields']['comment']['comments'].each {
if (it.containsKey('author') && it['author'].containsKey('accountId') && it['author']['accountId'] == jira_user_id) {
return dict
def cacheLookUp(Map dict, String image_short_name, String image_full_name = '', String cve_id = '' ) {
def found_key = ['','']
if (!found_key[0] && dict && image_short_name) {
dict.each { issue_key_name ->
if (!found_key[0]) {
def s
if (image_short_name =~ /^mirantis(eng)?\//) {
def tmp_image_short_name = image_short_name.replaceAll(/^mirantis(eng)?\//, '')
s = dict[issue_key_name.key]['summary'] =~ /^\[mirantis(eng)?\/${tmp_image_short_name}(?=\])/
} else {
s = dict[issue_key_name.key]['summary'] =~ /(?<=[\/\[])${image_short_name}(?=\])/
if (s) {
if (image_full_name) {
def d = dict[issue_key_name.key]['description'] =~ /(?m)\b${image_full_name}\b/
if (d) {
found_key = [issue_key_name.key,'']
} else {
if (dict[issue_key_name.key]['comments']) {
def comment_match = false
dict[issue_key_name.key]['comments'].each{ comment ->
if (!comment_match) {
def c = comment =~ /(?m)\b${image_full_name}\b/
if (c) {
comment_match = true
if (!comment_match) {
found_key = [issue_key_name.key,'na']
} else {
found_key = [issue_key_name.key,'']
} else {
found_key = [issue_key_name.key,'na']
return found_key
def getLatestAffectedVersion(cred, productName, defaultJiraAffectedVersion = 'Backlog') {
def filterName = ''
if (productName == 'mosk') {
filterName = 'MOSK'
} else if (productName == 'kaas') {
filterName = 'KaaS'
} else {
return defaultJiraAffectedVersion
def search_api_url = "${cred.description}/rest/api/2/issue/createmeta?projectKeys=PRODX&issuetypeNames=Bug&expand=projects.issuetypes.fields"
def response = callREST("${search_api_url}", "${cred.username}:${cred.password}", 'GET')
def InputJSON = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response["responseText"])
def AffectedVersions = InputJSON['projects'][0]['issuetypes'][0]['fields']['versions']['allowedValues']
def versions = []
// 'MOSK' doesn not contain 'released' field
if (productName != 'mosk' && it.containsKey('released') && it['released']) {
if (it.containsKey('name') && it['name'].startsWith(filterName)) {
def justVersion = it['name'].replaceAll(/.*_/, '')
justVersion = justVersion.replaceAll(/([0-9]+\.)([0-9])$/, '$10$2')
if (versions) {
return versions.sort()[0].split('`')[-1]
return defaultJiraAffectedVersion
def getNvdInfo(nvdApiUrl, cve, requestDelay = 1, requestRetryNum = 5, sleepTimeOnBan = 60) {
def cveArr = []
sleep requestDelay
def response = callREST("${nvdApiUrl}/${cve}", '')
for (i = 0; i < requestRetryNum; i++) {
if (response['responseCode'] == 429) {
sleep sleepTimeOnBan
response = callREST("${nvdApiUrl}/${cve}", '')
} else {
if (response['responseCode'] == 200) {
def InputJSON = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response["responseText"])
if (InputJSON && InputJSON.containsKey('impact')) {
def cveImpact = InputJSON['impact']
['V3','V2'].each {
if (cveImpact.containsKey('baseMetric' + it)) {
if (cveImpact['baseMetric' + it].containsKey('cvss' + it)) {
if (cveImpact['baseMetric' + it]['cvss' + it].containsKey('baseScore')) {
def cveBaseSeverity = ''
if (cveImpact['baseMetric' + it]['cvss' + it].containsKey('baseSeverity')) {
cveBaseSeverity = cveImpact['baseMetric'+it]['cvss'+it]['baseSeverity']
cveArr.add([it, cveImpact['baseMetric'+it]['cvss'+it]['baseScore'],cveBaseSeverity])
return cveArr
def nvdCacheLookUp(Map dict, String cveId) {
if (dict.containsKey(cveId)) {
return dict[cveId]
return false
def nvdUpdateDictionary(Map dict, String cveId, List cveArr) {
if (!dict.containsKey(cveId)) {
dict[cveId] = cveArr
return dict
def logInfo(String infoText, String infoLogFile) {
if (infoLogFile) {
sh """#!/bin/bash -e
mkdir -p `dirname $infoLogFile`
echo "[`date +'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'`] ${infoText}" >> $infoLogFile
def reportJiraTickets(String reportFileContents, String jiraCredentialsID, String jiraUserID, String productName = '', String ignoreImageListFileContents = '[]', Integer retryTry = 0, String nvdApiUrl = '', String reportsDirLoc = '', jiraNamespace = 'PRODX', nvdNistGovCveUrl = '') {
def dict = [:]
def nvdDict = [:]
def common = new
def cred = common.getCredentialsById(jiraCredentialsID)
def auth = "${cred.username}:${cred.password}"
def uri = "${cred.description}/rest/api/2/issue"
def search_api_url = "${cred.description}/rest/api/2/search"
def jiraLog = ''
if (reportsDirLoc) {
jiraLog = "${reportsDirLoc}/jira.log"
def jqlStartAt = 0
def jqlStep = 100
def jqlProcessedItems = 0
def jqlUnfinishedProcess = true
def jqlTotalItems = 0
while (jqlUnfinishedProcess) {
def search_json = """
"jql": "reporter = ${jiraUserID} and (labels = cve and labels = security) and (status = 'To Do' or status = 'For Triage' or status = Open or status = 'In Progress' or status = New or status = 'Input Required')", "maxResults":-1, "startAt": ${jqlStartAt}
def response = callREST("${search_api_url}", auth, 'POST', search_json)
def InputJSON = new JsonSlurper().parseText(response["responseText"])
if (InputJSON.containsKey('maxResults')){
if (jqlStep > InputJSON['maxResults']) {
jqlStep = InputJSON['maxResults']
jqlStartAt = jqlStartAt + jqlStep
if (InputJSON.containsKey('total')){
jqlTotalItems = InputJSON['total']
if (InputJSON.containsKey('issues')){
if (!InputJSON['issues'] && retryTry != 0) {
throw new Exception('"issues" list is empty')
} else {
throw new Exception('Returned JSON from jql does not contain "issues" section')
// print 'Temporal debug information:'
// InputJSON['issues'].each {
// print it['key'] + ' -> ' + it['fields']['summary']
// }
InputJSON['issues'].each {
dict[it['key']] = [
summary : '',
description: '',
comments: []
InputJSON['issues'].each { jira_issue ->
dict = updateDictionary(jira_issue['key'], dict, uri, auth, jiraUserID)
jqlProcessedItems = jqlProcessedItems + 1
if (jqlProcessedItems >= jqlTotalItems) {
jqlUnfinishedProcess = false
def reportJSON = new JsonSlurper().parseText(reportFileContents)
def imageDict = [:]
image ->
if ("${image.value}".contains('issues')) { return }
pkg ->
cve ->
if (cve[2] && (cve[1].contains('High') || cve[1].contains('Critical'))) {
if (!imageDict.containsKey(image.key)) {
imageDict.put(image.key, [:])
if (!imageDict[image.key].containsKey(pkg.key)) {
imageDict[image.key].put(pkg.key, [])
imageDict[image.key][pkg.key].add("[${cve[0]}|${cve[4]}] (${cve[2]}) (${cve[3]}) | ${cve[5]}")
def affectedVersion = ''
if (jiraNamespace == 'PRODX') {
affectedVersion = getLatestAffectedVersion(cred, productName)
def ignoreImageList = new JsonSlurper().parseText(ignoreImageListFileContents)
def jira_summary = ''
def jira_description = ''
def jira_description_nvd_scoring = []
image ->
def image_key = image.key.replaceAll(/(^[a-z0-9-.]+.mirantis.(net|com)\/|:.*$)/, '')
// Ignore images listed
if ((image.key in ignoreImageList) || (image.key.replaceAll(/:.*$/, '') in ignoreImageList)) {
print "\n\nIgnoring ${image.key} as it has been found in Docker image ignore list\n"
logInfo("Ignoring ${image.key} as it has been found in Docker image ignore list", jiraLog)
// Below change was produced due to other workflow for UCP Docker images (RE-274)
if (image_key.startsWith('lcm/docker/ucp')) {
} else if (image_key.startsWith('mirantis/ucp') || image_key.startsWith('mirantiseng/ucp')) {
jiraNamespace = 'MKE'
} else if (image_key.startsWith('mirantis/dtr') || image_key.startsWith('mirantiseng/dtr')) {
jiraNamespace = 'ENGDTR'
} else {
jiraNamespace = 'PRODX'
jira_summary = "[${image_key}] Found CVEs in Docker image"
jira_description = "${image.key}\n"
def filter_mke_severity = false
pkg ->
jira_description += "__* ${pkg.key}\n"
cve ->
jira_description += "________${cve}\n"
if (nvdApiUrl) {
def cveId = cve.replaceAll(/(^\[|\|.*$)/, '')
if (cveId.startsWith('CVE-')) {
jira_description_nvd_scoring = nvdCacheLookUp(nvdDict, cveId)
if (!jira_description_nvd_scoring) {
jira_description_nvd_scoring = getNvdInfo(nvdApiUrl, cveId)
if (jira_description_nvd_scoring) {
nvdDict = nvdUpdateDictionary(nvdDict, cveId, jira_description_nvd_scoring)
jira_description_nvd_scoring.each {
jira_description += 'CVSS ' + it.join(' ') + '\n'
// According to Vikram there will be no fixes for
// CVEs with CVSS base score below 7
if (jiraNamespace == 'MKE' && it[0] == 'V3' && it[1].toInteger() >= 7) {
filter_mke_severity = true
if (filter_mke_severity) {
jira_description += nvdNistGovCveUrl + cveId + '\n'
} else {
print "No info about ${cveId} item from NVD API server"
} else {
print 'nvdApiUrl var is not specified.'
if (filter_mke_severity) {
print "\n\nIgnoring ${image.key} as it does not have CVEs with CVSS base score >7\n"
logInfo("Ignoring ${image.key} as it does not have CVEs with CVSS base score >7", jiraLog)
def team_assignee = getTeam(image_key)
def basicIssueJSON = new JsonSlurper().parseText('{"fields": {}}')
basicIssueJSON['fields'] = [
if (jiraNamespace == 'PRODX') {
basicIssueJSON['fields']['customfield_19000'] = [value:"${team_assignee}"]
basicIssueJSON['fields']['versions'] = [["name": affectedVersion]]
if (image_key.startsWith('lcm/')) {
basicIssueJSON['fields']['components'] = [["name": 'KaaS: LCM']]
if (jiraNamespace == 'MKE') {
// Assign issues by default to Vikram bir Singh, as it was asked by him
basicIssueJSON['fields']['assignee'] = ['accountId': '5ddd4d67b95b180d17cecc67']
def post_issue_json = JsonOutput.toJson(basicIssueJSON)
def jira_comment = jira_description.replaceAll(/\n/, '\\\\n')
def post_comment_json = """
"body": "${jira_comment}"
def jira_key = cacheLookUp(dict, image_key, image.key)
if (jira_key[0] && jira_key[1] == 'na') {
def post_comment_response = callREST("${uri}/${jira_key[0]}/comment", auth, 'POST', post_comment_json)
if ( post_comment_response['responseCode'] == 201 ) {
def issueCommentJSON = new JsonSlurper().parseText(post_comment_response["responseText"])
print "\n\nComment was posted to ${jira_key[0]} ${affectedVersion} for ${image_key} and ${image.key}"
logInfo("Comment was posted to ${jira_key[0]} ${affectedVersion} for ${image_key} and ${image.key}", jiraLog)
} else {
print "\nComment to ${jira_key[0]} Jira issue was not posted"
logInfo("Comment to ${jira_key[0]} Jira issue was not posted", jiraLog)
} else if (!jira_key[0]) {
def post_issue_response = callREST("${uri}/", auth, 'POST', post_issue_json)
if (post_issue_response['responseCode'] == 201) {
def issueJSON = new JsonSlurper().parseText(post_issue_response["responseText"])
dict = updateDictionary(issueJSON['key'], dict, uri, auth, jiraUserID)
print "\n\nJira issue was created ${issueJSON['key']} ${affectedVersion} for ${image_key} and ${image.key}"
logInfo("Ignoring ${image.key} as it has been found in Docker image ignore list", jiraLog)
} else {
print "\n${image.key} CVE issues were not published\n"
logInfo("Ignoring ${image.key} as it has been found in Docker image ignore list", jiraLog)
} else {
print "\n\nNothing to process for ${image_key} and ${image.key}"
logInfo("Nothing to process for ${image_key} and ${image.key}", jiraLog)
def find_cves_by_severity(String reportJsonContent, String Severity) {
def cves = []
def reportJSON = new JsonSlurper().parseText(reportJsonContent)
image ->
pkg ->
cve ->
if (cve[2]) {
if (cve[1].contains(Severity)) {
cves.add("${pkg.key} ${cve[0]} (${cve[2]})")
return cves