blob: 33d6620b7d487e01be5f42e2f60b221657c78c2a [file] [log] [blame]
package com.mirantis.mcp
import org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer
import org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.buildInfo.BuildInfo
* Return string of mandatory build properties for binaries
* User can also add some custom properties.
* @param customProperties a Array of Strings that should be added to mandatory props
* in format ["prop1=value1", "prop2=value2"]
* */
def getBinaryBuildProperties(ArrayList customProperties) {
def namespace = "com.mirantis."
def properties = [
if (customProperties) {
def common = new com.mirantis.mcp.Common()
return common.constructString(properties, namespace, ";")
* Get URL to artifact(s) by properties
* Returns String(s) with URL to found artifact or null if nothing
* @param artifactoryURL String, an URL to Artifactory
* @param properties LinkedHashMap, a Hash of properties (key-value) which
* which should determine artifact in Artifactory
* @param onlyLastItem Boolean, return only last URL if true(by default),
* else return list of all found artifact URLS
* @param repos ArrayList, a list of repositories to search in
def uriByProperties(String artifactoryURL, LinkedHashMap properties, Boolean onlyLastItem=true, ArrayList repos=[]) {
def key, value
def properties_str = ''
for (int i = 0; i < properties.size(); i++) {
// avoid serialization errors
key = properties.entrySet().toArray()[i].key.trim()
value = properties.entrySet().toArray()[i].value.trim()
properties_str += /${key}=${value}&/
def repos_str = (repos) ? repos.join(',') : ''
def search_url
if (repos_str) {
search_url = "${artifactoryURL}/api/search/prop?${properties_str}&repos=${repos_str}"
} else {
search_url = "${artifactoryURL}/api/search/prop?${properties_str}"
def result = sh(script: /curl -X GET '${search_url}'/,
returnStdout: true).trim()
def content = new groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(result)
def uri = content.get("results")
if (uri) {
if (onlyLastItem) {
return uri.last().get("uri")
} else {
res = []
uri.each {it ->
return res
} else {
return null
* Set properties for artifact in Artifactory repo
* @param artifactUrl String, an URL to artifact in Artifactory repo
* @param properties LinkedHashMap, a Hash of properties (key-value) which
* should be assigned for choosen artifact
* @param recursive Boolean, if artifact_url is a directory, whether to set
* properties recursively or not
def setProperties(String artifactUrl, LinkedHashMap properties, Boolean recursive = false) {
def properties_str = 'properties='
def key, value
if (recursive) {
recursive = 'recursive=1'
} else {
recursive = 'recursive=0'
properties_str += properties.collect({"${it.key}=${it.value}"}).join(';')
def url = "${artifactUrl}?${properties_str}&${recursive}"
[$class : 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId : 'artifactory',
passwordVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN']
]) {
sh "bash -c \"curl -X PUT -u ${ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN}:${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} \'${url}\'\""
* Create an empty directory in Artifactory repo
* @param artifactoryURL String, an URL to Artifactory
* @param path String, a path to the desired directory including repository name
* @param dir String, desired directory name
def createDir (String artifactoryURL, String path, String dir) {
def url = "${artifactoryURL}/${path}/${dir}/"
[$class : 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId : 'artifactory',
passwordVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN']
]) {
sh "bash -c \"curl -X PUT -u ${ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN}:${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} \'${url}\'\""
* Get properties for specified artifact in Artifactory
* Returns LinkedHashMap of properties
* @param artifactUrl String, an URL to artifact in Artifactory repo
def getPropertiesForArtifact(String artifactUrl) {
def url = "${artifactUrl}?properties"
def result
[$class : 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId : 'artifactory',
passwordVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN']
]) {
result = sh(script: "bash -c \"curl -X GET -u ${ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN}:${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} \'${url}\'\"",
returnStdout: true).trim()
def properties = new groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(result)
return properties.get("properties")
* Check if image with tag exist by provided path
* Returns true or false
* @param artifactoryURL String, an URL to Artifactory
* @param imageRepo String, path to image to check, includes repo path and image name
* @param tag String, tag to check
* @param artifactoryCreds String, artifactory creds to use. Optional, default is 'artifactory'
def imageExists(String artifactoryURL, String imageRepo, String tag, String artifactoryCreds = 'artifactory') {
def url = artifactoryURL + '/v2/' + imageRepo + '/manifest/' + tag
def result
[$class : 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId : artifactoryCreds,
passwordVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN']
]) {
result = sh(script: "bash -c \"curl -X GET -u ${ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN}:${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} \'${url}\'\"",
returnStdout: true).trim()
def properties = new groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(result)
return properties.get("errors") ? false : true
* Find docker images by tag
* Returns Array of image' hashes with names as full path in @repo
* Example:
* [ {
* "path" : "mirantis/ccp/ci-cd/gerrit-manage/test"
* },
* {
* "path" : "mirantis/ccp/ci-cd/gerrit/test"
* }
* ]
* @param artifactoryURL String, an URL to Artifactory
* @param repo String, a name of repo where should be executed search
* @param tag String, tag of searched image
def getImagesByTag(String artifactoryURL, String repo, String tag) {
def url = "${artifactoryURL}/api/search/aql"
def result
writeFile file: "query",
text: """\
\"repo\": \"${repo}\",
\"@docker.manifest\": { \"\$match\" : \"${tag}*\" }
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId: 'artifactory',
passwordVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN']
]) {
result = sh(script: "bash -c \"curl -X POST -u ${ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN}:${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} -d @query \'${url}\'\"",
returnStdout: true).trim()
def images = new groovy.json.JsonSlurperClassic().parseText(result)
return images.get("results")
* Upload docker image to Artifactory
* @param server ArtifactoryServer, the instance of Artifactory server
* @param registry String, the name of Docker registry
* @param image String, Docker image name
* @param version String, Docker image version
* @param repository String, The name of Artifactory Docker repository
* @param buildInfo BuildInfo, the instance of a build-info object which can be published,
* if defined, then we publish BuildInfo
def uploadImageToArtifactory (ArtifactoryServer server, String registry, String image,
String version, String repository,
BuildInfo buildInfo = null,
LinkedHashMap properties = null) {
// TODO Switch to Artifactoy image' pushing mechanism once we will
// prepare automatical way for enabling artifactory build-proxy
//def artDocker
[$class: 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId: 'artifactory',
passwordVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN']
]) {
sh ("docker login -u ${ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN} -p ${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} ${registry}")
//artDocker = Artifactory.docker("${env.ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN}", "${env.ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD}")
sh ("docker push ${registry}/${image}:${version}")
//artDocker.push("${registry}/${image}:${version}", "${repository}")
def image_url = server.getUrl() + "/api/storage/${repository}/${image}/${version}"
if ( ! properties ) {
properties = [
'com.mirantis.buildNumber': "${env.BUILD_NUMBER}",
'com.mirantis.gerritProject': "${env.GERRIT_PROJECT}",
'com.mirantis.gerritChangeNumber': "${env.GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER}",
'com.mirantis.gerritPatchsetNumber': "${env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER}",
'com.mirantis.gerritChangeId': "${env.GERRIT_CHANGE_ID}",
'com.mirantis.gerritPatchsetRevision': "${env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_REVISION}",
'com.mirantis.targetImg': "${image}",
'com.mirantis.targetTag': "${version}"
setProperties(image_url, properties)
if ( buildInfo != null ) {
buildInfo.env.capture = true
* Upload binaries to Artifactory
* @param server ArtifactoryServer, the instance of Artifactory server
* @param buildInfo BuildInfo, the instance of a build-info object which can be published
* @param uploadSpec String, a spec which is a JSON file that specifies which files should be
* uploaded or downloaded and the target path
* @param publishInfo Boolean, whether publish a build-info object to Artifactory
def uploadBinariesToArtifactory (ArtifactoryServer server, BuildInfo buildInfo, String uploadSpec,
Boolean publishInfo = false) {
server.upload(uploadSpec, buildInfo)
if ( publishInfo ) {
buildInfo.env.capture = true
* Promote Docker image artifact to release repo
* @param artifactoryURL String, an URL to Artifactory
* @param artifactoryDevRepo String, the source dev repository name
* @param artifactoryProdRepo String, the target repository for the move or copy
* @param dockerRepo String, the docker repository name to promote
* @param artifactTag String, an image tag name to promote
* @param targetTag String, target tag to assign the image after promotion
* @param copy Boolean, an optional value to set whether to copy instead of move
* Default: false
def promoteDockerArtifact(String artifactoryURL, String artifactoryDevRepo,
String artifactoryProdRepo, String dockerRepo,
String artifactTag, String targetTag, Boolean copy = false) {
def url = "${artifactoryURL}/api/docker/${artifactoryDevRepo}/v2/promote"
String queryFile = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
writeFile file: queryFile,
text: """{
\"targetRepo\": \"${artifactoryProdRepo}\",
\"dockerRepository\": \"${dockerRepo}\",
\"tag\": \"${artifactTag}\",
\"targetTag\" : \"${targetTag}\",
\"copy\": \"${copy}\"
sh "cat ${queryFile}"
[$class : 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId : 'artifactory',
passwordVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN']
]) {
sh "bash -c \"curl --fail -u ${ARTIFACTORY_LOGIN}:${ARTIFACTORY_PASSWORD} -H \"Content-Type:application/json\" -X POST -d @${queryFile} ${url}\""
sh "rm -v ${queryFile}"
* Save job artifacts to Artifactory server if available.
* Returns link to Artifactory repo, where saved job artifacts.
* @param config LinkedHashMap which contains next parameters:
* @param artifactory String, Artifactory server id
* @param artifactoryRepo String, repo to save job artifacts
* @param buildProps ArrayList, additional props for saved artifacts. Optional, default: []
* @param artifactory_not_found_fail Boolean, whether to fail if provided artifactory
* id is not found or just print warning message. Optional, default: false
def uploadJobArtifactsToArtifactory(LinkedHashMap config) {
def common = new
def artifactsDescription = ''
def artifactoryServer
try {
artifactoryServer = Artifactory.server(config.get('artifactory'))
} catch (Exception e) {
if (config.get('artifactory_not_found_fail', false)) {
throw e
} else {
return "Artifactory server is not found. Can't save artifacts in Artifactory."
def artifactDir = 'cur_build_artifacts'
def user = ''
wrap([$class: 'BuildUser']) {
user = env.BUILD_USER_ID
dir(artifactDir) {
try {
unarchive(mapping: ['**/*' : '.'])
// Mandatory and additional properties
def properties = getBinaryBuildProperties(config.get('buildProps', []) << "buildUser=${user}")
// Build Artifactory spec object
def uploadSpec = """{
"pattern": "*",
"target": "${config.get('artifactoryRepo')}/",
"flat": false,
"props": "${properties}"
artifactoryServer.upload(uploadSpec, newBuildInfo())
def linkUrl = "${artifactoryServer.getUrl()}/artifactory/${config.get('artifactoryRepo')}"
artifactsDescription = "Job artifacts uploaded to Artifactory: <a href=\"${linkUrl}\">${linkUrl}</a>"
} catch (Exception e) {
if (e =~ /no artifacts/) {
artifactsDescription = 'Build has no artifacts saved.'
} else {
throw e
} finally {
return artifactsDescription