blob: 9aec81ce232c56ef339590771baecc0907075bcf [file] [log] [blame]
* Debian functions
def cleanup(image="debian:sid") {
def common = new
def img = docker.image(image)
workspace = common.getWorkspace()
sh("docker run -e DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive -v ${workspace}:${workspace} -w ${workspace} --rm=true --privileged ${image} /bin/bash -c 'rm -rf build-area || true'")
* Build binary Debian package from existing dsc
* @param file dsc file to build
* @param image Image name to use for build (default debian:sid)
def buildBinary(file, image="debian:sid", extraRepoUrl=null, extraRepoKeyUrl=null) {
def common = new
def pkg = file.split('/')[-1].split('_')[0]
def img = docker.image(image)
workspace = common.getWorkspace()
sh("""docker run -e DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive -v ${workspace}:${workspace} -w ${workspace} --rm=true --privileged ${image} /bin/bash -c '
which eatmydata || (apt-get update && apt-get install -y eatmydata) &&
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+"\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:"}/usr/lib/libeatmydata &&
[[ -z "${extraRepoUrl}" && "${extraRepoUrl}" != "null" ]] || echo "${extraRepoUrl}" >/etc/apt/sources.list.d/extra.list &&
[[ -z "${extraRepoKeyUrl}" && "${extraRepoKeyUrl}" != "null" ]] || (
which curl || (apt-get update && apt-get install -y curl) &&
curl --insecure -ss -f "${extraRepoKeyUrl}" | apt-key add -
) &&
apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential devscripts equivs &&
dpkg-source -x ${file} build-area/${pkg} && cd build-area/${pkg} &&
mk-build-deps -t "apt-get -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=yes -y" -i debian/control
debuild --no-lintian -uc -us -b'""")
* Build source package from directory
* @param dir Tree to build
* @param image Image name to use for build (default debian:sid)
* @param snapshot Generate snapshot version (default false)
def buildSource(dir, image="debian:sid", snapshot=false, gitEmail='', gitName='Jenkins', revisionPostfix="") {
def isGit
try {
sh("test -d ${dir}/.git")
isGit = true
} catch (Exception e) {
isGit = false
if (isGit == true) {
buildSourceGbp(dir, image, snapshot, gitEmail, gitName, revisionPostfix)
} else {
buildSourceUscan(dir, image)
* Build source package, fetching upstream code using uscan
* @param dir Tree to build
* @param image Image name to use for build (default debian:sid)
def buildSourceUscan(dir, image="debian:sid") {
def common = new
def img = docker.image(image)
workspace = common.getWorkspace()
sh("""docker run -e DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive -v ${workspace}:${workspace} -w ${workspace} --rm=true --privileged ${image} /bin/bash -c '
apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential devscripts &&
cd ${dir} && uscan --download-current-version &&
dpkg-buildpackage -S -nc -uc -us'""")
* Build source package using git-buildpackage
* @param dir Tree to build
* @param image Image name to use for build (default debian:sid)
* @param snapshot Generate snapshot version (default false)
def buildSourceGbp(dir, image="debian:sid", snapshot=false, gitEmail='', gitName='Jenkins', revisionPostfix="") {
def common = new
def jenkinsUID = sh (
script: 'id -u',
returnStdout: true
def jenkinsGID = sh (
script: 'id -g',
returnStdout: true
if (! revisionPostfix) {
revisionPostfix = ""
def img = docker.image(image)
workspace = common.getWorkspace()
sh("""docker run -e DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive -e DEBFULLNAME='${gitName}' -e DEBEMAIL='${gitEmail}' -v ${workspace}:${workspace} -w ${workspace} --rm=true --privileged ${image} /bin/bash -exc '
which eatmydata || (apt-get update && apt-get install -y eatmydata) &&
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=\${LD_LIBRARY_PATH:+"\$LD_LIBRARY_PATH:"}/usr/lib/libeatmydata &&
apt-get update && apt-get install -y build-essential git-buildpackage sudo &&
groupadd -g ${jenkinsGID} jenkins &&
useradd -s /bin/bash --uid ${jenkinsUID} --gid ${jenkinsGID} -m jenkins &&
cd ${dir} &&
sudo -H -u jenkins git config --global "${gitName}" &&
sudo -H -u jenkins git config --global "${gitEmail}" &&
[[ "${snapshot}" == "false" ]] || (
VERSION=`dpkg-parsechangelog --count 1 | grep Version: | sed "s,Version: ,,g"` &&
UPSTREAM_VERSION=`echo \$VERSION | cut -d "-" -f 1` &&
REVISION=`echo \$VERSION | cut -d "-" -f 2` &&
TIMESTAMP=`date +%Y%m%d%H%M` &&
if [[ "`cat debian/source/format`" = *quilt* ]]; then
UPSTREAM_BRANCH=`(grep upstream-branch debian/gbp.conf || echo master) | cut -d = -f 2 | tr -d " "` &&
UPSTREAM_REV=`git rev-parse --short origin/\$UPSTREAM_BRANCH` &&
echo "Generating new upstream version \$NEW_UPSTREAM_VERSION" &&
sudo -H -u jenkins git tag \$NEW_UPSTREAM_VERSION origin/\$UPSTREAM_BRANCH &&
sudo -H -u jenkins git merge -X theirs \$NEW_UPSTREAM_VERSION
NEW_VERSION=\$VERSION+\$TIMESTAMP.`git rev-parse --short HEAD`$revisionPostfix
fi &&
sudo -H -u jenkins gbp dch --auto --multimaint-merge --ignore-branch --new-version=\$NEW_VERSION --distribution `lsb_release -c -s` --force-distribution &&
sudo -H -u jenkins git add -u debian/changelog &&
sudo -H -u jenkins git commit -m "New snapshot version \$NEW_VERSION"
) &&
gbp buildpackage -nc --git-force-create --git-notify=false --git-ignore-branch --git-ignore-new --git-verbose --git-export-dir=../build-area -S -uc -us'""")
* Run lintian checks
* @param changes Changes file to test against
* @param profile Lintian profile to use (default debian)
* @param image Image name to use for build (default debian:sid)
def runLintian(changes, profile="debian", image="debian:sid") {
def common = new
def img = docker.image(image)
workspace = common.getWorkspace()
sh("""docker run -e DEBIAN_FRONTEND=noninteractive -v ${workspace}:${workspace} -w ${workspace} --rm=true --privileged ${image} /bin/bash -c '
apt-get update && apt-get install -y lintian &&
lintian -Ii -E --pedantic --profile=${profile} ${changes}'""")
* Import gpg key
* @param privateKeyCredId Public key jenkins credential id
def importGpgKey(privateKeyCredId)
def common = new
def workspace = common.getWorkspace()
def privKey = common.getCredentials(privateKeyCredId, "key")
def private_key = privKey.privateKeySource.privateKey
writeFile file:"${workspace}/private.key", text: private_key
sh(script: "gpg --no-tty --allow-secret-key-import --homedir ${workspace}/.gnupg --import ./private.key")
* upload source package to launchpad
* @param ppaRepo ppa repository on launchpad
* @param dirPath repository containing the source packages
def uploadPpa(ppaRepo, dirPath, privateKeyCredId) {
def common = new
def workspace = common.getWorkspace()
def gpg_key_id = common.getCredentials(privateKeyCredId, "key").username
def images = findFiles(glob: "*.orig*.tar.gz")
for (int i = 0; i < images.size(); ++i) {
def name = images[i].getName()
def orig_sha1 = common.cutOrDie("sha1sum ${name}", 0)
def orig_sha256 = common.cutOrDie("sha256sum ${name}", 0)
def orig_md5 = common.cutOrDie("md5sum ${name}", 0)
def orig_size = common.cutOrDie("ls -l ${name}", 4)
def retval = sh(script: "wget --quiet -O orig-tmp${name}", returnStatus: true)
if (retval == 0) {
sh("mv orig-tmp ${name}")
def new_sha1 = common.cutOrDie("sha1sum ${name}", 0)
def new_sha256 = common.cutOrDie("sha256sum ${name}", 0)
def new_md5 = common.cutOrDie("md5sum ${name}", 0)
def new_size = common.cutOrDie("ls -l ${name}", 4)
sh("sed -i -e s,$orig_sha1,$new_sha1,g -e s,$orig_sha256,$new_sha256,g -e s,$orig_size,$new_size,g -e s,$orig_md5,$new_md5,g *.dsc")
sh("sed -i -e s,$orig_sha1,$new_sha1,g -e s,$orig_sha256,$new_sha256,g -e s,$orig_size,$new_size,g -e s,$orig_md5,$new_md5,g *.changes")
sh("export GNUPGHOME=${workspace}/.gnupg; debsign --re-sign -k ${gpg_key_id} *.changes")
sh("export GNUPGHOME=${workspace}/.gnupg; dput -f \"ppa:${ppaRepo}\" *.changes")