blob: 404c6f8a73be7c1320181a3f43e020dc117916e7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Tests providing functions
* Get conformance pod statuses
* @param target Any control node of k8s
def getConformanceStatus(master, target) {
def salt = new
def status = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "kubectl get po conformance -n conformance | awk {'print \$3'} | tail -n +2")['return'][0].values()[0].replaceAll('Salt command execution success','').trim()
return status
* Replace conformance image not relying on deployed version. Will be useful for testing a new k8s builds from docker-dev
* @param target I@kubernetes:master target
* @param image Desired image for conformance
* @param autodetect Default behaviour - use version discovered on deployment. Non default - use image provided via image param
def passCustomConformanceImage(LinkedHashMap config) {
def salt = new
// Listing defaults
def master = config.get('master', 'pepperVenv')
def target = config.get('target', 'I@kubernetes:master')
def pod_path = config.get('pod_path', '/srv/kubernetes/conformance.yml')
def autodetect = config.get('autodetect', true)
def image = config.get('image', null)
// End listing defaults
if (!(autodetect.toBoolean()) && image) {
print("Replacing conformance image with ${image}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "sed -i 's|image: .*|image: ${image}|' ${pod_path}")
* Run e2e conformance on ContainerD environments
* @param target Any control node of k8s
* @param pd_path Conformance pod path to create
* @param timeout Test timeout
def runConformanceTestsOnContainerD(LinkedHashMap config) {
def salt = new
// Listing defaults
def master = config.get('master', 'pepperVenv')
def target = config.get('target', 'I@kubernetes:master and ctl01*')
def pod_path = config.get('pod_path', '/srv/kubernetes/conformance.yml')
def timeout = config.get('timeout', 3600)
// End listing defaults
def status = ""
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "kubectl delete -f ${pod_path}", false)
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "kubectl create -f ${pod_path}")
counter = timeout/60
print("Waiting for results")
for (i = 0; i < counter; i++) {
current = getConformanceStatus(master, target)
if (current == "Running" || current == "ContainerCreating") {
print("Wait counter: $i . Cap is $counter")
} else if (current == "Completed") {
print("Conformance succeeded. Proceed with artifacts.")
status = "OK"
return status
} else if (current == "Error") {
status = "ERR"
print("Tests failed. Proceed with artifacts")
return status
} else if (current == "ContainerCannotRun") {
print("Container can not run. Please check executor logs")
status = "NOTEXECUTED"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "kubectl describe po conformance -n conformance")
return status
} else if (current == "ImagePullBackOff" || current == "ErrImagePull") {
print("Can not pull conformance image. Image is not exists or can not be accessed")
status = "PULLERR"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "kubectl describe po conformance -n conformance")
return status
} else {
print("Unexpected status: ${current}")
status = "UNKNOWN"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "kubectl describe po conformance -n conformance")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "kubectl get cs")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "kubectl get po --all-namespaces -o wide")
return status
status = "TIMEDOUT"
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "kubectl describe po conformance -n conformance")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "kubectl logs conformance -n conformance")
return status
* Locate node where conformance pod runs
* @param target Any control node of k8s
def locateConformancePod(master, target) {
def salt = new
def node = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "kubectl get po conformance -n conformance -o wide -o=custom-columns=NODE:.spec.nodeName | tail -n +2")['return'][0].values()[0].replaceAll('Salt command execution success','').trim()
return node
* Get conformance results and logs
* @param ctl_target Target maps to all k8s masters
* @param artifacts_dir Artifacts_dir Local directory to push artifacts to
* @param output_file Output tar file that will be archived and (optional) published
* @param status Status of conformance run to react (if NOTEXECUTED - xml will never published)
* @param junitResults Whether or not build test graph
def uploadConformanceContainerdResults(LinkedHashMap config) {
def salt = new
// Listing defaults
def master = config.get('master', 'pepperVenv')
def target = config.get('target', 'I@kubernetes:master and ctl01*')
def status = config.get('status')
def ctl_target = config.get('ctl_target', 'I@kubernetes:master')
def k8s_pool_target = config.get('k8s_pool_target', 'I@kubernetes:pool')
def results_dir = config.get('results_dir', '/tmp/conformance')
def artifacts_dir = config.get('artifacts_dir', '_artifacts/')
def output_file = config.get('output_file', 'conformance.tar')
def junitResults = config.get('junitResults', false)
// End listing defaults
def short_node = locateConformancePod(master, target)
print("Pod located on $short_node")
minions = salt.getMinionsSorted(master, k8s_pool_target)
conformance_target = minions.find {it =~ short_node}
if (status == 'NOTEXECUTED') {
salt.cmdRun(master, conformance_target, "test -e ${results_dir}/conformance.log || kubectl logs conformance -n conformance > ${results_dir}/conformance.log")
} else if (status == "PULLERR") {
print("Conformance image failed to pull. Skipping logs publishing")
return conformance_target
} else if (status == "UNKNOWN") {
print("Can not recognize pod status as acceptable. Skipping logs publishing")
return conformance_target
print("Copy XML test results for junit artifacts and logs")
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, conformance_target, '', ["tar -cf /tmp/${output_file} -C ${results_dir} ."])
writeFile file: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}", text: salt.getFileContent(master, conformance_target, "/tmp/${output_file}")
sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts_dir}/conformance_tests"
sh "tar -xf ${artifacts_dir}${output_file} -C ${artifacts_dir}/conformance_tests"
sh "cat ${artifacts_dir}/conformance_tests/conformance.log"
if (junitResults.toBoolean() && (status == 'OK' || status == 'ERR')) {
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${artifacts_dir}conformance_tests/conformance.log"
junit(keepLongStdio: true, testResults: "${artifacts_dir}conformance_tests/**.xml")
return conformance_target
* Clean conformance pod and tmp files
* @param target Node where conformance was executed\
* @param results_dir Directory to clean up
def cleanUpConformancePod(LinkedHashMap config) {
def salt = new
// Listing defaults
def master = config.get('master', 'pepperVenv')
def target = config.get('target', 'I@kubernetes:master and ctl01*')
def ctl_target = config.get('ctl_target', 'I@kubernetes:master and ctl01*')
def pod_path = config.get('pod_path', '/srv/kubernetes/conformance.yml')
def results_dir = config.get('results_dir', '/tmp/conformance')
def output_file = config.get('output_file', )
// End listing defaults
salt.cmdRun(master, ctl_target, "kubectl delete -f ${pod_path}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "rm -rf ${results_dir}", false)
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "rm -f ${output_file}", false)
* Throw exception if any
* @param status Conformance tests status
def conformanceStatusReact(status) {
if (status == "ERR" || status == "NOTEXECUTED") {
throw new RuntimeException("Conformance tests failed")
} else if (status == "TIMEDOUT") {
throw new RuntimeException("Conformance tests timed out")
} else if (status == "PULLERR") {
throw new RuntimeException("Image is not exists or can not reach repository")
} else if (status == "UNKNOWN") {
throw new RuntimeException("Pod status unacceptable. Please check pipeline logs for more information")
* Orchestrate conformance tests inside kubernetes cluster
* @param junitResults Whether or not build junit graph
* @param autodetect Default behaviour - use version discovered on deployment. Non default - use image provided via image param
* @param image Can be used only if autodetection disabled. Overriding pod image.
* @param ctl_target Target maps to all k8s masters
* @param pod_path Path where conformance pod located
* @param results_dir Directory with results after conformance run
* @param artifacts_dir Local artifacts dir
* @param output_file Conformance tar output
def executeConformance(LinkedHashMap config) {
// Listing defaults
def master = config.get('master', 'pepperVenv')
def target = config.get('target', 'I@kubernetes:master and ctl01*')
def junitResults = config.get('junitResults', false)
def autodetect = config.get('autodetect', true)
def image = config.get('image', null)
def ctl_target = config.get('ctl_target', 'I@kubernetes:master')
def pod_path = config.get('pod_path', '/srv/kubernetes/conformance.yml')
def results_dir = config.get('results_dir', '/tmp/conformance')
def artifacts_dir = config.get('artifacts_dir', '_artifacts/')
def output_file = config.get('output_file', 'conformance.tar')
// End listing defaults
// Check whether or not custom image is defined and apply it
passCustomConformanceImage(['master': master, 'ctl_target': ctl_target, 'pod_path': pod_path, 'autodetect': autodetect, 'image': image])
// Start conformance pod and get its status
status = runConformanceTestsOnContainerD('master': master, 'target': target, 'pod_path': pod_path)
// Manage results
cleanup_target = uploadConformanceContainerdResults('master': master, 'target': target, 'status': status, 'ctl_target': ctl_target, 'results_dir': results_dir, 'artifacts_dir': artifacts_dir, 'output_file': output_file, 'junitResults': junitResults)
// Do cleanup
cleanUpConformancePod('master': master, 'target': cleanup_target, 'pod_path': pod_path, 'results_dir': results_dir, 'output_file': output_file)
// Throw exception to Jenkins if any
* Run e2e conformance tests
* @param target Kubernetes node to run tests from
* @param k8s_api Kubernetes api address
* @param image Docker image with tests
* @param timeout Timeout waiting for e2e conformance tests
def runConformanceTests(master, target, k8s_api, image, timeout=2400) {
def salt = new
def containerName = 'conformance_tests'
def outfile = "/tmp/" + image.replaceAll('/', '-') + '.output'
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker rm -f ${containerName}", false)
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker run -d --name ${containerName} --net=host -e API_SERVER=${k8s_api} ${image}")
print("Waiting for tests to run...")
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, '', ["docker wait ${containerName}"], null, false, timeout)
print("Writing test results to output file...")
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, '', ["docker logs -t ${containerName} > ${outfile}"])
print("Conformance test output saved in " + outfile)
* Upload conformance results to cfg node
* @param target Kubernetes node for copy test results
* @param artifacts_dir Path with test results
def CopyConformanceResults(master, target, artifacts_dir, output_file) {
def salt = new
def containerName = 'conformance_tests'
def test_node = target.replace("*", "")
out = salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, '', ["docker cp ${containerName}:/report /tmp"])
if (! out['return'][0].values()[0].contains('Error')) {
print("Copy XML test results for junit artifacts...")
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, '', ["tar -cf /tmp/${output_file} -C /tmp/report ."])
writeFile file: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}", text: salt.getFileContent(master,
target, "/tmp/${output_file}")
sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts_dir}/conformance_tests"
sh "tar -xf ${artifacts_dir}${output_file} -C ${artifacts_dir}/conformance_tests"
// collect artifacts
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
junit(keepLongStdio: true, testResults: "${artifacts_dir}conformance_tests/**.xml")
* Copy test output to cfg node
* @param image Docker image with tests
def copyTestsOutput(master, image) {
def salt = new
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, 'cfg01*', '', ["scp ctl01:/root/${image}.output /home/ubuntu/"])
* Execute tempest tests
* @param dockerImageLink Docker image link with rally and tempest
* @param target Host to run tests
* @param pattern If not false, will run only tests matched the pattern
* @param logDir Directory to store tempest/rally reports
* @param sourceFile Path to the keystonerc file in the container
* @param set Predefined set for tempest tests
* @param concurrency How many processes to use to run Tempest tests
* @param tempestConf A tempest.conf's file name
* @param skipList A skip.list's file name
* @param localKeystone Path to the keystonerc file in the local host
* @param localLogDir Path to local destination folder for logs
def runTempestTests(master, dockerImageLink, target, pattern = "", logDir = "/home/rally/rally_reports/",
sourceFile="/home/rally/keystonercv3", set="full", concurrency="0", tempestConf="mcp.conf",
skipList="mcp_skip.list", localKeystone="/root/keystonercv3" , localLogDir="/root/rally_reports",
doCleanupResources = "false") {
def salt = new
def common = new
common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
error('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.mkdir', ["${localLogDir}"])
def custom = ''
if (pattern) {
custom = "--pattern " + pattern
salt.cmdRun(master, "${target}", "docker run --rm --net=host " +
"-e SOURCE_FILE=${sourceFile} " +
"-e LOG_DIR=${logDir} " +
"-e SET=${set} " +
"-e CUSTOM='${custom}' " +
"-e CONCURRENCY=${concurrency} " +
"-e TEMPEST_CONF=${tempestConf} " +
"-e SKIP_LIST=${skipList} " +
"-e DO_CLEANUP_RESOURCES=${doCleanupResources} " +
"-v ${localKeystone}:${sourceFile} " +
"-v ${localLogDir}:/home/rally/rally_reports " +
"-v /etc/ssl/certs/:/etc/ssl/certs/ " +
"${dockerImageLink} >> docker-tempest.log")
* Execute Rally scenarios
* @param dockerImageLink Docker image link with rally and tempest
* @param target Host to run scenarios
* @param scenario Specify the scenario as a string
* @param containerName Docker container name
* @param doCleanupResources Do run clean-up script after tests? Cleans up OpenStack test resources
def runRallyScenarios(master, dockerImageLink, target, scenario, logDir = "/home/rally/rally_reports/",
doCleanupResources = "false", containerName = "rally_ci") {
def salt = new
def common = new
common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
error('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.mkdir', ["/root/rally_reports"])
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker run --net=host -dit " +
"--name ${containerName} " +
"-e SOURCE_FILE=keystonercv3 " +
"-e SCENARIO=${scenario} " +
"-e DO_CLEANUP_RESOURCES=${doCleanupResources} " +
"-e LOG_DIR=${logDir} " +
"--entrypoint /bin/bash -v /root/:/home/rally ${dockerImageLink}")
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker exec ${containerName} " +
"bash -c /usr/bin/run-rally | tee -a docker-rally.log")
* Upload results to cfg01 node
def copyTempestResults(master, target) {
def salt = new
def common = new
common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated method! Use validate.addFiles instead. This method will be removed')
error('You are using deprecated method! Use validate.addFiles instead. This method will be removed')
if (! target.contains('cfg')) {
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "mkdir -p /root/rally_reports/ && rsync -av /root/rally_reports/ cfg01:/root/rally_reports/")
/** Store tests results on host
* @param image Docker image name
def catTestsOutput(master, image) {
def salt = new
salt.cmdRun(master, 'cfg01*', "cat /home/ubuntu/${image}.output")
/** Install docker if needed
* @param target Target node to install docker pkg
def install_docker(master, target) {
def salt = new
def dockerPackagesPillar = salt.getPillar(master, target, 'docker:host:pkgs')
def dockerPackages = salt.getReturnValues(dockerPackagesPillar) ?: ['']
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'pkg.install', [dockerPackages.join(',')])
/** Upload Tempest test results to Testrail
* @param report Source report to upload
* @param image Testrail reporter image
* @param testGroup Testrail test group
* @param credentialsId Testrail credentials id
* @param plan Testrail test plan
* @param milestone Testrail test milestone
* @param suite Testrail test suite
* @param type Use local shell or remote salt connection
* @param master Salt connection.
* @param target Target node to install docker pkg
def uploadResultsTestrail(report, image, testGroup, credentialsId, plan, milestone, suite, master = null, target = 'cfg01*') {
def salt = new
def common = new
common.errorMsg('We may deprecated this method! Check tcp_qa Common.uploadResultsTestRail instead.')
creds = common.getPasswordCredentials(credentialsId)
command = "docker run --rm --net=host " +
"-v ${report}:/srv/report.xml " +
"-e TESTRAIL_USER=${creds.username} " +
"-e PASS=${creds.password.toString()} " +
"-e TESTRAIL_PLAN_NAME=${plan} " +
"-e TESTRAIL_MILESTONE=${milestone} " +
"-e TESTRAIL_SUITE=${suite} " +
"-e TEST_GROUP=${testGroup} " +
if (master == null) {
} else {
salt.cmdRun(master, target, command)
/** Archive Rally results in Artifacts
* @param master Salt connection.
* @param target Target node to install docker pkg
* @param reports_dir Source directory to archive
def archiveRallyArtifacts(master, target, reports_dir='/root/rally_reports') {
def salt = new
def common = new
common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
error('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
def artifacts_dir = '_artifacts/'
def output_file = 'rally_reports.tar'
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "tar -cf /root/${output_file} -C ${reports_dir} .")
sh "mkdir -p ${artifacts_dir}"
encoded = salt.cmdRun(master, target, "cat /root/${output_file}", true, null, false)['return'][0].values()[0].replaceAll('Salt command execution success','')
writeFile file: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}", text: encoded
// collect artifacts
archiveArtifacts artifacts: "${artifacts_dir}${output_file}"
* Helper function for collecting junit tests results
* @param testResultAction - test result from build - use: currentBuild.rawBuild.getAction(AbstractTestResultAction.class)
* @return resultMap with structure ["total": total, "passed": passed, "skipped": skipped, "failed": failed]
def collectJUnitResults(testResultAction) {
if (testResultAction != null) {
def total = testResultAction.totalCount
def failed = testResultAction.failCount
def skipped = testResultAction.skipCount
def passed = total - failed - skipped
return ["total": total, "passed": passed, "skipped": skipped, "failed": failed]
def common = new
common.errorMsg("Cannot collect jUnit tests results, given result is null")
return [:]
/** Cleanup: Remove reports directory
* @param target Target node to remove repo
* @param reports_dir_name Reports directory name to be removed (that is in /root/ on target node)
* @param archive_artifacts_name Archive of the artifacts
def removeReports(master, target, reports_dir_name = 'rally_reports', archive_artifacts_name = 'rally_reports.tar') {
def salt = new
def common = new
common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
error('You are using deprecated method! This method will be removed')
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.find', ["/root/${reports_dir_name}", '\\*', 'delete'])
salt.runSaltProcessStep(master, target, 'file.remove', ["/root/${archive_artifacts_name}"])
/** Cleanup: Remove Docker container
* @param target Target node to remove Docker container
* @param image_link The link of the Docker image that was used for the container
def removeDockerContainer(master, target, containerName) {
def salt = new
def common = new
common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated method! Use validate.runCleanup instead. This method will be removed')
error('You are using deprecated method! Use validate.runCleanup instead. This method will be removed')
salt.cmdRun(master, target, "docker rm -f ${containerName}")