blob: d72ceedf672b769918a36e10fc8f8dbc64c5680b [file] [log] [blame]
import org.jfrog.hudson.pipeline.common.types.ArtifactoryServer
import java.util.concurrent.TimeoutException
class Lock {
String name, id, path
Integer retryInterval, timeout, expiration
Boolean force
Map lockExtraMetadata
ArtifactoryServer artifactoryServer
private String lockFileContent
private String lockFileContentCache
private Boolean fileNotFound
final private String fileUri
final private def common = new
final private def artifactoryTools = new
// Constructor
public Lock(Map args) {
// Mandatory =
this.artifactoryServer = args.artifactoryServer
// Defaults = args.get('id', '')
this.path = args.get('path', 'binary-dev-local/locks')
this.retryInterval = args.get('retryInterval', 5*60)
this.timeout = args.get('timeout', 3*60*60)
this.expiration = args.get('expiration', 24*60*60)
this.force = args.get('force', false)
this.lockExtraMetadata = args.get('lockExtraMetadata', [:])
// Internal
this.fileUri = "/${path}/${name}.yaml".toLowerCase()
final private Map artObj
// getPasswordCredentials() is CPS-transformed function and cannot be used in constructor
final private Map getArtObj() {
def artifactoryCreds = common.getPasswordCredentials(artifactoryServer.getCredentialsId())
return [
'url': "${artifactoryServer.getUrl()}/artifactory",
'creds': [
'username': artifactoryCreds['username'],
'password': artifactoryCreds['password'],
// getter for lockFileContent
final private String getLockFileContent() {
if (this.lockFileContentCache == null) {
try {
this.lockFileContentCache = artifactoryTools.restCall(this.artObj, this.fileUri, 'GET', null, [:], '')
this.fileNotFound = false // file found
} catch ( e) {
this.lockFileContentCache = ''
this.fileNotFound = true // file not found
} catch (Exception e) {
this.lockFileContentCache = ''
this.fileNotFound = null // we don't know about file existence
return this.lockFileContentCache
public void lock() {
if (this.force) {
common.infoMsg("Ignore lock checking due 'force' flag presence")
} else {
public void unlock() {
if (!isLockFileExist()) {
common.infoMsg("Lock file '${this.artObj['url']}${this.fileUri}' does not exist. No need to remove it")
// No need to continue if file does not exist
Map lockMeta = common.readYaml2(text: this.lockFileContent ?: '{}')
if (this.force || ( && == lockMeta.get('lockID', ''))) {
artifactoryTools.restCall(this.artObj, this.fileUri, 'DELETE', null, [:], '')
common.infoMsg("Lock file '${this.artObj['url']}${this.fileUri}' has been removed")
} else {
throw new RuntimeException("Given lock ID '${}' is not equal to '${lockMeta.get('lockID')}' ID in lock file")
private void createLockFile() { = UUID.randomUUID().toString()
Calendar now = Calendar.getInstance()
Calendar expiredAt = now.clone()
expiredAt.add(Calendar.SECOND, this.expiration)
Map lockMeta = [
'createdAt': now.getTime().toString(),
'expiredAt': expiredAt.getTime().toString(),
def commonMCP = new com.mirantis.mcp.Common()
artifactoryTools.restCall(this.artObj, this.fileUri, 'PUT', commonMCP.dumpYAML(lockMeta), [:], '')
common.infoMsg("Lock file '${this.artObj['url']}${this.fileUri}' has been created")
private void waitLockReleased() {
Long startTime = System.currentTimeMillis()
while (isLocked()) {
if (System.currentTimeMillis() - startTime >= timeout*1000 ) {
throw new TimeoutException("Execution of waitLock timed out after ${this.timeout} seconds")
common.infoMsg("'${}' is locked. Retry in ${this.retryInterval} seconds")
// Reset the cache so it will re-retrieve the file and its content
// otherwise it cannot determine that file has been removed on artifactory
// in the middle of waiting
this.lockFileContentCache = null
private Boolean isLocked() {
if (!isLockFileExist()) {
common.infoMsg("Lock file for '${}' does not exist")
return false
} else if (isLockExpired()) {
common.infoMsg("Lock '${}' has been expired")
return false
return true
private Boolean isLockFileExist() {
// If there is something in file's content that it definitly exists
// If we don't know about file existence (fileNotFound == null) we assume it exists
return !this.lockFileContent.isEmpty() || !this.fileNotFound
private Boolean isLockExpired() {
if (!isLockFileExist()) {
return true
Map lockMeta = common.readYaml2(text: this.lockFileContent ?: '{}')
Date expirationTime = new Date(lockMeta.get('expiredAt', '01/01/1970'))
Date currentTime = new Date()
return currentTime.after(expirationTime)