blob: 230ea73480c2ed4cf3d760c821508b3f23460140 [file] [log] [blame]
package com.mirantis.mcp
* Add LABEL to the end of the Dockerfile
* User can also add some custom properties
* @param dockerfilePath is the path to Dockerfile, the default is ./Dockerfile
* @param customProperties a Array of Strings that should be added to mandatory props
* in format ["prop1=value1", "prop2=value2"]
* */
def setDockerfileLabels(String dockerfilePath = "./Dockerfile", ArrayList customProperties = null) {
if (!fileExists(dockerfilePath)) {
throw new RuntimeException("Unable to add LABEL to Dockerfile, ${dockerfilePath} doesn't exists")
echo "Updating ${dockerfilePath}"
def namespace = "com.mirantis.image-specs."
def properties = [
if (customProperties != null) {
def common = new com.mirantis.mcp.Common()
def metadata = common.constructString(properties, namespace, " ")
sh """
cat <<EOF>> ${dockerfilePath}
# Apply additional build metadata
LABEL ${metadata}
return metadata