blob: 09b9f1a3722976e6555b06362f8ff2c204e27ed7 [file] [log] [blame]
* Galera functions
* Returns parameters from mysql.status output on given target node
* @param env Salt Connection object or pepperEnv
* @param target Targeted node
* @param parameters Parameters to be retruned (String or list of Strings). If no parameters are provided or is set to '[]', it returns all of them.
* @return result List of parameters with its values
def getWsrepParameters(env, target, parameters=[], print=false) {
def salt = new
def common = new
result = [:]
out = salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, "${target}", "mysql.status", [], null, false)
outlist = out['return'][0]
resultYaml = outlist.get(outlist.keySet()[0]).sort()
if (print) {
if (parameters instanceof String) {
parameters = [parameters]
if (parameters == [] || parameters == ['']) {
result = resultYaml
} else {
for (String param in parameters) {
value = resultYaml[param]
if (value instanceof String && value.isBigDecimal()) {
value = value.toBigDecimal()
result[param] = value
return result
* Verifies Galera database
* This function checks for Galera master, tests connection and if reachable, it obtains the result
* of Salt mysql.status function. The result is then parsed, validated and outputed to the user.
* @param env Salt Connection object or pepperEnv
* @param slave Boolean value to enable slave checking (if master in unreachable)
* @param checkTimeSync Boolean value to enable time sync check
* @return resultCode int values used to determine exit status in the calling function
def verifyGaleraStatus(env, slave=false, checkTimeSync=false) {
def salt = new
def common = new
def out = ""
def status = "unknown"
def testNode = ""
if (!slave) {
try {
galeraMaster = salt.getMinions(env, "I@galera:master")
common.infoMsg("Current Galera master is: ${galeraMaster}")
salt.minionsReachable(env, "I@salt:master", "I@galera:master")
testNode = "I@galera:master"
} catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg('Galera master is not reachable.')
return 128
} else {
try {
galeraSlaves = salt.getMinions(env, "I@galera:slave")
common.infoMsg("Testing Galera slave minions: ${galeraSlaves}")
} catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg("Cannot obtain Galera slave minions list.")
return 129
for (minion in galeraSlaves) {
try {
salt.minionsReachable(env, "I@salt:master", minion)
testNode = minion
} catch (Exception e) {
common.warningMsg("Slave '${minion}' is not reachable.")
if (!testNode) {
common.errorMsg("No Galera slave was reachable.")
return 130
def checkTargets = salt.getMinions(env, "I@salt:master or I@salt:minion")
for (checkTarget in checkTargets) {
def iostatRes = salt.getIostatValues(['saltId': env, 'target': checkTarget, 'parameterName': "%util", 'output': true])
if (iostatRes == [:]) {
common.errorMsg("Recevived empty response from iostat call on ${checkTarget}. Maybe 'sysstat' package is not installed?")
return 140
for (int i = 0; i < iostatRes.size(); i++) {
def diskKey = iostatRes.keySet()[i]
if (!(iostatRes[diskKey].toString().isBigDecimal() && (iostatRes[diskKey].toBigDecimal() < 0.5 ))) {
common.errorMsg("Disk ${diskKey} has to high i/o utilization. Maximum value is 0.5 and current value is ${iostatRes[diskKey]}.")
return 141
common.infoMsg("Disk i/o utilization was checked and everything seems to be in order.")
if (checkTimeSync && !salt.checkClusterTimeSync(env, "I@galera:master or I@galera:slave")) {
common.errorMsg("Time in cluster is desynchronized or it couldn't be detemined. You should fix this issue manually before proceeding.")
return 131
try {
out = salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, "${testNode}", "mysql.status", [], null, false)
} catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg('Could not determine mysql status.')
return 256
if (out) {
try {
status = validateAndPrintGaleraStatusReport(env, out, testNode)
} catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg('Could not parse the mysql status output. Check it manually.')
return 1
} else {
common.errorMsg("Mysql status response unrecognized or is empty. Response: ${out}")
return 1024
if (status == "OK") {
common.infoMsg("No errors found - MySQL status is ${status}.")
return 0
} else if (status == "unknown") {
common.warningMsg('MySQL status cannot be detemined')
return 1
} else {
common.errorMsg("Errors found.")
return 2
/** Validates and prints result of verifyGaleraStatus function
@param env Salt Connection object or pepperEnv
@param out Output of the mysql.status Salt function
@return status "OK", "ERROR" or "uknown" depending on result of validation
def validateAndPrintGaleraStatusReport(env, out, minion) {
def salt = new
def common = new
if (minion == "I@galera:master") {
role = "master"
} else {
role = "slave"
sizeOut = salt.getReturnValues(salt.getPillar(env, minion, "galera:${role}:members"))
expected_cluster_size = sizeOut.size()
outlist = out['return'][0]
resultYaml = outlist.get(outlist.keySet()[0]).sort()
parameters = [
wsrep_cluster_status: [title: 'Cluster status', expectedValues: ['Primary'], description: ''],
wsrep_cluster_size: [title: 'Current cluster size', expectedValues: [expected_cluster_size], description: ''],
wsrep_ready: [title: 'Node status', expectedValues: ['ON', true], description: ''],
wsrep_local_state_comment: [title: 'Node status comment', expectedValues: ['Joining', 'Waiting on SST', 'Joined', 'Synced', 'Donor'], description: ''],
wsrep_connected: [title: 'Node connectivity', expectedValues: ['ON', true], description: ''],
wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg: [title: 'Average size of local reveived queue', expectedThreshold: [warn: 0.5, error: 1.0], description: '(Value above 0 means that the node cannot apply write-sets as fast as it receives them, which can lead to replication throttling)'],
wsrep_local_send_queue_avg: [title: 'Average size of local send queue', expectedThreshold: [warn: 0.5, error: 1.0], description: '(Value above 0 indicate replication throttling or network throughput issues, such as a bottleneck on the network link.)']
for (key in parameters.keySet()) {
value = resultYaml[key]
if (value instanceof String && value.isBigDecimal()) {
value = value.toBigDecimal()
parameters.get(key) << [actualValue: value]
for (key in parameters.keySet()) {
param = parameters.get(key)
if (key == 'wsrep_local_recv_queue_avg' || key == 'wsrep_local_send_queue_avg') {
if (param.get('actualValue') == null || (param.get('actualValue') > param.get('expectedThreshold').get('error'))) {
param << [match: 'error']
} else if (param.get('actualValue') > param.get('expectedThreshold').get('warn')) {
param << [match: 'warn']
} else {
param << [match: 'ok']
} else {
for (expValue in param.get('expectedValues')) {
if (expValue == param.get('actualValue')) {
param << [match: 'ok']
} else {
param << [match: 'error']
cluster_info_report = []
cluster_warning_report = []
cluster_error_report = []
for (key in parameters.keySet()) {
param = parameters.get(key)
if (param.containsKey('expectedThreshold')) {
expValues = "below ${param.get('expectedThreshold').get('warn')}"
} else {
if (param.get('expectedValues').size() > 1) {
expValues = param.get('expectedValues').join(' or ')
} else {
expValues = param.get('expectedValues')[0]
reportString = "${param.title}: ${param.actualValue} (Expected: ${expValues}) ${param.description}"
if (param.get('match').equals('ok')) {
cluster_info_report.add("[OK ] ${reportString}")
} else if (param.get('match').equals('warn')) {
cluster_warning_report.add("[WARNING] ${reportString}")
} else {
cluster_error_report.add("[ ERROR] ${reportString})")
common.infoMsg("CLUSTER STATUS REPORT: ${cluster_info_report.size()} expected values, ${cluster_warning_report.size()} warnings and ${cluster_error_report.size()} error found:")
if (cluster_info_report.size() > 0) {
if (cluster_warning_report.size() > 0) {
if (cluster_error_report.size() > 0) {
return "ERROR"
} else {
return "OK"
/** Returns last shutdown node of Galera cluster
@param env Salt Connection object or pepperEnv
@param nodes List of nodes to check only (defaults to []). If not provided, it will check all nodes.
Use this parameter if the cluster splits to several components and you only want to check one fo them.
@return status ip address or hostname of last shutdown node
def getGaleraLastShutdownNode(env, nodes = []) {
def salt = new
def common = new
members = []
lastNode = [ip: '', seqno: -2]
try {
if (nodes) {
nodes = salt.getIPAddressesForNodenames(env, nodes)
for (node in nodes) {
members = [host: "${node.get(node.keySet()[0])}"] + members
} else {
members = salt.getReturnValues(salt.getPillar(env, "I@galera:master", "galera:master:members"))
} catch (Exception e) {
common.errorMsg('Could not retrieve members list')
return 'I@galera:master'
if (members) {
for (member in members) {
try {
salt.minionsReachable(env, 'I@salt:master', "S@${}")
out = salt.getReturnValues(salt.cmdRun(env, "S@${}", 'cat /var/lib/mysql/grastate.dat | grep "seqno" | cut -d ":" -f2', true, null, false))
seqno = out.tokenize('\n')[0].trim()
if (seqno.isNumber()) {
seqno = seqno.toInteger()
} else {
seqno = -2
highestSeqno = lastNode.get('seqno')
if (seqno > highestSeqno) {
lastNode << [ip: "${}", seqno: seqno]
} catch (Exception e) {
common.warningMsg("Could not determine 'seqno' value for node ${} ")
if (lastNode.get('ip') != '') {
return "S@${lastNode.ip}"
} else {
return "I@galera:master"
* Restores Galera cluster
* @param env Salt Connection object or pepperEnv
* @param runRestoreDb Boolean to determine if the restoration of DB should be run as well
* @return output of salt commands
def restoreGaleraCluster(env, runRestoreDb=true) {
def salt = new
def common = new
try {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, 'I@galera:slave', 'service.stop', ['mysql'])
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('Mysql service already stopped')
try {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, 'I@galera:master', 'service.stop', ['mysql'])
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('Mysql service already stopped')
lastNodeTarget = getGaleraLastShutdownNode(env)
try {
salt.cmdRun(env, 'I@galera:slave', "rm /var/lib/mysql/ib_logfile*")
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('Files are not present')
try {
salt.cmdRun(env, 'I@galera:slave', "rm /var/lib/mysql/grastate.dat")
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('Files are not present')
try {
salt.cmdRun(env, lastNodeTarget, "mkdir /root/mysql/mysql.bak")
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('Directory already exists')
try {
salt.cmdRun(env, lastNodeTarget, "rm -rf /root/mysql/mysql.bak/*")
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('Directory already empty')
try {
salt.cmdRun(env, lastNodeTarget, "mv /var/lib/mysql/* /root/mysql/mysql.bak")
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('Files were already moved')
try {
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, lastNodeTarget, 'file.remove', ["/var/lib/mysql/.galera_bootstrap"])
} catch (Exception er) {
common.warningMsg('File is not present')
salt.cmdRun(env, lastNodeTarget, "sed -i '/gcomm/c\\wsrep_cluster_address=\"gcomm://\"' /etc/mysql/my.cnf")
if (runRestoreDb) {
restoreGaleraDb(env, lastNodeTarget)
salt.enforceState(env, lastNodeTarget, 'galera')
// wait until mysql service on galera master is up
try {
salt.commandStatus(env, lastNodeTarget, 'service mysql status', 'running')
} catch (Exception er) {
input message: "Database is not running please fix it first and only then click on PROCEED."
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, "I@galera:master and not ${lastNodeTarget}", 'service.start', ['mysql'])
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, "I@galera:slave and not ${lastNodeTarget}", 'service.start', ['mysql'])
* Restores Galera database
* @param env Salt Connection object or pepperEnv
* @param targetNode Node to be targeted
def restoreGaleraDb(env, targetNode) {
def backup_dir = salt.getReturnValues(salt.getPillar(env, targetNode, 'xtrabackup:client:backup_dir'))
if(backup_dir == null || backup_dir.isEmpty()) { backup_dir='/var/backups/mysql/xtrabackup' }
salt.runSaltProcessStep(env, targetNode, 'file.remove', ["${backup_dir}/dbrestored"])
salt.cmdRun(env, 'I@xtrabackup:client', "su root -c 'salt-call state.sls xtrabackup'")
def restoreGaleraDb(env) {
common.warningMsg("This method was renamed to 'restoreGaleraCluster'. Please change your pipeline to use this call instead! If you think that you really wanted to call 'restoreGaleraDb' you may be missing 'targetNode' parameter in you call.")
return restoreGaleraCluster(env)