| package com.mirantis.mk |
| |
| /** |
| * Setup Docker to run some tests. Returns true/false based on |
| were tests successful or not. |
| * @param config - LinkedHashMap with configuration params: |
| * dockerHostname - (required) Hostname to use for Docker container. |
| * formulasRevision - (optional) Revision of packages to use (default proposed). |
| * runCommands - (optional) Dict with closure structure of body required tests. For example: |
| * [ '001_Test': { sh("./run-some-test") }, '002_Test': { sh("./run-another-test") } ] |
| * Before execution runCommands will be sorted by key names. Alpabetical order is preferred. |
| * runFinally - (optional) Dict with closure structure of body required commands, which should be |
| * executed in any case of test results. Same format as for runCommands |
| * updateRepo - (optional) Whether to run common repo update step. |
| * dockerContainerName - (optional) Docker container name. |
| * dockerImageName - (optional) Docker image name |
| * dockerMaxCpus - (optional) Number of CPUS to use in Docker. |
| * dockerExtraOpts - (optional) Array of Docker extra opts for container |
| * envOpts - (optional) Array of variables that should be passed as ENV vars to Docker container. |
| * Return true | false |
| */ |
| |
| def setupDockerAndTest(LinkedHashMap config) { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def TestMarkerResult = false |
| // setup options |
| def defaultContainerName = 'test-' + UUID.randomUUID().toString() |
| def dockerHostname = config.get('dockerHostname', defaultContainerName) |
| def formulasRevision = config.get('formulasRevision', 'proposed') |
| def runCommands = config.get('runCommands', [:]) |
| def runFinally = config.get('runFinally', [:]) |
| def baseRepoPreConfig = config.get('baseRepoPreConfig', true) |
| def dockerContainerName = config.get('dockerContainerName', defaultContainerName) |
| def dockerImageName = config.get('image', "mirantis/salt:saltstack-ubuntu-xenial-salt-2017.7") |
| def dockerMaxCpus = config.get('dockerMaxCpus', 4) |
| def dockerExtraOpts = config.get('dockerExtraOpts', []) |
| def envOpts = config.get('envOpts', []) |
| envOpts.add("DISTRIB_REVISION=${formulasRevision}") |
| def dockerBaseOpts = [ |
| '-u root:root', |
| "--hostname=${dockerHostname}", |
| '--ulimit nofile=4096:8192', |
| "--name=${dockerContainerName}", |
| "--cpus=${dockerMaxCpus}" |
| ] |
| |
| def dockerOptsFinal = (dockerBaseOpts + dockerExtraOpts).join(' ') |
| def defaultExtraReposYaml = ''' |
| --- |
| distrib_revision: 'nightly' |
| aprConfD: |- |
| APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated 'true'; |
| APT::Get::Install-Suggests 'false'; |
| APT::Get::Install-Recommends 'false'; |
| repo: |
| mcp_saltstack: |
| source: "deb [arch=amd64] http://mirror.mirantis.com/SUB_DISTRIB_REVISION/saltstack-2017.7/xenial xenial main" |
| pinning: |- |
| Package: libsodium18 |
| Pin: release o=SaltStack |
| Pin-Priority: 50 |
| |
| Package: * |
| Pin: release o=SaltStack |
| Pin-Priority: 1100 |
| mcp_extra: |
| source: "deb [arch=amd64] http://mirror.mirantis.com/SUB_DISTRIB_REVISION/extra/xenial xenial main" |
| ubuntu: |
| source: "deb [arch=amd64] http://mirror.mirantis.com/SUB_DISTRIB_REVISION/ubuntu xenial main restricted universe" |
| ubuntu-upd: |
| source: "deb [arch=amd64] http://mirror.mirantis.com/SUB_DISTRIB_REVISION/ubuntu xenial-updates main restricted universe" |
| ubuntu-sec: |
| source: "deb [arch=amd64] http://mirror.mirantis.com/SUB_DISTRIB_REVISION/ubuntu xenial-security main restricted universe" |
| ''' |
| def img = docker.image(dockerImageName) |
| def extraReposYaml = config.get('extraReposYaml', defaultExtraReposYaml) |
| |
| img.pull() |
| |
| try { |
| img.inside(dockerOptsFinal) { |
| withEnv(envOpts) { |
| try { |
| // Currently, we don't have any other point to install |
| // runtime dependencies for tests. |
| if (baseRepoPreConfig) { |
| // Warning! POssible point of 'allow-downgrades' issue |
| // Probably, need to add such flag into apt.prefs |
| sh("""#!/bin/bash -xe |
| echo "Installing extra-deb dependencies inside docker:" |
| echo > /etc/apt/sources.list |
| rm -vf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* || true |
| """) |
| common.debianExtraRepos(extraReposYaml) |
| sh('''#!/bin/bash -xe |
| apt-get update |
| apt-get install -y python-netaddr reclass |
| ''') |
| |
| } |
| runCommands.sort().each { command, body -> |
| common.warningMsg("Running command: ${command}") |
| // doCall is the closure implementation in groovy, allow to pass arguments to closure |
| body.call() |
| } |
| // If we didn't dropped for now - test has been passed. |
| TestMarkerResult = true |
| } |
| finally { |
| runFinally.sort().each { command, body -> |
| common.warningMsg("Running ${command} command.") |
| // doCall is the closure implementation in groovy, allow to pass arguments to closure |
| body.call() |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| catch (Exception er) { |
| common.warningMsg("IgnoreMe:Something wrong with img.Message:\n" + er.toString()) |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| common.warningMsg("IgnoreMe:Force cleanup slave.Ignore docker-daemon errors") |
| timeout(time: 10, unit: 'SECONDS') { |
| sh(script: "set -x; docker kill ${dockerContainerName} || true", returnStdout: true) |
| } |
| timeout(time: 10, unit: 'SECONDS') { |
| sh(script: "set -x; docker rm --force ${dockerContainerName} || true", returnStdout: true) |
| } |
| } |
| catch (Exception er) { |
| common.warningMsg("IgnoreMe:Timeout to delete test docker container with force!Message:\n" + er.toString()) |
| } |
| |
| if (TestMarkerResult) { |
| common.infoMsg("Test finished: SUCCESS") |
| } else { |
| common.warningMsg("Test finished: FAILURE") |
| } |
| return TestMarkerResult |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Wrapper around setupDockerAndTest, to run checks against new Reclass version |
| * that current model is compatible with new Reclass. |
| * |
| * @param config - LinkedHashMap with configuration params: |
| * dockerHostname - (required) Hostname to use for Docker container. |
| * distribRevision - (optional) Revision of packages to use (default proposed). |
| * extraRepo - (optional) Extra repo to use to install new Reclass version. Has |
| * high priority on distribRevision |
| * targetNodes - (required) List nodes to check pillar data. |
| */ |
| def compareReclassVersions(config) { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def salt = new com.mirantis.mk.Salt() |
| common.infoMsg("Going to test new reclass for CFG node") |
| def distribRevision = config.get('distribRevision', 'proposed') |
| def venv = config.get('venv') |
| def extraRepo = config.get('extraRepo', '') |
| def extraRepoKey = config.get('extraRepoKey', '') |
| def targetNodes = config.get('targetNodes') |
| sh "rm -rf ${env.WORKSPACE}/old ${env.WORKSPACE}/new" |
| sh "mkdir -p ${env.WORKSPACE}/old ${env.WORKSPACE}/new" |
| def configRun = [ |
| 'formulasRevision': distribRevision, |
| 'dockerExtraOpts' : [ |
| "-v /srv/salt/reclass:/srv/salt/reclass:ro", |
| "-v /etc/salt:/etc/salt:ro", |
| "-v /usr/share/salt-formulas/:/usr/share/salt-formulas/:ro" |
| ], |
| 'envOpts' : [ |
| "NODES_LIST=${targetNodes.join(' ')}" |
| ], |
| 'runCommands' : [ |
| '001_Update_Reclass_package' : { |
| sh('apt-get update && apt-get install -y reclass') |
| }, |
| '002_Test_Reclass_Compatibility': { |
| sh(''' |
| reclass-salt -b /srv/salt/reclass -t > ${WORKSPACE}/new/inventory || exit 1 |
| for node in $NODES_LIST; do |
| reclass-salt -b /srv/salt/reclass -p $node > ${WORKSPACE}/new/$node || exit 1 |
| done |
| ''') |
| } |
| ] |
| ] |
| if (extraRepo) { |
| configRun['runCommands']['0001_Additional_Extra_Repo_Passed'] = { |
| sh(""" |
| echo "${extraRepo}" > /etc/apt/sources.list.d/mcp_extra.list |
| [ "${extraRepoKey}" ] && wget -O - ${extraRepoKey} | apt-key add - |
| """) |
| } |
| } |
| if (setupDockerAndTest(configRun)) { |
| common.infoMsg("New reclass version is compatible with current model: SUCCESS") |
| def inventoryOld = salt.cmdRun(venv, "I@salt:master", "reclass-salt -b /srv/salt/reclass -t", true, null, true).get("return")[0].values()[0] |
| // [0..-31] to exclude 'echo Salt command execution success' from output |
| writeFile(file: "${env.WORKSPACE}/old/inventory", text: inventoryOld[0..-31]) |
| for (String node in targetNodes) { |
| def nodeOut = salt.cmdRun(venv, "I@salt:master", "reclass-salt -b /srv/salt/reclass -p ${node}", true, null, true).get("return")[0].values()[0] |
| writeFile(file: "${env.WORKSPACE}/old/${node}", text: nodeOut[0..-31]) |
| } |
| def reclassDiff = common.comparePillars(env.WORKSPACE, env.BUILD_URL, '') |
| currentBuild.description = reclassDiff |
| if (reclassDiff != '<b>No job changes</b>') { |
| throw new RuntimeException("Pillars with new reclass version has been changed: FAILED") |
| } else { |
| common.infoMsg("Pillars not changed with new reclass version: SUCCESS") |
| } |
| } else { |
| throw new RuntimeException("New reclass version is not compatible with current model: FAILED") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Wrapper over setupDockerAndTest, to test CC model. |
| * |
| * @param config - dict with params: |
| * dockerHostname - (required) salt master's name |
| * clusterName - (optional) model cluster name |
| * extraFormulas - (optional) extraFormulas to install. DEPRECATED |
| * formulasSource - (optional) formulas source (git or pkg, default pkg) |
| * reclassVersion - (optional) Version of used reclass (branch, tag, ...) (optional, default master) |
| * reclassEnv - (require) directory of model |
| * ignoreClassNotfound - (optional) Ignore missing classes for reclass model (default false) |
| * aptRepoUrl - (optional) package repository with salt formulas |
| * aptRepoGPG - (optional) GPG key for apt repository with formulas |
| * testContext - (optional) Description of test |
| Return: true\exception |
| */ |
| |
| def testNode(LinkedHashMap config) { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def result = '' |
| def dockerHostname = config.get('dockerHostname') |
| def reclassEnv = config.get('reclassEnv') |
| def clusterName = config.get('clusterName', "") |
| def formulasSource = config.get('formulasSource', 'pkg') |
| def extraFormulas = config.get('extraFormulas', 'linux') |
| def reclassVersion = config.get('reclassVersion', 'master') |
| def ignoreClassNotfound = config.get('ignoreClassNotfound', false) |
| def aptRepoUrl = config.get('aptRepoUrl', "") |
| def aptRepoGPG = config.get('aptRepoGPG', "") |
| def testContext = config.get('testContext', 'test') |
| config['envOpts'] = [ |
| "RECLASS_ENV=${reclassEnv}", "SALT_STOPSTART_WAIT=5", |
| "MASTER_HOSTNAME=${dockerHostname}", "CLUSTER_NAME=${clusterName}", |
| "MINION_ID=${dockerHostname}", "FORMULAS_SOURCE=${formulasSource}", |
| "EXTRA_FORMULAS=${extraFormulas}", "RECLASS_VERSION=${reclassVersion}", |
| "RECLASS_IGNORE_CLASS_NOTFOUND=${ignoreClassNotfound}", "DEBUG=1", |
| "APT_REPOSITORY=${aptRepoUrl}", "APT_REPOSITORY_GPG=${aptRepoGPG}", |
| ] |
| |
| config['runCommands'] = [ |
| '001_Clone_salt_formulas_scripts': { |
| sh(script: 'git clone https://github.com/salt-formulas/salt-formulas-scripts /srv/salt/scripts', returnStdout: true) |
| }, |
| |
| '002_Prepare_something' : { |
| sh('''rsync -ah ${RECLASS_ENV}/* /srv/salt/reclass && echo ' salt' >> /etc/hosts |
| cd /srv/salt && find . -type f \\( -name '*.yml' -or -name '*.sh' \\) -exec sed -i 's/apt-mk.mirantis.com/apt.mirantis.net:8085/g' {} \\; |
| cd /srv/salt && find . -type f \\( -name '*.yml' -or -name '*.sh' \\) -exec sed -i 's/apt.mirantis.com/apt.mirantis.net:8085/g' {} \\; |
| ''') |
| }, |
| |
| '004_Run_tests' : { |
| def testTimeout = 40 * 60 |
| timeout(time: testTimeout, unit: 'SECONDS') { |
| sh('''#!/bin/bash |
| source /srv/salt/scripts/bootstrap.sh |
| cd /srv/salt/scripts |
| source_local_envs |
| configure_salt_master |
| configure_salt_minion |
| install_salt_formula_pkg |
| source /srv/salt/scripts/bootstrap.sh |
| cd /srv/salt/scripts |
| saltservice_restart''') |
| |
| sh('''#!/bin/bash |
| source /srv/salt/scripts/bootstrap.sh |
| cd /srv/salt/scripts |
| source_local_envs |
| saltmaster_init''') |
| |
| sh('''#!/bin/bash |
| source /srv/salt/scripts/bootstrap.sh |
| cd /srv/salt/scripts |
| verify_salt_minions''') |
| } |
| } |
| ] |
| config['runFinally'] = [ |
| '001_Archive_artefacts': { |
| sh(script: "cd /tmp; tar -czf ${env.WORKSPACE}/nodesinfo.tar.gz *reclass*", returnStatus: true) |
| archiveArtifacts artifacts: "nodesinfo.tar.gz" |
| } |
| ] |
| testResult = setupDockerAndTest(config) |
| if (testResult) { |
| common.infoMsg("Node test for context: ${testContext} model: ${reclassEnv} finished: SUCCESS") |
| } else { |
| throw new RuntimeException("Node test for context: ${testContext} model: ${reclassEnv} finished: FAILURE") |
| } |
| return testResult |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * setup and test salt-master |
| * |
| * @param masterName salt master's name |
| * @param clusterName model cluster name |
| * @param extraFormulas extraFormulas to install. DEPRECATED |
| * @param formulasSource formulas source (git or pkg) |
| * @param reclassVersion Version of used reclass (branch, tag, ...) (optional, default master) |
| * @param testDir directory of model |
| * @param formulasSource Salt formulas source type (optional, default pkg) |
| * @param formulasRevision APT revision for formulas (optional default stable) |
| * @param ignoreClassNotfound Ignore missing classes for reclass model |
| * @param dockerMaxCpus max cpus passed to docker (default 0, disabled) |
| * @param legacyTestingMode do you want to enable legacy testing mode (iterating through the nodes directory definitions instead of reading cluster models) |
| * @param aptRepoUrl package repository with salt formulas |
| * @param aptRepoGPG GPG key for apt repository with formulas |
| * Return true | false |
| */ |
| |
| def setupAndTestNode(masterName, clusterName, extraFormulas = '*', testDir, formulasSource = 'pkg', |
| formulasRevision = 'stable', reclassVersion = "master", dockerMaxCpus = 0, |
| ignoreClassNotfound = false, legacyTestingMode = false, aptRepoUrl = '', aptRepoGPG = '', dockerContainerName = false) { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| // TODO |
| common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated function!Please migrate to "setupDockerAndTest".' + |
| 'It would be removed after 2018.q4 release!Pushing forced 60s sleep..') |
| sh('sleep 60') |
| // timeout for test execution (40min) |
| def testTimeout = 40 * 60 |
| def TestMarkerResult = false |
| def saltOpts = "--retcode-passthrough --force-color" |
| def workspace = common.getWorkspace() |
| def img = docker.image("mirantis/salt:saltstack-ubuntu-xenial-salt-2017.7") |
| img.pull() |
| |
| if (formulasSource == 'pkg') { |
| if (extraFormulas) { |
| common.warningMsg("You have passed deprecated variable:extraFormulas=${extraFormulas}. " + |
| "\n It would be ignored, and all formulas would be installed anyway") |
| } |
| } |
| if (!dockerContainerName) { |
| dockerContainerName = 'setupAndTestNode' + UUID.randomUUID().toString() |
| } |
| def dockerMaxCpusOpt = "--cpus=4" |
| if (dockerMaxCpus > 0) { |
| dockerMaxCpusOpt = "--cpus=${dockerMaxCpus}" |
| } |
| try { |
| img.inside("-u root:root --hostname=${masterName} --ulimit nofile=4096:8192 ${dockerMaxCpusOpt} --name=${dockerContainerName}") { |
| withEnv(["FORMULAS_SOURCE=${formulasSource}", "EXTRA_FORMULAS=${extraFormulas}", "EXTRA_FORMULAS_PKG_ALL=true", |
| "DISTRIB_REVISION=${formulasRevision}", |
| "DEBUG=1", "MASTER_HOSTNAME=${masterName}", |
| "CLUSTER_NAME=${clusterName}", "MINION_ID=${masterName}", |
| "RECLASS_VERSION=${reclassVersion}", "RECLASS_IGNORE_CLASS_NOTFOUND=${ignoreClassNotfound}", |
| "APT_REPOSITORY_GPG=${aptRepoGPG}"]) { |
| try { |
| // Currently, we don't have any other point to install |
| // runtime dependencies for tests. |
| sh("""#!/bin/bash -xe |
| echo "Installing extra-deb dependencies inside docker:" |
| echo "APT::Get::AllowUnauthenticated 'true';" > /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99setupAndTestNode |
| echo "APT::Get::Install-Suggests 'false';" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99setupAndTestNode |
| echo "APT::Get::Install-Recommends 'false';" >> /etc/apt/apt.conf.d/99setupAndTestNode |
| rm -vf /etc/apt/sources.list.d/* || true |
| echo 'deb [arch=amd64] http://mirror.mirantis.com/$DISTRIB_REVISION/ubuntu xenial main restricted universe' > /etc/apt/sources.list |
| echo 'deb [arch=amd64] http://mirror.mirantis.com/$DISTRIB_REVISION/ubuntu xenial-updates main restricted universe' >> /etc/apt/sources.list |
| apt-get update |
| apt-get install -y python-netaddr |
| """) |
| sh(script: "git clone https://github.com/salt-formulas/salt-formulas-scripts /srv/salt/scripts", returnStdout: true) |
| sh("""rsync -ah ${testDir}/* /srv/salt/reclass && echo ' salt' >> /etc/hosts |
| cd /srv/salt && find . -type f \\( -name '*.yml' -or -name '*.sh' \\) -exec sed -i 's/apt-mk.mirantis.com/apt.mirantis.net:8085/g' {} \\; |
| cd /srv/salt && find . -type f \\( -name '*.yml' -or -name '*.sh' \\) -exec sed -i 's/apt.mirantis.com/apt.mirantis.net:8085/g' {} \\; |
| """) |
| // FIXME: should be changed to use reclass from mcp_extra_nigtly? |
| sh("""for s in \$(python -c \"import site; print(' '.join(site.getsitepackages()))\"); do |
| sudo -H pip install --install-option=\"--prefix=\" --upgrade --force-reinstall -I \ |
| -t \"\$s\" git+https://github.com/salt-formulas/reclass.git@${reclassVersion}; |
| done""") |
| timeout(time: testTimeout, unit: 'SECONDS') { |
| sh('''#!/bin/bash |
| source /srv/salt/scripts/bootstrap.sh |
| cd /srv/salt/scripts |
| source_local_envs |
| configure_salt_master |
| configure_salt_minion |
| install_salt_formula_pkg |
| source /srv/salt/scripts/bootstrap.sh |
| cd /srv/salt/scripts |
| saltservice_restart''') |
| sh('''#!/bin/bash |
| source /srv/salt/scripts/bootstrap.sh |
| cd /srv/salt/scripts |
| source_local_envs |
| saltmaster_init''') |
| |
| if (!legacyTestingMode.toBoolean()) { |
| sh('''#!/bin/bash |
| source /srv/salt/scripts/bootstrap.sh |
| cd /srv/salt/scripts |
| verify_salt_minions |
| ''') |
| } |
| } |
| // If we didn't dropped for now - test has been passed. |
| TestMarkerResult = true |
| } |
| |
| finally { |
| // Collect rendered per-node data.Those info could be simply used |
| // for diff processing. Data was generated via reclass.cli --nodeinfo, |
| /// during verify_salt_minions. |
| sh(script: "cd /tmp; tar -czf ${env.WORKSPACE}/nodesinfo.tar.gz *reclass*", returnStatus: true) |
| archiveArtifacts artifacts: "nodesinfo.tar.gz" |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| catch (Exception er) { |
| common.warningMsg("IgnoreMe:Something wrong with img.Message:\n" + er.toString()) |
| } |
| |
| if (legacyTestingMode.toBoolean()) { |
| common.infoMsg("Running legacy mode test for master hostname ${masterName}") |
| def nodes = sh(script: "find /srv/salt/reclass/nodes -name '*.yml' | grep -v 'cfg*.yml'", returnStdout: true) |
| for (minion in nodes.tokenize()) { |
| def basename = sh(script: "set +x;basename ${minion} .yml", returnStdout: true) |
| if (!basename.trim().contains(masterName)) { |
| testMinion(basename.trim()) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| |
| try { |
| common.warningMsg("IgnoreMe:Force cleanup slave.Ignore docker-daemon errors") |
| timeout(time: 10, unit: 'SECONDS') { |
| sh(script: "set -x; docker kill ${dockerContainerName} || true", returnStdout: true) |
| } |
| timeout(time: 10, unit: 'SECONDS') { |
| sh(script: "set -x; docker rm --force ${dockerContainerName} || true", returnStdout: true) |
| } |
| } |
| catch (Exception er) { |
| common.warningMsg("IgnoreMe:Timeout to delete test docker container with force!Message:\n" + er.toString()) |
| } |
| |
| if (TestMarkerResult) { |
| common.infoMsg("Test finished: SUCCESS") |
| } else { |
| common.warningMsg("Test finished: FAILURE") |
| } |
| return TestMarkerResult |
| |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Test salt-minion |
| * |
| * @param minion salt minion |
| */ |
| |
| def testMinion(minionName) { |
| sh(script: "bash -c 'source /srv/salt/scripts/bootstrap.sh; cd /srv/salt/scripts && verify_salt_minion ${minionName}'", returnStdout: true) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Wrapper over setupAndTestNode, to test exactly one CC model. |
| Whole workspace and model - should be pre-rendered and passed via MODELS_TARGZ |
| Flow: grab all data, and pass to setupAndTestNode function |
| under-modell will be directly mirrored to `model/{cfg.testReclassEnv}/* /srv/salt/reclass/*` |
| * |
| * @param cfg - dict with params: |
| MODELS_TARGZ http link to arch with (models|contexts|global_reclass) |
| modelFile |
| DockerCName directly passed to setupAndTestNode |
| EXTRA_FORMULAS directly passed to setupAndTestNode |
| DISTRIB_REVISION directly passed to setupAndTestNode |
| reclassVersion directly passed to setupAndTestNode |
| |
| Return: true\exception |
| */ |
| |
| def testCCModel(cfg) { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| common.errorMsg('You are using deprecated function!Please migrate to "testNode".' + |
| 'It would be removed after 2018.q4 release!Pushing forced 60s sleep..') |
| sh('sleep 60') |
| sh(script: 'find . -mindepth 1 -delete || true', returnStatus: true) |
| sh(script: "wget --progress=dot:mega --auth-no-challenge -O models.tar.gz ${cfg.MODELS_TARGZ}") |
| // unpack data |
| sh(script: "tar -xzf models.tar.gz ") |
| common.infoMsg("Going to test exactly one context: ${cfg.modelFile}\n, with params: ${cfg}") |
| content = readFile(file: cfg.modelFile) |
| templateContext = readYaml text: content |
| clusterName = templateContext.default_context.cluster_name |
| clusterDomain = templateContext.default_context.cluster_domain |
| |
| def testResult = false |
| testResult = setupAndTestNode( |
| "cfg01.${clusterDomain}", |
| clusterName, |
| '', |
| cfg.testReclassEnv, // Sync into image exactly one env |
| 'pkg', |
| cfg.reclassVersion, |
| 0, |
| false, |
| false, |
| '', |
| '', |
| cfg.DockerCName) |
| if (testResult) { |
| common.infoMsg("testCCModel for context: ${cfg.modelFile} model: ${cfg.testReclassEnv} finished: SUCCESS") |
| } else { |
| throw new RuntimeException("testCCModel for context: ${cfg.modelFile} model: ${cfg.testReclassEnv} finished: FAILURE") |
| } |
| return testResult |
| } |