| package com.mirantis.mk |
| |
| import com.cloudbees.groovy.cps.NonCPS |
| import java.util.stream.Collectors |
| /** |
| * Salt functions |
| * |
| */ |
| |
| /** |
| * Salt connection and context parameters |
| * |
| * @param url Salt API server URL |
| * @param credentialsID ID of credentials store entry |
| */ |
| def connection(url, credentialsId = "salt") { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| params = [ |
| "url": url, |
| "credentialsId": credentialsId, |
| "authToken": null, |
| "creds": common.getCredentials(credentialsId) |
| ] |
| params["authToken"] = saltLogin(params) |
| |
| return params |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Login to Salt API, return auth token |
| * |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| */ |
| def saltLogin(master) { |
| def http = new com.mirantis.mk.Http() |
| data = [ |
| 'username': master.creds.username, |
| 'password': master.creds.password.toString(), |
| 'eauth': 'pam' |
| ] |
| authToken = http.restGet(master, '/login', data)['return'][0]['token'] |
| return authToken |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Run action using Salt API |
| * |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param client Client type |
| * @param target Target specification, eg. for compound matches by Pillar |
| * data: ['expression': 'I@openssh:server', 'type': 'compound']) |
| * @param function Function to execute (eg. "state.sls") |
| * @param batch Batch param to salt (integer or string with percents) |
| * @param args Additional arguments to function |
| * @param kwargs Additional key-value arguments to function |
| * @param timeout Additional argument salt api timeout |
| */ |
| @NonCPS |
| def runSaltCommand(master, client, target, function, batch = null, args = null, kwargs = null, timeout = -1) { |
| def http = new com.mirantis.mk.Http() |
| |
| data = [ |
| 'tgt': target.expression, |
| 'fun': function, |
| 'client': client, |
| 'expr_form': target.type, |
| ] |
| |
| if(batch != null && ( (batch instanceof Integer && batch > 0) || (batch instanceof String && batch.contains("%")))){ |
| data['client']= "local_batch" |
| data['batch'] = batch |
| } |
| |
| if (args) { |
| data['arg'] = args |
| } |
| |
| if (kwargs) { |
| data['kwarg'] = kwargs |
| } |
| |
| if (timeout != -1) { |
| data['timeout'] = timeout |
| } |
| |
| headers = [ |
| 'X-Auth-Token': "${master.authToken}" |
| ] |
| |
| return http.sendHttpPostRequest("${master.url}/", data, headers) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Return pillar for given master and target |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param target Get pillar target |
| * @param pillar pillar name (optional) |
| * @return output of salt command |
| */ |
| def getPillar(master, target, pillar = null) { |
| if (pillar != null) { |
| return runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'pillar.get', null, [pillar.replace('.', ':')]) |
| } else { |
| return runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'pillar.data') |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Return grain for given master and target |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param target Get grain target |
| * @param grain grain name (optional) |
| * @return output of salt command |
| */ |
| def getGrain(master, target, grain = null) { |
| if(grain != null) { |
| return runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'grains.item', null, [grain]) |
| } else { |
| return runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'grains.items') |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Enforces state on given master and target |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param target State enforcing target |
| * @param state Salt state |
| * @param output print output (optional, default true) |
| * @param failOnError throw exception on salt state result:false (optional, default true) |
| * @param batch salt batch parameter integer or string with percents (optional, default null - disable batch) |
| * @param optional don't fail on empty response from salt caused by 'No minions matched the targed' if set to true (default false) |
| * @return output of salt command |
| */ |
| def enforceState(master, target, state, output = true, failOnError = true, batch = null, optional = false) { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def run_states |
| |
| if (state instanceof String) { |
| run_states = state |
| } else { |
| run_states = state.join(',') |
| } |
| |
| common.infoMsg("Enforcing state ${run_states} on ${target}") |
| if (optional==false){ |
| def out = runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'state.sls', batch, [run_states]) |
| checkResult(out, failOnError, output) |
| return out |
| } else if (testTarget(master, target)) { |
| def out = runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'state.sls', batch, [run_states]) |
| checkResult(out, failOnError, output) |
| return out |
| } else { |
| common.infoMsg("No Minions matched the target given, but 'optional' param was set to true - Pipeline continues. ") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Run command on salt minion (salt cmd.run wrapper) |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param target Get pillar target |
| * @param cmd command |
| * @param checkResponse test command success execution (default true) |
| * @param batch salt batch parameter integer or string with percents (optional, default null - disable batch) |
| * @param output do you want to print output |
| * @return output of salt command |
| */ |
| def cmdRun(master, target, cmd, checkResponse = true, batch=null, output = true) { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def originalCmd = cmd |
| common.infoMsg("Running command ${cmd} on ${target}") |
| if (checkResponse) { |
| cmd = cmd + " && echo Salt command execution success" |
| } |
| def out = runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'cmd.run', batch, [cmd]) |
| if (checkResponse) { |
| // iterate over all affected nodes and check success return code |
| if (out["return"]){ |
| for(int i=0;i<out["return"].size();i++){ |
| def node = out["return"][i]; |
| for(int j=0;j<node.size();j++){ |
| def nodeKey = node.keySet()[j] |
| if (!node[nodeKey].contains("Salt command execution success")) { |
| throw new Exception("Execution of cmd ${originalCmd} failed. Server returns: ${node[nodeKey]}") |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }else{ |
| throw new Exception("Salt Api response doesn't have return param!") |
| } |
| } |
| if (output == true) { |
| printSaltCommandResult(out) |
| } |
| return out |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** |
| * Run command on salt minion (salt cmd.run wrapper) |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param target Get pillar target |
| * @param minion_name unique identification of a minion in salt-key command output |
| * @param waitUntilPresent return after the minion becomes present (default true) |
| * @param batch salt batch parameter integer or string with percents (optional, default null - disable batch) |
| * @param output print salt command (default true) |
| * @return output of salt command |
| */ |
| def minion_present(master, target, minion_name, waitUntilPresent = true, batch=null, output = true) { |
| return command_status(master, target, 'salt-key | grep ' + minion_name, minion_name, waitUntilPresent, batch, output) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Run command on salt minion (salt cmd.run wrapper) |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param target Get pillar target |
| * @param cmd name of a service |
| * @param correct_state string that command must contain if status is in correct state (optional, default 'running') |
| * @param waitUntilOk return after the minion becomes present (optional, default true) |
| * @param batch salt batch parameter integer or string with percents (optional, default null - disable batch) |
| * @param output print salt command (default true) |
| * @return output of salt command |
| */ |
| def command_status(master, target, cmd, correct_state='running', waitUntilOk = true, batch=null, output = true, maxRetries = 200) { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| common.infoMsg("Checking if status of verification command ${cmd} on ${target} is in correct state") |
| if (waitUntilOk){ |
| def count = 0 |
| while(count < maxRetries) { |
| def out = runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'cmd.shell', batch, [cmd]) |
| if (out.toLowerCase().contains(correct_state.toLowerCase()) && output == true) { |
| if (output) { |
| printSaltCommandResult(out) |
| } |
| return out |
| } |
| count++ |
| sleep(time: 500, unit: 'MILLISECONDS') |
| } |
| } else { |
| def out = runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'cmd.shell', batch, [cmd]) |
| if (out.toLowerCase().contains(correct_state.toLowerCase()) && output == true) { |
| if (output) { |
| printSaltCommandResult(out) |
| } |
| return out |
| } |
| } |
| // otherwise throw exception |
| throw new Exception("${cmd} signals failure of status check!") |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** |
| * Perform complete salt sync between master and target |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param target Get pillar target |
| * @return output of salt command |
| */ |
| def syncAll(master, target) { |
| return runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'saltutil.sync_all') |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Enforce highstate on given targets |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param target Highstate enforcing target |
| * @param output print output (optional, default true) |
| * @param failOnError throw exception on salt state result:false (optional, default true) |
| * @param batch salt batch parameter integer or string with percents (optional, default null - disable batch) |
| * @return output of salt command |
| */ |
| def enforceHighstate(master, target, output = false, failOnError = true, batch = null) { |
| def out = runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'state.highstate', batch) |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| |
| common.infoMsg("Running step state.highstate on ${target}") |
| |
| checkResult(out, failOnError, output) |
| return out |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Get running minions IDs according to the target |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param target Get minions target |
| * @return list of active minions fitin |
| */ |
| def getMinions(master, target) { |
| def minionsRaw = runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': target, 'type': 'compound'], 'test.ping') |
| return new ArrayList<String>(minionsRaw['return'][0].keySet()) |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** |
| * Test if there are any minions to target |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param target Target to test |
| * @return bool indicating if target was succesful |
| */ |
| |
| def testTarget(master, target) { |
| return getMinions(master, target).size() > 0 |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Generates node key using key.gen_accept call |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param target Key generating target |
| * @param host Key generating host |
| * @param keysize generated key size (optional, default 4096) |
| * @return output of salt command |
| */ |
| def generateNodeKey(master, target, host, keysize = 4096) { |
| return runSaltCommand(master, 'wheel', target, 'key.gen_accept', [host], ['keysize': keysize]) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Generates node reclass metadata |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param target Metadata generating target |
| * @param host Metadata generating host |
| * @param classes Reclass classes |
| * @param parameters Reclass parameters |
| * @return output of salt command |
| */ |
| def generateNodeMetadata(master, target, host, classes, parameters) { |
| return runSaltCommand(master, 'local', target, 'reclass.node_create', [host, '_generated'], ['classes': classes, 'parameters': parameters]) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Run salt orchestrate on given targets |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param target Orchestration target |
| * @param orchestrate Salt orchestrate params |
| * @return output of salt command |
| */ |
| def orchestrateSystem(master, target, orchestrate) { |
| return runSaltCommand(master, 'runner', target, 'state.orchestrate', [orchestrate]) |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Run salt process step |
| * @param master Salt connection object |
| * @param tgt Salt process step target |
| * @param fun Salt process step function |
| * @param arg process step arguments (optional, default []) |
| * @param batch salt batch parameter integer or string with percents (optional, default null - disable batch) |
| * @param output print output (optional, default false) |
| * @param timeout Additional argument salt api timeout |
| * @return output of salt command |
| */ |
| def runSaltProcessStep(master, tgt, fun, arg = [], batch = null, output = false, timeout = -1) { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| def salt = new com.mirantis.mk.Salt() |
| def out |
| |
| common.infoMsg("Running step ${fun} on ${tgt}") |
| |
| if (batch == true) { |
| out = runSaltCommand(master, 'local_batch', ['expression': tgt, 'type': 'compound'], fun, String.valueOf(batch), arg, null, timeout) |
| } else { |
| out = runSaltCommand(master, 'local', ['expression': tgt, 'type': 'compound'], fun, batch, arg, null, timeout) |
| } |
| |
| if (output == true) { |
| salt.printSaltCommandResult(out) |
| } |
| return out |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Check result for errors and throw exception if any found |
| * |
| * @param result Parsed response of Salt API |
| * @param failOnError Do you want to throw exception if salt-call fails (optional, default true) |
| * @param printResults Do you want to print salt results (optional, default true) |
| * @param printOnlyChanges If true (default), print only changed resources |
| */ |
| def checkResult(result, failOnError = true, printResults = true, printOnlyChanges = true) { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| if(result != null){ |
| if(result['return']){ |
| for (int i=0;i<result['return'].size();i++) { |
| def entry = result['return'][i] |
| if (!entry) { |
| if (failOnError) { |
| throw new Exception("Salt API returned empty response: ${result}") |
| } else { |
| common.errorMsg("Salt API returned empty response: ${result}") |
| } |
| } |
| for (int j=0;j<entry.size();j++) { |
| def nodeKey = entry.keySet()[j] |
| def node=entry[nodeKey] |
| def outputResources = [] |
| common.infoMsg("Node ${nodeKey} changes:") |
| if(node instanceof Map || node instanceof List){ |
| for (int k=0;k<node.size();k++) { |
| def resource; |
| def resKey; |
| if(node instanceof Map){ |
| resKey = node.keySet()[k] |
| }else if(node instanceof List){ |
| resKey = k |
| } |
| resource = node[resKey] |
| // print |
| if(printResults){ |
| if(resource instanceof Map && resource.keySet().contains("result")){ |
| //clean unnesaccary fields |
| if(resource.keySet().contains("__run_num__")){ |
| resource.remove("__run_num__") |
| } |
| if(resource.keySet().contains("__id__")){ |
| resource.remove("__id__") |
| } |
| if(resource.keySet().contains("pchanges")){ |
| resource.remove("pchanges") |
| } |
| if(!resource["result"] || (resource["result"] instanceof String && resource["result"] != "true")){ |
| if(resource["result"] != null){ |
| outputResources.add(String.format("Resource: %s\n\u001B[31m%s\u001B[0m", resKey, common.prettify(resource))) |
| }else{ |
| outputResources.add(String.format("Resource: %s\n\u001B[33m%s\u001B[0m", resKey, common.prettify(resource))) |
| } |
| }else{ |
| if(!printOnlyChanges || resource.changes.size() > 0){ |
| outputResources.add(String.format("Resource: %s\n\u001B[32m%s\u001B[0m", resKey, common.prettify(resource))) |
| } |
| } |
| }else{ |
| outputResources.add(String.format("Resource: %s\n\u001B[36m%s\u001B[0m", resKey, common.prettify(resource))) |
| } |
| } |
| common.debugMsg("checkResult: checking resource: ${resource}") |
| if(resource instanceof String || (resource["result"] != null && !resource["result"]) || (resource["result"] instanceof String && resource["result"] == "false")){ |
| def prettyResource = common.prettify(resource) |
| if(env["ASK_ON_ERROR"] && env["ASK_ON_ERROR"] == "true"){ |
| timeout(time:1, unit:'HOURS') { |
| input message: "False result on ${nodeKey} found, resource ${prettyResource}. \nDo you want to continue?" |
| } |
| }else{ |
| common.errorMsg(String.format("Resource: %s\n%s", resKey, prettyResource)) |
| def errorMsg = "Salt state on node ${nodeKey} failed: ${prettyResource}." |
| if (failOnError) { |
| throw new Exception(errorMsg) |
| } else { |
| common.errorMsg(errorMsg) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }else if(node!=null && node!=""){ |
| outputResources.add(String.format("Resource: %s\n\u001B[36m%s\u001B[0m", resKey, common.prettify(node))) |
| } |
| if(printResults && !outputResources.isEmpty()){ |
| wrap([$class: 'AnsiColorBuildWrapper']) { |
| print outputResources.stream().collect(Collectors.joining("\n")) |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| } |
| }else{ |
| common.errorMsg("Salt result hasn't return attribute! Result: ${result}") |
| } |
| }else{ |
| common.errorMsg("Cannot check salt result, given result is null") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Print salt command run results in human-friendly form |
| * |
| * @param result Parsed response of Salt API |
| */ |
| def printSaltCommandResult(result) { |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| if(result != null){ |
| if(result['return']){ |
| for (int i=0; i<result['return'].size(); i++) { |
| def entry = result['return'][i] |
| for (int j=0; j<entry.size(); j++) { |
| common.debugMsg("printSaltCommandResult: printing salt command entry: ${entry}") |
| def nodeKey = entry.keySet()[j] |
| def node=entry[nodeKey] |
| common.infoMsg(String.format("Node %s changes:\n%s",nodeKey, common.prettify(node))) |
| } |
| } |
| }else{ |
| common.errorMsg("Salt result hasn't return attribute! Result: ${result}") |
| } |
| }else{ |
| common.errorMsg("Cannot print salt command result, given result is null") |
| } |
| } |
| |
| |
| /** |
| * Return content of file target |
| * |
| * @param master Salt master object |
| * @param target Compound target (should target only one host) |
| * @param file File path to read (/etc/hosts for example) |
| */ |
| |
| def getFileContent(master, target, file) { |
| result = cmdRun(master, target, "cat ${file}") |
| return result['return'][0].values()[0] |
| } |
| |
| /** |
| * Set override parameters in Salt cluster metadata |
| * |
| * @param master Salt master object |
| * @param salt_overrides YAML formatted string containing key: value, one per line |
| */ |
| |
| def setSaltOverrides(master, salt_overrides, debug=false) { |
| def mcpcommon = new com.mirantis.mcp.Common() |
| def common = new com.mirantis.mk.Common() |
| |
| def salt_overrides_map = mcpcommon.loadYAML(salt_overrides) |
| for (entry in common.entries(salt_overrides_map)) { |
| def key = entry[0] |
| def value = entry[1] |
| |
| common.debugMsg("Set salt override ${key}=${value}") |
| runSaltProcessStep(master, 'I@salt:master', 'reclass.cluster_meta_set', ["${key}", "${value}"], false, debug) |
| } |
| } |