blob: 280bf63cf02ae7828477c1954e62070e700a259a [file] [log] [blame]
* Functions to work with Helm
* Build index file for helm chart
* @param extra_params additional params, e.g. --url repository_URL
* @param charts_dir path to a directory
def helmRepoIndex(extra_params='', charts_dir='.'){
sh("helm repo index ${extra_params} ${charts_dir}")
* Rebuild index file for helm chart repo
* @param helmRepoUrl repository with helm charts
* @param md5Remote md5 sum of index.yaml for check
def helmMergeRepoIndex(helmRepoUrl, md5Remote='') {
def common = new
def helmRepoDir = '.'
def helmExtraParams = "--url ${helmRepoUrl}"
def indexRes = common.shCmdStatus("wget -O index-upstream.yaml ${helmRepoUrl}/index.yaml")
if (indexRes['status']){
if (indexRes['status'] == 8 && indexRes['stderr'].contains('ERROR 404') && !md5Remote) {
common.warningMsg("Index.yaml not found in ${helmRepoUrl} and will be fully regenerated")
} else {
error("Something went wrong during index.yaml download: ${indexRes['stderr']}")
} else {
if (md5Remote) {
def md5Local = sh(script: "md5sum index-upstream.yaml | cut -d ' ' -f 1", returnStdout: true).readLines()[0]
if (md5Local != md5Remote) {
error 'Target repository already exist, but upstream index.yaml broken or not found'
helmExtraParams += " --merge index-upstream.yaml"
helm.helmRepoIndex(helmExtraParams, helmRepoDir)
* Generates version for helm chart based on information from git repository. Tries to search
* first parent git tag using pattern '[0-9]*-{tagSuffix}', if found that tag will be used
* in final version, if not found - version will be formed as '{defaultVersion}-{tagSuffix}'. Number
* of commits since last tag or sha of current commit can be added to version.
* @param repoDir string, path to a directory with git repository of helm charts
* @param devVersion Boolean, if set to true development version will be calculated e.g 0.1.0-mcp-{sha of current commit}
* @param increment Boolean, if set to true patch version will be incremented (e.g 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1)
* @param defaultVersion string, value of version which will be used in case no tags found. should be semver2 compatible
* @param tagSuffix string, suffix which will be used for finding tags in git repository, also if tag not found, it
* it will be added to {defaultVersion} e.g {defaultVersion}-{tagSuffix}
def generateChartVersionFromGit(repoDir, devVersion = true, increment = false, defaultVersion = '0.1.0', tagSuffix = 'mcp') {
def common = new
def git = new
String initialVersion = "${defaultVersion}-${tagSuffix}"
String countRange
String versionData
String tagPattern = "[0-9]*-${tagSuffix}"
Map cmd = common.shCmdStatus("git describe --tags --first-parent --abbrev=0 --match ${tagPattern}")
String lastTag = cmd['stdout'].trim()
if (cmd['status'] != 0){
if (cmd['stderr'].contains('fatal: No names found, cannot describe anything')){
common.warningMsg("No parent git tag found, using initial version ${initialVersion}")
versionData = initialVersion
countRange = 'HEAD'
} else {
error("Something went wrong, cannot find git information ${cmd['stderr']}")
} else {
versionData = lastTag
countRange = "${lastTag}..HEAD"
List versionParts = versionData.tokenize('-')
if (versionParts.size() == 2 && common.isSemVer(versionData) && versionParts[1] == tagSuffix){
String commitsSinceTag = sh(script: "git rev-list --count ${countRange}", returnStdout: true).trim()
String commitSha = sh(script: 'git rev-parse --short=7 HEAD', returnStdout: true).trim()
if (commitsSinceTag == '0'){
return versionData
if (devVersion){
} else {
// Patch version will be incremented e.g. 0.1.0 -> 0.1.1
if (increment) {
versionParts[0] = git.incrementVersion(versionParts[0])
return versionParts.join('-')
error "Version ${versionData} doesn't contain required suffix ${tagSuffix} or not in semver2 format"
* Takes a list of dependencies and a version, and sets a version for each dependency in requirements.yaml. If dependency isn't
* found in requirements.yaml or requirements.yaml does not exist - does nothing.
* @param chartPath string, path to a directory with helm chart
* @param dependencies list of hashes with names and versions of dependencies in format:
* [['name': 'chart-name1', 'version': '0.1.0-myversion'], ['name': 'chart-name2', 'version': '0.2.0-myversion']]
def setChartDependenciesVersion(chartPath, List dependencies){
def common = new
if (!dependencies){
error 'No list of target dependencies is specified'
def reqsFilePath = "${chartPath}/requirements.yaml"
def chartYaml = readYaml file: "${chartPath}/Chart.yaml"
def reqsUpdateNeeded = false
def reqsMap = [:]
if (fileExists(reqsFilePath)){
reqsMap = readYaml file: reqsFilePath
for (i in dependencies) {
for (item in reqsMap.get('dependencies', [])){
if (item['name'] == i['name']){
common.infoMsg("Set version ${i['version']} for dependency ${i['name']} in chart ${chartYaml['name']}")
item['version'] = i['version']
reqsUpdateNeeded = true
if (reqsUpdateNeeded){
sh "rm ${reqsFilePath}"
writeYaml file: reqsFilePath, data: reqsMap
} else {
common.warningMsg("requirements.yaml doesn't exist at path ${reqsFilePath} or chart doesn't contain ${dependencies}, nothing to set")