blob: 93f3dd1cf0a93f9ed47440c1ced78da45d493e0d [file] [log] [blame]
package ci.mcp
* fix groovy List.collect()
def constructString(ArrayList options, String keyOption, String separator = " ") {
return options.collect{ keyOption + it }.join(separator).replaceAll("\n", "")
* Build command line options, e.g:
* cmd_opts=["a=b", "c=d", "e=f"]
* key = "--build-arg "
* separator = " "
* def options = getCommandBuilder(cmd_opts, key, separator)
* println options
* > --build-arg a=b --build-arg c=d --build-arg e=f
* @param options List of Strings (options that should be populated)
* @param keyOption key that should be added before each option
* @param separator Separator between key+Option pairs
def getCommandBuilder(ArrayList options, String keyOption, String separator = " ") {
return constructString(options, keyOption)
* Return string of mandatory build properties for binaries
* User can also add some custom properties
* @param customProperties a Array of Strings that should be added to mandatory props
* in format ["prop1=value1", "prop2=value2"]
def getBinaryBuildProperties(ArrayList customProperties) {
def namespace = "com.mirantis."
def properties = [
if (customProperties){
return constructString(properties, namespace, ";")
* Parse HEAD of current directory and return commit hash
def getGitCommit() {
git_commit = sh (
script: 'git rev-parse HEAD',
returnStdout: true
return git_commit