blob: 51caed900108e48d1eb06ae8df9beef473ab0447 [file] [log] [blame]
* Git functions
* Checkout single git repository
* @param path Directory to checkout repository to
* @param url Source Git repository URL
* @param branch Source Git repository branch
* @param credentialsId Credentials ID to use for source Git
* @param poll Enable git polling (default true)
* @param timeout Set checkout timeout (default 10)
* @param depth Git depth param (default 0 means no depth)
def checkoutGitRepository(path, url, branch, credentialsId = null, poll = true, timeout = 10, depth = 0){
dir(path) {
poll: poll,
scm: [
$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [[name: "*/${branch}"]],
doGenerateSubmoduleConfigurations: false,
extensions: [
[$class: 'CheckoutOption', timeout: timeout],
[$class: 'CloneOption', depth: depth, noTags: false, reference: '', shallow: depth > 0, timeout: timeout]],
submoduleCfg: [],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: url, credentialsId: credentialsId]]]
sh(returnStdout: true, script: 'git rev-parse HEAD').trim()
* Parse HEAD of current directory and return commit hash
def getGitCommit() {
git_commit = sh (
script: 'git rev-parse HEAD',
returnStdout: true
return git_commit
* Change actual working branch of repo
* @param path Path to the git repository
* @param branch Branch desired to switch to
def changeGitBranch(path, branch) {
dir(path) {
git_cmd = sh (
script: "git checkout ${branch}",
returnStdout: true
return git_cmd
* Get remote URL
* @param name Name of remote (default any)
* @param type Type (fetch or push, default fetch)
def getGitRemote(name = '', type = 'fetch') {
gitRemote = sh (
script: "git remote -v | grep '${name}' | grep ${type} | awk '{print \$2}' | head -1",
returnStdout: true
return gitRemote
* Create new working branch for repo
* @param path Path to the git repository
* @param branch Branch desired to switch to
def createGitBranch(path, branch) {
def git_cmd
dir(path) {
git_cmd = sh (
script: "git checkout -b ${branch}",
returnStdout: true
return git_cmd
* Commit changes to the git repo
* @param path Path to the git repository
* @param message A commit message
def commitGitChanges(path, message, gitEmail='jenkins@localhost', gitName='jenkins-slave') {
def git_cmd
dir(path) {
sh "git config --global '${gitEmail}'"
sh "git config --global '${gitName}'"
script: 'git add -A',
returnStdout: true
git_cmd = sh(
script: "git commit -m '${message}'",
returnStdout: true
return git_cmd
* Push git changes to remote repo
* @param path Path to the local git repository
* @param branch Branch on the remote git repository
* @param remote Name of the remote repository
* @param credentialsId Credentials with write permissions
def pushGitChanges(path, branch = 'master', remote = 'origin', credentialsId = null) {
def ssh = new
dir(path) {
if (credentialsId == null) {
sh script: "git push ${remote} ${branch}"
else {
ssh.runSshAgentCommand("git push ${remote} ${branch}")
* Mirror git repository, merge target changes (downstream) on top of source
* (upstream) and push target or both if pushSource is true
* @param sourceUrl Source git repository
* @param targetUrl Target git repository
* @param credentialsId Credentials id to use for accessing target repositories
* @param branches List or comma-separated string of branches to sync
* @param followTags Mirror tags
* @param pushSource Push back into source branch, resulting in 2-way sync
* @param pushSourceTags Push target tags into source or skip pushing tags
* @param gitEmail Email for creation of merge commits
* @param gitName Name for creation of merge commits
def mirrorGit(sourceUrl, targetUrl, credentialsId, branches, followTags = false, pushSource = false, pushSourceTags = false, gitEmail = 'jenkins@localhost', gitName = 'Jenkins', sourceRemote = 'origin') {
def common = new
def ssh = new
if (branches instanceof String) {
branches = branches.tokenize(',')
// If both source and target repos are secured and accessible via http/https,
// we need to switch GIT_ASKPASS value when running git commands
def sourceAskPass
def targetAskPass
def sshCreds = common.getCredentialsById(credentialsId, 'sshKey') // True if found
if (sshCreds) {
sh "git config '${gitName}'"
} else {
withCredentials([[$class : 'UsernamePasswordMultiBinding',
credentialsId : credentialsId,
passwordVariable: 'GIT_PASSWORD',
usernameVariable: 'GIT_USERNAME']]) {
sh """
set +x
git config --global credential.${targetUrl}.username \${GIT_USERNAME}
echo "echo \${GIT_PASSWORD}" > ${WORKSPACE}/${credentialsId}
chmod +x ${WORKSPACE}/${credentialsId}
git config \${GIT_USERNAME}
sourceAskPass = env.GIT_ASKPASS ?: ''
targetAskPass = "${WORKSPACE}/${credentialsId}"
sh "git config '${gitEmail}'"
def remoteExistence = sh(script: "git remote -v | grep ${TARGET_URL} | grep target", returnStatus: true)
if(remoteExistence == 0) {
// silently try to remove target
sh(script: "git remote remove target", returnStatus: true)
sh("git remote add target ${TARGET_URL}")
if (sshCreds) {
ssh.agentSh "git remote update --prune"
} else {
env.GIT_ASKPASS = sourceAskPass
sh "git remote update ${sourceRemote} --prune"
env.GIT_ASKPASS = targetAskPass
sh "git remote update target --prune"
for (i=0; i < branches.size; i++) {
branch = branches[i]
sh "git branch | grep ${branch} || git checkout -b ${branch}"
def resetResult = sh(script: "git checkout ${branch} && git reset --hard origin/${branch}", returnStatus: true)
if(resetResult != 0){
common.warningMsg("Cannot reset to origin/${branch} for perform git mirror, trying to reset from target/${branch}")
resetResult = sh(script: "git checkout ${branch} && git reset --hard target/${branch}", returnStatus: true)
if(resetResult != 0){
throw new Exception("Cannot reset even to target/${branch}, git mirroring failed!")
sh "git ls-tree target/${branch} && git merge --no-edit --ff target/${branch} || echo 'Target repository is empty, skipping merge'"
followTagsArg = followTags ? "--follow-tags" : ""
if (sshCreds) {
ssh.agentSh "git push ${followTagsArg} target HEAD:${branch}"
} else {
sh "git push ${followTagsArg} target HEAD:${branch}"
if (pushSource == true) {
followTagsArg = followTags && pushSourceTags ? "--follow-tags" : ""
if (sshCreds) {
ssh.agentSh "git push ${followTagsArg} origin HEAD:${branch}"
} else {
sh "git push ${followTagsArg} origin HEAD:${branch}"
if (followTags == true) {
if (sshCreds) {
ssh.agentSh "git push -f target --tags"
} else {
sh "git push -f target --tags"
if (pushSourceTags == true) {
if (sshCreds) {
ssh.agentSh "git push -f origin --tags"
} else {
sh "git push -f origin --tags"
sh "git remote rm target"
if (!sshCreds) {
sh "set +x; rm -f ${targetAskPass}"
sh "git config --global --unset credential.${targetUrl}.username"
* Return all branches for the defined git repository that match the matcher.
* @param repoUrl URL of git repository
* @param branchMatcher matcher to filter out the branches (If '' or '*', returns all branches without filtering)
* @return branchesList list of branches
def getBranchesForGitRepo(repoUrl, branchMatcher = ''){
if (branchMatcher.equals("*")) {
branchMatcher = ''
branchesList = sh (
script: "git ls-remote --heads ${repoUrl} | cut -f2 | grep -e '${branchMatcher}' | sed 's/refs\\/heads\\///g'",
returnStdout: true
return branchesList.tokenize('\n')