blob: 9c505a31c4f247bfa976938c28b230963160ed35 [file] [log] [blame]
#!/usr/bin/env python
# Copyright (c) 2012 OpenStack, LLC.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
# This is designed to be called by a gerrit hook. It searched new
# patchsets for strings like "bug FOO" and updates corresponding Launchpad
# bugs status.
# You want to test this? I use a command line a bit like this:
# python --change 55607 \
# --change-url --project nova/ \
# --branch master --commit c262de4417d48be599c3a7496ef94de5c84b188c \
# --impact DocImpact --dest-address none@localhost --dryrun \
# --config foo.yaml \
# change-merged
# But you'll need a git repository at /home/gerrit2/review_site/git/nova.git
# for that to work
from __future__ import print_function
import argparse
import logging
import os
import re
import smtplib
import subprocess
from email.mime import text
from launchpadlib import launchpad
from launchpadlib import uris
import yaml
from jeepyb import projects
logger = logging.getLogger('notify_impact')
BASE_DIR = '/home/gerrit2/review_site'
Hi, I'd like you to take a look at this patch for potential
GERRIT_CACHE_DIR = os.path.expanduser(
GERRIT_CREDENTIALS = os.path.expanduser(
class BugActionsReal(object):
"""Things we do to bugs."""
def __init__(self, lpconn):
self.lpconn = lpconn
def create(self, project, bug_title, bug_descr, args):
buginfo = self.lpconn.bugs.createBug(
target=project, title=bug_title,
description=bug_descr, tags=args.project.split('/')[1])
buglink = buginfo.web_link
return buginfo, buglink
def subscribe(self, buginfo, subscriber):
user = self.lpconn.people[subscriber]
if user:
class BugActionsDryRun(object):
def __init__(self, lpconn):
self.lpconn = lpconn
def create(self, project, bug_title, bug_descr, args):
print('I would have created a bug in %s, but I am in dry run mode.\n\n'
'Title: %s\n'
'%s' % (project, bug_title, bug_descr))
return None, None
def subscribe(self, buginfo, subscriber):
print('I would have added %s as a subscriber to the bug, '
'but I am in dry run mode' % subscriber)
def create_bug(git_log, args, config):
"""Create a bug for a change.
Create a launchpad bug in a LP project, titled with the first line of
the git commit message, with the content of the git_log prepended
with the Gerrit review URL. Tag the bug with the name of the repository
it came from. Returns link to the bug.
# Determine what LP project to use
prelude = ''
project_name = args.project.rstrip('/')
lp_project = projects.docimpact_target(project_name)
if lp_project == 'unknown':
prelude = ('\n\nDear documentation bug triager. This bug was created '
'here because we did not know how to map the project name '
'"%s" to a launchpad project name. This indicates that the '
'notify_impact config needs tweaks. You can ask the '
'OpenStack infra team (#openstack-infra on freenode) for '
'help if you need to.\n'
% args.project)
lp_project = 'openstack-manuals'
lpconn = launchpad.Launchpad.login_with(
'Gerrit User Sync',
if args.dryrun:
actions = BugActionsDryRun(lpconn)
actions = BugActionsReal(lpconn)
lines_in_log = git_log.split('\n')
bug_title = lines_in_log[4]
bug_descr = args.change_url + prelude + '\n' + git_log
project = lpconn.projects[lp_project]
buglink = None
author_class = None
buginfo, buglink = actions.create(project, bug_title, bug_descr, args)'Created a bug in project %(project)s with title "%(title)s": '
% {'project': project,
'title': bug_title,
'buglink': buglink})
# If the author of the merging patch matches our configured
# subscriber lists, then subscribe the configured victims.
for email_address in config.get('author_map', {}):
email_re = re.compile('^Author:.*%s.*' % email_address)
for line in bug_descr.split('\n'):
m = email_re.match(line)
if m:
author_class = config['author_map'][email_address]
if author_class:
config = config.get('subscriber_map', {}).get(author_class, [])
for subscriber in config:
actions.subscribe(buginfo, subscriber)'Subscribed %(subscriber)s to bug %(buglink)s'
% {'subscriber': subscriber,
'buglink': buglink})
return buglink
def process_impact(git_log, args, config):
"""Process DocImpact flag.
If the 'DocImpact' flag is present for a change that is merged,
create a new documentation bug in
the openstack-manuals launchpad project based on the git_log.
For non-documentation impacts at all states of merge
notify the mailing list of impact.
if args.impact.lower() == 'docimpact':
if args.hook == "change-merged":
create_bug(git_log, args, config)
email_content = EMAIL_TEMPLATE % (args.impact,
args.change_url, git_log)
msg = text.MIMEText(email_content)
msg['Subject'] = '[%s] %s review request change %s' % \
(args.project, args.impact, args.change)
msg['From'] = ''
msg['To'] = args.dest_address
s = smtplib.SMTP('localhost')
args.dest_address, msg.as_string())
def impacted(git_log, impact_string):
"""Determine if a changes log indicates there is an impact."""
return, git_log, re.IGNORECASE)
def extract_git_log(args):
"""Extract git log of all merged commits."""
cmd = ['git',
'--git-dir=' + BASE_DIR + '/git/' + args.project + '.git',
'log', '--no-merges', args.commit + '^1..' + args.commit]
return subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdout=subprocess.PIPE).communicate()[0]
def main():
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
# common
parser.add_argument('--change', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--change-url', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--project', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--branch', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--commit', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--topic', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--change-owner', default=None)
# change-merged
parser.add_argument('--submitter', default=None)
# patchset-created
parser.add_argument('--uploader', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--patchset', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--is-draft', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--kind', default=None)
# Not passed by gerrit:
parser.add_argument('--impact', default=None)
parser.add_argument('--dest-address', default=None)
# Automatic config: config contains a mapping of email addresses to
# subscribers.
parser.add_argument('--config', type=argparse.FileType('r'),
# Don't actually create the bug
parser.add_argument('--dryrun', dest='dryrun', action='store_true')
parser.add_argument('--no-dryrun', dest='dryrun', action='store_false')
args = parser.parse_args()
# NOTE(mikal): the basic idea here is to let people watch
# docimpact bugs filed by people of interest. For example
# my team's tech writer wants to be subscribed to all the
# docimpact bugs we create. The config for that would be
# something like:
# author_map:
# rcbau
# rcbau
# subscriber_map:
# rcbau: ['mikalstill', 'grumpypants']
# Where the entries in the author map are email addresses
# to match in author lines, and the subscriber map is a
# list of launchpad user ids.
config = {}
if args.config:
config = yaml.load(
# Get git log
git_log = extract_git_log(args)
# Process impacts found in git log
if impacted(git_log, args.impact):
process_impact(git_log, args, config)
if __name__ == "__main__":