| - infra/update-jenkins-jobs |
| name: 'infra.jenkins-jobs.update' |
| id: infra/update-jenkins-jobs |
| <p>Update jenkins jobs configuration</p> |
| <p>Requires python-tox package and user credentials stored as JJB_USER and JJB_PASSWORD</p> |
| jjb_project: 'infra/jenkins-jobs' |
| K8S_CLUSTER={k8s_cluster} |
| GIT_CREDENTIALS_ID={git-credentials-id} |
| JENKINS_CREDENTIALS_ID={jjb_credentials_id} |
| DOCKER_IMAGE={docker-dev-virtual}/mirantis/openstack-ci/jenkins-job-tests:latest |
| SLAVE_LABEL={jjb_update_label} |
| ARTIFACTORY_URL={artifactory-url} |
| ART_CREDENTIALS_ID={artifactory_credentials_id} |
| description: Enable maintaining mode |
| Space separated list of jobs to update. Will update all jobs if empty |
| server-name: '{gerrit-server}' |
| - project-compare-type: PLAIN |
| project-pattern: '{jjb_project}' |
| - branch-pattern: 'master' |
| pattern: 'servers/{ci_name}/**' |
| custom-url: '- ${{JOB_NAME}} ${{BUILD_URL}}' |
| dsl: !include-raw-escape: pipelines/update-jenkins-jobs.groovy |