blob: e04f6442fdc6798df3da45a77795cb636cc7f529 [file] [log] [blame]
//import groovy.transform.Field
String getJobs(getJobsCmd) {
String result
dir("${env.WORKSPACE}/output/${env.CI_NAME}") {
result = sh \
script: """\
${getJobsCmd} \
| grep -v '\\/\$' \
| grep -E '^(deleting|Files)' \
| sed -r 's%^(deleting|Files)\\s%%g' \
| sed -r 's%^old/%%' \
| cut -d' ' -f1
returnStdout: true
return result
def main() {
// Use gerrit parameters if set with fallback to job param
String gitUrl = "${env.GERRIT_SCHEME}://${env.GERRIT_HOST}:${env.GERRIT_PORT}/${env.GERRIT_PROJECT}"
String gitRef = env.GERRIT_REFSPEC
String pathSep = '/'
String getAddedJobsCmd = 'rsync --dry-run -av --delete old/ new/'
String getRemovedJobsCmd = 'rsync --dry-run -av --delete new/ old/'
String getDiffJobsCmd = 'diff -rq old/ new/'
// Set current build description
currentBuild.description = """
Triggered by change: <a href="${env.GERRIT_CHANGE_URL}">${env.GERRIT_CHANGE_NUMBER},${env.GERRIT_PATCHSET_NUMBER}</a><br/>
Project: <b>${env.GERRIT_PROJECT}</b><br/>
Branch: <b>${env.GERRIT_BRANCH}</b><br/>
Subject: <b>${env.GERRIT_CHANGE_SUBJECT}</b><br/>
// Get & prepare source code
stage('SCM checkout') {
echo "Checking out git repository from ${gitUrl} @ ${gitRef}"
checkout \
$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [
[name: 'FETCH_HEAD'],
userRemoteConfigs: [
[url: gitUrl, refspec: gitRef, credentialsId: env.GIT_CREDENTIALS_ID],
extensions: [
[$class: 'WipeWorkspace'],
stage('Check for non-ascii characters') {
def asciiStatus = sh \
script: 'grep -q --perl-regexp -R "[^[:ascii:]]" --include \\*.sh --include \\*.yaml --include \\*.groovy *',
returnStatus: true
if (asciiStatus == 0) {
error 'Found non-ASCII symbols!!!'
stage('JJB verify') {
withEnv(['HOME=/tmp/']) {
// Generate current jobs from parent commit (will be used for diff)
sh 'tox -v -e compare-xml-new'
stage('JJB compare') {
withEnv(['HOME=/tmp/']) {
// Generate jobs from parent commit (will be used for diff)
sh '''
git reset --hard HEAD^
git checkout FETCH_HEAD -- tox.ini
tox -v -e compare-xml-old
dir("output/${env.CI_NAME}") {
Integer diffStatus = sh \
script: 'diff -rq old/ new/',
returnStatus: true
if (diffStatus == 0) {
currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'
currentBuild.description += 'No job changes'
sleep(1) // Interrupt is not blocking and does not take effect immediately.
// Analyse output file and prepare array with results
String diffJobs = getJobs(getDiffJobsCmd)
String addedJobs = getJobs(getAddedJobsCmd)
String removedJobs = getJobs(getRemovedJobsCmd)
// Set job description
String description = ''
String _item, _itemPath
dir("output/${env.CI_NAME}") {
if (diffJobs.size() > 0) {
description += '<b>CHANGED</b><ul>'
diffJobs.split('\n').each { item ->
_item = item.replace('/config.xml', '')
try {
_itemPath = item.tokenize(pathSep)[0..-2].join(pathSep)
} catch (e) {
_itemPath = ''
description += "<li><a href=\"${env.BUILD_URL}artifact/output/${env.CI_NAME}/diff/${item}/*view*/\">${_item}</a></li>"
// Generate diff file
sh """
mkdir -p diff/${_itemPath}
diff -U 50 \
'old/${item}' \
'new/${item}' \
> 'diff/${item}' || :
description += '</ul>'
if (addedJobs.size() > 0) {
description += '<b>ADDED</b><ul>'
addedJobs.split('\n').each { item ->
_item = item.replace('/config.xml', '')
try {
_itemPath = item.tokenize(pathSep)[0..-2].join(pathSep)
} catch (e) {
_itemPath = ''
description += "<li><a href=\"${env.BUILD_URL}artifact/output/${env.CI_NAME}/diff/${item}/*view*/\">${_item}</a></li>"
sh """
mkdir -p diff/${_itemPath}
cp new/${item} diff/${_itemPath}/
description += '</ul>'
if (removedJobs.size() > 0) {
description += '<b>DELETED</b><ul>'
removedJobs.split('\n').each { item ->
_item = item.replace('/config.xml', '')
try {
_itemPath = item.tokenize(pathSep)[0..-2].join(pathSep)
} catch (e) {
_itemPath = ''
description += "<li><a href=\"${env.BUILD_URL}artifact/output/${env.CI_NAME}/diff/${item}/*view*/\">${_item}</a></li>"
sh """
mkdir -p diff/${_itemPath}
cp old/${item} diff/${_itemPath}/
description += '</ul>'
currentBuild.description += description
// Save results
stage('Record test results') {
artifacts: "output/${env.CI_NAME}/diff/**",
allowEmptyArchive: true,
String podTpl = """
apiVersion: "v1"
kind: "Pod"
runAsUser: 1000
- name: "tox"
image: "${env.DOCKER_IMAGE}"
- "cat"
privileged: false
tty: true
if (env.K8S_CLUSTER == 'unset') {
node(env.SLAVE_LABEL ?: 'docker') {
docker.image(env.DOCKER_IMAGE).inside('--entrypoint=""') {
} else {
cloud: env.K8S_CLUSTER,
yaml: podTpl,
showRawYaml: false
) {
node(POD_LABEL) {
container('tox') {