blob: 206ec48861a4ed263cd84fdeda8cd2905d03a280 [file] [log] [blame]
package acl
import (
// List is the operation responsible for returning a paginated collection of
// network items that define a load balancer's access list.
func List(client *gophercloud.ServiceClient, lbID int) pagination.Pager {
url := rootURL(client, lbID)
return pagination.NewPager(client, url, func(r pagination.PageResult) pagination.Page {
return AccessListPage{pagination.SinglePageBase(r)}
// CreateOptsBuilder is the interface responsible for generating the JSON
// for a Create operation.
type CreateOptsBuilder interface {
ToAccessListCreateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error)
// CreateOpts is a slice of CreateOpt structs, that allow the user to create
// multiple nodes in a single operation (one node per CreateOpt).
type CreateOpts []CreateOpt
// CreateOpt represents the options to create a single node.
type CreateOpt struct {
// Required - the IP address or CIDR for item to add to access list.
Address string
// Required - the type of the node. Either ALLOW or DENY.
Type Type
// ToAccessListCreateMap converts a slice of options into a map that can be
// used for the JSON.
func (opts CreateOpts) ToAccessListCreateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
type itemMap map[string]interface{}
items := []itemMap{}
for k, v := range opts {
if v.Address == "" {
return itemMap{}, fmt.Errorf("Address is a required attribute, none provided for %d CreateOpt element", k)
if v.Type != ALLOW && v.Type != DENY {
return itemMap{}, fmt.Errorf("Type must be ALLOW or DENY")
item := make(itemMap)
item["address"] = v.Address
item["type"] = v.Type
items = append(items, item)
return itemMap{"accessList": items}, nil
func Create(client *gophercloud.ServiceClient, loadBalancerID int, opts CreateOptsBuilder) CreateResult {
var res CreateResult
reqBody, err := opts.ToAccessListCreateMap()
if err != nil {
res.Err = err
return res
_, res.Err = perigee.Request("POST", rootURL(client, loadBalancerID), perigee.Options{
MoreHeaders: client.AuthenticatedHeaders(),
ReqBody: &reqBody,
OkCodes: []int{202},
return res
func BulkDelete(c *gophercloud.ServiceClient, loadBalancerID int, itemIDs []int) DeleteResult {
var res DeleteResult
if len(itemIDs) > 10 || len(itemIDs) == 0 {
res.Err = errors.New("You must provide a minimum of 1 and a maximum of 10 item IDs")
return res
url := rootURL(c, loadBalancerID)
url += v1.IDSliceToQueryString("id", itemIDs)
_, res.Err = perigee.Request("DELETE", url, perigee.Options{
MoreHeaders: c.AuthenticatedHeaders(),
OkCodes: []int{200},
return res