blob: 3b5447b8d567b7eaa3ac31abab88103e1a933f81 [file] [log] [blame]
package servers
import (
os ""
// CreateOpts specifies all of the options that Rackspace accepts in its Create request, including
// the union of all extensions that Rackspace supports.
type CreateOpts struct {
// Name [required] is the name to assign to the newly launched server.
Name string
// ImageRef [optional; required if ImageName is not provided] is the ID or full
// URL to the image that contains the server's OS and initial state.
// Also optional if using the boot-from-volume extension.
ImageRef string
// ImageName [optional; required if ImageRef is not provided] is the name of the
// image that contains the server's OS and initial state.
// Also optional if using the boot-from-volume extension.
ImageName string
// FlavorRef [optional; required if FlavorName is not provided] is the ID or
// full URL to the flavor that describes the server's specs.
FlavorRef string
// FlavorName [optional; required if FlavorRef is not provided] is the name of
// the flavor that describes the server's specs.
FlavorName string
// SecurityGroups [optional] lists the names of the security groups to which this server should belong.
SecurityGroups []string
// UserData [optional] contains configuration information or scripts to use upon launch.
// Create will base64-encode it for you.
UserData []byte
// AvailabilityZone [optional] in which to launch the server.
AvailabilityZone string
// Networks [optional] dictates how this server will be attached to available networks.
// By default, the server will be attached to all isolated networks for the tenant.
Networks []os.Network
// Metadata [optional] contains key-value pairs (up to 255 bytes each) to attach to the server.
Metadata map[string]string
// Personality [optional] includes files to inject into the server at launch.
// Create will base64-encode file contents for you.
Personality os.Personality
// ConfigDrive [optional] enables metadata injection through a configuration drive.
ConfigDrive bool
// AdminPass [optional] sets the root user password. If not set, a randomly-generated
// password will be created and returned in the response.
AdminPass string
// Rackspace-specific extensions begin here.
// KeyPair [optional] specifies the name of the SSH KeyPair to be injected into the newly launched
// server. See the "keypairs" extension in OpenStack compute v2.
KeyPair string
// DiskConfig [optional] controls how the created server's disk is partitioned. See the "diskconfig"
// extension in OpenStack compute v2.
DiskConfig diskconfig.DiskConfig
// BlockDevice [optional] will create the server from a volume, which is created from an image,
// a snapshot, or an another volume.
BlockDevice []bootfromvolume.BlockDevice
// ToServerCreateMap constructs a request body using all of the OpenStack extensions that are
// active on Rackspace.
func (opts CreateOpts) ToServerCreateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
base := os.CreateOpts{
Name: opts.Name,
ImageRef: opts.ImageRef,
ImageName: opts.ImageName,
FlavorRef: opts.FlavorRef,
FlavorName: opts.FlavorName,
SecurityGroups: opts.SecurityGroups,
UserData: opts.UserData,
AvailabilityZone: opts.AvailabilityZone,
Networks: opts.Networks,
Metadata: opts.Metadata,
Personality: opts.Personality,
ConfigDrive: opts.ConfigDrive,
AdminPass: opts.AdminPass,
drive := diskconfig.CreateOptsExt{
CreateOptsBuilder: base,
DiskConfig: opts.DiskConfig,
res, err := drive.ToServerCreateMap()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
if len(opts.BlockDevice) != 0 {
bfv := bootfromvolume.CreateOptsExt{
CreateOptsBuilder: drive,
BlockDevice: opts.BlockDevice,
res, err = bfv.ToServerCreateMap()
if err != nil {
return nil, err
// key_name doesn't actually come from the extension (or at least isn't documented there) so
// we need to add it manually.
serverMap := res["server"].(map[string]interface{})
serverMap["key_name"] = opts.KeyPair
return res, nil
// RebuildOpts represents all of the configuration options used in a server rebuild operation that
// are supported by Rackspace.
type RebuildOpts struct {
// Required. The ID of the image you want your server to be provisioned on
ImageID string
// Name to set the server to
Name string
// Required. The server's admin password
AdminPass string
// AccessIPv4 [optional] provides a new IPv4 address for the instance.
AccessIPv4 string
// AccessIPv6 [optional] provides a new IPv6 address for the instance.
AccessIPv6 string
// Metadata [optional] contains key-value pairs (up to 255 bytes each) to attach to the server.
Metadata map[string]string
// Personality [optional] includes files to inject into the server at launch.
// Rebuild will base64-encode file contents for you.
Personality os.Personality
// Rackspace-specific stuff begins here.
// DiskConfig [optional] controls how the created server's disk is partitioned. See the "diskconfig"
// extension in OpenStack compute v2.
DiskConfig diskconfig.DiskConfig
// ToServerRebuildMap constructs a request body using all of the OpenStack extensions that are
// active on Rackspace.
func (opts RebuildOpts) ToServerRebuildMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
base := os.RebuildOpts{
ImageID: opts.ImageID,
Name: opts.Name,
AdminPass: opts.AdminPass,
AccessIPv4: opts.AccessIPv4,
AccessIPv6: opts.AccessIPv6,
Metadata: opts.Metadata,
Personality: opts.Personality,
drive := diskconfig.RebuildOptsExt{
RebuildOptsBuilder: base,
DiskConfig: opts.DiskConfig,
return drive.ToServerRebuildMap()