blob: dddeed7dd17eb7da7e3f4d1d8b509453bddb6a06 [file] [log] [blame]
package networks
// A Network represents a a virtual layer-2 broadcast domain.
type Network struct {
// Id is the unique identifier for the network.
Id string `json:"id"`
// Name is the (not necessarily unique) human-readable identifier for the network.
Name string `json:"name"`
// AdminStateUp is administrative state of the network. If false, network is down.
AdminStateUp bool `json:"admin_state_up"`
// Status indicates if the network is operational. Possible values: active, down, build, error.
Status string `json:"status"`
// Subnets are IP address blocks that can be used to assign IP addresses to virtual instances.
Subnets []string `json:"subnets"`
// Shared indicates whether the network can be accessed by any tenant or not.
Shared bool `json:"shared"`
// TenantId is the owner of the network. Admins may specify TenantId other than their own.
TenantId string `json:"tenant_id"`
// RouterExternal indicates if the network is connected to an external router.
RouterExternal bool `json:"router:external"`
// ProviderPhysicalNetwork is the name of the provider physical network.
ProviderPhysicalNetwork string `json:"provider:physical_network"`
// ProviderNetworkType is the type of provider network (eg "vlan").
ProviderNetworkType string `json:"provider:network_type"`
// ProviderSegmentationId is the provider network identifier (such as the vlan id).
ProviderSegmentationId string `json:"provider:segmentation_id"`