blob: 16d82c560ec2c8290626f037e49afa5765e1463a [file] [log] [blame]
// TODO(sfalvo): Remove Rackspace-specific Server structure fields and refactor them into a provider-specific access method.
// Be sure to update godocs accordingly.
package gophercloud
import (
// genericServersProvider structures provide the implementation for generic OpenStack-compatible
// CloudServersProvider interfaces.
type genericServersProvider struct {
// endpoint refers to the provider's API endpoint base URL. This will be used to construct
// and issue queries.
endpoint string
// Test context (if any) in which to issue requests.
context *Context
// access associates this API provider with a set of credentials,
// which may be automatically renewed if they near expiration.
access AccessProvider
// See the CloudServersProvider interface for details.
func (gcp *genericServersProvider) ListServersLinksOnly() ([]Server, error) {
var ss []Server
err := gcp.context.WithReauth(gcp.access, func() error {
url := gcp.endpoint + "/servers"
return perigee.Get(url, perigee.Options{
CustomClient: gcp.context.httpClient,
Results: &struct{ Servers *[]Server }{&ss},
MoreHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Auth-Token": gcp.access.AuthToken(),
return ss, err
// See the CloudServersProvider interface for details.
func (gcp *genericServersProvider) ListServers() ([]Server, error) {
var ss []Server
err := gcp.context.WithReauth(gcp.access, func() error {
url := gcp.endpoint + "/servers/detail"
return perigee.Get(url, perigee.Options{
CustomClient: gcp.context.httpClient,
Results: &struct{ Servers *[]Server }{&ss},
MoreHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Auth-Token": gcp.access.AuthToken(),
return ss, err
// See the CloudServersProvider interface for details.
func (gsp *genericServersProvider) ServerById(id string) (*Server, error) {
var s *Server
err := gsp.context.WithReauth(gsp.access, func() error {
url := gsp.endpoint + "/servers/" + id
return perigee.Get(url, perigee.Options{
Results: &struct{ Server **Server }{&s},
MoreHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Auth-Token": gsp.access.AuthToken(),
return s, err
// See the CloudServersProvider interface for details.
func (gsp *genericServersProvider) CreateServer(ns NewServer) (*NewServer, error) {
var s *NewServer
err := gsp.context.WithReauth(gsp.access, func() error {
ep := gsp.endpoint + "/servers"
return perigee.Post(ep, perigee.Options{
ReqBody: &struct {
Server *NewServer `json:"server"`
Results: &struct{ Server **NewServer }{&s},
MoreHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Auth-Token": gsp.access.AuthToken(),
OkCodes: []int{202},
return s, err
// See the CloudServersProvider interface for details.
func (gsp *genericServersProvider) DeleteServerById(id string) error {
err := gsp.context.WithReauth(gsp.access, func() error {
url := gsp.endpoint + "/servers/" + id
return perigee.Delete(url, perigee.Options{
MoreHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Auth-Token": gsp.access.AuthToken(),
OkCodes: []int{204},
return err
// See the CloudServersProvider interface for details.
func (gsp *genericServersProvider) SetAdminPassword(id, pw string) error {
err := gsp.context.WithReauth(gsp.access, func() error {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/servers/%s/action", gsp.endpoint, id)
return perigee.Post(url, perigee.Options{
ReqBody: &struct {
ChangePassword struct {
AdminPass string `json:"adminPass"`
} `json:"changePassword"`
struct {
AdminPass string `json:"adminPass"`
OkCodes: []int{202},
MoreHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Auth-Token": gsp.access.AuthToken(),
return err
// See the CloudServersProvider interface for details.
func (gsp *genericServersProvider) ResizeServer(id, newName, newFlavor, newDiskConfig string) error {
err := gsp.context.WithReauth(gsp.access, func() error {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/servers/%s/action", gsp.endpoint, id)
rr := ResizeRequest{
Name: newName,
FlavorRef: newFlavor,
DiskConfig: newDiskConfig,
return perigee.Post(url, perigee.Options{
ReqBody: &struct {
Resize ResizeRequest `json:"resize"`
OkCodes: []int{202},
MoreHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Auth-Token": gsp.access.AuthToken(),
return err
// See the CloudServersProvider interface for details.
func (gsp *genericServersProvider) RevertResize(id string) error {
err := gsp.context.WithReauth(gsp.access, func() error {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/servers/%s/action", gsp.endpoint, id)
return perigee.Post(url, perigee.Options{
ReqBody: &struct {
RevertResize *int `json:"revertResize"`
OkCodes: []int{202},
MoreHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Auth-Token": gsp.access.AuthToken(),
return err
// See the CloudServersProvider interface for details.
func (gsp *genericServersProvider) ConfirmResize(id string) error {
err := gsp.context.WithReauth(gsp.access, func() error {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/servers/%s/action", gsp.endpoint, id)
return perigee.Post(url, perigee.Options{
ReqBody: &struct {
ConfirmResize *int `json:"confirmResize"`
OkCodes: []int{204},
MoreHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Auth-Token": gsp.access.AuthToken(),
return err
// See the CloudServersProvider interface for details
func (gsp *genericServersProvider) RebootServer(id string, hard bool) error {
return gsp.context.WithReauth(gsp.access, func() error {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/servers/%s/action", gsp.endpoint, id)
types := map[bool]string{false: "SOFT", true: "HARD"}
return perigee.Post(url, perigee.Options{
ReqBody: &struct{
Reboot struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
} `json:"reboot"`
struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
OkCodes: []int{202},
MoreHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Auth-Token": gsp.access.AuthToken(),
// See the CloudServersProvider interface for details
func (gsp *genericServersProvider) RescueServer(id string) (string, error) {
var pw *string
err := gsp.context.WithReauth(gsp.access, func() error {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/servers/%s/action", gsp.endpoint, id)
return perigee.Post(url, perigee.Options{
ReqBody: &struct{
Rescue string `json:"rescue"`
MoreHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Auth-Token": gsp.access.AuthToken(),
Results: &struct{
AdminPass **string `json:"adminPass"`
return *pw, err
// See the CloudServersProvider interface for details
func (gsp *genericServersProvider) UnrescueServer(id string) error {
return gsp.context.WithReauth(gsp.access, func() error {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/servers/%s/action", gsp.endpoint, id)
return perigee.Post(url, perigee.Options{
ReqBody: &struct{
Unrescue *int `json:"unrescue"`
MoreHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Auth-Token": gsp.access.AuthToken(),
OkCodes: []int{202},
// See the CloudServersProvider interface for details
func (gsp *genericServersProvider) UpdateServer(id string, changes NewServerSettings) (*Server, error) {
var svr *Server
err := gsp.context.WithReauth(gsp.access, func() error {
url := fmt.Sprintf("%s/servers/%s", gsp.endpoint, id)
return perigee.Put(url, perigee.Options{
ReqBody: &struct{
Server NewServerSettings `json:"server"`
MoreHeaders: map[string]string{
"X-Auth-Token": gsp.access.AuthToken(),
Results: &struct{
Server **Server `json:"server"`
return svr, err
// RaxBandwidth provides measurement of server bandwidth consumed over a given audit interval.
type RaxBandwidth struct {
AuditPeriodEnd string `json:"audit_period_end"`
AuditPeriodStart string `json:"audit_period_start"`
BandwidthInbound int64 `json:"bandwidth_inbound"`
BandwidthOutbound int64 `json:"bandwidth_outbound"`
Interface string `json:"interface"`
// A VersionedAddress denotes either an IPv4 or IPv6 (depending on version indicated)
// address.
type VersionedAddress struct {
Addr string `json:"addr"`
Version int `json:"version"`
// An AddressSet provides a set of public and private IP addresses for a resource.
// Each address has a version to identify if IPv4 or IPv6.
type AddressSet struct {
Public []VersionedAddress `json:"public"`
Private []VersionedAddress `json:"private"`
// Server records represent (virtual) hardware instances (not configurations) accessible by the user.
// The AccessIPv4 / AccessIPv6 fields provides IP addresses for the server in the IPv4 or IPv6 format, respectively.
// Addresses provides addresses for any attached isolated networks.
// The version field indicates whether the IP address is version 4 or 6.
// Created tells when the server entity was created.
// The Flavor field includes the flavor ID and flavor links.
// The compute provisioning algorithm has an anti-affinity property that
// attempts to spread customer VMs across hosts.
// Under certain situations,
// VMs from the same customer might be placed on the same host.
// The HostId field represents the host your server runs on and
// can be used to determine this scenario if it is relevant to your application.
// Note that HostId is unique only per account; it is not globally unique.
// Id provides the server's unique identifier.
// This field must be treated opaquely.
// Image indicates which image is installed on the server.
// Links provides one or more means of accessing the server.
// Metadata provides a small key-value store for application-specific information.
// Name provides a human-readable name for the server.
// Progress indicates how far along it is towards being provisioned.
// 100 represents complete, while 0 represents just beginning.
// Status provides an indication of what the server's doing at the moment.
// A server will be in ACTIVE state if it's ready for use.
// OsDcfDiskConfig indicates the server's boot volume configuration.
// Valid values are:
// ----
// The server is built with a single partition the size of the target flavor disk.
// The file system is automatically adjusted to fit the entire partition.
// This keeps things simple and automated.
// AUTO is valid only for images and servers with a single partition that use the EXT3 file system.
// This is the default setting for applicable Rackspace base images.
// ------
// The server is built using whatever partition scheme and file system is in the source image.
// If the target flavor disk is larger,
// the remaining disk space is left unpartitioned.
// This enables images to have non-EXT3 file systems, multiple partitions, and so on,
// and enables you to manage the disk configuration.
// RaxBandwidth provides measures of the server's inbound and outbound bandwidth per interface.
// OsExtStsPowerState provides an indication of the server's power.
// This field appears to be a set of flag bits:
// ... 4 3 2 1 0
// +--//--+---+---+---+---+
// | .... | 0 | S | 0 | I |
// +--//--+---+---+---+---+
// | |
// | +--- 0=Instance is down.
// | 1=Instance is up.
// |
// +----------- 0=Server is switched ON.
// 1=Server is switched OFF.
// (note reverse logic.)
// Unused bits should be ignored when read, and written as 0 for future compatibility.
// OsExtStsTaskState and OsExtStsVmState work together
// to provide visibility in the provisioning process for the instance.
// Consult Rackspace documentation at
// for more details. It's too lengthy to include here.
type Server struct {
AccessIPv4 string `json:"accessIPv4"`
AccessIPv6 string `json:"accessIPv6"`
Addresses AddressSet `json:"addresses"`
Created string `json:"created"`
Flavor FlavorLink `json:"flavor"`
HostId string `json:"hostId"`
Id string `json:"id"`
Image ImageLink `json:"image"`
Links []Link `json:"links"`
Metadata interface{} `json:"metadata"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Progress int `json:"progress"`
Status string `json:"status"`
TenantId string `json:"tenant_id"`
Updated string `json:"updated"`
UserId string `json:"user_id"`
OsDcfDiskConfig string `json:"OS-DCF:diskConfig"`
RaxBandwidth []RaxBandwidth `json:"rax-bandwidth:bandwidth"`
OsExtStsPowerState int `json:"OS-EXT-STS:power_state"`
OsExtStsTaskState string `json:"OS-EXT-STS:task_state"`
OsExtStsVmState string `json:"OS-EXT-STS:vm_state"`
// NewServerSettings structures record those fields of the Server structure to change
// when updating a server (see UpdateServer method).
type NewServerSettings struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
AccessIPv4 string `json:"accessIPv4,omitempty"`
AccessIPv6 string `json:"accessIPv6,omitempty"`
// NewServer structures are used for both requests and responses.
// The fields discussed below are relevent for server-creation purposes.
// The Name field contains the desired name of the server.
// Note that (at present) Rackspace permits more than one server with the same name;
// however, software should not depend on this.
// Not only will Rackspace support thank you, so will your own devops engineers.
// A name is required.
// The ImageRef field contains the ID of the desired software image to place on the server.
// This ID must be found in the image slice returned by the Images() function.
// This field is required.
// The FlavorRef field contains the ID of the server configuration desired for deployment.
// This ID must be found in the flavor slice returned by the Flavors() function.
// This field is required.
// For OsDcfDiskConfig, refer to the Image or Server structure documentation.
// This field defaults to "AUTO" if not explicitly provided.
// Metadata contains a small key/value association of arbitrary data.
// Neither Rackspace nor OpenStack places significance on this field in any way.
// This field defaults to an empty map if not provided.
// Personality specifies the contents of certain files in the server's filesystem.
// The files and their contents are mapped through a slice of FileConfig structures.
// If not provided, all filesystem entities retain their image-specific configuration.
// Networks specifies an affinity for the server's various networks and interfaces.
// Networks are identified through UUIDs; see NetworkConfig structure documentation for more details.
// If not provided, network affinity is determined automatically.
// The AdminPass field may be used to provide a root- or administrator-password
// during the server provisioning process.
// If not provided, a random password will be automatically generated and returned in this field.
// The following fields are intended to be used to communicate certain results about the server being provisioned.
// When attempting to create a new server, these fields MUST not be provided.
// They'll be filled in by the response received from the Rackspace APIs.
// The Id field contains the server's unique identifier.
// The identifier's scope is best assumed to be bound by the user's account, unless other arrangements have been made with Rackspace.
// Any Links provided are used to refer to the server specifically by URL.
// These links are useful for making additional REST calls not explicitly supported by Gorax.
type NewServer struct {
Name string `json:"name",omitempty`
ImageRef string `json:"imageRef,omitempty"`
FlavorRef string `json:"flavorRef,omitempty"`
Metadata interface{} `json:"metadata,omitempty"`
Personality []FileConfig `json:"personality,omitempty"`
Networks []NetworkConfig `json:"networks,omitempty"`
AdminPass string `json:"adminPass,omitempty"`
Id string `json:"id,omitempty"`
Links []Link `json:"links,omitempty"`
OsDcfDiskConfig string `json:"OS-DCF:diskConfig,omitempty"`
// ResizeRequest structures are used internally to encode to JSON the parameters required to resize a server instance.
// Client applications will not use this structure (no API accepts an instance of this structure).
// See the Region method ResizeServer() for more details on how to resize a server.
type ResizeRequest struct {
Name string `json:"name,omitempty"`
FlavorRef string `json:"flavorRef"`
DiskConfig string `json:"OS-DCF:diskConfig,omitempty"`