| == Gophercloud -- V0.1.0 image:https://secure.travis-ci.org/rackspace/gophercloud.png?branch=master["build status",link="https://travis-ci.org/rackspace/gophercloud"] |
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| Gophercloud currently lets you authenticate with OpenStack providers to create and manage servers. |
| We are working on extending the API to further include cloud files, block storage, DNS, databases, security groups, and other features. |
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| WARNING: This library is still in the very early stages of development. Unless you want to contribute, it probably isn't what you want. Yet. |
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| === Outstanding Features |
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| 1. Apache 2.0 License, making Gophercloud friendly to commercial and open-source enterprises alike. |
| 2. Gophercloud is one of the most actively maintained Go SDKs for OpenStack. |
| 3. Gophercloud supports Identity V2 and Nova V2 APIs. More coming soon! |
| 4. The up-coming Gophercloud 0.2.0 release supports API extensions, and makes writing support for new extensions easy. |
| 5. Gophercloud supports automatic reauthentication upon auth token timeout, if enabled by your software. |
| 6. Gophercloud is the only SDK implementation with actual acceptance-level integration tests. |
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| === What Does it Look Like? |
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| The Gophercloud 0.1.0 and earlier APIs are now deprecated and obsolete. |
| No new feature development will occur for 0.1.0 or 0.0.0. |
| However, we will accept and provide bug fixes for these APIs. |
| Please refer to the acceptance tests in the master brach for code examples using the v0.1.0 API. |
| The most up to date documentation for version 0.1.x can be found at link:http://godoc.org/github.com/rackspace/gophercloud[our Godoc.org documentation]. |
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| We are working on a new API that provides much better support for extensions, pagination, and other features that proved difficult to implement before. |
| This new API will be substantially more Go-idiomatic as well; one of the complaints received about 0.1.x and earlier is that it didn't "feel" right. |
| To see what this new API is going to look like, you can look at the code examples up on the link:http://gophercloud.io/docs.html[Gophercloud website]. |
| If you're interested in tracking progress, note that features for version 0.2.0 will appear in the `v0.2.0` branch until merged to master. |
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| === How can I Contribute? |
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| After using Gophercloud for a while, you might find that it lacks some useful feature, or that existing behavior seems buggy. We welcome contributions |
| from our users for both missing functionality as well as for bug fixes. We encourage contributors to collaborate with the |
| link:http://gophercloud.io/community.html[Gophercloud community.] |
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| Finally, Gophercloud maintains its own link:http://gophercloud.io[announcements and updates blog.] |
| Feel free to check back now and again to see what's new. |
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| == License |
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| Copyright (C) 2013, 2014 Rackspace, Inc. |
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| Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 |
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