blob: 26b9d978f863e35736a83c2e0ed99acab12c8384 [file] [log] [blame]
package pagination
import (
// MarkerPage is a stricter Page interface that describes additional functionality required for use with NewMarkerPager.
// For convenience, embed the MarkedPageBase struct.
type MarkerPage interface {
// LastMarker returns the last "marker" value on this page.
LastMarker() (string, error)
// MarkerPageBase is a page in a collection that's paginated by "limit" and "marker" query parameters.
type MarkerPageBase struct {
// Owner is a reference to the embedding struct.
Owner MarkerPage
// NextPageURL generates the URL for the page of results after this one.
func (current MarkerPageBase) NextPageURL() (string, error) {
currentURL := current.URL
mark, err := current.Owner.LastMarker()
if err != nil {
return "", err
q := currentURL.Query()
q.Set("marker", mark)
currentURL.RawQuery = q.Encode()
return currentURL.String(), nil
func (current MarkerPageBase) IsEmpty() (bool, error) {
if b, ok := current.Body.([]interface{}); ok {
return len(b) == 0, nil
return true, fmt.Errorf("Error while checking if MarkerPageBase was empty: expected []interface type for Body bot got %+v", reflect.TypeOf(current.Body))
// GetBody returns the linked page's body. This method is needed to satisfy the
// Page interface.
func (current MarkerPageBase) GetBody() interface{} {
return current.Body