blob: a57bc7a52af69632f398c19798169925b245073f [file] [log] [blame]
package gophercloud
// ProviderClient stores details that are required to interact with any services within a specific provider's API.
// Generally, you acquire a ProviderClient by calling the `NewClient()` method in the appropriate provider's child package,
// providing whatever authentication credentials are required.
type ProviderClient struct {
// Authority caches results of the most recent authentication.
Authority AuthResults
// Options remembers the original authentication parameters, if reauthentication is enabled.
Options AuthOptions
// IdentityEndpoint is the base URL of the provider's identity endpoint.
IdentityEndpoint string
// TokenID is the most recently valid token issued.
TokenID string
// AuthenticatedHeaders returns a map of HTTP headers that are common for all authenticated service
// requests.
func (client *ProviderClient) AuthenticatedHeaders() map[string]string {
return map[string]string{"X-Auth-Token": client.TokenID}