blob: 608ce90ff6bfe8972dd522829fc9c4c530933e20 [file] [log] [blame]
package stackresources
import (
// Find retrieves stack resources for the given stack name.
func Find(c *gophercloud.ServiceClient, stackName string) FindResult {
var r FindResult
_, r.Err = c.Get(findURL(c, stackName), &r.Body, nil)
return r
// ListOptsBuilder allows extensions to add additional parameters to the
// List request.
type ListOptsBuilder interface {
ToStackResourceListQuery() (string, error)
// ListOpts allows the filtering and sorting of paginated collections through
// the API. Marker and Limit are used for pagination.
type ListOpts struct {
// Include resources from nest stacks up to Depth levels of recursion.
Depth int `q:"nested_depth"`
// ToStackResourceListQuery formats a ListOpts into a query string.
func (opts ListOpts) ToStackResourceListQuery() (string, error) {
q, err := gophercloud.BuildQueryString(opts)
return q.String(), err
// List makes a request against the API to list resources for the given stack.
func List(client *gophercloud.ServiceClient, stackName, stackID string, opts ListOptsBuilder) pagination.Pager {
url := listURL(client, stackName, stackID)
if opts != nil {
query, err := opts.ToStackResourceListQuery()
if err != nil {
return pagination.Pager{Err: err}
url += query
return pagination.NewPager(client, url, func(r pagination.PageResult) pagination.Page {
return ResourcePage{pagination.SinglePageBase(r)}
// Get retreives data for the given stack resource.
func Get(c *gophercloud.ServiceClient, stackName, stackID, resourceName string) GetResult {
var r GetResult
_, r.Err = c.Get(getURL(c, stackName, stackID, resourceName), &r.Body, nil)
return r
// Metadata retreives the metadata for the given stack resource.
func Metadata(c *gophercloud.ServiceClient, stackName, stackID, resourceName string) MetadataResult {
var r MetadataResult
_, r.Err = c.Get(metadataURL(c, stackName, stackID, resourceName), &r.Body, nil)
return r
// ListTypes makes a request against the API to list resource types.
func ListTypes(client *gophercloud.ServiceClient) pagination.Pager {
return pagination.NewPager(client, listTypesURL(client), func(r pagination.PageResult) pagination.Page {
return ResourceTypePage{pagination.SinglePageBase(r)}
// Schema retreives the schema for the given resource type.
func Schema(c *gophercloud.ServiceClient, resourceType string) SchemaResult {
var r SchemaResult
_, r.Err = c.Get(schemaURL(c, resourceType), &r.Body, nil)
return r
// Template retreives the template representation for the given resource type.
func Template(c *gophercloud.ServiceClient, resourceType string) TemplateResult {
var r TemplateResult
_, r.Err = c.Get(templateURL(c, resourceType), &r.Body, nil)
return r