blob: 4f9885af03ce1d24261539806bbcf359d34c1cda [file] [log] [blame]
package tokens
import (
os ""
var (
// ErrPasswordProvided is returned if both a password and an API key are provided to Create.
ErrPasswordProvided = errors.New("Please provide either a password or an API key.")
// AuthOptions wraps the OpenStack AuthOptions struct to be able to customize the request body
// when API key authentication is used.
type AuthOptions struct {
// WrapOptions embeds a root AuthOptions struct in a package-specific one.
func WrapOptions(original gophercloud.AuthOptions) AuthOptions {
return AuthOptions{AuthOptions: os.WrapOptions(original)}
// ToTokenCreateMap serializes an AuthOptions into a request body. If an API key is provided, it
// will be used, otherwise
func (auth AuthOptions) ToTokenCreateMap() (map[string]interface{}, error) {
if auth.APIKey == "" {
return auth.AuthOptions.ToTokenCreateMap()
// Verify that other required attributes are present.
if auth.Username == "" {
return nil, os.ErrUsernameRequired
authMap := make(map[string]interface{})
authMap["RAX-KSKEY:apiKeyCredentials"] = map[string]interface{}{
"username": auth.Username,
"apiKey": auth.APIKey,
if auth.TenantID != "" {
authMap["tenantId"] = auth.TenantID
if auth.TenantName != "" {
authMap["tenantName"] = auth.TenantName
return map[string]interface{}{"auth": authMap}, nil
// Create authenticates to Rackspace's identity service and attempts to acquire a Token. Rather
// than interact with this service directly, users should generally call
// rackspace.AuthenticatedClient().
func Create(client *gophercloud.ServiceClient, auth AuthOptions) os.CreateResult {
return os.Create(client, auth)