| // +build acceptance identity |
| tokens2 "github.com/rackspace/gophercloud/openstack/identity/v2/tokens" |
| th "github.com/rackspace/gophercloud/testhelper" |
| func TestAuthenticate(t *testing.T) { |
| service := unauthenticatedClient(t) |
| result := tokens2.Create(service, tokens2.WrapOptions(ao)) |
| // Extract and print the token. |
| token, err := result.ExtractToken() |
| t.Logf("Acquired token: [%s]", token.ID) |
| t.Logf("The token will expire at: [%s]", token.ExpiresAt.String()) |
| t.Logf("The token is valid for tenant: [%#v]", token.Tenant) |
| // Extract and print the service catalog. |
| catalog, err := result.ExtractServiceCatalog() |
| t.Logf("Acquired service catalog listing [%d] services", len(catalog.Entries)) |
| for i, entry := range catalog.Entries { |
| t.Logf("[%02d]: name=[%s], type=[%s]", i, entry.Name, entry.Type) |
| for _, endpoint := range entry.Endpoints { |
| t.Logf(" - region=[%s] publicURL=[%s]", endpoint.Region, endpoint.PublicURL) |