blob: ee02baf52cd06ca5590850c1aa9fc4e78fb5a27d [file] [log] [blame]
package gophercloud
// AccessProvider instances encapsulate a Keystone authentication interface.
type AccessProvider interface {
// FirstEndpointUrlByCriteria searches through the service catalog for the first
// matching entry endpoint fulfilling the provided criteria. If nothing found,
// return "". Otherwise, return either the public or internal URL for the
// endpoint, depending on both its existence and the setting of the ApiCriteria.UrlChoice
// field.
FirstEndpointUrlByCriteria(ApiCriteria) string
// TODO(sfalvo): get Token() to automatically renew the authentication token if it's near expiry.
// AuthToken provides a copy of the current authentication token for the user's credentials.
AuthToken() string
// CloudServersProvider instances encapsulate a Cloud Servers API, should one exist in the service catalog
// for your provider.
type CloudServersProvider interface {
// Servers
ListServers() ([]Server, error)
ServerById(id string) (*Server, error)
// Images
ListImages() ([]Image, error)