Return generate-salt-model back as it is required for TryMCP

Change-Id: I9c5993d179109c69773b9fd08c85cd40f527633b
Related-bug: #PROD:25507
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/generate.yml b/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/generate.yml
index 2500254..67f8747 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/generate.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/generate.yml
@@ -1,2 +1,39 @@
-# This file will be removed in Q3
-# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
+  jenkins:
+    client:
+      job_template:
+        generate-salt-model:
+          name: generate-salt-model-{{cookiecutter_template}}
+          param:
+            cookiecutter_template:
+            - separated-products
+          template:
+            type: workflow-scm
+            concurrent: true
+            discard:
+              build:
+                keep_days: 1
+              artifact:
+                keep_days: 1
+            display_name: "Generate reclass cluster {{cookiecutter_template}}"
+            scm:
+              type: git
+              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
+              branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
+              credentials: "gerrit"
+              script: generate-cookiecutter-products.groovy
+            param:
+              # Cookiecutter
+                type: text
+              # Other
+              EMAIL_ADDRESS:
+                type: string
+              TEST_MODEL:
+                type: boolean
+                default: true
+              DISTRIB_REVISION:
+                type: string
+                default: 'proposed'
+                description: |-
+                  "Those variable will be ignored, in case gerritTrigger=>GERRIT_BRANCH. Version of bin-artifacts,passed to test-env.Includes formula/reclass/ubuntu"