Merge "Add CVP-HA job description for jenkins"
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/validate.yml b/jenkins/client/job/validate.yml
index 645fa77..ab2dd38 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/validate.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/validate.yml
@@ -187,3 +187,71 @@
               type: string
               default: ""
               description: Proxy address to clone repo and install python requirements
+        cvp-ha:
+          type: workflow-scm
+          name: cvp-ha
+          display_name: "CVP - HA tests"
+          discard:
+            build:
+              keep_num: 20
+            artifact:
+              keep_num: 20
+          concurrent: false
+          scm:
+            type: git
+            url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
+            credentials: "gerrit"
+            script: cvp-ha.groovy
+          param:
+            SALT_MASTER_URL:
+              type: string
+              default: "${_param:jenkins_salt_api_url}"
+              description: Full Salt API address [e.g.]
+              type: string
+              default: "salt"
+              description: Credentials to the Salt API
+              type: string
+              default: ""
+              description: Node where container with tempest will be run
+            TEST_IMAGE:
+              type: string
+              default: "rallyforge/rally"
+              description: Docker image to use for running Rally/Tempest
+            TARGET_NODES:
+              type: string
+              default: "ctl*"
+              description: Nodes to test
+            DEBUG_MODE:
+              type: boolean
+              default: 'false'
+              description: If you need to debug (keep container after test), please enabled this
+            RETRY_CHECK_STATUS:
+              type: string
+              default: "200"
+              description: If you have any problems with timeouts (e.g. while waiting for node to be up/down), please increase this value
+            SKIP_LIST_PATH:
+              type: string
+              default: "/home/rally/cvp-configuration/tempest/skip-list.yaml"
+              description: path to skip-list file inside container
+            PROXY:
+              type: string
+              default: ""
+              description: Proxy address to clone repo and install python requirements
+              type: string
+              default: "set=smoke"
+              description: Use set=smoke (or identity,full...] or just test name
+              type: boolean
+              default: 'false'
+              description: Ask for confirmation before doing something destructive (reboot/shutdown node)
+            TEMPEST_REPO:
+              type: string
+              default: ""
+              description: Can be repo url (local or remote) or path to folder (inside container) with Tempest
+            TOOLS_REPO:
+              type: string
+              default: "${_param:gerrit_public_host}/cvp-configuration"
+              description: URL of repo where testing tools, scenarios, configs are located.