Modification to SR-IOV documentation

- Reflect change of the location of NFV features
- Fix SR-IOV parameter names
- Document multiple interfaces dedicated to SR-IOV case
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index 99e9d5b..539b6d2 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -14,11 +14,67 @@
 Include class at `cluster.<name>.openstack.compute`
-- system.nova.compute.sriov
+.. code-block:: yaml
-and parameters:
+  - system.nova.compute.nfv.sriov
-- sriov_nic01: Name of the interface
-- sriov_nic01_numvfs: Number of Virtual Functions
-- sriov_nic01_physical_network: Default "physnet1", label for physical network interface belongs to.
-- sriov_unsafe_interrupts: Default False, needs to be set True if your hw platform does not support interrupt remapping
+For single SR-IOV interface setup you can set parameters:
+  Name of the Physical Function interface (pF)
+  Number of Virtual Functions (VF), for number of 
+  supported VF check documentation for your network interface card.
+  Default **physnet1**, label for physical network the interface belongs to.
+  Default **False**, needs to be set **True** if your hw platform does not 
+  support interrupt remapping.
+Multiple SR-IOV interface setup:
+By default, the metadata model contains configuration for 1 NIC
+dedicated for SR-IOV, so we need to setup network interfaces like in the
+following example.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+      ...
+        nova:
+          compute:
+            sriov:
+              sriov_nic01:
+                devname: eth1
+                physical_network: physnet3
+              sriov_nic02:
+                devname: eth2
+                physical_network: physnet4
+              sriov_nic03:
+                devname: eth3
+                physical_network: physnet3
+              sriov_nic04:
+                devname: eth4
+                physical_network: physnet6
+        linux:
+          system:
+            kernel:
+              sriov: True
+              unsafe_interrupts: False
+            rc:
+              local: |
+                #!/bin/sh -e
+                # Enabling 7 VFs on eth1 PF
+                echo 7 > /sys/class/net/eth1/device/sriov_numvfs; sleep 2; ip link set eth1 up
+                # Enabling 15 VFs on eth2 PF
+                echo 15 > /sys/class/net/eth2/device/sriov_numvfs; sleep 2; ip link set eth2 up
+                # Enabling 15 VFs on eth3 PF
+                echo 15 > /sys/class/net/eth3/device/sriov_numvfs; sleep 2; ip link set eth3 up
+                # Enabling 7 VFs on eth4 PF
+                echo 7 > /sys/class/net/eth4/device/sriov_numvfs; sleep 2; ip link set eth4 up
+                exit 0