Fix pike - queens job template

Change-Id: I21e27a9e7ee358aaf12bf817d5380d056dfcb2c3
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/test_upgrades.yml b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/test_upgrades.yml
index 2288baa..e030f71 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/test_upgrades.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/test_upgrades.yml
@@ -57,52 +57,53 @@
           display_name: oscore-test-openstack-upgrade-{{openstack_version_old}}-{{openstack_version_new}}-{{deploy_context}}
           name: oscore-test-openstack-upgrade-{{openstack_version_old}}-{{openstack_version_new}}-{{deploy_context}}
-          concurrent: true
-          description: Test upgrade flow for opentack cluster
-          discard:
-            build:
-             keep_num: 60
-            artifact:
-             keep_num: 60
-          type: workflow-scm
-          scm:
-            type: git
-            url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines"
-            credentials: "gerrit"
-            branch: 'master'
-            script: test-openstack-upgrade-pipeline.groovy
-          param:
-            CREDENTIALS_ID:
-              type: string
-              description: "ID of jenkins credentials to be used when connecting to gerrit."
-              default: "gerrit"
-              type: choice
-              description: "Target openstack environment."
-              choices:
-                - devcloud
-                - presales
-                - oscore_devcloud
-              type: string
-              description: "Credentials to the OpenStack API"
-              type: string
-              default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-            HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
-              type: string
-              default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-            FLAVOR_PREFIX:
-              type: string
-              default: 'dev'
-            STACK_DELETE:
-              type: boolean
-              default: 'true'
-              description: Don't enable it if you need to use the lab after
-            TEST_SCHEME:
-              type: string
-              description: "Yaml based scheme to be applied in testing"
-              default: '{"old": {"run_smoke": True, "context_file_name": "openstack-ovs-{{deploy_context}}-{{openstack_version_old}}","extra_context": {"default_context": {"openstack_version": "{{openstack_version_old}}"}}}, "new": {"run_smoke": True, "extra_context": {"default_context": {"openstack_version": "{{openstack_version_new}}"}}}}'
+          template:
+            concurrent: true
+            description: Test upgrade flow for opentack cluster
+            discard:
+              build:
+               keep_num: 60
+              artifact:
+               keep_num: 60
+            type: workflow-scm
+            scm:
+              type: git
+              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines"
+              credentials: "gerrit"
+              branch: 'master'
+              script: test-openstack-upgrade-pipeline.groovy
+            param:
+              CREDENTIALS_ID:
+                type: string
+                description: "ID of jenkins credentials to be used when connecting to gerrit."
+                default: "gerrit"
+                type: choice
+                description: "Target openstack environment."
+                choices:
+                  - devcloud
+                  - presales
+                  - oscore_devcloud
+                type: string
+                description: "Credentials to the OpenStack API"
+                type: string
+                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
+              HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
+                type: string
+                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
+              FLAVOR_PREFIX:
+                type: string
+                default: 'dev'
+              STACK_DELETE:
+                type: boolean
+                default: 'true'
+                description: Don't enable it if you need to use the lab after
+              TEST_SCHEME:
+                type: string
+                description: "Yaml based scheme to be applied in testing"
+                default: '{"old": {"run_smoke": True, "context_file_name": "openstack-ovs-{{deploy_context}}-{{openstack_version_old}}","extra_context": {"default_context": {"openstack_version": "{{openstack_version_old}}"}}}, "new": {"run_smoke": True, "extra_context": {"default_context": {"openstack_version": "{{openstack_version_new}}"}}}}'
           display_name: oscore-test-openstack-upgrade-mitaka-newton