Merge "Add Helm repositories to the private Artifactory"
diff --git a/artifactory/client/init.yml b/artifactory/client/init.yml
index 614266e..ec5da44 100644
--- a/artifactory/client/init.yml
+++ b/artifactory/client/init.yml
@@ -210,6 +210,23 @@
             description: "Overlaps with maven-local. We should resolve overlap and remove this repo."
+          helm-local:
+            rclass: local
+            packageType: helm
+            description: "Helm Chart Repository (local)"
+            notes: ""
+            propertySets:
+            - artifactory
+          helm-virtual:
+            rclass: virtual
+            packageType: helm
+            description: "Helm Chart Repository (virtual one having correct index)"
+            notes: ""
+            repositories:
+            - helm-local
+            defaultDeploymentRepo: helm-local
             rclass: remote
             packageType: maven