Merge "Remove opencontrail jobs. It was moved into infra model"
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/cookiecutter.yml b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/cookiecutter.yml
index f406f3b..2500254 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/cookiecutter.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/cookiecutter.yml
@@ -1,160 +1,2 @@
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      job:
-        oscore-test-cookiecutter-model:
-          display_name: oscore-test-cookiecutter-model
-          name: oscore-test-cookiecutter-model
-          concurrent: true
-          description: Test specified cookiecutter context
-          discard:
-            build:
-             keep_num: 60
-            artifact:
-             keep_num: 60
-          type: workflow-scm
-          scm:
-            type: git
-            url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines"
-            credentials: "gerrit"
-            branch: 'master'
-            script: test-cookiecutter-model-pipeline.groovy
-          param:
-            CREDENTIALS_ID:
-              type: string
-              description: "ID of jenkins credentials to be used when connecting to gerrit."
-              default: "gerrit"
-              type: choice
-              description: "Context for coockiecutter template specified as filename."
-              choices:
-                - openstack-ovs-core-ocata
-                - openstack-ovs-core-pike
-                - openstack-ovs-core-ssl-pike
-                - openstack-ovs-core-barbican-pike
-                - openstack-ovs-core-manila-pike
-                - openstack-ovs-core-telemetry-pike
-                - openstack-ovs-core-extra-ssl-pike
-                - openstack-ovs-core-queens
-                - openstack-ovs-core-extra-queens
-                - openstack-ovs-core-ssl-queens
-                - openstack-ovs-core-extra-ssl-queens
-                - openstack-ovs-core-barbican-ssl-queens
-            STACK_INSTALL:
-              type: string
-              default: 'core,openstack,ovs'
-            STACK_DELETE:
-              type: boolean
-              description: "Delete Heat stack when finished (bool)"
-              default: 'false'
-              type: choice
-              description: "Target openstack environment."
-              choices:
-                - devcloud
-                - presales
-                - oscore_devcloud
-              type: string
-              description: "Credentials to the OpenStack API"
-              type: string
-              default: "mcp-oscore"
-            HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
-              type: string
-              default: "mcp-oscore"
-            FLAVOR_PREFIX:
-              type: string
-              default: 'dev'
-            RUN_SMOKE:
-              type: boolean
-              description: "Run smoke after deployment or not. (bool)"
-              default: 'false'
-              type: text
-              description: "Extra context items, will be merged to COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_FILE"
-              default: |-
-                #Extra context that will be merged with content of COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_FILE
-                default_context:
-                  openssh_groups: "qa_scale,oscore_devops,networking,tcpcloud,drivetrain,stacklight,k8s_team,mcp_qa"
-                  cookiecutter_template_url: ssh://
-                  cookiecutter_template_branch: 'master'
-                  shared_reclass_url:
-                  shared_reclass_branch: 'master'
-            STACK_INSTALL:
-              type: string
-              default: 'core,openstack,ovs'
-            STACK_DELETE:
-              type: boolean
-              description: "Delete Heat stack when finished (bool)"
-              default: 'false'
-            EXTRA_REPOS:
-              type: text
-              description: "Yaml based extra repos metadata to be added during bootstrap phase"
-              default: ''
-        oscore-test-cookiecutter-models:
-          display_name: oscore-test-cookiecutter-models
-          name: oscore-test-cookiecutter-models
-          concurrent: true
-          discard:
-            build:
-              keep_num: 30
-            artifact:
-              keep_num: 30
-          type: workflow-scm
-          concurrent: true
-          scm:
-            type: git
-            url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
-            credentials: "gerrit"
-            branch: 'master'
-            script: test-cookiecutter-models-pipeline.groovy
-          trigger:
-            gerrit:
-             project:
-               "^mk/cookiecutter-templates$":
-                 compare_type: 'REG_EXP'
-                 branches:
-                   - master
-                   - compare_type: ANT
-                     name: release/*
-             skip_vote:
-               - successful
-               - failed
-               - unstable
-               - not_built
-             event:
-               comment:
-                 - addedContains:
-                    commentAddedCommentContains: '^(?s:Patch Set \d+:.*(test|recheck|reverify)\s*)$'
-          param:
-            CREDENTIALS_ID:
-              type: string
-              default: "gerrit"
-              description: "ID of jenkins credentials to be used when connecting to gerrit."
-              type: choice
-              description: "Target openstack environment."
-              choices:
-                - devcloud
-                - presales
-                - oscore_devcloud
-              type: string
-              description: "Credentials to the OpenStack API"
-              type: string
-              default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-            HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
-              type: string
-              default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-            FLAVOR_PREFIX:
-              type: string
-              default: 'dev'
-            TEST_SCHEME:
-              type: text
-              description: "Yaml based scheme to test specific models."
-              default: |-
-                openstack-ovs-core-pike:
-                  run_smoke: true
-                  stack_install: 'core,openstack,ovs'
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/init.yml b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/init.yml
index 61dbda8..2500254 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/init.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/init.yml
@@ -1,20 +1,2 @@
-  - system.jenkins.client.job.oscore.security_tests
-  - system.jenkins.client.job.oscore.tests
-  -
-  - system.jenkins.client.job.oscore.salt_virtual_models
-  - system.jenkins.client.job.oscore.cookiecutter
-  - system.jenkins.client.job.oscore.release
-  _param:
-     job_description_oscore: <br>Deploy and test OpenStack.<br>
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      view:
-        "OSCORE":
-          enabled: true
-          type: CategorizedJobsView
-          include_regex: "^oscore-.*"
-          categories:
-            - group_regex: "oscore-bandit-*"
-              naming_rule: "Bandit"
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/qa.yml b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/qa.yml
index ba6e150..2500254 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/qa.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/qa.yml
@@ -1,189 +1,2 @@
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      job_template:
-        oscore-build-docker-image:
-          name: "{{job_prefix}}-{{oscore-qa-project}}-build-docker-image"
-          template:
-            description: ${_param:job_description_oscore}
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 25
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 25
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: build-docker-image-pipeline.groovy
-            trigger:
-              gerrit:
-                project:
-                  mcp/{{oscore-qa-project}}:
-                    branches:
-                      - master
-                      - pike
-                event:
-                  change:
-                    - merged
-            param:
-              GIT_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: "ssh://{{oscore-qa-project}}"
-              GIT_REF:
-                type: string
-                default: "master"
-              GIT_CREDS_ID:
-                type: string
-                default: "mcp-ci-gerrit"
-              IMAGE_NAME:
-                type: string
-                default: "mirantis/oscore/{{oscore-qa-project}}"
-              IMAGE_TAG:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-              DOCKER_REGISTRY:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-        oscore-docker-image-systest-template:
-          name: "{{job_prefix}}-{{oscore-qa-project}}-image-systest-{{model}}"
-          template:
-            description: ${_param:job_description_oscore}
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 30
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 30
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: test-tempest-image-pipeline.groovy
-            trigger:
-              gerrit:
-                project:
-                  mcp/{{oscore-qa-project}}:
-                    branches:
-                      - master
-                      - queens
-                      - pike
-                      - ocata
-                      - newton
-                      - mitaka
-                event:
-                  patchset:
-                    - created
-                  comment:
-                    - addedContains:
-                        commentAddedCommentContains: '^(?s:Patch Set \d+:.*(test|recheck|reverify)\s*)$'
-                custom_url: '* $JOB_NAME $BUILD_URL'
-            param:
-              # general
-                type: string
-                description: Extra repos for bootstrap stage
-                default: ""
-              CREDENTIALS_ID:
-                type: string
-                description: gerrit creds
-                default: "gerrit"
-              GERRIT_PROJECT_URL:
-                type: string
-                description: Url to project with docker image source
-                default: ""
-              GERRIT_BRANCH:
-                type: string
-                description: Branch of project with docker image source
-                default: ""
-              HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
-                type: string
-                description: AZ
-                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-              STACK_TEST_JOB:
-                type: string
-                description: Job for environment deployment
-                default: "{{stack_test_job}}"
-              STACK_TYPE:
-                type: string
-                default: "heat"
-              STACK_INSTALL:
-                type: string
-                description: components to install
-                default: 'core,openstack,ovs'
-              STACK_DELETE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: Don't enable it if you need to use the lab after
-                type: string
-                default: '{{stack_reclass_address}}'
-                description: 'Url to repository with stack salt models'
-              STACK_RECLASS_BRANCH:
-                type: string
-                default: '{{stack_reclass_branch}}'
-                description: 'Branch of repository with stack salt models'
-              STACK_CLEANUP_JOB:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{stack_cleanup_job}}"
-              # salt
-              # FIXME allign to DISTRIB_REVISION
-              FORMULA_PKG_REVISION:
-                type: string
-                description: Version of formulas for salt-master bootstrap
-                default: "{{formula_pkg_revision}}"
-                type: string
-                description: ID of credentials to connect to target host
-                default: "heat-env-ssh"
-              # openstack api
-              OPENSTACK_API_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "openstack-devcloud-credentials"
-                type: string
-                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-                type: string
-                default: "default"
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "default"
-              OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "3"
-              # test
-              TEST_CONF:
-                type: string
-                description: Tempest configuration file path inside container
-                default: "{{test_conf}}"
-              TEST_TARGET:
-                type: string
-                description: Node to run tests
-                default: "{{test_target}}"
-              TEST_MODEL:
-                type: string
-                description: Environment salt model
-                default: "{{model}}"
-              FAIL_ON_TESTS:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: Whether to fail build on test results
-              SALT_MASTER_IP:
-                type: string
-                description: Ip of env's salt master
-                default: ""
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/release.yml b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/release.yml
index e471e9d..2500254 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/release.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/release.yml
@@ -1,73 +1,2 @@
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      job_template:
-        promote-release-component:
-          name: "{{job_prefix}}-promote-{{component}}-{{version}}-{{distribution}}"
-          template:
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 30
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 30
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: promote-release-component.groovy
-            trigger:
-              timer:
-               spec: "{{timer_spec}}"
-            param:
-              # general
-              AIO_JOB:
-                type: string
-                description: "Job name to deploy all-ini-one envs are going to be tested"
-                default: "{{job_prefix}}-{{aioJobPrefix}}"
-              MULTINODE_JOB:
-                type: string
-                description: "Job name to deploy multinode envs are going to be tested"
-                default: "{{job_prefix}}-{{multinodeJobPrefix}}"
-                type: string
-                default: "{{distribution}}"
-                description: "Distribution of operating system"
-              COMPONENT:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{component}}"
-                description: "Tested MCP Component"
-              VERSION:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{version}}"
-                description: "Tested MCP Component"
-              SRC_REVISION:
-                type: string
-                default: "nightly"
-                description: "Tested revision of component - e.g. nightly"
-              SNAPSHOT_ID:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                description: "Tested snapshot id of component"
-              TARGET_REVISION:
-                type: string
-                default: "testing"
-                description: "Revision to promote SRC_REVISION to, e.g. testing"
-              TEST_SCHEME:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{test_scheme}}"
-                description: "Structure which defines parameters of deployment jobs"
-              TEST_MILESTONE:
-                type: string
-                description: Product milestone
-                default: "{{test_milestone}}"
-              MIRROR_HOST:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                description: "mirror with snapshots and packages"
-              AUTO_PROMOTE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: "{{auto_promote}}"
-                description: Enable to autopromote repo
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/salt_virtual_models.yml b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/salt_virtual_models.yml
index 0088fbd..2500254 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/salt_virtual_models.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/salt_virtual_models.yml
@@ -1,219 +1,2 @@
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      job:
-        oscore-test_virtual_model:
-          concurrent: true
-          description: ${_param:job_description_oscore}
-          discard:
-            build:
-              keep_num: 30
-            artifact:
-              keep_num: 30
-          plugin_properties:
-            throttleconcurrents:
-              enabled: true
-              throttle_option: category
-              categories:
-                - oscore-ci-ha-builds
-          display_name: oscore-test-virtual-model
-          name: oscore-test-virtual-model
-          param:
-              type: string
-              default: "salt-qa-credentials"
-              description: Jenkins credential ID for Salt master
-            CREDENTIALS_ID:
-              default: gerrit
-              type: string
-              description: "Name of creadentials to use when connecting to gerrit"
-              type: string
-              default: "artifactory"
-              description: Jenkins credential ID for Artifactory
-            HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
-              type: string
-              description: "Heat stack zone where build stack"
-              default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-              type: string
-              description: "Heat stack env parameters for deployment"
-              default: "devcloud"
-              type: string
-              default: ''
-              description: 'Url to repository with stack salt models'
-              type: string
-              default: 'master'
-              description: 'Branch of repository with stack salt models'
-            STACK_CLUSTER_NAME:
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-              description: "Cluster name to use from reclass"
-            STACK_DELETE:
-              type: boolean
-              default: 'false'
-              description: "Enable it when stack have to be deleted."
-            # FIXME allign to DISTRIB_REVISION
-              type: string
-              description: Version of formulas for salt-master bootstrap
-              default: "nightly"
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-              description: "Defines a list of extra repos with parameters, format: repo 1, repo priority 1, repo pin 1; repo 2, repo priority 2, repo pin 2"
-            # openstack api
-            OPENSTACK_API_URL:
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-              type: string
-              default: "openstack-devcloud-credentials"
-              type: string
-              default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-              type: string
-              default: "default"
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-              type: string
-              default: "default"
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-              type: string
-              default: "3"
-            # Test params
-            TEST_CONF:
-              type: string
-              description: Tempest configuration file path inside container
-              default: "/home/rally/rally_reports/tempest_generated.conf"
-            TEST_TARGET:
-              type: string
-              description: Node to run tests
-              default: "gtw01*"
-            TEST_CONCURRENCY:
-              type: string
-              description: How much test threads to run
-              default: "2"
-            RUN_SECURITY_CHECK:
-              type: boolean
-              description: Whether to run Openscap XCCDF evaluation
-              default: "false"
-            RUN_SMOKE:
-              type: boolean
-              default: "false"
-              description: Enabling of running smoke tests
-            USE_RALLY:
-              type: boolean
-              description: Whether to use container with rally
-              default: "false"
-              type: string
-              description: Tests pass rate to consider build successful
-              default: "96"
-            FAIL_ON_TESTS:
-              type: boolean
-              default: 'true'
-              description: Whether to fail build on test results
-            TEST_PATTERN:
-              type: string
-              description: Run tests matched to pattern only
-              default: ''
-            TEST_MILESTONE:
-              type: string
-              description: Product milestone
-              default: 'MCP1.1'
-            TESTRAIL:
-              type: boolean
-              description: Whether to upload results to testrail or not
-              default: "false"
-             type: string
-             description: Version of openstack to test
-             default: ""
-          scm:
-            script: test-virtual-model-pipeline.groovy
-            type: git
-            url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines"
-            credentials: "gerrit"
-          type: workflow-scm
-        oscore-test_virtual_models:
-          concurrent: true
-          description: ${_param:job_description_oscore}
-          discard:
-            build:
-              keep_num: 30
-            artifact:
-              keep_num: 30
-          trigger:
-              timer:
-               spec: "H 05 * * *"
-          display_name: oscore-test-virtual-models
-          name: oscore-test-virtual-models
-          param:
-            CREDENTIALS_ID:
-              default: gerrit
-              type: string
-              description: "Name of creadentials to use when connecting to gerrit"
-            HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
-              type: string
-              description: "Heat stack zone where build stack"
-              default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-              type: string
-              default: ''
-              description: 'Url to repository with stack salt models'
-              type: string
-              default: 'master'
-              description: 'Branch of repository with stack salt models'
-              type: string
-              default: "virtual-mcp-pike-ovs,virtual-mcp-pike-dvr,virtual-mcp-pike-dvr-ssl"
-              description: "Comma separated list of cluster names to test."
-            STACK_DELETE:
-              type: boolean
-              default: 'true'
-              description: "Enable it when stack have to be deleted."
-              type: string
-              description: Version of formulas for salt-master bootstrap
-              default: "nightly"
-            # openstack api
-            OPENSTACK_API_URL:
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-              type: string
-              default: "openstack-devcloud-credentials"
-              type: string
-              default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-              type: string
-              default: "default"
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-              type: string
-              default: "default"
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-              type: string
-              default: "3"
-          scm:
-            script: test-virtual-models-pipeline.groovy
-            type: git
-            url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines"
-            credentials: "gerrit"
-          type: workflow-scm
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/security_tests.yml b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/security_tests.yml
index 8c6e39d..2500254 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/security_tests.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/security_tests.yml
@@ -1,159 +1,2 @@
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      job_template:
-        bandit-scanner-template-downstream:
-          name: "{{job_prefix}}-bandit-downstream-{{project}}"
-          template:
-            description: ${_param:job_description_oscore}
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 30
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 30
-            type: workflow-scm
-            # Downstream jobs are uploading reports, so shouldn't be concurrent
-            concurrent: false
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: bandit-openstack-pipeline.groovy
-            trigger:
-              gerrit:
-                project:
-                  packaging/sources/{{project}}:
-                    branches:
-                      - compare_type: "ANT"
-                        name: "mcp/**"
-                skip_vote:
-                  - successful
-                  - failed
-                  - unstable
-                  - not_built
-                event:
-                  change:
-                    - merged
-                  comment:
-                    - addedContains:
-                        commentAddedCommentContains: '^(?s:Patch Set \d+:.*(run bandit)\s*)$'
-                custom_url: '* $JOB_NAME $BUILD_URL'
-            param:
-              GERRIT_PROJECT_URL:
-                type: string
-                description: project url
-                default: ""
-              GERRIT_BRANCH:
-                type: string
-                description: Version of openstack to test
-                default: ""
-              GERRIT_USER:
-                type: string
-                description: user
-                default: "mcp-jenkins"
-              UPSTREAM:
-                type: boolean
-                description: whether to do upstream like testing
-                default: "false"
-              FAIL_ON_TESTS:
-                type: boolean
-                description: whether to do upstream like testing
-                default: "true"
-              SEVERITY:
-                type: string
-                description: Bandit args
-                default: "1"
-              CONFIDENCE:
-                type: string
-                description: confidence
-                default: "2"
-              CREDENTIALS_ID:
-                type: string
-                description: gerrit creds
-                default: "gerrit"
-              REPORT_FORMAT:
-                type: string
-                description: Format for generated report(csv,html,json)
-                default: "json"
-              UPLOAD_REPORT:
-                type: boolean
-                description: Whether to upload report
-                default: "true"
-              REPORT_HOST:
-                type: string
-                description: Reporting tool hostname
-                default: ""
-              REPORT_USER:
-                type: string
-                description: User for uploading results to reporting tool
-                default: "bandit"
-                type: string
-                description: Credentials for uploading report
-                default: "bandit"
-        bandit-scanner-template-upstream:
-          name: "{{job_prefix}}-bandit-upstream-{{project}}"
-          template:
-            description: ${_param:job_description_oscore}
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 30
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 30
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: bandit-openstack-pipeline.groovy
-            trigger:
-              gerrit:
-                project:
-                  packaging/sources/{{project}}:
-                    branches:
-                      - compare_type: "ANT"
-                        name: "mcp/**"
-                skip_vote:
-                  - successful
-                  - failed
-                  - unstable
-                  - not_built
-                event:
-                  change:
-                    - merged
-                  comment:
-                    - addedContains:
-                        commentAddedCommentContains: '^(?s:Patch Set \d+:.*(run bandit)\s*)$'
-                custom_url: '* $JOB_NAME $BUILD_URL'
-            param:
-              GERRIT_PROJECT_URL:
-                type: string
-                description: project url
-                default: ""
-              GERRIT_BRANCH:
-                type: string
-                description: Version of openstack to test
-                default: ""
-              GERRIT_USER:
-                type: string
-                description: user
-                default: "mcp-jenkins"
-              UPSTREAM:
-                type: boolean
-                description: whether to do upstream like testing
-                default: "true"
-              FAIL_ON_TESTS:
-                type: boolean
-                description: whether to do upstream like testing
-                default: "true"
-              CREDENTIALS_ID:
-                type: string
-                description: gerrit creds
-                default: "gerrit"
-              REPORT_FORMAT:
-                type: string
-                description: Format for generated report(csv,html,json)
-                default: "json"
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/test_upgrades.yml b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/test_upgrades.yml
index e030f71..2500254 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/test_upgrades.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/test_upgrades.yml
@@ -1,184 +1,2 @@
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      job_template:
-        test-opentack-upgrade:
-          name: "oscore-test-openstack-upgrade-{{openstack_version_old}}-{{openstack_version_new}}"
-          template:
-            concurrent: true
-            description: Test upgrade flow for opentack cluster
-            discard:
-              build:
-               keep_num: 60
-              artifact:
-               keep_num: 60
-            type: workflow-scm
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: test-openstack-upgrade-pipeline.groovy
-            trigger:
-              timer:
-               spec: "H 22 * * *"
-            param:
-              CREDENTIALS_ID:
-                type: string
-                description: "ID of jenkins credentials to be used when connecting to gerrit."
-                default: "gerrit"
-                type: choice
-                description: "Target openstack environment."
-                choices:
-                  - devcloud
-                  - presales
-                  - oscore_devcloud
-                type: string
-                description: "Credentials to the OpenStack API"
-                type: string
-                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-              HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
-                type: string
-                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-              FLAVOR_PREFIX:
-                type: string
-                default: 'dev'
-              STACK_DELETE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: Don't enable it if you need to use the lab after
-              TEST_SCHEME:
-                type: string
-                description: "Yaml based scheme to be applied in testing"
-                default: '{"old": {"run_smoke": True, "context_file_name": "openstack-ovs-core-{{openstack_version_old}}","extra_context": {"default_context": {"openstack_version": "{{openstack_version_old}}"}}}, "new": {"run_smoke": True, "extra_context": {"default_context": {"openstack_version": "{{openstack_version_new}}"}}}}'
-        oscore-test-openstack-upgrade-template:
-          display_name: oscore-test-openstack-upgrade-{{openstack_version_old}}-{{openstack_version_new}}-{{deploy_context}}
-          name: oscore-test-openstack-upgrade-{{openstack_version_old}}-{{openstack_version_new}}-{{deploy_context}}
-          template:
-            concurrent: true
-            description: Test upgrade flow for opentack cluster
-            discard:
-              build:
-               keep_num: 60
-              artifact:
-               keep_num: 60
-            type: workflow-scm
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: test-openstack-upgrade-pipeline.groovy
-            param:
-              CREDENTIALS_ID:
-                type: string
-                description: "ID of jenkins credentials to be used when connecting to gerrit."
-                default: "gerrit"
-                type: choice
-                description: "Target openstack environment."
-                choices:
-                  - devcloud
-                  - presales
-                  - oscore_devcloud
-                type: string
-                description: "Credentials to the OpenStack API"
-                type: string
-                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-              HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
-                type: string
-                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-              FLAVOR_PREFIX:
-                type: string
-                default: 'dev'
-              STACK_DELETE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: Don't enable it if you need to use the lab after
-              TEST_SCHEME:
-                type: string
-                description: "Yaml based scheme to be applied in testing"
-                default: '{"old": {"run_smoke": True, "context_file_name": "openstack-ovs-{{deploy_context}}-{{openstack_version_old}}","extra_context": {"default_context": {"openstack_version": "{{openstack_version_old}}"}}}, "new": {"run_smoke": True, "extra_context": {"default_context": {"openstack_version": "{{openstack_version_new}}"}}}}'
-      job:
-        oscore-test-openstack-upgrade-mitaka-newton:
-          display_name: oscore-test-openstack-upgrade-mitaka-newton
-          name: oscore-test-openstack-upgrade-mitaka-newton
-          concurrent: true
-          description: Test upgrade flow for opentack cluster
-          discard:
-            build:
-             keep_num: 60
-            artifact:
-             keep_num: 60
-          type: workflow-scm
-          scm:
-            type: git
-            url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines"
-            credentials: "gerrit"
-            branch: 'master'
-            script: test-openstack-upgrade-pipeline.groovy
-          param:
-            CREDENTIALS_ID:
-              type: string
-              description: "ID of jenkins credentials to be used when connecting to gerrit."
-              default: "gerrit"
-              type: choice
-              description: "Target openstack environment."
-              choices:
-                - devcloud
-                - presales
-                - oscore_devcloud
-              type: string
-              description: "Credentials to the OpenStack API"
-              type: string
-              default: "mcp-oscore"
-            HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
-              type: string
-              default: "mcp-oscore"
-            FLAVOR_PREFIX:
-              type: string
-              default: 'dev'
-            STACK_DELETE:
-              type: boolean
-              default: 'true'
-              description: Don't enable it if you need to use the lab after
-            TEST_SCHEME:
-              type: string
-              description: "Yaml based scheme to be applied in testing"
-              default: '{"old": {"run_smoke": True, "context_file_name": "openstack-ovs-core-mitaka","extra_context": {"default_context": {"openstack_version": "mitaka"}}}, "new": {"run_smoke": True, "extra_context": {"default_context": {"openstack_version": "newton"}}}}'
-        oscore-test-adjust-cluster-model:
-          display_name: oscore-test-adjust-cluster-model
-          name: oscore-test-adjust-cluster-model
-          concurrent: true
-          description: Test upgrade flow for opentack cluster
-          discard:
-            build:
-             keep_num: 60
-            artifact:
-             keep_num: 60
-          type: workflow-scm
-          scm:
-            type: git
-            url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines"
-            credentials: "gerrit"
-            branch: 'master'
-            script: adjust-cluster-model.groovy
-          param:
-              type: string
-              description: "ID of salt API credentials."
-              default: "salt-qa-credentials"
-            SALT_MASTER_URL:
-              type: string
-              description: 'Url for salt API.'
-            TEST_SCHEME:
-              type: text
-              description: "Yaml based scheme to be applied in testing"
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/tests.yml b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/tests.yml
index 5f266f3..2500254 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/tests.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/tests.yml
@@ -1,878 +1,2 @@
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      job_template:
-        test-openstack-component-formula:
-          name: "{{job_prefix}}-formula-systest-{{model}}-{{openstack_version}}"
-          template:
-            description: ${_param:job_description_oscore}
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 30
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 30
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            plugin_properties:
-              throttleconcurrents:
-                enabled: true
-                throttle_option: category
-                categories:
-                  - oscore-ci-builds
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: test-openstack-component-pipeline.groovy
-            param:
-              # general
-              HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
-                type: string
-                description: AZ
-                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-              OPENSTACK_VERSION:
-                type: string
-                description: Version of openstack to test
-                default: "{{openstack_version}}"
-              STACK_TEST_JOB:
-                type: string
-                description: Job for environment deployment
-                default: "{{stack_test_job}}"
-              STACK_TYPE:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{stack_type}}"
-              STACK_INSTALL:
-                type: string
-                description: components to install
-                default: 'core,openstack,ovs'
-              STACK_DELETE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: Don't enable it if you need to use the lab after
-              STACK_CLEANUP_JOB:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{stack_cleanup_job}}"
-                type: string
-                default: '{{stack_reclass_address}}'
-                description: 'Url to repository with stack salt models'
-              STACK_RECLASS_BRANCH:
-                type: string
-                default: '{{stack_reclass_branch}}'
-                description: 'Branch of repository with stack salt models'
-              STACK_CLUSTER_NAME:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                description: "Cluster name to use from reclass"
-              # salt
-              SALT_OVERRIDES:
-                type: text
-                default: ""
-                description: YAML with overrides for Salt deployment
-              # FIXME allign to DISTRIB_REVISION
-              FORMULA_PKG_REVISION:
-                type: string
-                description: Version of formulas for salt-master bootstrap
-                default: "{{formula_pkg_revision}}"
-              # openstack api
-              OPENSTACK_API_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "openstack-devcloud-credentials"
-                type: string
-                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-                type: string
-                default: "default"
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "default"
-              OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "3"
-              # security test
-              RUN_SECURITY_CHECK:
-                type: boolean
-                description: Whether to run Openscap XCCDF evaluation
-                default: 'false'
-              # test
-              TEST_CONF:
-                type: string
-                description: Tempest configuration file path inside container
-                default: "{{test_conf}}"
-              TEST_TARGET:
-                type: string
-                description: Node to run tests
-                default: "{{test_target}}"
-              TEST_PATTERN:
-                type: string
-                description: Run tests matched to pattern only
-                default: "tempest"
-              TEST_MODEL:
-                type: string
-                description: Environment salt model
-                default: "{{model}}"
-              TEST_PASS_THRESHOLD:
-                type: string
-                description: Tests pass rate to consider build successful
-                default: "{{test_threshold}}"
-              TESTRAIL:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'false'
-                description: Whether to upload results to testrail
-              FAIL_ON_TESTS:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: Whether to fail build on test results
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                description: "Defines a list of extra repos with parameters, format: repo 1, repo priority 1, repo pin 1; repo 2, repo priority 2, repo pin 2"
-                type: string
-                default: "artifactory"
-                description: Jenkins credential ID for Artifactory
-                type: string
-                default: "salt-qa-credentials"
-                description: Jenkins credential ID for Salt master
-              TEST_MILESTONE:
-                type: string
-                description: Product milestone
-                default: ""
-        test-openstack-component-periodic:
-          name: "{{job_prefix}}-{{milestone}}-{{model}}-{{openstack_version}}-{{formula_pkg_revision}}"
-          template:
-            description: ${_param:job_description_oscore}
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 30
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 30
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: test-openstack-component-pipeline.groovy
-            trigger:
-              timer:
-               spec: "H 03 * * *"
-            param:
-              # general
-              HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
-                type: string
-                description: AZ
-                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-              OPENSTACK_VERSION:
-                type: string
-                description: Version of openstack to test
-                default: "{{openstack_version}}"
-              STACK_TEST_JOB:
-                type: string
-                description: Job for environment deployment
-                default: "{{stack_test_job}}"
-              STACK_TYPE:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{stack_type}}"
-              STACK_INSTALL:
-                type: string
-                description: components to install
-                default: 'core,openstack,ovs'
-              STACK_DELETE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'false'
-                description: Don't enable it if you need to use the lab after
-                type: string
-                default: '{{stack_reclass_address}}'
-                description: 'Url to repository with stack salt models'
-              STACK_RECLASS_BRANCH:
-                type: string
-                default: '{{stack_reclass_branch}}'
-                description: 'Branch of repository with stack salt models'
-              STACK_CLEANUP_JOB:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{stack_cleanup_job}}"
-              # salt
-              SALT_OVERRIDES:
-                type: text
-                default: ""
-                description: YAML with overrides for Salt deployment
-              FORMULA_PKG_REVISION:
-                type: string
-                description: Version of formulas for salt-master bootstrap
-                default: "{{formula_pkg_revision}}"
-              # openstack api
-              OPENSTACK_API_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "openstack-devcloud-credentials"
-                type: string
-                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-                type: string
-                default: "default"
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "default"
-              OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "3"
-              # test
-              TEST_MILESTONE:
-                type: string
-                description: Product milestone
-                default: "{{milestone}}"
-              TEST_CONF:
-                type: string
-                description: Tempest configuration file path inside container
-                default: "{{test_conf}}"
-              TEST_TARGET:
-                type: string
-                description: Node to run tests
-                default: "{{test_target}}"
-              TEST_PATTERN:
-                type: string
-                description: Run tests matched to pattern only
-                default: "{{test_pattern}}"
-              TEST_MODEL:
-                type: string
-                description: Environment salt model
-                default: "{{model}}"
-              TEST_PASS_THRESHOLD:
-                type: string
-                description: Tests pass rate to consider build successful
-                default: "{{test_threshold}}"
-              FAIL_ON_TESTS:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: Whether to fail build on test results
-              RUN_SMOKE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: "{{run_smoke}}"
-                description: Enabling of running smoke tests
-                type: string
-                default: "artifactory"
-                description: Jenkins credential ID for Artifactory
-                type: string
-                default: "salt-qa-credentials"
-                description: Jenkins credential ID for Salt master
-        test-runner-template:
-          name: "{{job_prefix}}-{{test_type}}-runner"
-          template:
-            description: ${_param:job_description_oscore}
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 30
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 30
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: run-openstack-tests.groovy
-            param:
-              # general
-              FAIL_ON_TESTS:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: Whether to fail build on test results
-              TEST_MILESTONE:
-                type: string
-                description: Product milestone
-              OPENSTACK_VERSION:
-                type: string
-                description: Version of openstack to test
-              PROC_RESULTS_JOB:
-                type: string
-                description: Job for results processing
-                default: "{{proc_results_job}}"
-              TEST_TYPE:
-                type: string
-                description: Name of test type
-                default: "{{test_type}}"
-              SLAVE_NODE:
-                type: string
-                default: 'python'
-              # salt
-                type: string
-                default: "salt-qa-credentials"
-              SALT_MASTER_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-              # test
-              TESTRAIL:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'false'
-                description: Upload results to testrail or not
-              TEST_TARGET:
-                type: string
-                description: Salt target to run tests
-              TEST_IMAGE:
-                type: string
-                description: Url to tempest docker image
-                default: "{{test_image}}"
-              LOCAL_TEMPEST_IMAGE:
-                type: string
-                description: Path to local docker image
-                default: ''
-              TEST_PATTERN:
-                type: string
-                description: Run tests matched to pattern only
-              TEST_CONCURRENCY:
-                type: string
-                description: How much test threads to run
-                default: "2"
-              TEST_CONF:
-                type: string
-                description: Tempest configuration file path inside container
-                default: "mcp.conf"
-              TEST_MODEL:
-                type: string
-                description: Environment salt model
-              TEST_DOCKER_INSTALL:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: Whether to install docker for tempest
-              TEST_PASS_THRESHOLD:
-                type: string
-                description: Tests pass rate to consider build successful
-                default: "90"
-              USE_PEPPER:
-                type: boolean
-                description: Whether to use pepper to connect to salt master
-                default: 'false'
-        results-checker-template:
-          name: "{{job_prefix}}-{{test_type}}-results-checker"
-          template:
-            description: ${_param:job_description_oscore}
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 30
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 30
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: process-openstack-test-results.groovy
-            param:
-              # general
-              FAIL_ON_TESTS:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'false'
-                description: Whether to fail build on test results
-              OPENSTACK_VERSION:
-                type: string
-                description: Version of openstack to test
-              TARGET_JOB:
-                type: string
-                description: Job to analyse results from
-              TARGET_BUILD_NUMBER:
-                type: string
-                description: Build number to analyse results from
-              # test
-              TESTRAIL:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'false'
-                description: Whether to upload results to testrail or not
-                type: string
-                default: "{{testrail_credentials}}"
-                description: Credentials for results upload to testrail
-              TEST_TARGET:
-                type: string
-                description: Node to run tests
-              TEST_MILESTONE:
-                type: string
-                description: Product milestone
-              TEST_SUITE:
-                type: string
-                description: Testrail test suite
-                default: "{{test_suite}}"
-              TEST_PLAN:
-                type: string
-                description: Testrail test plan
-                default: ''
-              TEST_GROUP:
-                type: string
-                description: Testrail test group
-                default: ''
-              TEST_REPORTER_IMAGE:
-                type: string
-                description: Docker image of testrail reporter tool
-                default: "{{test_reporter_image}}"
-              TEST_MODEL:
-                type: string
-                description: Environment salt model
-              TEST_DATE:
-                type: string
-                description: "TEST run date"
-              TEST_PASS_THRESHOLD:
-                type: string
-                description: Tests pass rate to consider build successful
-                default: "90"
-        deploy-kvm-virtual-template:
-          name: "{{job_prefix}}-deploy-kvm-VMs"
-          template:
-            description: ${_param:job_description_oscore}
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 30
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 30
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: deploy-kvm-pipeline.groovy
-            param:
-              # general
-              STACK_NAME:
-                type: string
-                description: "VM prefix name"
-                default: "kvm-aio-node"
-              TEMPLATE:
-                type: choice
-                choices:
-                  - AIO
-                  - Multi
-                default: "AIO"
-              DEPLOY_OPENSTACK:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'false'
-                description: "Enable it if openstack deployment is required"
-              JOB_DEP_NAME:
-                type: string
-                default:
-                description: "Name of the job to deploy openstack"
-              DESTROY_ENV:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'false'
-                description: "Enable if env have to be destoyed."
-              CREATE_ENV:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: "Enable it if KVM VM have to be created."
-              STACK_DELETE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'false'
-                description: "Enable it if KVM VM have to be deleted."
-              STACK_TYPE:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{stack_type}}"
-                type: string
-                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-              HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
-                type: string
-                description: AZ
-                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
-              STACK_INSTALL:
-                type: string
-                description: components to install
-                default: 'core,openstack,ovs'
-              STACK_TEST:
-                type: string
-                description: Job for environment deployment
-                default: ''
-              # salt
-                type: string
-                default: "salt-qa-credentials"
-              SALT_MASTER_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-              SALT_OVERRIDES:
-                type: text
-                default: ""
-                description: YAML with overrides for Salt deployment
-              TEST_MODEL:
-                type: string
-                description: Environment salt model
-                default: "{{model}}"
-        build-salt-formula-refspec-template:
-          name: "{{job_prefix}}-build-salt-formula-refspec"
-          template:
-            description: ${_param:job_description_oscore}
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 30
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 30
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines.git"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: build-debian-packages-pipeline.groovy
-            param:
-              SOURCE_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                description: Project Git repo URL
-              SOURCE_REFSPEC:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                description: Refspec to checkout
-              SOURCE_BRANCH:
-                type: string
-                default: "master"
-                description: Name of local branch name for checked out refspec
-              SOURCE_CREDENTIALS:
-                type: string
-                default: "gerrit"
-                description: Credentials to Git repo
-              DEBIAN_SNAPSHOT:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: Whether to make a snapshot build
-              EXTRA_REPO_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: "deb xenial main; deb ${_param:jenkins_aptly_url}/{{dist}}/ testing salt"
-                description: Extra repo for building process
-              EXTRA_REPO_KEY_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: "; ${_param:jenkins_aptly_url}/public.gpg"
-                description: Extra repo GPG public key URL
-              OS:
-                type: string
-                default: "ubuntu"
-                description: OS name
-              DIST:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{dist}}"
-                description: OS distributive name
-              UPLOAD_PPA:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'false'
-                description: Whether to upload to PPA
-              UPLOAD_APTLY:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'false'
-                description: Whether to upload to Aptly
-              DEBIAN_BRANCH:
-                type: string
-                default: "debian/{{dist}}"
-                description: Source repo branch name with build spec
-              LINTIAN_CHECK:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'false'
-                description: Whether to perform lintian check
-        test-salt-formula-refspec-template:
-          name: "{{job_prefix}}-test-salt-formula-refspec"
-          template:
-            description: ${_param:job_description_oscore}
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 30
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 30
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: deploy-formula-change-pipeline.groovy
-            trigger:
-              gerrit:
-                project:
-                  "^salt-formulas/(nova|cinder|glance|keystone|horizon|neutron|designate|heat|ironic|barbican|aodh|ceilometer|gnocchi|panko|manila|salt|linux|reclass|galera|memcached|rabbitmq|bind|apache|runtest|oslo-templates|auditd|octavia|openscap)$":
-                    compare_type: 'REG_EXP'
-                    branches:
-                      - master
-                skip_vote:
-                  - successful
-                  - failed
-                  - unstable
-                  - not_built
-                event:
-                  comment:
-                    - addedContains:
-                        commentAddedCommentContains: '^(?s:Patch Set \d+:.*(test|recheck|reverify)\s*)$'
-            param:
-              SOURCE_CREDENTIALS:
-                type: string
-                default: "gerrit"
-              UPLOAD_APTLY:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: Whether to upload to Aptly
-              APTLY_REPO:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                description: Aptly repo name
-              BUILD_PACKAGE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: Whether to build package
-              APTLY_REPO_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: "${_param:jenkins_aptly_url}"
-                description: Aptly url
-              APTLY_API_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: "${_param:jenkins_aptly_api_url}"
-                description: Aptly API url
-              OPENSTACK_RELEASES:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{openstack_releases}}"
-                description: Comma separated list of OpenStack releases to perform deploy and tests.
-              SOURCES:
-                type: text
-                default: ""
-                description: Optional parameter to list Git refspecs to be build
-                type: string
-                default: "{{stack_reclass_address}}"
-                description: Git repo URL to reclass
-              PKG_BUILD_JOB_NAME:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{pkg_build_job_name}}"
-                description: Jenkins job name to build package
-              STACK_DELETE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: Whether to delete stacks ater tests
-              APTLY_PREFIX:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{aptly_prefix}}"
-                description: Aptly prefix
-              SYSTEST_JOB_PREFIX:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{systestJobPrefix}}"
-                description: "Systest job prefix. I.e. oscore-formula-systest-virtual_mcp11_aio-"
-                type: string
-                description: "OpenStack related components list"
-                default: "{{openstack_components_list}}"
-              SOURCE_REPO_NAME:
-                type: string
-                description: "Name of the repo where packages are stored"
-                default: "{{source_repo_name}}"
-        test-deploy-virtual-model-change-template:
-          name: "{{job_prefix}}-deploy-virtual-model-change-{{job_suffix}}"
-          template:
-            description: ${_param:job_description_oscore}
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 30
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 30
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              branch: 'master'
-              script: deploy-virtual-model-change-pipeline.groovy
-            trigger:
-              gerrit:
-                project:
-                  "^salt-models/mcp-virtual-aio$":
-                    compare_type: 'REG_EXP'
-                    branches:
-                      - master
-                      - stable/queens
-                      - stable/pike
-                      - stable/ocata
-                      - stable/newton
-                      - stable/mitaka
-                skip_vote:
-                  - successful
-                  - failed
-                  - unstable
-                  - not_built
-                event:
-                  comment:
-                    - addedContains:
-                        commentAddedCommentContains: '^(?s:Patch Set \d+:.*(test|recheck|reverify)\s*)$'
-            param:
-              CREDENTIALS_ID:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{credentials_id}}"
-                type: string
-                default: "{{stack_reclass_address}}"
-              STACK_RECLASS_BRANCH:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{stack_reclass_branch}}"
-              TEST_CLUSTER_NAMES:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{test_cluster_names}}"
-      job:
-        oscore-oscc-ci:
-          name: "oscore-oscc-ci"
-          discard:
-            build:
-              keep_num: 60
-            artifact:
-              keep_num: 60
-          type: workflow-scm
-          concurrent: true
-          scm:
-            type: git
-            url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines.git"
-            credentials: "gerrit"
-            branch: 'master'
-            script: oscc-ci-pipeline.groovy
-          trigger:
-            timer:
-             spec: "H 01 * * *"
-          param:
-            # general
-            DISTRIBUTION:
-              type: string
-              default: "dev-os-salt-formulas"
-              description: "Distribution for the published repo"
-            COMPONENTS:
-              type: string
-              default: "salt"
-              description: "Components for repo"
-            TMP_REPO_NODE_NAME:
-              type: string
-              default: "${_param:jenkins_aptly_url}"
-              description: "Node name where temp repo will be published"
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-            SOURCE_REPO_NAME:
-              type: string
-              description: "Name of the repo where packages are stored"
-              default: "ubuntu-xenial-salt"
-            APTLY_API_URL:
-              type: string
-              description: URL for the aptly API
-              default: "${_param:jenkins_aptly_api_url}"
-            AUTO_PROMOTE:
-              type: boolean
-              default: "true"
-              description: Enable to autopromote repo
-            STAGE_SCHEMA:
-              type: text
-              description: "Defines stages schema to test"
-              default: |-
-                stages:
-                  0:
-                    to_promote:
-                    - salt-formula-nova
-                    - salt-formula-cinder
-                    - salt-formula-glance
-                    - salt-formula-keystone
-                    - salt-formula-horizon
-                    - salt-formula-neutron
-                    - salt-formula-heat
-                    - salt-formula-oslo-templates
-                    - salt-formula-runtest
-                    - salt-formula-auditd
-                    - salt-formula-apache
-                    - salt-formula-memcached
-                    - salt-formula-galera
-                    - salt-formula-openscap
-                    - salt-formula-nginx
-                    - salt-formula-haproxy
-                    - salt-formula-salt
-                    - salt-formula-linux
-                    test_schemas:
-                      aio:
-                        virtual-mcp11-aio:
-                          stable/ocata:
-                            testrail: false
-                          stable/pike:
-                            run_security_check: true
-                        virtual-mcp11-aio-ssl:
-                          stable/pike: {}
-                      cookied:
-                        openstack-ovs-core-queens:
-                          run_smoke: true
-                          stack_install: core,openstack,ovs
-                        openstack-ovs-core-ssl-queens:
-                          run_smoke: true
-                          stack_install: core,openstack,ovs
-                  1:
-                    to_promote:
-                    - salt-formula-designate
-                    - salt-formula-manila
-                    - salt-formula-aodh
-                    - salt-formula-ceilometer
-                    - salt-formula-panko
-                    - salt-formula-gnocchi
-                    - salt-formula-bind
-                    - salt-formula-powerdns
-                    test_schemas:
-                      multinode:
-                        virtual-mcp-pike-ovs:
-                          master:
-                            run_smoke: true
-                            openstack_version: pike
-                            testrail: true
-                            heat_stack_environment: devcloud_fixed
-                        virtual-mcp-pike-dvr:
-                          master:
-                            run_smoke: true
-                            openstack_version: pike
-                            testrail: false
-                            heat_stack_environment: devcloud_fixed
-                            test_pattern: ''
-                      cookied:
-                        openstack-ovs-core-extra-ssl-queens:
-                          run_smoke: true
-                          stack_install: core,openstack,ovs
-                  2:
-                    to_promote:
-                    - salt-formula-barbican
-                    - salt-formula-dogtag
-                    test_schemas:
-                      aio:
-                        virtual-mcp11-aio-barbican:
-                          stable/pike: {}
-                      cookied:
-                        openstack-ovs-core-barbican-ssl-queens:
-                          run_smoke: true
-                          stack_install: core,openstack,ovs
-                  3:
-                    to_promote:
-                    - salt-formula-octavia
-                    test_schemas:
-                      aio:
-                        virtual-mcp11-aio-octavia:
-                          stable/pike: {}
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/generate.yml b/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/generate.yml
index 18483e3..2500254 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/generate.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/generate.yml
@@ -1,40 +1,2 @@
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      job_template:
-        generate-salt-model:
-          name: generate-salt-model-{{cookiecutter_template}}
-          param:
-            cookiecutter_template:
-            - separated-products
-          template:
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_days: 1
-              artifact:
-                keep_days: 1
-            display_name: "Generate reclass cluster {{cookiecutter_template}}"
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
-              branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              script: generate-cookiecutter-products.groovy
-            param:
-              # Cookiecutter
-                type: text
-              # Other
-              EMAIL_ADDRESS:
-                type: string
-              TEST_MODEL:
-                type: boolean
-                default: true
-              DISTRIB_REVISION:
-                type: string
-                default: 'proposed'
-                description: |-
-                    "Those variable will be ignored, in case gerritTrigger=>GERRIT_BRANCH. Version of bin-artifacts,passed to test-env.Includes formula/reclass/ubuntu"
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/git-mirrors.yml b/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/git-mirrors.yml
index f567ba8..2500254 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/git-mirrors.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/git-mirrors.yml
@@ -1,53 +1,2 @@
-  _param:
-    jenkins_pollscm_spec: "H/60 * * * *"
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      job_template:
-        git_mirror_2way_salt_model:
-          name: git-mirror-2way-salt-model-{{name}}
-          template:
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: false
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 10
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 10
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
-              branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              script: git-mirror-2way-pipeline.groovy
-              github:
-                url: "{{upstream_name}}-salt-model"
-            trigger:
-              github:
-              pollscm:
-                spec: ${_param:jenkins_pollscm_spec}
-              gerrit:
-                project:
-                  salt-models/{{name}}:
-                    branches:
-                      - master
-                message:
-                  build_successful: "Build successful"
-                  build_unstable: "Build unstable"
-                  build_failure: "Build failed"
-                event:
-                  ref:
-                    - updated
-            param:
-              SOURCE_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/salt-models/{{name}}.git"
-              TARGET_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{upstream_name}}-salt-model.git"
-              CREDENTIALS_ID:
-                type: string
-                default: "gerrit"
-              BRANCHES:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{branches}}"
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/init.yml b/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/init.yml
index 7e5039a..2500254 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/init.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/init.yml
@@ -1,14 +1,2 @@
-  - system.jenkins.client.job.salt-models.git-mirrors
-  - system.jenkins.client.job.salt-models.tests
-  - system.jenkins.client.job.salt-models.generate
-  _param:
-    salt_formulas_branches: master
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      view:
-        "Salt models":
-          enabled: true
-          type: ListView
-          include_regex: ".*-salt-model-.*"
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/tests.yml b/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/tests.yml
index e9ba541..2500254 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/tests.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/salt-models/tests.yml
@@ -1,388 +1,2 @@
-  _param:
-    jenkins_pollscm_spec: "0 1 * * *"
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      job_template:
-        test_salt_model:
-          name: test-salt-model-{{name}}
-          template:
-            type: workflow-scm
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 50
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 50
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
-              branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              script: test-salt-models-pipeline.groovy
-            concurrent: true
-            trigger:
-              gerrit:
-                project:
-                  salt-models/{{name}}:
-                    branches:
-                      - compare_type: "REG_EXP"
-                        name: "{{branch}}"
-                event:
-                  comment:
-                    - addedContains:
-                        commentAddedCommentContains: '^(?s:Patch Set \d+:.*(test|recheck|reverify)\s*)$'
-            param:
-              SALT_OPTS:
-                type: string
-                default: "--force-color"
-              DEFAULT_GIT_URL:
-                type: string
-                description: "Salt model repo URL"
-                default: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/salt-models/{{name}}"
-              DEFAULT_GIT_REF:
-                type: string
-                default: master
-              CREDENTIALS_ID:
-                type: string
-                default: "gerrit"
-                type: string
-                default: "20"
-              FORMULAS_SOURCE:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{formulas_src}}"
-              SYSTEM_GIT_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-              SYSTEM_GIT_REF:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "{{config_node_name}}"
-              DISTRIB_REVISION:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{distrib_revision}}"
-              MAX_CPU_PER_JOB:
-                type: string
-                default: "2"
-                type: boolean
-                default: "{{reclass_ignore_class_notfound}}"
-              LEGACY_TEST_MODE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: "{{legacy_test_mode}}"
-              APT_REPOSITORY:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-              APT_REPOSITORY_GPG:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-        test_customers_salt_models:
-          name: test-customers-salt-models
-          template:
-            type: workflow-scm
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 50
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 50
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
-              branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              script: test-customers-salt-models.groovy
-            concurrent: false
-            trigger:
-               timer:
-                 spec: "{{job_timer}}"
-            param:
-              CUSTOMERS:
-                type: string
-                description: "Comma separated list of customer model names"
-                default: "{{customers}}"
-        test_salt_model_customer:
-          name: test-salt-model-customer-{{name}}
-          template:
-            type: workflow-scm
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 50
-              artifact:
-                keep_num: 50
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
-              branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              script: test-salt-models-pipeline.groovy
-            concurrent: true
-            trigger:
-              gerrit:
-                project:
-                  salt-models/{{name}}:
-                    branches:
-                      - compare_type: "REG_EXP"
-                        name: "{{branch}}"
-                event:
-                  comment:
-                    - addedContains:
-                        commentAddedCommentContains: '^(?s:Patch Set \d+:.*(test|recheck|reverify)\s*)$'
-            param:
-              TEST_CLUSTER_NAMES:
-                type: string
-                description: "Comma separated list of cluster names, empty string means all valid clusters"
-                default: "{{test_cluster_names}}"
-              SALT_OPTS:
-                type: string
-                default: "--force-color"
-              DEFAULT_GIT_URL:
-                type: string
-                description: "Salt model repo URL"
-                default: "{{source}}"
-              DEFAULT_GIT_REF:
-                type: string
-                default: master
-              CREDENTIALS_ID:
-                type: string
-                default: "gerrit"
-                type: string
-                default: "20"
-              FORMULAS_SOURCE:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{formulas_src}}"
-              DISTRIB_REVISION:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{distrib_revision}}"
-                description: |-
-                    "Those variable will be ignored, in case gerritTrigger=>GERRIT_BRANCH. Version of bin-artifacts,passed to test-env.Includes formula/reclass/ubuntu"
-              SYSTEM_GIT_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-              SYSTEM_GIT_REF:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "{{config_node_name}}"
-              MAX_CPU_PER_JOB:
-                type: string
-                default: "2"
-                type: boolean
-                default: "{{reclass_ignore_class_notfound}}"
-              LEGACY_TEST_MODE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: "{{legacy_test_mode}}"
-              APT_REPOSITORY:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-              APT_REPOSITORY_GPG:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-        test_system_reclass:
-          name: test-salt-model-{{name}}
-          template:
-            type: workflow-scm
-            discard:
-             build:
-               keep_num: 50
-             artifact:
-               keep_num: 50
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
-              branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              script: test-system-reclass-pipeline.groovy
-            trigger:
-              gerrit:
-                project:
-                  salt-models/{{name}}:
-                    branches:
-                      - master
-                      - compare_type: ANT
-                        name: release/*
-                event:
-                  comment:
-                    - addedContains:
-                        commentAddedCommentContains: '(recheck|reverify)'
-            concurrent: true
-            param:
-              TEST_MODELS:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{clusters}}"
-              DEFAULT_GIT_URL:
-                type: string
-                description: "Run against alternate system reclass"
-                default: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/salt-models/reclass-system"
-              DEFAULT_GIT_REF:
-                type: string
-                default: master
-              EXTRA_VARIABLES_YAML:
-                type: text
-                default: ""
-                description: "Extra vars passed as YAML"
-                type: string
-                default: "20"
-        test_mk_cookiecutter_templates:
-          name: test-mk-{{cookiecutter_template}}
-          jobs:
-            - cookiecutter_template: cookiecutter-templates
-          template:
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_days: 4
-              artifact:
-                keep_days: 4
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
-              branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              script: test-cookiecutter-reclass.groovy
-            trigger:
-              gerrit:
-                project:
-                  mk/{{cookiecutter_template}}:
-                    branches:
-                      - master
-                      - compare_type: ANT
-                        name: release/*
-                event:
-                  comment:
-                    - addedContains:
-                        commentAddedCommentContains: '^(?s:Patch Set \d+:.*(test|recheck|reverify)\s*)$'
-            param:
-                type: string
-                default: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/{{cookiecutter_template}}"
-                type: string
-                default: master
-                description: "Those variable will be ignored, in case gerritTrigger=>GERRIT_BRANCH"
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                description: "Example: refs/changes/49/25549/1"
-              RECLASS_SYSTEM_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/salt-models/reclass-system"
-                type: string
-                default: master
-                description: "Those variable will be ignored, in case gerritTrigger=>GERRIT_BRANCH"
-              RECLASS_SYSTEM_GIT_REF:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                description: "Example: refs/changes/49/25549/1"
-              DISTRIB_REVISION:
-                type: string
-                default: 'nightly'
-                description: |-
-                    "Those variable will be ignored, in case gerritTrigger=>GERRIT_BRANCH. Version of bin-artifacts,passed to test-env.Includes formula/reclass/ubuntu"
-              CREDENTIALS_ID:
-                type: string
-                default: gerrit
-              EXTRA_VARIABLES_YAML:
-                type: text
-                default: ""
-                description: "Extra vars passed as YAML"
-      job:
-        test-salt-model-node:
-          name: test-salt-model-node
-          discard:
-            build:
-              keep_num: 1000
-            artifact:
-              keep_num: 10
-          type: workflow-scm
-          concurrent: true
-          plugin_properties:
-            throttleconcurrents:
-              enabled: true
-              throttle_option: category
-              categories:
-              - test-model
-          scm:
-            type: git
-            url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
-            branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
-            credentials: "gerrit"
-            script: test-salt-model-node.groovy
-          param:
-            NODE_TARGET:
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-            CLUSTER_NAME:
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-            DEFAULT_GIT_URL:
-              type: string
-              default: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/salt-models/{{name}}"
-            DEFAULT_GIT_REF:
-              type: string
-              default: master
-            CREDENTIALS_ID:
-              type: string
-              default: "gerrit"
-            FORMULAS_SOURCE:
-              type: string
-              default: "pkg"
-            SYSTEM_GIT_URL:
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-            SYSTEM_GIT_REF:
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-            DISTRIB_REVISION:
-              type: string
-              default: 'stable'
-              description: |-
-                  "Those variable will be ignored, in case gerritTrigger=>GERRIT_BRANCH. Version of bin-artifacts,passed to test-env.Includes formula/reclass/ubuntu"
-            MAX_CPU_PER_JOB:
-              type: string
-              default: "2"
-              type: boolean
-              default: "false"
-            LEGACY_TEST_MODE:
-              type: boolean
-              default: "false"
-            APT_REPOSITORY:
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-            APT_REPOSITORY_GPG:
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-        test-mk-cookiecutter-templates-chunk:
-          name: test-mk-cookiecutter-templates-chunk
-          discard:
-            build:
-              keep_days: 3
-            artifact:
-              keep_days: 3
-          type: workflow-scm
-          concurrent: true
-          plugin_properties:
-            throttleconcurrents:
-              enabled: true
-              throttle_option: category
-              categories:
-              - test-model
-          scm:
-            type: git
-            url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
-            branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
-            credentials: "gerrit"
-            script: test-cookiecutter-reclass-chunk.groovy
-          param:
-              type: text
-              default: ""
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo