Added td_agent_options param for fluentd

Change-Id: I755ece24e4a5a0e3151fa5a08292e1e1b404968e
Related-Bug: PROD-18249
diff --git a/.releasenotes/notes/fluentd_internal_log_rotate_size-7b2b6172650984be.yaml b/.releasenotes/notes/fluentd_internal_log_rotate_size-7b2b6172650984be.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4b1c18
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.releasenotes/notes/fluentd_internal_log_rotate_size-7b2b6172650984be.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
+# Author the following sections or remove the section if it is not related.
+# Use one release note per a feature.
+# If you miss a section from the list below, please first submit a review
+# adding it to .releasenotes/config.yaml.
+# Format content with reStructuredText (RST).
+# **Formatting examples:**
+# - |
+#   This is a brief description of the feature. It may include a
+#   number of components:
+#   * List item 1
+#   * List item 2.
+#     This code block below will appear as part of the list item 2:
+#     .. code-block:: yaml
+#        classes:
+#        -
+#   The code block below will appear on the same level as the feature
+#   description:
+#   .. code-block:: text
+#      provide model/formula pillar snippets
+summary: >
+   Added the ``td_agent_log_rotate_size`` parameter to Fluentd
+  - |
+    Added the capability to specify the log rotation size for Fluentd
+    ``td-agent`` using the ``td_agent_log_rotate_size`` parameter. This prevents a
+    single log file from taking too much disk space. This parameter is set to
+    10 MB by default.
diff --git a/fluentd/init.yml b/fluentd/init.yml
index ebf469a..c6238e8 100644
--- a/fluentd/init.yml
+++ b/fluentd/init.yml
@@ -2,5 +2,9 @@
 - service.fluentd.agent.single
 - system
+  _param:
+    td_agent_log_rotate_size: 10000000
+    agent:
+      td_agent_log_rotate_size: ${_param:td_agent_log_rotate_size}
     dollar: ${_param:dollarsign}