Merge "Update nova memcache defaults"
diff --git a/debmirror/mirror_mirantis_com/init.yml b/debmirror/mirror_mirantis_com/init.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..bf7858a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/debmirror/mirror_mirantis_com/init.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,15 @@
+- system.debmirror.mirror_mirantis_com.cassandra.xenial
+- system.debmirror.mirror_mirantis_com.ceph-luminous.xenial
+- system.debmirror.mirror_mirantis_com.docker.xenial
+- system.debmirror.mirror_mirantis_com.elasticsearch-5.x.xenial
+- system.debmirror.mirror_mirantis_com.elasticsearch-curator-5.xenial
+- system.debmirror.mirror_mirantis_com.extra.xenial
+- system.debmirror.mirror_mirantis_com.glusterfs-3.8.xenial
+- system.debmirror.mirror_mirantis_com.maas.xenial
+- system.debmirror.mirror_mirantis_com.openstack-pike.xenial
+- system.debmirror.mirror_mirantis_com.openstack-queens.xenial
+- system.debmirror.mirror_mirantis_com.percona.xenial
+- system.debmirror.mirror_mirantis_com.saltstack-2017.7.xenial
+- system.debmirror.mirror_mirantis_com.ubuntu.xenial
diff --git a/defaults/linux_system_repo.yml b/defaults/linux_system_repo.yml
index 435f38e..f3939db 100644
--- a/defaults/linux_system_repo.yml
+++ b/defaults/linux_system_repo.yml
@@ -10,6 +10,7 @@
     # Per repos
     linux_system_repo_mcp_aptly_url: ${_param:linux_system_repo_url}/aptly/
     linux_system_repo_mcp_cassandra_url: ${_param:linux_system_repo_url}/cassandra/
+    linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_url: ${_param:linux_system_repo_url}/ceph-${_param:linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_codename}/
     linux_system_repo_mcp_docker_legacy_url: ${_param:linux_system_repo_url}/docker-1.x/
     linux_system_repo_mcp_docker_url: ${_param:linux_system_repo_url}/docker/
     linux_system_repo_mcp_elasticsearch_curator_url: ${_param:linux_system_repo_url}/elasticsearch-curator-5/
@@ -35,4 +36,4 @@
     linux_system_repo_mcp_cassandra_version: '21x'
     linux_system_repo_mcp_glusterfs_version_number: "3.8"
     linux_system_repo_mcp_saltstack_version_number: "${_param:salt_version}"
-    linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_codename: 'luminous'
+    linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_codename: luminous
diff --git a/defaults/openstack/init.yml b/defaults/openstack/init.yml
index e0d808c..ba3c682 100644
--- a/defaults/openstack/init.yml
+++ b/defaults/openstack/init.yml
@@ -9,9 +9,6 @@
     # Openstack memcache security
     openstack_memcache_security_enabled: False
     openstack_memcache_security_strategy: 'ENCRYPT'
-    # Neutron
-    neutron_memcache_security_enabled: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_enabled}
-    neutron_memcache_secret_key: ''
     # Cinder
     cinder_memcache_security_enabled: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_enabled}
     cinder_memcache_secret_key: ''
diff --git a/docker/swarm/stack/operations_api.yml b/docker/swarm/stack/operations_api.yml
index fff4f18..74426ad 100644
--- a/docker/swarm/stack/operations_api.yml
+++ b/docker/swarm/stack/operations_api.yml
@@ -2,6 +2,7 @@
     docker_operations_api_replicas: 1
     docker_image_operations_api: mirantis/python-operations-api:latest
+    docker_image_operations_ui: mirantis/operations-ui:latest
     operations_api_sqlalchemy_database_uri: "cockroachdb://oapi@cockroach-ui:26257/oapi"
     operations_api_sqlalchemy_echo: "false"
     operations_api_flask_debug: "false"
@@ -55,10 +56,21 @@
                 - cockroach-ui
                 - /srv/volumes/cockroachdb/cockroach-db-1:/cockroach/cockroach-data
+            operations-ui:
+              environment:
+                REACT_APP_OPERATIONS_API_URL: 'http://${_param:cluster_public_host}:${_param:haproxy_operations_api_bind_port}'
+                REACT_APP_KEYCLOAK_AUTH_URL: 'http://${_param:cluster_public_host}:${_param:haproxy_keycloak_proxy_exposed_port}/auth'
+                REACT_APP_KEYCLOAK_REALM: 'drivetrain-realm'
+                REACT_APP_KEYCLOAK_CLIENT_ID: 'operations-ui'
+              image: ${_param:docker_image_operations_ui}
+              ports:
+                - ${_param:haproxy_operations_ui_exposed_port}:${_param:haproxy_operations_ui_bind_port}
                 COCKROACH_HOST: cockroach-ui
-              image: atengler/cockroach
+                DB_NAME: oapi
+                DB_USER: oapi
+              image: atengler/cockroach-init
                   condition: on-failure
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/debian/packages/salt.yml b/jenkins/client/job/debian/packages/salt.yml
index 267b91e..ee8c9ef 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/debian/packages/salt.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/debian/packages/salt.yml
@@ -6,370 +6,6 @@
           name: build-debian-salt-formula-{{name}}-ubuntu-{{dist}}
             - name: aodh
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: apache
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: aptcacher
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: aptly
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: artifactory
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: avinetworks
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: auditd
-              upload_source_packages: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: backupninja
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: baremetal-simulator
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: bind
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: bird
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: cadf
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: calico
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: cassandra
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: ceph
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: chrony
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: collectd
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: debmirror
-              upload_source_package: true
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: dekapod
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: designate
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: devops-portal
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: docker
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: dogtag
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: elasticsearch
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: etcd
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: fluentbit
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: fluentd
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: freeipa
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: galera
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: gerrit
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: git
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: gitlab
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: glusterfs
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: grafana
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: haproxy
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: heka
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: heketi
-              upload_source_package: true
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: influxdb
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: iptables
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: ironic
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: isc-dhcp
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: java
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: jenkins
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: keepalived
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: keycloak
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: kibana
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: letsencrypt
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: libvirt
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: linux
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: lldp
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: logrotate
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: maas
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: manila
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: memcached
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: mirascan
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: monasca
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: mongodb
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: murano
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: mysql
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: nfs
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: nginx
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: ntp
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: octavia
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: opencontrail
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: openldap
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: openssh
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: openvpn
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: oslo-templates
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: postgresql
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: powerdns
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: prometheus
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: python
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: rabbitmq
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: reclass
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: redis
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: rsync
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: rsyslog
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: rundeck
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: runtest
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: sahara
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: salt
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: sensu
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: shibboleth
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: sphinx
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: spinnaker
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: statsd
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: telegraf
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: tinyproxy
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: tftpd-hpa
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: xtrabackup
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: zookeeper
-              upload_source_package: false
-              upload_to_aptly: true
-              dist: trusty
-            - name: aodh
               upload_source_package: true
               upload_to_aptly: true
               dist: xenial
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/cicd.yml b/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/cicd.yml
index 8252cfd..a713427 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/cicd.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/cicd.yml
@@ -1,93 +1,2 @@
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      job_template:
-        deploy_heat_cicd:
-          name: deploy-heat-{{name}}
-          jobs:
-            - name: cicd-lab-dev
-              lab: cicd_lab_dev
-          template:
-            type: workflow-scm
-            concurrent: true
-            discard:
-              build:
-                keep_num: 10
-            display_name: "Deploy {{name}} heat stack"
-            scm:
-              type: git
-              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
-              branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
-              credentials: "gerrit"
-              script: cicd-lab-pipeline.groovy
-            param:
-              # heat
-              HEAT_TEMPLATE_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/heat-templates"
-                type: string
-                default: "gerrit"
-              HEAT_TEMPLATE_BRANCH:
-                type: string
-                default: "master"
-              HEAT_STACK_NAME:
-                type: string
-                description: Heat stack name. Will be generated if missing.
-              HEAT_STACK_TEMPLATE:
-                type: string
-                default: "{{lab}}"
-                type: string
-                default: "devcloud"
-              HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
-                type: string
-                default: "mcp-mk"
-              HEAT_STACK_PUBLIC_NET:
-                type: string
-                default: "public"
-              HEAT_STACK_DELETE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'true'
-                description: "Delete heat stack at the end of job"
-              HEAT_STACK_REUSE:
-                type: boolean
-                default: 'false'
-                description: "Reuse existing stack and only orchestrate deployment"
-              # salt master
-                type: string
-                default: "salt-qa-credentials"
-              SSH_PUBLIC_KEY:
-                type: string
-                description: "User's public SSH key to be able to login when stack is deployed"
-              # openstack api
-              OPENSTACK_API_URL:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "openstack-devcloud-credentials"
-                type: string
-                default: "mcp-mk"
-              OPENSTACK_API_CLIENT:
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "3"
-                type: string
-                default: "default"
-                type: string
-                default: "default"
-                type: string
-                default: ""
-                type: string
-                default: "default"
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/cleanup.yml b/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/cleanup.yml
index 6ecaeee..a713427 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/cleanup.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/cleanup.yml
@@ -1,108 +1,2 @@
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      job:
-        deploy-stack-cleanup:
-          type: workflow-scm
-          concurrent: true
-          display_name: "Deploy - stack cleanup"
-          discard:
-            build:
-              keep_num: 50
-          scm:
-            type: git
-            url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
-            branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
-            credentials: "gerrit"
-            script: cleanup-pipeline.groovy
-          param:
-            # general parameters
-            STACK_NAME:
-              type: string
-              description: This stack will be deleted.
-            STACK_TYPE:
-              type: choice
-              choices:
-                - heat
-                - aws
-              default: 'heat'
-            # heat parameters
-            OPENSTACK_API_URL:
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-              type: string
-              default: "openstack-devcloud-credentials"
-              type: string
-              default: "mcp-mk"
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-              type: string
-              default: "3"
-              type: string
-              default: "default"
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-              type: string
-              default: "default"
-            # aws parameters
-              type: string
-              default: "aws-credentials"
-            AWS_DEFAULT_REGION:
-              type: string
-              default: "eu-central-1"
-        delete-failed-stacks:
-          type: workflow-scm
-          concurrent: true
-          display_name: "Deploy - delete failed stacks"
-          discard:
-            build:
-              keep_num: 20
-          scm:
-            type: git
-            url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
-            branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
-            credentials: "gerrit"
-            script: delete-broken-stacks-pipeline.groovy
-          trigger:
-            timer:
-              spec: "0 0 * * *"
-          param:
-            # openstack api
-            OPENSTACK_API_URL:
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-              type: string
-              default: "openstack-devcloud-credentials"
-              type: string
-              default: "mcp-k8s, mcp-maintenance, mcp-mk, mcp-networking, mcp-opencontrail, mcp-oss, mcp-platform,  mcp-scale, mcp-stacklight, mcp-support"
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-              type: string
-              default: "3"
-              type: string
-              default: "default"
-              type: string
-              default: "default"
-              type: string
-              default: ""
-              type: string
-              default: "default"
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/init.yml b/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/init.yml
index 2b0bd60..fae3ff0 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/init.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/init.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,4 @@
-  - system.jenkins.client.job.deploy.lab.cicd
-  - system.jenkins.client.job.deploy.lab.cleanup
   - system.jenkins.client.job.deploy.lab.release.mcp05
   - system.jenkins.client.job.deploy.lab.release.mcp10
   - system.jenkins.client.job.deploy.lab.release.mcp11
@@ -10,7 +8,6 @@
   - system.jenkins.client.job.deploy.lab.component.kubernetes
   - system.jenkins.client.job.deploy.lab.component.openstack
   - system.jenkins.client.job.deploy.lab.component.stacklight
-  - system.jenkins.client.job.deploy.lab.ironic
   - system.jenkins.client.job.deploy.lab.mom_deploy
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/ironic.yml b/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/ironic.yml
index f0b67e8..a713427 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/ironic.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/deploy/lab/ironic.yml
@@ -1,80 +1,2 @@
-  jenkins:
-    client:
-      job:
-        ironic_node_provision:
-          concurrent: true
-          discard:
-            build:
-              keep_num: 20
-          display_name: Ironic - provision nodes
-          name: ironic-provision-nodes
-          param:
-            ASK_ON_ERROR:
-              default: 'false'
-              type: boolean
-            HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
-              default: mcp-mk
-              type: string
-              default: ''
-              type: string
-              default: openstack-devcloud-credentials
-              type: string
-              default: mcp-mk
-              type: string
-              default: default
-              type: string
-              default: ''
-              type: string
-            OPENSTACK_API_URL:
-              default:
-              type: string
-              default: default
-              type: string
-              default: default
-              type: string
-              default: '3'
-              type: string
-            ENV_NAME:
-              type: string
-              default: salt-qa-credentials
-              type: string
-            SALT_MASTER_URL:
-              default: ''
-              type: string
-            STACK_TYPE:
-              default: heat
-              type: string
-              default: admin_identity
-              type: string
-              default: ''
-              type: string
-              default: ''
-              type: string
-              default: '60'
-              type: string
-              default: ''
-              type: string
-            RUN_TARGET:
-              default: 'I@ironic:client and *01*'
-              type: string
-          scm:
-            script: ironic-node-provision-pipeline.groovy
-            type: git
-            url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/mk/mk-pipelines"
-            branch: "${_param:jenkins_pipelines_branch}"
-          type: workflow-scm
+# This file will be removed in Q3
+# jobs was moved into salt-models/infra repo
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/deploy/update/kubernetes_update.yml b/jenkins/client/job/deploy/update/kubernetes_update.yml
index 4100384..5179d9f 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/deploy/update/kubernetes_update.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/deploy/update/kubernetes_update.yml
@@ -4,7 +4,7 @@
     jenkins_salt_api_url: "http://${_param:salt_master_host}:6969"
-    kubernetes_hyperkube_repo:
+    kubernetes_hyperkube_repo: ${_param:mcp_docker_registry}/mirantis/kubernetes
@@ -76,5 +76,5 @@
               description: "Local kubernetes apiserver variable for conformance tests"
               type: string
-              default: ""
+              default: ${_param:mcp_docker_registry}
               description: "Artifactory URL where docker images located. Needed to correctly fetch conformance images."
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/cookiecutter.yml b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/cookiecutter.yml
index 6bb36a7..f406f3b 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/cookiecutter.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/cookiecutter.yml
@@ -34,6 +34,7 @@
                 - openstack-ovs-core-barbican-pike
                 - openstack-ovs-core-manila-pike
                 - openstack-ovs-core-telemetry-pike
+                - openstack-ovs-core-extra-ssl-pike
                 - openstack-ovs-core-queens
                 - openstack-ovs-core-extra-queens
                 - openstack-ovs-core-ssl-queens
@@ -76,9 +77,9 @@
                 #Extra context that will be merged with content of COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_FILE
                   openssh_groups: "qa_scale,oscore_devops,networking,tcpcloud,drivetrain,stacklight,k8s_team,mcp_qa"
-                  cookiecutter_template_url: ssh://
+                  cookiecutter_template_url: ssh://
                   cookiecutter_template_branch: 'master'
-                  shared_reclass_url: ssh://
+                  shared_reclass_url:
                   shared_reclass_branch: 'master'
               type: string
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/test_upgrades.yml b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/test_upgrades.yml
index e193d58..e030f71 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/oscore/test_upgrades.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/oscore/test_upgrades.yml
@@ -54,6 +54,56 @@
                 type: string
                 description: "Yaml based scheme to be applied in testing"
                 default: '{"old": {"run_smoke": True, "context_file_name": "openstack-ovs-core-{{openstack_version_old}}","extra_context": {"default_context": {"openstack_version": "{{openstack_version_old}}"}}}, "new": {"run_smoke": True, "extra_context": {"default_context": {"openstack_version": "{{openstack_version_new}}"}}}}'
+        oscore-test-openstack-upgrade-template:
+          display_name: oscore-test-openstack-upgrade-{{openstack_version_old}}-{{openstack_version_new}}-{{deploy_context}}
+          name: oscore-test-openstack-upgrade-{{openstack_version_old}}-{{openstack_version_new}}-{{deploy_context}}
+          template:
+            concurrent: true
+            description: Test upgrade flow for opentack cluster
+            discard:
+              build:
+               keep_num: 60
+              artifact:
+               keep_num: 60
+            type: workflow-scm
+            scm:
+              type: git
+              url: "${_param:jenkins_gerrit_url}/openstack-ci/openstack-pipelines"
+              credentials: "gerrit"
+              branch: 'master'
+              script: test-openstack-upgrade-pipeline.groovy
+            param:
+              CREDENTIALS_ID:
+                type: string
+                description: "ID of jenkins credentials to be used when connecting to gerrit."
+                default: "gerrit"
+                type: choice
+                description: "Target openstack environment."
+                choices:
+                  - devcloud
+                  - presales
+                  - oscore_devcloud
+                type: string
+                description: "Credentials to the OpenStack API"
+                type: string
+                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
+              HEAT_STACK_ZONE:
+                type: string
+                default: "mcp-oscore-ci"
+              FLAVOR_PREFIX:
+                type: string
+                default: 'dev'
+              STACK_DELETE:
+                type: boolean
+                default: 'true'
+                description: Don't enable it if you need to use the lab after
+              TEST_SCHEME:
+                type: string
+                description: "Yaml based scheme to be applied in testing"
+                default: '{"old": {"run_smoke": True, "context_file_name": "openstack-ovs-{{deploy_context}}-{{openstack_version_old}}","extra_context": {"default_context": {"openstack_version": "{{openstack_version_old}}"}}}, "new": {"run_smoke": True, "extra_context": {"default_context": {"openstack_version": "{{openstack_version_new}}"}}}}'
           display_name: oscore-test-openstack-upgrade-mitaka-newton
diff --git a/jenkins/client/job/stacklight/cookiecutter.yml b/jenkins/client/job/stacklight/cookiecutter.yml
index 9ba858c..e057a26 100644
--- a/jenkins/client/job/stacklight/cookiecutter.yml
+++ b/jenkins/client/job/stacklight/cookiecutter.yml
@@ -61,9 +61,9 @@
                 #Extra context that will be merged with content of COOKIECUTTER_TEMPLATE_CONTEXT_FILE
                   openssh_groups: "qa_scale,oscore_devops,networking,tcpcloud,stacklight,k8s_team,drivetrain"
-                  cookiecutter_template_url: ssh://
+                  cookiecutter_template_url: ssh://
                   cookiecutter_template_branch: 'master'
-                  shared_reclass_url: ssh://
+                  shared_reclass_url: ssh://
                   shared_reclass_branch: 'master'
               type: string
diff --git a/keystone/client/service/cinder.yml b/keystone/client/service/cinder.yml
index 958fae1..485b95e 100644
--- a/keystone/client/service/cinder.yml
+++ b/keystone/client/service/cinder.yml
@@ -15,21 +15,3 @@
                   is_admin: true
                   password: ${_param:keystone_cinder_password}
                   email: ${_param:admin_email}
-          service:
-            cinder:
-              type: volume
-              description: OpenStack Volume Service
-              endpoints:
-              - region: ${_param:openstack_region}
-                public_address: ${_param:cluster_public_host}
-                public_protocol: ${_param:cluster_public_protocol}
-                public_port: 8776
-                public_path: '/v1/$(project_id)s'
-                internal_address: ${_param:cinder_service_host}
-                internal_port: 8776
-                internal_path: '/v1/$(project_id)s'
-                internal_protocol: ${_param:cinder_service_protocol}
-                admin_protocol: ${_param:cinder_service_protocol}
-                admin_address: ${_param:cinder_service_host}
-                admin_port: 8776
-                admin_path: '/v1/$(project_id)s'
diff --git a/keystone/client/v3/service/cinder.yml b/keystone/client/v3/service/cinder.yml
index bfb0e70..30a159f 100644
--- a/keystone/client/v3/service/cinder.yml
+++ b/keystone/client/v3/service/cinder.yml
@@ -14,20 +14,3 @@
                   name: admin
                   project_id: service
-          services:
-            cinder:
-              type: volume
-              description: OpenStack Volume Service
-              endpoints:
-                cinder_public_v1:
-                  interface: 'public'
-                  url: ${_param:cluster_public_protocol}://${_param:cluster_public_host}:8776/v1/$(project_id)s
-                  region: ${_param:openstack_region}
-                cinder_internal_v1:
-                  interface: 'internal'
-                  url: ${_param:cinder_service_protocol}://${_param:cinder_service_host}:8776/v1/$(project_id)s
-                  region: ${_param:openstack_region}
-                cinder_admin_v1:
-                  interface: 'admin'
-                  url: ${_param:cinder_service_protocol}://${_param:cinder_service_host}:8776/v1/$(project_id)s
-                  region: ${_param:openstack_region}
diff --git a/linux/system/repo/mcp/apt_mirantis/ceph.yml b/linux/system/repo/mcp/apt_mirantis/ceph.yml
index c5350ce..12011ac 100644
--- a/linux/system/repo/mcp/apt_mirantis/ceph.yml
+++ b/linux/system/repo/mcp/apt_mirantis/ceph.yml
@@ -1,18 +1,32 @@
 - system.linux.system.repo.keystorage.mirantis_com
-  _param:
-    linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_version: ${_param:apt_mk_version}
-    linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_codename: luminous
-          source: "deb [arch=amd64]${_param:linux_system_codename}/ ${_param:linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_version} ceph-${_param:linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_codename}"
+          source: "deb [arch=amd64] ${_param:linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_url}/${_param:linux_system_codename} ${_param:linux_system_codename} main"
+          key: ${_param:linux_system_repo_mirror_mirantis_key}
           architectures: amd64
-          key: ${_param:linux_system_repo_apt_mirantis_key}
           clean_file: true
-          - pin: 'release a=${_param:linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_version}'
+          - pin: 'release o=Mirantis'
             priority: 1100
             package: '*'
+# Deprecated since 2018.11+
+#  _param:
+#    linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_version: ${_param:apt_mk_version}
+#    linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_codename: luminous
+#  linux:
+#    system:
+#      repo:
+#        mcp_ceph:
+#          source: "deb [arch=amd64]${_param:linux_system_codename}/ ${_param:linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_version} ceph-${_param:linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_codename}"
+#          architectures: amd64
+#          key: ${_param:linux_system_repo_apt_mirantis_key}
+#          clean_file: true
+#          pin:
+#          - pin: 'release a=${_param:linux_system_repo_mcp_ceph_version}'
+#            priority: 1100
+#            package: '*'
diff --git a/linux/system/single/simple.yml b/linux/system/single/simple.yml
index 45be219..39ad157 100644
--- a/linux/system/single/simple.yml
+++ b/linux/system/single/simple.yml
@@ -6,6 +6,7 @@
     local_package_repos: false
+    logrotate_keep_rotate: 10
@@ -24,3 +25,7 @@
           enabled: true
           default: true
+  logrotate:
+    server:
+      global_conf:
+        keep_rotate: ${_param:logrotate_keep_rotate}
diff --git a/neutron/compute/cluster.yml b/neutron/compute/cluster.yml
index 0523c3f..a9cf9c1 100644
--- a/neutron/compute/cluster.yml
+++ b/neutron/compute/cluster.yml
@@ -38,8 +38,3 @@
           cert_file: ${_param:rabbitmq_neutron_client_ssl_cert_file}
           enabled: ${_param:rabbitmq_ssl_enabled}
-      cache:
-        security:
-          enabled: ${_param:neutron_memcache_security_enabled}
-          strategy: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_strategy}
-          secret_key: ${_param:neutron_memcache_secret_key}
diff --git a/neutron/control/cluster.yml b/neutron/control/cluster.yml
index 4a196fa..52a91ea 100644
--- a/neutron/control/cluster.yml
+++ b/neutron/control/cluster.yml
@@ -39,10 +39,5 @@
           enabled: ${_param:galera_ssl_enabled}
       role: ${_param:openstack_node_role}
-      cache:
-        security:
-          enabled: ${_param:neutron_memcache_security_enabled}
-          strategy: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_strategy}
-          secret_key: ${_param:neutron_memcache_secret_key}
       protocol: ${_param:cluster_internal_protocol}
diff --git a/neutron/control/single.yml b/neutron/control/single.yml
index 8db8ead..40bdea3 100644
--- a/neutron/control/single.yml
+++ b/neutron/control/single.yml
@@ -34,8 +34,3 @@
           enabled: ${_param:rabbitmq_ssl_enabled}
         protocol: ${_param:internal_protocol}
-      cache:
-        security:
-          enabled: ${_param:neutron_memcache_security_enabled}
-          strategy: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_strategy}
-          secret_key: ${_param:neutron_memcache_secret_key}
diff --git a/neutron/gateway/cluster.yml b/neutron/gateway/cluster.yml
index bc51ab9..8f84fa1 100644
--- a/neutron/gateway/cluster.yml
+++ b/neutron/gateway/cluster.yml
@@ -31,8 +31,3 @@
           cert_file: ${_param:rabbitmq_neutron_client_ssl_cert_file}
           enabled: ${_param:rabbitmq_ssl_enabled}
-      cache:
-        security:
-          enabled: ${_param:neutron_memcache_security_enabled}
-          strategy: ${_param:openstack_memcache_security_strategy}
-          secret_key: ${_param:neutron_memcache_secret_key}
diff --git a/nova/compute/storage/ceph.yml b/nova/compute/storage/ceph.yml
index f9fb647..0a8394e 100644
--- a/nova/compute/storage/ceph.yml
+++ b/nova/compute/storage/ceph.yml
@@ -15,3 +15,7 @@
         rbd_user: ${_param:nova_storage_user}
         cinder_secret_uuid: ${_param:cinder_storage_secret_uuid}
         cinder_volumes_key: ${_param:cinder_storage_client_key}
+      image:
+        # Make nova instance image completely independent from
+        # parent glance image
+        use_cow: false