Merge "upstream proxy release note"
diff --git a/.releasenotes/notes/add-upstream-proxy-feauture-for-maas-gerrit-jenkins-aptly-53bec821be830377.yaml b/.releasenotes/notes/add-upstream-proxy-feauture-for-maas-gerrit-jenkins-aptly-53bec821be830377.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3c408a2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/.releasenotes/notes/add-upstream-proxy-feauture-for-maas-gerrit-jenkins-aptly-53bec821be830377.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+  - |
+    Added system metadata to set upstream proxy for the MAAS, Gerrit, Jenkins,
+    and Aptly services.
+    **To apply the change to an existing cicd cluster deployment:**
+    #. Set the ``http_proxy`` parameter in
+       ``cluster.<CLUSTER_NAME>.cicd.control.init.yml``:
+       .. code-block:: yaml
+          parameters:
+            _param:
+              http_proxy: 'http://<<upstream_proxy_address>>:<<upstream_proxy_port>>'
+    #. Apply the :command:`docker.client` state:
+       .. code-block::
+          salt -C 'I@docker:client' state.sls docker.client
+    **To apply the change to an existing maas deployment:**
+    #. Configure ``upstream_proxy`` for MAAS:
+       .. code-block:: yaml
+          maas:
+            region:
+              upstream_proxy:
+                address: <<upstream_proxy_address>>
+                port: <<upstream_proxy_address>>
+     #. On the Salt Master node, update the MaaS Salt formula to latest:
+        .. code-block::
+           salt-call state.sls salt.master
+     #. On the MAAS node, apply the :command:`maas.region` state:
+        .. code-block::
+           salt-call state.sls maas.region
+           reboot